
Contains the definition of the problem tackled by the tree search algorithm and how the nodes and transitions of the tree search space will be explored.


Explore the tree search space with a depth-first strategy. The next visited node is the last one pushed in the stack of unexplored nodes.

Bound(min, primal)

Create a default primal bound for a problem with objective sense (min or max) in the space (primal or dual).


This datastructure allows us to quickly find solution that shares the same members: variables for primal solutions and constraints for dual solutions.


Solution is an internal data structure of Coluna and should not be used in algorithms. See MathProg.PrimalSolution & MathProg.DualSolution instead.


Create a solution to the model. Other arguments are:

  • decisions is a vector with the index of each decision.
  • values is a vector with the values for each decision.
  • solution_value is the value of the solution.
  • status is the solution status.

Description of the solution statuses:

  • FEASIBLE_SOL : the solution is feasible
  • INFEASIBLE_SOL : the solution is not feasible

If there is no solution or if we don't have information about the solution, the solution status should be :


Theses statuses are the possible reasons why an algorithm stopped the optimization. When a subsolver is called through MOI, the MOI TerminationStatusCode is translated into a Coluna TerminationStatus.

Description of the termination statuses:

  • OPTIMAL : the algorithm found a global optimal solution given the optimality tolerance
  • INFEASIBLE : the algorithm proved infeasibility
  • UNBOUNDED : the algorithm proved unboundedness
  • TIME_LIMIT : the algorithm stopped because of the time limit
  • NODE_LIMIT : the branch-and-bound based algorithm stopped due to the node limit
  • OTHER_LIMIT : the algorithm stopped because of a limit that is neither the time limit

nor the node limit

If the algorithm has not been called, the default value of the termination status should be:


If the conversion of a MOI.TerminationStatusCode returns UNCOVERED_TERMINATION_STATUS, Coluna should stop because it enters in an undefined behavior.

convert_status(status::MOI.TerminationStatusCode) -> Coluna.TerminationStatus
convert_status(status::Coluna.TerminationStatus) -> MOI.TerminationStatusCode
convert_status(status::MOI.ResultStatusCode) -> Coluna.SolutionStatus
convert_status(status::Coluna.SolutionStatus) -> MOI.ResultStatusCode

Convert a termination or solution status of a given type to the corresponding status in another type. This method is used to communicate between Coluna and MathOptInterface.

create_record(storage, storage_unit_type)

Returns a Record that contains a description of the state of the storage unit at the time when the method is called.

diff(pb, db)
diff(db, pb)

Distance between a primal bound and a dual bound that have the same objective sense. Distance is non-positive if dual bound reached primal bound.

gap(pb, db)
gap(db, pb)

Return relative gap. Gap is non-positive if pb reached db.

isbetter(b1, b2)

Returns true if bound b1 is better than bound b2. The function take into account the space (primal or dual) and the objective sense (min, max) of the bounds.

printbounds(db, pb [, io])

Prints the lower and upper bound according to the objective sense.

Can receive io::IO as an input, to eventually output the print to a file or buffer.

@nestedenum block_expression

Create a NestedEnum subtype such as :


DocTestSetup = quote
    using Coluna
Coluna.ColunaBase.@nestedenum begin 
    ItemA <= TypeOfItem
        ChildA1 <= ItemA
            GrandChildA11 <= ChildA1
            GrandChildA12 <= ChildA1
        ChildA2 <= ItemA
    ItemB <= TypeOfItem
    ItemC <= TypeOfItem

# output

Create a nested enumeration with items ItemA, ChildA1, ChildA2, GrandChildA11, GrandChildA12, ItemB, and ItemC of type TypeOfItem. The operator <= indicates the parent of the item.

julia> GrandChildA11 <= ItemA
julia> GrandChildA11 <= ItemC
DocTestSetup = nothing

Supertype for the objects to which belongs the implementation of the Benders cut generation and that stores any kind of information during the execution of the Bender cut generation algorithm.

benders_iteration_output_type(context) -> Type{<:AbstractBendersIterationOutput}

Returns the type of the custom object that will store the output of a Benders iteration.

benders_output_type(context) -> Type{<:AbstractBendersOutput}

Returns the type of the custom object that will store the output of the Benders cut generation algorithm.


Builds a primal solution to the original problem from the primal solution to the master problem and the primal solutions to the separation problems.


Returns a new instance of the custom object that stores the output of the Benders cut generation algorithm.

optimize_master_problem!(master, context, env) -> MasterResult

Returns an instance of a custom object MasterResult that implements the following methods:

  • is_unbounded(res::MasterResult) -> Bool
  • is_infeasible(res::MasterResult) -> Bool
  • is_certificate(res::MasterResult) -> Bool
  • get_primal_sol(res::MasterResult) -> Union{Nothing, PrimalSolution}
optimize_separation_problem!(context, sp_to_solve, env, unbounded_master) -> SeparationResult

Returns an instance of a custom object SeparationResult that implements the following methods:

  • is_unbounded(res::SeparationResult) -> Bool
  • is_infeasible(res::SeparationResult) -> Bool
  • get_obj_val(res::SeparationResult) -> Float64
  • get_primal_sol(res::SeparationResult) -> Union{Nothing, PrimalSolution}
  • get_dual_sp_sol(res::SeparationResult) -> Union{Nothing, DualSolution}
push_in_set!(context, cut_pool, sep_result) -> Bool

Inserts a cut in the set of cuts generated at a given iteration of the Benders cut generation algorithm. The cut_pool structure is generated by set_of_cuts(context).

push_in_set!(context, sep_sp_sols, sep_result) -> Bool

Inserts a primal solution to a separation problem in the set of primal solutions generated at a given iteration of the Benders cut generation algorithm. The sep_sp_sols structure is generated by set_of_sep_sols(context).

Returns true if the cut or the primal solution was inserted in the set, false otherwise.


Returns an empty container that will store all the cuts generated by the separation problems during an iteration of the Benders cut generation algorithm. One must be able to iterate on this container to insert the cuts in the master problem.


Returns an empty container that will store the primal solutions to the separation problems at a given iteration of the Benders cut generation algorithm.

treat_infeasible_separation_problem_case!(context, sp_to_solve, env, unbounded_master) -> SeparationResult

When after a call to optimize_separation_problem!, the separation problem is infeasible, this method is called. Returns an instance of a custom object SeparationResult.

treat_unbounded_master_problem_case!(master, context, env) -> MasterResult

When after a call to optimize_master_problem!, the master is unbounded, this method is called. Returns an instance of a custom object MasterResult.

update_sp_rhs!(context, sp, mast_primal_sol)

Updates the right-hand side of the separation problem sp by fixing the first-level solution obtained by solving the master problem mast_primal_sol.


This algorithm type is used by the tree search algorithm to update the incumbents and the formulation. For the moment, a conquer algorithm can be run only on reformulation. A conquer algorithm should restore records of storage units using restore_from_records!(conquer_input)

  • each time it runs in the beginning
  • each time after calling a child manager algorithm


Input of a conquer algorithm used by the tree search algorithm. Contains the node in the search tree and the collection of units to restore before running the conquer algorithm. This collection of units is passed in the input so that it is not obtained each time the conquer algorithm runs.


This type of algorithm is used to "bound" a model, i.e. to improve primal
and dual bounds of the model. Solving to optimality is a special case of "bounding".
The input of such algorithm should be of type OptimizationState.    
The output of such algorithm should be of type OptimizationState.
    restr_master_solve_alg = SolveLpForm(get_dual_sol = true, relax_integrality = true),
    restr_master_optimizer_id = 1,
    separation_solve_alg = SolveLpForm(get_dual_sol = true, relax_integrality = true)
    max_nb_iterations::Int = 100,

Benders cut generation algorithm that can be applied to a formulation reformulated using Benders decomposition.

This algorithm is an implementation of the generic algorithm provided by the Benders submodule.


  • restr_master_solve_alg: algorithm to solve the restricted master problem
  • restr_master_optimizer_id: optimizer id to use to solve the restricted master problem
  • separation_solve_alg: algorithm to solve the separation problem (must be a LP solver that returns a dual solution)


  • max_nb_iterations: maximum number of iterations

About the output

At each iteration, the Benders cut generation algorithm show following statistics:

<it=  6> <et= 0.05> <mst= 0.00> <sp= 0.00> <cuts= 0> <master=  293.5000>


  • it stands for the current number of iterations of the algorithm
  • et is the elapsed time in seconds since Coluna has started the optimisation
  • mst is the time in seconds spent solving the master problem at the current iteration
  • sp is the time in seconds spent solving the separation problem at the current iteration
  • cuts is the number of cuts generated at the current iteration
  • master is the objective value of the master problem at the current iteration

Debug options (print at each iteration):

  • debug_print_master: print the master problem
  • debug_print_master_primal_solution: print the master problem with the primal solution
  • debug_print_master_dual_solution: print the master problem with the dual solution (make sure the restr_master_solve_alg returns a dual solution)
  • debug_print_subproblem: print the subproblem
  • debug_print_subproblem_primal_solution: print the subproblem with the primal solution
  • debug_print_subproblem_dual_solution: print the subproblem with the dual solution
  • debug_print_generated_cuts: print the generated cuts

Output of the default implementation of an iteration of the Benders algorithm.

It contains:

  • min_sense: the original problem is a minimization problem
  • nb_new_cuts: the number of new cuts added to the master problem
  • ip_primal_sol: the primal solution to the original problem found during this iteration
  • infeasible: the original problem is infeasible
  • time_limit_reached: the time limit was reached
  • master: the solution value to the master problem

Output of the default implementation of the Benders.optimize_master_problem! method.

It contains:

  • ip_solver: true if the master problem is solved with a MIP solver and involves integral variables, false otherwise.
  • result: the result of the master problem optimization stored in an OptimizationState object.
  • infeasible: true if the master at the current iteration is infeasible; false otherwise.
  • unbounded: true if the master at the current iteration is unbounded; false otherwise.
  • certificate: true if the master at the current iteration is unbounded and if the current result is a dual infeasibility certificate, false otherwise.

Output of the default implementation of the Benders algorithm.

It contains:

  • infeasible: the original problem is infeasible
  • time_limit_reached: the time limit was reached
  • mlp: the final bound obtained with the Benders cut algorithm
  • ip_primal_sol: the best primal solution to the original problem found by the Benders cut algorithm
BendersPrinterContext(reformulation, algo_params) -> BendersPrinterContext

Creates a context to run the default implementation of the Benders algorithm together with a printer that prints information about the algorithm execution.


Output of the default implementation of the Benders.optimize_separation_problem! and Benders.treat_infeasible_separation_problem_case! methods.

It contains:

  • second_stage_estimation_in_master: the value of the second stage cost variable in the solution to the master problem.
  • second_stage_cost: the value of the second stage cost variable in the solution to the separation problem.
  • lp_primal_sol: the primal solution to the separation problem.
  • infeasible: true if the current separation problem is infeasible; false otherwise.
  • unbounded: true if the current separation problem is unbounded; false otherwise.
  • cut: the cut generated by the separation problem.
  • infeasible_treatment: true if this object is an output of the Benders.treat_infeasible_separation_problem_case! method; false otherwise.
  • unbounded_master: true if the separation subproblem has the form of Lemma 2 to separate a cut to truncate an unbounded ray of the restricted master problem; false otherwise.
BranchingPhase(max_nb_candidates, conquer_algo, score)

Define a phase in strong branching. It contains the maximum number of candidates to evaluate, the conquer algorithm which does evaluation, and the score used to sort the candidates.

    selection_criterion = MostFractionalCriterion()
    rules = [Branching.PrioritisedBranchingRule(SingleVarBranchingRule(), 1.0, 1.0)]
    int_tol = 1e-6

Chooses the best candidate according to a selection criterion and generates the two children.


  • selection_criterion: selection criterion to choose the best candidate
  • rules: branching rules to generate the candidates
  • int_tol: tolerance to determine if a variable is integer

It is implemented as a specific case of the strong branching algorithm.

    colgen = ColumnGeneration(),
    cutgen = CutCallbacks(),
    primal_heuristics = ParameterizedHeuristic[ParamRestrictedMasterHeuristic()],
    max_nb_cut_rounds = 3

Column-and-cut-generation based algorithm to find primal and dual bounds for a problem decomposed using Dantzig-Wolfe paradigm.

Parameters :

  • colgen: column generation algorithm
  • cutgen: cut generation algorithm
  • primal_heuristics: heuristics to find a feasible solution
  • max_nb_cut_rounds : number of cut generation done by the algorithm
ColGenContext(reformulation, algo_params) -> ColGenContext

Creates a context to run the default implementation of the column generation algorithm.


Output of the ColGen.optimize_master_lp_problem! method.

Contains result, an OptimizationState object that is the output of the SolveLpForm algorithm called to optimize the master LP problem.


Phase 0 is a mix of phase 1 and phase 2. It sets a very large cost to artifical variables to force them to be removed from the master LP solution. If the final master LP solution contains artifical variables either the master is infeasible or the cost of artificial variables is not large enough. Phase 1 must be run.


Phase 1 sets the cost of variables to 0 except for artifical variables. The goal is to find a solution to the master LP problem that has no artificial variables.


Phase 2 solves the master LP without artificial variables. To start, it requires a set of columns that forms a feasible solution to the LP master. This set is found with phase 1.


Output of the default implementation of ColGen.optimize_pricing_problem!.

It contains:

  • result: the output of the SolveIpForm algorithm called to optimize the pricing subproblem
  • columns: a vector of GeneratedColumn objects obtained by processing of the output of pricing subproblem optimization, it stores the reduced cost of each column
  • best_red_cost: the best reduced cost of the columns
ColGenPrinterContext(reformulation, algo_params) -> ColGenPrinterContext

Creates a context to run the default implementation of the column generation algorithm together with a printer that prints information about the algorithm execution.


Implementation of the "Smoothing with a self adjusting parameter" described in the paper of Pessoa et al.

TODO: docstring

  • in: stability center
    • dual solution of the previous iteration under Neame rule,
    • incumbent dual solution under Wentges rule.
  • out: current dual solution
  • sep: smoothed dual solution π^sep <- α * π^in + (1 - α) * π^out

Default implementation of the column generation stages works as follows.

Consider a set {A,B,C} of subproblems each of them associated to the following sets of pricing solvers: {a1, a2, a3}, {b1, b2}, {c1, c2, c3, c4}. Pricing solvers a1, b1, c1 are exact solvers; others are heuristic.

The column generation algorithm will run the following stages:

  • stage 4 with pricing solvers {a3, b2, c4}
  • stage 3 with pricing solvers {a2, b1, c3}
  • stage 2 with pricing solvers {a1, b1, c2}
  • stage 1 with pricing solvers {a1, b1, c1} (exact stage)

Column generation moves from one stage to another when all solvers find no column.


Error thrown when when a subproblem generates a column with negative (resp. positive) reduced cost in min (resp. max) problem that already exists in the master and that is already active. An active master column cannot have a negative reduced cost.

    restr_master_solve_alg = SolveLpForm(get_dual_sol = true),
    pricing_prob_solve_alg = SolveIpForm(
        moi_params = MoiOptimize(
            deactivate_artificial_vars = false,
            enforce_integrality = false
    essential_cut_gen_alg = CutCallbacks(call_robust_facultative = false),
    strict_integrality_check = false, 
    max_nb_iterations = 1000,
    log_print_frequency = 1,
    redcost_tol = 1e-4,
    show_column_already_inserted_warning = true,
    cleanup_threshold = 10000,
    cleanup_ratio = 0.66,
    smoothing_stabilization = 0.0 # should be in [0, 1],

Column generation algorithm that can be applied to formulation reformulated using Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition.

This algorithm first solves the linear relaxation of the master (master LP) using restr_master_solve_alg. Then, it solves the subproblems by calling pricing_prob_solve_alg to get the columns that have the best reduced costs and that hence, may improve the master LP's objective the most.

In order for the algorithm to converge towards the optimal solution of the master LP, it suffices that the pricing oracle returns, at each iteration, a negative reduced cost solution if one exists. The algorithm stops when all subproblems fail to generate a column with negative (positive) reduced cost in the case of a minimization (maximization) problem or when it reaches the maximum number of iterations.


  • restr_master_solve_alg: algorithm to optimize the master LP
  • pricing_prob_solve_alg: algorithm to optimize the subproblems
  • essential_cut_gen_alg: algorithm to generate essential cuts which is run when the solution of the master LP is integer.


  • max_nb_iterations: maximum number of iterations
  • log_print_frequency: display frequency of iterations statistics
  • strict_integrality_check: by default (value false) the integrality check in column generation is performed by the mapping procedure from "F. Vanderbeck, Branching in branch-and-price: a generic scheme, Math.Prog. (2011)"; in the case the pricing subproblems are solved by a callback, and some subproblem integer variables are "hidden" from Coluna, the mapping procedure may not be valid, and the integrality should be checked in the "strict" way (explicitly verifying that all columns are integer)

Undocumented parameters are in alpha version.

About the ouput

At each iteration (depending on log_print_frequency), the column generation algorithm can display following statistics.

<it= 90> <et=15.62> <mst= 0.02> <sp= 0.05> <cols= 4> <al= 0.00> <DB=  300.2921> <mlp=  310.3000> <PB=310.3000>

Here are their meanings :

  • it stands for the current number of iterations of the algorithm
  • et is the elapsed time in seconds since Coluna has started the optimisation
  • mst is the time in seconds spent solving the master LP at the current iteration
  • sp is the time in seconds spent solving the subproblems at the current iteration
  • cols is the number of column generated by the subproblems at the current iteration
  • al is the smoothing factor of the stabilisation at the current iteration (alpha version)
  • DB is the dual bound of the master LP at the current iteration
  • mlp is the objective value of the master LP at the current iteration
  • PB is the objective value of the best primal solution found by Coluna at the current iteration

Stores a collection of columns.

It contains:

  • columns: a vector of GeneratedColumn objects by all pricing subproblems that will be inserted into the master
  • subprob_primal_solutions: an object that stores the best columns generated by each pricing subproblem at this iteration.
    call_robust_facultative = true,
    call_robust_essential = true,
    tol::Float64 = 1e-6

Runs the cut user callbacks attached to a formulation.


  • call_robust_facultative: if true, call all the robust facultative cut user callbacks (i.e. user cut callbacks)
  • call_robust_essential: if true, call all the robust essential cut user callbacks (i.e. lazy constraint callbacks)
  • tol: tolerance used to determine if a cut is violated

See the JuMP documentation for more information about user callbacks and the tutorials in the Coluna documentation for examples of user callbacks.


Stores the presolve-representation of the formulations of the Dantzig-Wolfe reformulation. This datastructure contains:

  • representative_master that contains the master formulation expressed with representative variables and pure master variables
  • restricted_master that contains the master formulation expressed with pure master variables, master columns, and artificial variables
  • dw_sps a dictionary that contains the subproblem formulations.

Solution to a pricing subproblem after a given optimization.

It contains:

  • column: the solution stored as a PrimalSolution object
  • red_cost: the reduced cost of the column
  • min_obj: a boolean indicating if the objective is to minimize or maximize

Solution to the separation problem together with its corresponding benders cut.

It contains:

  • min_sense: true if it's a minimization problem; false otherwise.
  • lhs: the left-hand side of the cut.
  • rhs: the right-hand side of the cut.
  • dual_sol: an optimal dual solution to the separation problem.

Error thrown when transmitting a dual bound larger than the primal bound of the best solution to the pricing subproblem found in a run of the pricing callback.


Error thrown when the pricing callback does not transmit any dual bound. Make sure you call MOI.submit(model, BD.PricingDualBound(cbdata), db) in your pricing callback.

    time_limit = 600
    deactivate_artificial_vars = false
    enforce_integrality = false
    get_dual_bound = true

Configuration for an optimizer that calls a subsolver through MathOptInterface.


  • time_limit: in seconds
  • deactivate_artificial_vars: deactivate all artificial variables of the formulation if equals true
  • enforce_integrality: enforce integer variables that are relaxed if equals true
  • get_dual_bound: store the dual objective value in the output if equals true

Error thrown when the pricing transmits multiple dual bound. Make sure you call MOI.submit(model, BD.PricingDualBound(cbdata), db) only once in your pricing callback.


Branch-and-bound node. It stores only local information about the node. Global information about the branch-and-bound belong to the search space object.

    termination_status = OPTIMIZE_NOT_CALLED,
    ip_primal_bound = nothing, 
    ip_dual_bound = nothing, 
    lp_primal_bound = nothing, 
    lp_dual_bound = nothing,
    max_length_ip_primal_sols = 1, 
    max_length_lp_primal_sols = 1,
    max_length_lp_dual_sols = 1,
    insert_function_ip_primal_sols = bestbound!, 
    insert_function_lp_primal_sols = bestbound!, 
    insert_function_lp_dual_sols = bestbound!

A convenient structure to maintain and return solutions and bounds of a formulation form during an optimization process. The termination status is OPTIMIZE_NOT_CALLED by default. You can define the initial incumbent bounds using ip_primal_bound, ip_dual_bound, lp_primal_bound, and lp_primal_bound keyword arguments. Incumbent bounds are set to infinite (according to formulation objective sense) by default. You can store three types of solutions ip_primal_sols, lp_primal_sols, and lp_dual_sols. These solutions are stored in three lists. Keywords max_length_ip_primal_sols, max_length_lp_primal_sols, and max_length_lp_dual_sols let you define the maximum size of the lists. Keywords insert_function_ip_primal_sols, insert_function_lp_primal_sols, and insert_function_lp_dual_sols let you provide a function to define the way you want to insert a new solution in each list. By default, lists are sorted by best bound.

You can also create an OptimizationState from another one :

    form, source_state, copy_ip_primal_sol, copy_lp_primal_sol

It copies the termination status, all the bounds of source_state. If copies the best IP primal solution when copy_ip_primal_sol equals true and the best LP primal solution when copy_lp_primal_sol equals true.


Stores a matrix-representation of the formulation and the mapping between the variables & constraints of the formulation to the row and column of the matrix and components of the vector that represents the formulation.


Node that contains the node of the Coluna's tree search algorithm for which we want to print execution logs.


Extracted information to speed-up calculation of reduced costs of subproblem representatives and pure master variables. We extract from the master the information we need to compute the reduced cost of DW subproblem variables:

  • dw_subprob_c contains the perenial cost of DW subproblem representative variables
  • dw_subprob_A is a submatrix of the master coefficient matrix that involves only DW subproblem representative variables.

We also extract from the master the information we need to compute the reduced cost of pure master variables:

  • pure_master_c contains the perenial cost of pure master variables
  • pure_master_A is a submatrix of the master coefficient matrix that involves only pure master variables.

Calculation is c - transpose(A) * master_lp_dual_solution.

This information is given to the generic implementation of the column generation algorithm through methods:

  • ColGen.getsubprobvarorigcosts
  • ColGen.getorigcoefmatrix
    masterlpalgo = SolveLpForm(
        get_ip_primal_sol = true

Conquer algorithm that solves the master problem using a linear programming solver.


The restricted master heuristic enforces integrality of the master column variables and optimizes the master problem restricted to active master column variables using a MIP solver. If the heuristic finds a solution, it checks that this solution does not violate any essential cut.


Precompute information to speed-up calculation of right-hand side of benders subproblems. We extract the following information from the subproblems:

  • a contains the perenial rhs of all subproblem constraints;
  • A is a submatrix of the subproblem coefficient matrix that involves only first stage variables.

Primal solutions to the separation problems optimized at the current iteration. This is used to build a primal solution.

It contains sols a vector of primal solutions.


It is an implementation of AbstractBranchingCandidate. This is the type of branching candidates produced by the branching rule SingleVarBranchingRule.


This branching rule allows the divide algorithm to branch on single integer variables. For instance, SingleVarBranchingRule can produce the branching x <= 2 and x >= 3 where x is a scalar integer variable.

    optimizer_id = 1
    moi_params = MoiOptimize()
    user_params = UserOptimize()
    custom_params = CustomOptimize()

Solve an optimization problem. This algorithm can call different type of optimizers :

  • subsolver interfaced with MathOptInterface to optimize a mixed integer program
  • pricing callback defined by the user
  • custom optimizer to solve a custom model

You can specify an optimizer using the default_optimizer attribute of Coluna or with the method specify! from BlockDecomposition. If you want to define several optimizers for a given subproblem, you must use specify!:

specify!(subproblem, optimizers = [optimizer1, optimizer2, optimizer3])

Value of optimizer_id is the position of the optimizer you want to use. For example, if optimizer_id is equal to 2, the algorithm will use optimizer2.

By default, the algorihm uses the first optimizer or the default optimizer if no optimizer has been specified through specify!.

Depending on the type of the optimizer chosen, the algorithm will use one the three configurations :

  • moi_params for subsolver interfaced with MathOptInterface
  • user_params for pricing callbacks
  • custom_params for custom solvers

Custom solver is undocumented because alpha.

    get_ip_primal_sol = false,
    get_dual_sol = false,
    relax_integrality = false,
    get_dual_bound = false,
    silent = true

Solve a linear program stored in a formulation using its first optimizer. This algorithm works only if the optimizer is interfaced with MathOptInterface.

You can define the optimizer using the default_optimizer attribute of Coluna or with the method specify! from BlockDecomposition


  • get_ip_primal_sol: update the primal solution of the formulation if equals true
  • get_dual_sol: retrieve the dual solution and store it in the ouput if equals true
  • relax_integrality: relax integer variables of the formulation before optimization if equals true
  • get_dual_bound: store the dual objective value in the output if equals true
  • silent: set MOI.Silent() to its value

Undocumented parameters are alpha.

    phases = [],
    rules = [Branching.PrioritisedBranchingRule(SingleVarBranchingRule(), 1.0, 1.0)],
    selection_criterion = MostFractionalCriterion(),
    verbose = true,
    int_tol = 1e-6

The algorithm that performs a (multi-phase) (strong) branching in a tree search algorithm.

Strong branching is a procedure that heuristically selects a branching constraint that potentially gives the best progress of the dual bound. The procedure selects a collection of branching candidates based on their branching rule and their score. Then, the procedure evaluates the progress of the dual bound in both branches of each branching candidate by solving both potential children using a conquer algorithm. The candidate that has the largest product of dual bound improvements in the branches is chosen to be the branching constraint.

When the dual bound improvement produced by the branching constraint is difficult to compute (e.g. time-consuming in the context of column generation), one can let the branching algorithm quickly estimate the dual bound improvement of each candidate and retain the most promising branching candidates. This is called a phase. The goal is to first evaluate a large number of candidates with a very fast conquer algorithm and retain a certain number of promising ones. Then, over the phases, it evaluates the improvement with a more precise conquer algorithm and restrict the number of retained candidates until only one is left.



Precompute information to speed-up calculation of subgradient of master variables. We extract from the master follwowing information:

  • a contains the perenial rhs of all master constraints except convexity constraints;
  • A is a submatrix of the master coefficient matrix that involves only representative of original variables (pure master vars + DW subproblem represtative vars)

Calculation is a - A * (m .* z) where :

  • m contains a multiplicity factor for each variable involved in the calculation (lower or upper sp multiplicity depending on variable reduced cost);
  • z is the concatenation of the solution to the master (for pure master vars) and pricing subproblems (for DW subproblem represtative vars).

Operation m .* z "mimics" a solution in the original space.


Columns generated at the current iteration that forms the "current primal solution". This is used to compute the Lagragian dual bound.

It contains:

  • primal_sols a dictionary that maps a formulation id to the best primal solution found by the pricing subproblem associated to this formulation
  • improve_master a dictionary that maps a formulation id to a boolean indicating if the best primal solution found by the pricing subproblem associated to this formulation has negative reduced cost

This structure also helps to compute the subgradient of the Lagrangian function.

    presolvealg = nothing,
    conqueralg::AbstractConquerAlgorithm = ColCutGenConquer(),
    dividealg::AbstractDivideAlgorithm = Branching(),
    explorestrategy::AbstractExploreStrategy = DepthFirstStrategy(),
    maxnumnodes = 100000,
    opennodeslimit = 100,
    timelimit = -1, # -1 means no time limit
    opt_atol::Float64 = DEF_OPTIMALITY_ATOL,
    opt_rtol::Float64 = DEF_OPTIMALITY_RTOL,
    branchingtreefile = "",
    jsonfile = "",
    print_node_info = true

This algorithm is a branch and bound that uses a search tree to optimize the reformulation. At each node in the tree, it applies conqueralg to evaluate the node and improve the bounds, dividealg to generate branching constraints, and explorestrategy to select the next node to treat. Optionally, the presolvealg is run in the beginning to preprocess the formulation.

The three main elements of the algorithm are:

  • the conquer strategy (conqueralg): evaluation of the problem at a node of the Branch-and-Bound tree. Depending on the type of decomposition used ahead of the Branch-and-Bound, you can use either Column Generation (if your problem is decomposed following Dantzig-Wolfe transformation) and/or Cut Generation (for Dantzig-Wolfe and Benders decompositions).
  • the branching strategy (dividealg): how to create new branches i.e. how to divide the search space
  • the explore strategy (explorestrategy): the evaluation order of your nodes


  • maxnumnodes : maximum number of nodes explored by the algorithm
  • opennodeslimit : maximum number of nodes waiting to be explored
  • timelimit : time limit in seconds of the algorithm
  • opt_atol : optimality absolute tolerance (alpha)
  • opt_rtol : optimality relative tolerance (alpha)


  • branchingtreefile : name of the file in which the algorithm writes an overview of the branching tree
  • jsonfile : name of the file in which the algorithm writes the solution in JSON format
  • print_node_info : log the tree into the console

Warning: if you set a name for the branchingtreefile AND the jsonfile, the algorithm will only write in the json file.


Store a set of storage unit type associated to the model. Used to indicate what storage units from what models we want to restore.

    max_nb_ip_primal_sols = 50

Configuration for an optimizer that calls a pricing callback to solve the problem.


  • max_nb_ip_primal_sols: maximum number of solutions returned by the callback kept

Function var_duty_func(form, var_id, var) returns true if we want to keep the variable var_id; false otherwise. Same for constr_duty_func(form, constr_id, constr).


When we use a smoothed dual solution, we need to recompute the reduced cost of the subproblem variables using the non-smoothed dual solution (out point). This reduced cost is stored in the context (field sp_var_redcosts) and we use it to compute the contribution of the subproblem variables.

add_ip_primal_sol!(optstate, sol)
add_ip_primal_sols!(optstate, sols...)

Add the solution sol at the end of the solution list of opstate, sort the solution list, remove the worst solution if the solution list size is exceded, and update the incumbent bound if the solution is better.

Similar methods :

add_lp_primal_sol!(optstate, sol)
add_lp_dual_sol!(optstate, sol)
check_alg_parameters(top_algo, reform) -> Vector{Tuple{Symbol, AbstractAlgorithm, Any}}

Checks the consistency of the parameters of the top algorithm and its children algorithms. Returns a vector of tuples (name of the parameter, algorithm, value of the parameter) that lists all the inconsistencies found in the algorithms tree.

create_records(reformulation) -> Records

Methods to create records of all storage units of a reformulation and the formulations handled by the reformulation.


Remove all IP primal solutions from optstate.

Similar methods :

get_child_algorithms(algo, model) -> Dict{String, Tuple{AbstractAlgorithm, AbstractModel}}

Every algorithm should communicate its child algorithms and the model to which each child algorithm is applied. It should returns a dictionary where the keys are the names of the child algorithms and the values are the algorithm parameters and the model to which the algorithm is applied.

By default, get_child_algorithms returns an empty dictionary.


Returns the input that will be passed to an algorithm. The input can be built from information contained in a search space and a node.

get_units_usage(algo, model) -> Tuple{AbstractModel, UnitType, UnitPermission}[]

Every algorithm should communicate the storage units it uses (so that these units are created in the beginning) and the usage mode (read only or read-and-write). Usage mode is needed for in order to restore units before running a worker algorithm.


Return the gap between the best primal and dual bounds of the integer program. Should not be used to check convergence

ip_gap_closed(optstate; atol = Coluna.DEF_OPTIMALITY_ATOL, rtol = Coluna.DEF_OPTIMALITY_RTOL)

Return true if the gap between the best primal and dual bounds of the integer program is closed given optimality tolerances.


Returns true if the current node should not be explored i.e. if its local dual bound inherited from its parent is worst than a primal bound of the search space.

lp_gap_closed(optstate; atol = Coluna.DEF_OPTIMALITY_ATOL, rtol = Coluna.DEF_OPTIMALITY_RTOL)

Return true if the gap between the best primal and dual bounds of the linear program is closed given optimality tolerances.


Methods to perform operations before the tree search algorithm evaluates a node (current). This is useful to restore the state of the formulation for instance.

restore_from_records!(units_used::UnitsUsage, records::Records)

Method to restore storage units from reformulations and formulations given a set of records stored in an object of type Records.


Runs several rounds of column and cut generation. Returns false if the column generation returns false or time limit is reached. Returns true if the conquer algorithm continues.


Runs a column generation algorithm and updates the optimization state of the node with the result of the column generation. Returns false if the node is infeasible, subsolver time limit is reached, or node gap is closed; true if the conquer algorithm continues.


Runs the preprocessing algorithm. Returns true if conquer algorithm should continue; false otherwise (in the case where preprocessing finds the formulation infeasible).

set_ip_primal_sol!(optstate, sol)

Empties the list of solutions and add solution sol in the list. The incumbent bound is not updated even if the value of the solution is better.

Similar methods :

set_lp_primal_sol!(optstate, sol)
set_lp_dual_sol!(optstate, sol)
update_ip_primal_sol!(optstate, sol)

Add the solution sol in the solutions list of optstate if and only if the value of the solution is better than the incumbent. The solution is inserted in the list by the method defined in insert_function_ip_primal_sols field of OptimizationState. If the maximum length of the list is reached, the solution located at the end of the list is removed.

Similar methods :

update_lp_primal_sol!(optstate, sol)
update_lp_dual_sol!(optstate, sol)

Formulation is a mathematical representation of a problem (model of a problem). A problem may have different formulations. We may rename "formulation" to "model" after. Different algorithms may be applied to a formulation. A formulation should contain a dictionary of storage units used by algorithms. A formulation contains one storage unit per storage unit type used by algorithms.


Information that defines a state of a constraint. These data might change during the optimisation procedure.


Representation of a constraint in Coluna. Coefficients of variables involved in the constraints are stored in the coefficient matrix.

    custom_data::Union{Nothing, BlockDecomposition.AbstractColumnData} = nothing

Create a dual solution to the formulation form of cost cost and status status. It contains constrids the set of ids of the constraints and constrvals the values of the constraints (constrvals[i] is dual value of constrids[i]). It also contains varvals[i] the dual values of the bound constraint varactivebounds[i] of the variables varids (also known as the reduced cost).

The user can attach to the dual solution a customized representation custom_data.


Duties of a variable are tree-structured values wrapped in Duty{Variable} instances. Leaves are concret duties of a variable, intermediate nodes are duties representing families of duties, and the root node is a Duty{Variable} with value 1.


It works like Duty{Variable}.


If a duty Duty1 inherits from Duty2, then

julia> Duty1 <= Duty2

A pricing subproblem of a formulation decomposed using Dantzig-Wolfe.


A FormulationBuffer stores all changes done to a formulation since last call to sync_solver!. When function sync_solver! is called, the optimizer is synched with all changes in FormulationBuffer

Warning : You should not pass formulation changes straight to its optimizer. Changes must be always buffered.


Coluna identifier of a Variable or a Constraint.

The identifier is a subtype of Integer so we can use it as index of sparse arrays. It behaves like an integer (field uid) with additional information (other fields).

It is composed by the following ids:

  1. uid: unique id that is global to the Coluna instance (the integer)
  2. origin_form_uid: unique id of the formulation where it was generated
  3. assigned_form_uid: unique id of the formulation where it is assigned in the reformulation process

For a JuMP variable/constraint the origin_form_uid is the original formulation while the assigned_form_uid is the subproblem formulation for a pure subproblem variable/constraint and the master for a pure master variable/constraint.

For a variable/constraint generated during optimization, the origin_form_uid is the id of the formulation where it was created. For instance, the origin formulation of a master column is the subproblem for which the column is a solution and its assigned formulation is the master.

MoiOptimizer <: AbstractOptimizer

Wrapper that is used when the optimizer of a formulation is an MOI.AbstractOptimizer, thus inheriting MOI functionalities.

NoOptimizer <: AbstractOptimizer

Wrapper when no optimizer is assigned to a formulation. Basic algorithms that call an optimizer to optimize a formulation won't work.

    custom_data::Union{Nothing, BlockDecomposition.AbstractCustomVarData} = nothing

Create a primal solution to the formulation form of cost cost and status status. The representations of the soslution is varids the set of the ids of the variables and varvals the values of the variables (varvals[i] is value of variable varids[i]).

The user can also attach to the primal solution a customized representation custom_data.


Reformulation is a representation of a formulation which is solved by Coluna using a decomposition approach.

Reformulation(env, parent, master, dw_pricing_subprs, benders_sep_subprs)

Constructs a Reformulation where:

  • env is the Coluna environment;
  • parent is the parent formulation (a Formulation or a Reformulation) (original

formulation for the classic decomposition);

  • master is the formulation of the master problem;
  • dw_pricing_subprs is a Dict{FormId, Formulation} containing all Dantzig-Wolfe pricing

subproblems of the reformulation;

  • benders_sep_subprs is a Dict{FormId, Formulation} containing all Benders separation

subproblems of the reformulation.

UserOptimizer <: AbstractOptimizer

Wrap a julia function that acts like the optimizer of a formulation. It is for example the function used as a pricing callback.


A VarConstrBuffer{I,VC} stores the ids of type I of the variables or constraints that will be added and removed from a formulation.

delete!(formulation, varconstr)
delete!(formulation, varconstrid)

Delete a variable or a constraint from a formulation.

haskey(formulation, id) -> Bool

Returns true if formulation has a variable or a constraint with given id.

DualBound(formulation, value)
DualBound(formulation, db)

Create a new dual bound for the formulation formulation. The value of the dual bound is infinity if you do not specify any initial value.

PrimalBound(formulation, value)
PrimalBound(formualtion, pb)

Create a new primal bound for the formulation formulation. The value of the primal bound is infinity if you do not specify any initial value.

activate!(formulation, varconstrid)
activate!(formulation, varconstr)

Activate a variable or a constraint in a formulation.

activate!(formulation, function)

It is also possible to activate variables and constraints of a formulation such that function(varconstrid) returns true.

add_to_partial_solution!(formulation, varid, value)

Set the minimal value that the variable with id varid takes into the optimal solution. If the variable is already in the partial solution, the value cumulates with the current. If the cumulative value is 0, the variable is removed from the partial solution.

Warning: by default, there is no propagation, no change on variable bounds, you must call the presolve algorithm.

computecoeff(var_custom_data, constr_custom_data) -> Float64

Dispatches on the type of custom data attached to the variable and the constraint to compute the coefficient of the variable in the constraint.


A Formulation stores a mixed-integer linear program.

    parent_formulation = nothing,
    obj_sense::Type{<:Coluna.AbstractSense} = MinSense

Creates a new formulation in the Coluna's environment env. Arguments are duty that contains specific information related to the duty of the formulation, parent_formulation that is the parent formulation (master for a subproblem, reformulation for a master, nothing by default), and obj_sense the sense of the objective function (MinSense or MaxSense).

deactivate!(formulation, varconstrid)
deactivate!(formulation, varconstr)

Deactivate a variable or a constraint in a formulation.

deactivate!(formulation, function)

It is also possible to deactivate variables and constraints such that function(varconstrid) returns true.


Return a Dict{FormId, AbstractModel} containing all Benders separation subproblems of the reformulation.


Returns the var_id of the master column that represents the primal solution primal_sol to a Dantzig-Wolfe subproblem if the primal solution exists in the pool of solutions to the subproblem; nothing otherwise.


Return a Dict{FormId, AbstractModel} containing all Dabtzig-Wolfe pricing subproblems of the reformulation.


If the original formulation is not reformulated, it means that the user did not provide a way to decompose the model. In such a case, Coluna will call the subsolver to optimize the original formulation.

get_value_in_partial_sol(formulation, varid)
get_value_in_partial_sol(formulation, variable)

Return the value of the variable in the partial solution.

getconstr(formulation, constrid) -> Constraint

Returns the constraint with given constrid that belongs to formulation.

getcurcost(formulation, variable)
getcurcost(formulation, varid)

Return the current cost of the variable in the formulation.

getcurincval(formulation, varconstrid)
getcurincval(formulation, varconstr)

Return the current incumbent value of a variable or a constraint in a formulation.

getcurkind(formulation, variable)
getcurkind(formulation, varid)

Return the current kind of a variable in a formulation.

getcurlb(formulation, varid)
getcurlb(formulation, var)

Return the current lower bound of a variable in a formulation.

getcurrhs(formulation, constraint)
getcurrhs(formulation, constrid)

Return the current right-hand side of a constraint in a formulation.

getcursense(formulation, varconstr)
getcursense(formulation, varconstrid)

Return the current sense of a variable or a constraint in a formulation. The current sense of a variable depends on its current bounds.

getcurub(formulation, varid)
getcurub(formulation, var)

Return the current upper bound of a variable in a formulation.

getcustomdata(formulation, var)
getcustomdata(formulation, varid)
getcustomdata(formulation, constr)
getcustomdata(formulation, constrid)

Return the custom data of a variable or a constraint in a formulation.

getelem(form, varid) -> Variable
getelem(form, constrid) -> Constraint

Return the element of formulation form that has a given id.

getname(formulation, varconstr)
getname(formulation, varconstrid)

Return the name of a variable or a constraint in a formulation.


Return the objective sense of the master problem of the reformulation. If the master problem has not been defined, it throws an error.

getparent(form) -> AbstractFormulation

Returns the parent formulation of a given formulation. This is usually:

  • the master for a subproblem
  • the reformulation for the master
getperencost(formulation, variable)
getperencost(formulation, varid)

Return the cost as defined by the user of a variable in a formulation.

getperenincval(formulation, varconstrid)
getperenincval(formulation, varconstr)

Return the incumbent value as defined by the user of a variable or a constraint in a formulation. The incumbent value is the primal value associated to a variable or the dual value associated to a constraint.

getperenkind(formulation, varconstr)
getperenkind(formulation, varconstrid)

Return the kind as defined by the user of a variable or a constraint in a formulation.

Kinds of variable (enum VarKind) are Continuous, Binary, or Integ.

Kinds of a constraint (enum ConstrKind) are :

  • Essential when the constraint structures the problem
  • Facultative when the constraint does not structure the problem
  • SubSystem (to do)

The kind of a constraint cannot change.

getperenlb(formulation, varid)
getperenlb(formulation, var)

Return the lower bound as defined by the user of a variable in a formulation.

getperenrhs(formulation, constraint)
getperenrhs(formulation, constrid)

Return the right-hand side as defined by the user of a constraint in a formulation.

getperensense(formulation, varconstr)
getperensense(formulation, varconstrid)

Return the sense as defined by the user of a variable or a constraint in a formulation.

Senses or a variable are (enum VarSense) Positive, Negative, and Free. Senses or a constraint are (enum ConstrSense) Greater, Less, and Equal.

The perennial sense of a variable depends on its perennial bounds.

getperenub(formulation, varid)
getperenub(formulation, var)

Return the upper bound as defined by the user of a variable in a formulation.

getvar(formulation, varid) -> Variable

Returns the variable with given varid that belongs to formulation.

getvars(formulation) -> Dict{VarId, Variable}

Returns all variables in formulation.

in_partial_sol(form, varid)
in_partial_sol(form, variable)

Return true if the variable is in the partial solution; false otherwise.

insert_column!(master_form, primal_sol, name)

Inserts the primal solution primal_sol to a Dantzig-Wolfe subproblem into the master as a column.

Returns var_id the id of the column variable in the master formulation.

Warning: this methods does not check if the column already exists in the pool.

iscuractive(formulation, varconstrid)
iscuractive(formulation, varconstr)

Return true if the variable or the constraint is currently active; false otherwise.

isexplicit(formulation, varconstr)
isexplicit(formulation, varconstrid)

Return true if a variable or a constraint is explicit in a formulation; false otherwise.

isperenactive(formulation, varconstrid)
isperenactive(formulation, varconstr)

Return true if the variable or the constraint is active in the formulation; false otherwise. A variable (or a constraint) is active if it is used in the formulation. You can fake the deletion of the variable by deativate it. This allows you to keep the variable if you want to reactivate it later.


Set the current kind of each active & explicit integer or binary variable of the formulation to continuous.

reset!(form, var)
reset!(form, varid)
reset!(form, constr)
reset!(form, constraint)

doc todo

    formulation, name, duty;
    rhs = 0.0,
    kind = Essential,
    sense = Greater,
    is_active = true,
    is_explicit = true,
    members = nothing,
    loc_art_var_abs_cost = 0.0,

Create a new constraint that has name name and duty duty in the formulation formulation. Following keyword arguments allow the user to set additional information about the new constraint :

  • rhs: right-hand side of the constraint
  • kind: kind which can be Essential or Facultative
  • sense: sense which can be Greater, Less, or Equal
  • is_active: true if the constraint is used in the formulation, false otherwise
  • is_explicit: true if the constraint structures the formulation, false otherwise
  • members: a dictionary Dict{VarId, Float64} that contains the coefficients of the variables of the formulation in the new constraint (default coefficient is 0).
  • loc_art_var_abs_cost: absolute cost of the artificial variables of the constraint
setcurcost!(formulation, varid, cost::Float64)
setcurcost!(formulation, variable, cost::Float64)

Set the current cost of variable in the formulation. If the variable is active and explicit, this change is buffered before application to the subsolver.

setcurincval!(formulation, varconstrid, value::Real)

Set the current incumbent value of a variable or a constraint in a formulation.

setcurkind!(formulation, variable, kind::VarKind)
setcurkind!(formulation, varid, kind::VarKind)

Set the current kind of a variable in a formulation. If the variable is active and explicit, this change is buffered before application to the subsolver

setcurlb!(formulation, varid, lb::Float64)
setcurlb!(formulation, var, lb::Float64)

Set the current lower bound of a variable in a formulation. If the variable is active and explicit, change is buffered before application to the subsolver. If the variable had fixed value, it unfixes the variable.

setcurrhs(formulation, constraint, rhs::Float64)
setcurrhs(formulation, constrid, rhs::Float64)

Set the current right-hand side of a constraint in a formulation. If the constraint is active and explicit, this change is buffered before application to the subsolver.

Warning : if you change the rhs of a single variable constraint, make sure that you perform bound propagation before calling the subsolver of the formulation.

setcursense!(formulation, constr, sense::ConstrSense)
setcursense!(formulation, constrid, sense::ConstrSense)

Set the current sense of a constraint in a formulation.

This method is not applicable to variables because the sense of a variable depends on its bounds.

Warning : if you set the sense of a single var constraint, make sure you perform bound propagation before calling the subsolver of the formulation.

setcurub!(formulation, varid, ub::Float64)
setcurub!(formulation, var, ub::Float64)

Set the current upper bound of a variable in a formulation. If the variable is active and explicit, change is buffered before application to the subsolver. If the variable had fixed value, it unfixes the variable.

setperencost!(formulation, variable, cost)
setperencost!(formulation, varid, cost)

Set the perennial cost of a variable and then propagate change to the current cost of the variable.

setperenkind!(formulation, variable, kind)
setperenkind!(formulation, varid, kind)

Set the perennial kind of a variable in a formulation. This change is then propagated to the current kind of the variable.

setperenlb!(formulation, var, rhs)

Set the perennial lower bound of a variable in a formulation. Change is propagated to the current lower bound of the variable.

setperenrhs!(formulation, constr, rhs)
setperenrhs!(formulation, constrid, rhs)

Set the perennial rhs of a constraint in a formulation. Change is propagated to the current rhs of the constraint.

setperensense!(form, constr, sense)
setperensense!(form, constrid, sense)

Set the perennial sense of a constraint in a formulation. Change is propagated to the current sense of the constraint.

Warning : if you set the sense of a single var constraint, make sure you perform bound propagation before calling the subsolver of the formulation.

setperenub!(formulation, var, rhs)

Set the perennial upper bound of a variable in a formulation. Change is propagated to the current upper bound of the variable.

    formulation, name, duty;
    cost = 0.0,
    lb = -Inf,
    ub = Inf,
    kind = Continuous,
    is_active = true,
    is_explicit = true,
    members = nothing,

Create a new variable that has name name and duty duty in the formulation formulation.

Following keyword arguments allow the user to set additional information about the new variable:

  • cost: cost of the variable in the objective function
  • lb: lower bound of the variable
  • ub: upper bound of the variable
  • kind: kind which can be Continuous, Binary or Integ
  • is_active: true if the variable is used in the formulation, false otherwise
  • is_explicit: true if the variable takes part to the formulation, false otherwise (e.g. a variable used as a shortcut for calculation purposes)
  • members: a dictionary Dict{ConstrId, Float64} that contains the coefficients of the new variable in the constraints of the formulation (default coefficient is 0).

API and high-level implementation of the column generation algorithm in Julia.


Supertype for the objects to which belongs the implementation of the column generation and that stores any kind of information during the execution of the column generation algorithm.

IMPORTANT: implementation of the column generation mainly depends on the context type.


A pricing strategy defines how we iterate on pricing subproblems. A default pricing strategy consists in iterating on all pricing subproblems.

Basically, this object is used like this:

    pricing_strategy = ColGen.get_pricing_strategy(ctx, phase)
    next = ColGen.pricing_strategy_iterate(pricing_strategy)
    while !isnothing(next)
        (sp_id, sp_to_solve), state = next
        # Solve the subproblem `sp_to_solve`.
        next = ColGen.pricing_strategy_iterate(pricing_strategy, state)

Placeholder method called after the column generation iteration. Does nothing by default but can be redefined to print some informations for instance. We strongly advise users against the use of this method to modify the context or the reformulation.


Placeholder method called before the column generation iteration. Does nothing by default but can be redefined to print some informations for instance. We strongly advise users against the use of this method to modify the context or the reformulation.

colgen_iteration_output_type(ctx) -> Type{<:AbstractColGenIterationOutput}

Returns the type of the column generation iteration output associated to the context.

colgen_output_type(ctx) -> Type{<:AbstractColGenOutput}

Returns the type of the column generation output associated to the context.

colgen_phase_outputype(ctx) -> Type{<:AbstractColGenPhaseOutput}

Returns the type of the column generation phase output associated to the context.

compute_dual_bound(ctx, phase, master_lp_obj_val, master_dbs, generated_columns, mast_dual_sol) -> Float64

Caculates the dual bound at a given iteration of column generation. The dual bound is composed of:

  • master_lp_obj_val: objective value of the master LP problem
  • master_dbs: dual values of the pricing subproblems
  • the contribution of the master convexity constraints that you should compute from mast_dual_sol.

Returns an initial dual bound for a pricing subproblem. Default value should be +/- infinite depending on the optimization sense.


Returns an initial primal bound for a pricing subproblem. Default value should be +/- infinite depending on the optimization sense.


Returns the next stage involving a "more exact solver" than the current one. Returns nothing if the algorithm has already reached the exact phase (last phase).


Returns dual bound of the pricing subproblem; nothing if no dual bound is available and the initial dual bound returned by compute_sp_init_db will be used to compute the master dual bound.


Returns the optimal objective value of the master LP problem." See optimize_master_lp_problem!.


Returns primal bound of the pricing subproblem; nothing if no primal bound is available and the initial dual bound returned by compute_sp_init_pb will be used to compute the pseudo dual bound.


Returns the dual solution used for the pricing in the current column generation iteration (stabilized dual solution).


Inserts columns into the master. Returns the number of columns inserted. Implementation is responsible for checking if the column must be inserted and warn the user if something unexpected happens.

new_iteration_output(::Type{<:AbstractColGenIterationOutput}, args...) -> AbstractColGenIterationOutput

Arguments (i.e. arg...) of this function are the following:

  • min_sense: true if the objective is a minimization function; false otherwise
  • mlp: the optimal solution value of the master LP
  • db: the Lagrangian dual bound
  • nb_new_cols: the number of columns inserted into the master
  • new_cut_in_master: true if valid inequalities or new constraints added into the master; false otherwise
  • infeasible_master: true if the master is proven infeasible; false otherwise
  • unbounded_master: true if the master is unbounded; false otherwise
  • infeasible_subproblem: true if a pricing subproblem is proven infeasible; false otherwise
  • unbounded_subproblem: true if a pricing subproblem is unbounded; false otherwise
  • time_limit_reached: true if time limit is reached; false otherwise
  • master_primal_sol: the primal master LP solution
  • ip_primal_sol: the incumbent primal master solution
  • dual_sol: the dual master LP solution
new_output(OutputType, colgen_phase_output) -> OutputType

Returns the column generation output where colgen_phase_output is the output of the last column generation phase executed.

new_phase_output(OutputType, min_sense, phase, stage, colgen_iter_output, iter, inc_dual_bound) -> OutputType

Returns the column generation phase output.

Arguments of this function are:

  • OutputType: the type of the column generation phase output
  • min_sense: true if it is a minimization problem; false otherwise
  • phase: the current column generation phase
  • stage: the current column generation stage
  • col_gen_iter_output: the last column generation iteration output
  • iter: the last iteration number
  • inc_dual_bound: the current incumbent dual bound

Returns the next phase of the column generation algorithm. Returns nothing if the algorithm must stop.

optimize_master_lp_problem!(master, context, env) -> MasterResult

Returns an instance of a custom object MasterResult that implements the following methods:

  • get_obj_val: objective value of the master (mandatory)
  • get_primal_sol: primal solution to the master (optional)
  • get_dual_sol: dual solution to the master (mandatory otherwise column generation stops)

It should at least return a dual solution (obtained with LP optimization or subgradient) otherwise column generation cannot continue.

optimize_pricing_problem!(ctx, sp, env, optimizer, mast_dual_sol) -> PricingResult

Returns a custom object PricingResult that must implement the following functions:

  • get_primal_sols: array of primal solution to the pricing subproblem
  • get_primal_bound: best reduced cost (optional ?)
  • get_dual_bound: dual bound of the pricing subproblem (used to compute the master dual bound)
  • master_dual_sol: dual solution $\pi^{\text{out}}$ to the master problem used to compute the real reduced cost of the column when stabilization is active
pricing_strategy_iterate(pricing_strategy) -> ((sp_id, sp_to_solve), state)
pricing_strategy_iterate(pricing_strategy, state) -> ((sp_id, sp_to_solve), state)

Returns an iterator with the first pricing subproblem that must be optimized. The next subproblem is returned by a call to Base.iterate using the information provided by this method.


Pushes the column in the set of columns generated at a given iteration of the column generation algorithm. Columns stored in the set will then be considered for insertion in the master problem. Returns true if column was inserted in the set, false otherwise.!Method
run!(ctx, env, ip_primal_sol; iter = 1) -> AbstractColGenOutput

Runs the column generation algorithm.

Arguments are:

  • ctx: column generation context
  • env: Coluna environment
  • ip_primal_sol: current best primal solution to the master problem
  • iter: iteration number (default: 1)

This function is responsible for initializing the column generation context, the reformulation, and the stabilization. We iterate on the loop each time the phase or the stage changes.

run_colgen_iteration!(context, phase, stage, env, ip_primal_sol, stab) -> AbstractColGenIterationOutput

Runs an iteration of column generation.

Arguments are:

  • context: column generation context
  • phase: current column generation phase
  • stage: current column generation stage
  • env: Coluna environment
  • ip_primal_sol: current best primal solution to the master problem
  • stab: stabilization
run_colgen_phase!(ctx, phase, stage, env, ip_primal_sol, stab; iter = 1) -> AbstractColGenPhaseOutput

Runs a phase of the column generation algorithm.

Arguments are:

  • ctx: column generation context
  • phase: current column generation phase
  • stage: current column generation stage
  • env: Coluna environment
  • ip_primal_sol: current best primal solution to the master problem
  • stab: stabilization
  • iter: iteration number (default: 1)

This function is responsible for running the column generation iterations until the phase is finished.


Returns an empty container that will store all the columns generated by the pricing problems during an iteration of the column generation algorithm. One must be able to iterate on this container to insert the columns in the master problem.


Returns an instance of a data structure that contain information about the stabilization used in the column generation algorithm.


Updates stabilization after an iteration of the column generation algorithm. Arguments:

  • stab is the stabilization data structure
  • ctx is the column generation context
  • master is the master problem
  • generated_columns is the set of generated columns
  • mast_dual_sol is the dual solution to the master problem
update_stabilization_after_master_optim!(stab, phase, mast_dual_sol) -> Bool

Update stabilization after master optimization where mast_dual_sol is the dual solution to the master problem. Returns true if the stabilization will change the dual solution used for the pricing in the current column generation iteration, false otherwise.


Updates stabilization after pricing optimization where:

  • mast_dual_sol is the dual solution to the master problem
  • pseudo_db is the pseudo dual bound of the problem after optimization of the pricing problems
  • smooth_dual_sol is the current smoothed dual solution

Supertype for algorithms parameters. Data structures that inherit from this type are intented for the users. The convention is to define the data structure together with a constructor that contains only kw args.

For instance:

    struct MyAlgorithmParams <: AbstractAlgorithmParams
        MyAlgorithmParams(; param1::Int = 1, param2::Int = 2) = new(param1, param2)

Returns true if the algorithm will perform changes on the formulation that must be reverted at the end of the execution of the algorithm; false otherwise.!Method
run!(algo::AbstractAlgorithm, env, model, input)

Default method to call an algorithm.

Bound(min, primal)

Create a default primal bound for a problem with objective sense (min or max) in the space (primal or dual).


This datastructure allows us to quickly find solution that shares the same members: variables for primal solutions and constraints for dual solutions.


Solution is an internal data structure of Coluna and should not be used in algorithms. See MathProg.PrimalSolution & MathProg.DualSolution instead.


Create a solution to the model. Other arguments are:

  • decisions is a vector with the index of each decision.
  • values is a vector with the values for each decision.
  • solution_value is the value of the solution.
  • status is the solution status.

Description of the solution statuses:

  • FEASIBLE_SOL : the solution is feasible
  • INFEASIBLE_SOL : the solution is not feasible

If there is no solution or if we don't have information about the solution, the solution status should be :


Theses statuses are the possible reasons why an algorithm stopped the optimization. When a subsolver is called through MOI, the MOI TerminationStatusCode is translated into a Coluna TerminationStatus.

Description of the termination statuses:

  • OPTIMAL : the algorithm found a global optimal solution given the optimality tolerance
  • INFEASIBLE : the algorithm proved infeasibility
  • UNBOUNDED : the algorithm proved unboundedness
  • TIME_LIMIT : the algorithm stopped because of the time limit
  • NODE_LIMIT : the branch-and-bound based algorithm stopped due to the node limit
  • OTHER_LIMIT : the algorithm stopped because of a limit that is neither the time limit

nor the node limit

If the algorithm has not been called, the default value of the termination status should be:


If the conversion of a MOI.TerminationStatusCode returns UNCOVERED_TERMINATION_STATUS, Coluna should stop because it enters in an undefined behavior.

convert_status(status::MOI.TerminationStatusCode) -> Coluna.TerminationStatus
convert_status(status::Coluna.TerminationStatus) -> MOI.TerminationStatusCode
convert_status(status::MOI.ResultStatusCode) -> Coluna.SolutionStatus
convert_status(status::Coluna.SolutionStatus) -> MOI.ResultStatusCode

Convert a termination or solution status of a given type to the corresponding status in another type. This method is used to communicate between Coluna and MathOptInterface.

create_record(storage, storage_unit_type)

Returns a Record that contains a description of the state of the storage unit at the time when the method is called.

diff(pb, db)
diff(db, pb)

Distance between a primal bound and a dual bound that have the same objective sense. Distance is non-positive if dual bound reached primal bound.

isbetter(b1, b2)

Returns true if bound b1 is better than bound b2. The function take into account the space (primal or dual) and the objective sense (min, max) of the bounds.

printbounds(db, pb [, io])

Prints the lower and upper bound according to the objective sense.

Can receive io::IO as an input, to eventually output the print to a file or buffer.

@nestedenum block_expression

Create a NestedEnum subtype such as :


DocTestSetup = quote
    using Coluna
Coluna.ColunaBase.@nestedenum begin 
    ItemA <= TypeOfItem
        ChildA1 <= ItemA
            GrandChildA11 <= ChildA1
            GrandChildA12 <= ChildA1
        ChildA2 <= ItemA
    ItemB <= TypeOfItem
    ItemC <= TypeOfItem

# output

Create a nested enumeration with items ItemA, ChildA1, ChildA2, GrandChildA11, GrandChildA12, ItemB, and ItemC of type TypeOfItem. The operator <= indicates the parent of the item.

julia> GrandChildA11 <= ItemA
julia> GrandChildA11 <= ItemC
DocTestSetup = nothing
    solver = Coluna.Algorithm.TreeSearchAlgorithm(),
    global_art_var_cost = 10e6,
    local_art_var_cost = 10e4

Parameters of Coluna :

  • solver is the algorithm used to optimize the reformulation.
  • global_art_var_cost is the cost of the global artificial variables in the master
  • local_art_var_cost is the cost of the local artificial variables in the master

Make sure that all variables and constraints of the original formulation are annotated. Otherwise, it returns an error.


Reformulate the original formulation of prob according to the annotations. The environment maintains formulation ids.


Input of a divide algorithm used by the tree search algorithm. Contains the parent node in the search tree for which children should be generated.


Supertype of selection criteria of branching candidates.

A selection criterion provides a way to keep only the most promising branching candidates. To create a new selection criterion, one needs to create a subtype of AbstractSelectionCriterion and implements the method select_candidates!.


Input of a branching rule (branching separation algorithm) Contains current solution, max number of candidates and local candidate id.


Output of a branching rule (branching separation algorithm) It contains the branching candidates generated and the updated local id value

generate_children!(branching_context, branching_candidate, lhs, env, reform, node)

This method generates the children of a node described by branching_candidate.


Returns the conquer algorithm used to evaluate the candidate's children at a given strong branching phase.

new_divide_output(children::Union{Vector{N}, Nothing}) where {N} -> AbstractDivideOutput


  • N is the type of nodes generated by the branching algorithm.

If no nodes are found, the generic implementation may provide nothing.


Exposes @mustimplement macro to help developers identifying API definitions.

@mustimplement "Interface name" f(a,b,c) = nothing

Converts into a fallback for function f(a,b,c) that throws a IncompleteInterfaceError.