
✦ cmocean

From "Beautiful colormaps for oceanography": cmocean

✦ scientific

From Scientific colormaps

✦ matplotlib

From matplot

✦ colorbrewer

From ColorBrewer

✦ gnuplot

From GNUPlot

✦ colorcet

From "collection of perceptually accurate colormaps"

✦ Seaborn

From "colorschemes used by Seaborn, a Python data visualization library based on matplotlib."

✦ ggthemes/tableau

From "ggthemes tableau palettes"

✦ CVD/(ColorBlind)-friendly schemes

Colorschemes designed with color-vision deficient users in mind, by authors such as Paul Tol, Masataka Okabe, Kei Ito, and Martin Krzywinski.

✦ Flags

Colors extracted from flags of different countries and regions, downloaded from Flagpedia. Intended to represent these regions in visualizations, but not necessarily effective. Many flags have similar colorschemes. The flags are named according to the region's ISO3166 two-letter abbreviation (often the same as top-level WWW domain), with any hyphens removed.

✦ general and miscellaneous