
What is the width of the literal text stored in node and all of it's child nodes. Used to determine alignment for rendering nodes such as centered.


Literal printing of a of parts. Behaviour depends on when .wrap is active at the moment, which is set in Paragraph rendering.


Print out all the current segments present in the margin buffer.

Each time a segment gets printed it's count is reduced. When a segment has a count of zero it won't be printed and instead spaces equal to it's width are printed. For persistent printing a count of -1 should be used.


Adds a new segment to the margin buffer, but will only print out for the given number of count calls to print_margin. After count calls it will instead print out spaces equal to the width of text.


Adds a new segment to the margin buffer. This segment is persistent and thus will print on every margin print.


Adds new segmant to the margin buffer. count determines how many time initial is printed. After that, the width of rest is printed instead.


A string macro for markdown text that implements standard string interpolation. Returns a parsed markdown AST with the values of the interpolation expressions embedded in the AST.

value = "interpolated"
cm"Some *$(value)* text."

The default syntax rules used for parsing are:

  • AdmonitionRule
  • AttributeRule
  • AutoIdentifierRule
  • CitationRule
  • FootnoteRule
  • MathRule
  • RawContentRule
  • TableRule
  • TypographyRule

which matches closely with the default syntax supported in Markdown.@md_str.


The DollarMathRule is not enabled since it conflicts with the interpolation syntax. Use double backticks and math language literal blocks for maths that is provided by the MathRule.

A custom Parser can be invoked when using cm"" by providing a suffix to the macro call, for example:

more = "more"
cm"Some **$(uppercase(more))** text."none

where the suffixed none will invoke a basic Parser with no additional syntax rules enabled!. To use your own custom parser, for example to only enable the TypographyRule, you can suffix the call with a named function from the current module's global scope that returns the Parser object with the required rules enabled:

custom() = enable!(Parser(), TypographyRule())

It can then be used as

str = "custom"
cm"A '$(titlecase(str))' parser..."custom