
CIE(2012) 10-deg XYZ “physiologically-relevant” color matching functions Matrix


CIE(2012) 2-deg XYZ “physiologically-relevant” color matching functions Matrix


CIE White Points in CIE [X,Y,Z] coordinates


CIE 2016 Chromatic Adaptation Transformation


Spectral intensity of R, G, B primaries of a linearized ROGPG279Q LCD display


Stiles & Burch (1959) 10-deg r̄(λ), ḡ(λ), b̄(λ) color matching functions


Stiles & Burch (1955) 2-deg r̄(λ), ḡ(λ), b̄(λ) color matching functions


Stiles & Burch (1955, 1959) color matching primaries, wavelength(nm) for 𝑹, 𝑮, 𝑩.


10-deg cone fundamentals based on the Stiles & Burch 10-deg CMFs, Stockman & Sharpe (2000). Each row are the wavelength(nm), L, M, S Cone spectral sensitivity(Linear Energy).


2-deg cone fundamentals based on the Stiles & Burch 10-deg CMFs (adjusted to 2-deg), Stockman & Sharpe (2000). Each row are the wavelength(nm), L, M, S Cone spectral sensitivity(Linear Energy).


10-deg CIE(2008) "physiologically-relevant" luminous efficiency function V(λ), consistent with the Stockman & Sharpe(2000) 10-deg cone fundamentals. Each row are the wavelength(nm), photopic luminous efficiency(Linear Energy).


2-deg CIE(2008) "physiologically-relevant" luminous efficiency function V(λ), consistent with the Stockman & Sharpe(2000) 2-deg cone fundamentals. Each row are the wavelength(nm), photopic luminous efficiency(Linear Energy).


CAM16 Uniform Color Space in polar[J′, M′, h] or cartesian[J′, a′, b′] Luo, M.R., Cui, G., and Li, C. (2006). Uniform colour spaces based on CIECAM02 colour appearance model. Color Research & Application 31, 320–330.


Converting Matrices between LMS and Cone Contrast(Weber) color spaces. (DH Brainard, Cone contrast and opponent modulation color spaces, human color vision, 1996)


Converting Matrices between RGB and LMS color spaces, based on spectral measurement and cone fundamentals


Converting Matrices between RGB and CIE XYZ color spaces, based on spectral measurement and CIE xyz matching functions


Convert CIE XYZ to CIE Color Appearance Model 2016 Li, C., Li, Z., Wang, Z., Xu, Y., Luo, M.R., Cui, G., Melgosa, M., Brill, M.H., and Pointer, M. (2017). Comprehensive color solutions: CAM16, CAT16, and CAM16‐UCS.

return: J is the lightness C is the chroma h is the hue angle Q is the brightness M is the colourfulness s is the saturation


CAM16 Viewing Conditions

W: White in test illuminant [Xw, Yw, Zw] Yb: Background in test conditions La: Luminance of test adapting field (cd/m2) Surround: Surround condition {Average, Dim, Dark}, Nc and F are functions of c, and their values can be linearly interpolated. Sr = Lsw / Ldw, where Lsw is the luminance of reference white in surround and Ldw in the display area. Sr == 0: Dark 0 < Sr < 0.2: Dim Sr >= 0.2: Average


new color matching functions by transform existing ones


Converting Matrices between differential LMS relative to background and DKL[L+M, L-M, S-(L+M)] color spaces. (DH Brainard, Cone contrast and opponent modulation color spaces, human color vision, 1996)


De-Augmenting Homogeneous Transformation Matrix to Linear Transformation Matrix


De-Augmenting Homogeneous Coordinates(each column) to Cartesian Coordinates


Desaturate perceptible but not displayable CIE colors(each column) into the gamut of a display


Convert Absolute Coordinates[X,Y,Z] to Relative Coordinates[x,y,z] where $x=X/X+Y+Z, y=Y/X+Y+Z, z=Z/X+Y+Z$


Augmenting Linear Transformation Matrix to Homogeneous Transformation Matrix


Augmenting Cartesian Coordinates(each column) to Homogeneous Coordinates


Intersection point of a line and a plane. points of a line are defined as a direction(Dₗ) through a point(Pₗ): P = Pₗ + λDₗ , where λ is a scaler. points of a plane are defined as a plane through a point(Pₚ) and with normal vector(Nₚ) : Nₚᵀ(P - Pₚ) = 0 , where Nᵀ is the transpose of N.

return the point of intersection and if it's on direction.


Intersection point of a line and the six faces of the unit cube with origin as a vertex and three axies as edges[0:1,0:1,0:1]. points of the line are defined as a direction(Dₗ) through a point(Pₗ).

return the intersection point on direction.


Points of a line segment defined by two points P₀ and P₁.

  • d: points density of unit line length

Tristimulus values, based on spectral measurement and matching functions


CIE “physiologically-relevant” XYZ of colors, based on following formula:

$XYZ = 683∫S(λ)x̄ȳz̄(λ)dλ$

where S(λ) is the power spectrum, x̄ȳz̄(λ) are the matching functions and Y will be the luminance(cd/m²).