Particle Distributions




moment(dist, q)

  • dist - distribution of which the partial moment q is taken
  • q - is a potentially real-valued order of the moment

Returns the q-th moment of a particle mass distribution function.


Returns the first P (0, 1, 2) moments of the distribution where P is the innate numer of prognostic moments


density(dist, x)

  • dist - is a particle mass distribution
  • x - is a point to evaluate the density of dist at

Returns the particle mass density evaluated at point x.


normed_density(dist, x)

  • dist - is a particle mass distribution
  • x - is a point to evaluate the density of dist at

Returns the particle normalized mass density evaluated at point x.

update_dist_from_moments(pdist::GammaPrimitiveParticleDistribution{FT}, moments::Tuple{FT, FT, FT})

Returns a new gamma distribution given the first three moments

update_dist_from_moments(pdist::LognormalPrimitiveParticleDistribution{FT}, moments::Tuple{FT, FT})

Returns a new lognormal distribution given the first three moments

update_dist_from_moments(pdist::ExponentialPrimitiveParticleDistribution{FT}, moments::Tuple{FT, FT})

Returns a new exponential distribution given the first two moments

update_dist_from_moments(pdist::MonodispersePrimitiveParticleDistribution{FT}, moments::Tuple{FT, FT})

Returns a new monodisperse distribution given the first two moments


momentsourcehelper(dist, p1, p2, x_threshold)

  • dist - AbstractParticleDistribution
  • p1 - power of particle mass
  • p2 - power of particle mass
  • x_threshold- particle mass threshold

Returns ∫0^xthreshold ∫0^(xthreshold-x') x^p1 x'^p2 f(x) f(x') dx dx' for computations of the source of moments of the distribution below the given threshold xthreshold. For MonodispersePrimitiveParticleDistribution The integral can be computed analytically: ∫0^xthreshold ∫0^(xthreshold-x') x^p1 x'^p2 f(x) f(x') dx dx = n^2 * θ^(p1+p2) if θ < xthreshold/2, and equals zero otherwise. For ExponentialPrimitiveParticleDistribution and GammaPrimitiveParticleDistribution the two-dimensional integral reduces to a one-dimensional integral over incomplete gamma functions.