Example of using CoherentNoise

Let's show how to use CoherentTransformations in pair with CoherentNoise.jl. We first load a couple of useful packages

using CoherentTransformations
using CoherentNoise
using ImageShow
using MosaicViews: mosaicview
using TestImages

We can load a couple of images.

fabio = testimage("fabio_color_512.png")

A boring landscape

mountain = testimage("mountainstream.png")

A last one in black and white!

cameraman = testimage("cameraman.tif")

And let's build a function to visualize all this

function panorama(images)
    return mosaicview(images; nrow=1)
imgs = (fabio, mountain, cameraman)

Let's build a structured noise:

checkered_noise = checkered_2d();

We can use the noise_warp to apply it to the images:

panorama(noise_warp.(imgs, Ref(checkered_noise)))

There are a few premade functions in CoherentTransformations with preset settings.


Here are a few other examples:


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