
ClusteredLowRankSolver.jl implements

  • a primal-dual interior point method for solving semidefinite programming problems;
  • a minimal interface to model semidefinite programming problems with (optional) polynomial equality constraints;
  • functionality for working with sampled polynomials; and
  • an implementation of a rounding heuristic which can round the numerical output of the solver to an exact optimal solution over rational or algebraic numbers.

The solver can exploit the low-rank structure of constraint matrices (which arise naturally from enforcing polynomial identities by evaluating both sides at a unisolvent set) but can also work with dense constraint matrices. The solver uses arb for high-precision numerics and the interface integrates with the Nemo computer algebra system.


The solver is written in Julia, and has been registered as a Julia package. Typing using ClusteredLowRankSolver in the REPL will prompt installation if the package has not been installed yet.


Here we give two small examples to showcase the interface. For more explanation on the interface, see the Tutorial.

Example 1: The Goemans-Williamson MAX-CUT relaxation

Given a Laplacian L of a graph with n vertices, the semidefinite programming relaxation of the max-cut problem reads

\[\begin{aligned} & \text{maximize} & & \left\langle \frac{1}{4}L, X \right\rangle\\ & \text{subject to} & & \langle E_{ii}, X \rangle = 1, \; i=1,\ldots,n,\\ &&&X \in S_+^{n}. \end{aligned}\]

where $E_{ii}$ is the matrix with a one in the $(i,i)$ entry, and zeros elsewhere. Here $\langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle$ denotes the trace inner product.

The following code implements this using ClusteredLowRankSolver.

using ClusteredLowRankSolver

function goemans_williamson(L::Matrix; eps=1e-40)
    n = size(L, 1)

    # Construct the objective
    obj = Objective(0, Dict(:X => 1//4 * L), Dict())

    # Construct the constraints
    constraints = []
    for i = 1:n
        M = zeros(Rational{BigInt}, n, n)
        M[i, i] = 1//1
        # the first argument is the right hand side
        push!(constraints, Constraint(1, Dict(:X => M), Dict()))

    # Construct the problem: Maximize the objective s.t. the constraints hold
    problem = Problem(Maximize(obj), constraints)

    # Solve the problem
    status, primalsol, dualsol, time, errorcode = solvesdp(problem, duality_gap_threshold=eps)

    objvalue(problem, dualsol), matrixvar(dualsol, :X)

For a three-cycle, this gives

L = [2 -1 -1; -1 2 -1; -1 -1 2]
obj, X = goemans_williamson(L)

Example 2: Finding the global minimum of a univariate polynomial

To find the minimum of a polynomial $f$ of degree $2d$, one can use the following problem

\[\begin{aligned} & \text{maximize} & & \lambda\\ & \text{subject to} & & f - \lambda = s,\\ \end{aligned}\]

where $s$ is a sum-of-squares polynomial of degree $2d$. Let $m$ be a vector whose entries form a basis of the polynomials up to degree $d$, then we can write $s = \langle m(x)m(x)^T, X \rangle$, where $X$ is a positive semidefinite matrix.

using ClusteredLowRankSolver, Nemo

function polyopt(f, d)
    # Set up the polynomial ring
    P = parent(f)
    u = gen(P)

    # Compute the polynomial basis and the samples
    sosbasis = basis_chebyshev(d, u)
    samples = sample_points_chebyshev(2d, -1, 1)

    # Construct the constraint SOS + lambda = f
    c = Dict()
    c[:X] = LowRankMatPol([1], [sosbasis[1:d+1]])
    constraint = Constraint(f, c, Dict(:lambda => 1), samples)

    # Construct the objective
    objective = Objective(0, Dict(), Dict(:lambda => 1))

    # Construct the SOS problem: minimize the objective s.t. the constraint holds
    problem = Problem(Maximize(objective), [constraint])

    #Solve the SDP and return results
    status, primalsol, dualsol, time, errorcode = solvesdp(problem)

    objvalue(problem, dualsol)

Then we can for example find the minimum of the polynomial $x^2+1$ using

R, x = polynomial_ring(QQ, :x)
minvalue = polyopt(x^2+1, 1)

Exact version of Example 2

To find the minimum exactly we can use the following function.

using ClusteredLowRankSolver, Nemo

function polyopt_exact(f, d)
    # Set up the polynomial ring
    P = parent(f)
    u = gen(P)

    # Compute the polynomial basis and the samples
    sosbasis = basis_chebyshev(d, u)
    samples = [round(BigInt, 10000x)//10000 for x in sample_points_chebyshev(2d, -1, 1)]

    # Construct the constraint SOS + lambda = f
    c = Dict()
    c[:X] = LowRankMatPol([1], [sosbasis[1:d+1]])
    constraint = Constraint(f, c, Dict(:lambda => 1), samples)

    # Construct the objective
    objective = Objective(0, Dict(), Dict(:lambda => 1))

    # Construct the SOS problem: minimize the objective s.t. the constraint holds
    problem = Problem(Maximize(objective), [constraint])

    #Solve the SDP and return results
    status, primalsol, dualsol, time, errorcode = solvesdp(problem)

    success, esol = exact_solution(problem, primalsol, dualsol)

    success, objvalue(problem, esol)

Then we can find the exact minimum of the polynomial $x^2+1$ using

R, x = polynomial_ring(QQ, :x)
polyopt_exact(x^2+1, 1)
(true, 1)