Reliability Model of a Work Crew

This is an extended example using a reliability model.

using ColorSchemes
using Distributions
using CompetingClocks
using Logging
using Plots
using Random
using StatsPlots


The classic model for reliability is of a machine that is either working or broken. There is a distribution of failure times and a distribution of repair times [1]. Let's extend this idea to the reliability of a vehicle motor pool.

  1. There are 16 vehicles.
  2. Every morning, 10 vehicles go out for work. They all leave in the first 15 mins.
  3. Each vehicle works at least half a day, at most the whole day.
  4. While working, a vehicle can break, where the chance of breaking depends on the total time since it was last repaired.
  5. There is a distribution of repair times.

Number two, above, says that vehicles start in the first 15 minutes. This plan will initiate ten transitions in rapid succession. We could, instead, start all ten vehicles at the same time, using a single transition. Either would work.

CompetingClocks will take care of the timing of all of the events, but we will see that there is plenty of work to track the state of all of the vehicles. This extended example shows that, if we wanted to create more reliability models, it would make sense to create a framework for reliability modeling, one that uses CompetingClocks underneath.

Define State for the Model

If we think about an individual vehicle, the states are ready, working, or broken.

@enum IndividualState ready working broken

There are four allowed tansitions among the three states because a vehicle breaks only while it's working.

const IndividualTransitions = Dict(
    :work => (ready, working),
    :done => (working, ready),
    :break => (working, broken),
    :repair => (broken, ready)

An individual has state and parameters. In the language of generalized semi-Markov processes, this state is called the physical state in order to distinguish it from the state of each enabled transition for each vehicle.

mutable struct Individual
    # State for the individual
    work_age::Float64 ## How an individual remembers its total work leading to breaks.
    transition_start::Float64  ## This is bookkeeping.
    # Parameters for the individual
    Individual(work, fail, repair) = new(
        ready, 0.0, 0.0, work, fail, repair

The simulation as a whole is the state of the individuals and the system time. We put some parameters here:

  • workers_max - Each morning, this many vehicles start driving, if at least this many vehicles are ready, instead of broken.
  • start_time - Vehicles start in the first 15 min or so, and this is that 15 min.
mutable struct Experiment
    # Each day the group tries to start `workers_max` workers.
    Experiment(group::Vector, crew_size::Int, rng) = new(0.0, group, crew_size, 0.01, rng)

Make a simulation by making individuals.

function Experiment(individual_cnt::Int, crew_size::Int, rng)
    done_rate = LogUniform(.8, 0.99) # Gamma(9.0, 0.2)
    break_rate = LogNormal(1.5, 0.4)
    repair_rate = Weibull(1.0, 2.0)
    workers = [Individual(done_rate, break_rate, repair_rate) for _ in 1:individual_cnt]
    Experiment(workers, crew_size, rng)

And make some helpers. The key_type says that we will track transitions using a tuple of (index of vehicle, symbol to identify the transition).

key_type(::Experiment) = Tuple{Int,Symbol};
worker_cnt(experiment::Experiment) = size(, 1);

Define Transitions for the Model

If we were modeling one individual, transitions would be very simple, but by asking that ten vehicles work every morning, we require that those individuals interact.

One way to think clearly about interactions is to think about the state of the whole system. If less than ten vehicles are currently working, then every ready vehicle must have an enabled transition to start work at the next available time. Once the tenth vehicle begins working, all of those transitions need to be disabled.

It's implied that the start of each day happens at 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc. When a vehicle becomes ready, or when the total working vehicles drops below ten, then each ready vehicle could work at a future time. This function takes in the current time and returns two times, relative to the current time, between which the vehicle can start work.

function next_work_time(now, fifteen_minutes)
    hour = now - floor(now)
    if hour < fifteen_minutes ## If vehicles are still going out today.
        return 0.0, fifteen_minutes - hour
    else ## You can't start until tomorrow.
        return one(hour) - hour, one(hour) + fifteen_minutes - hour

Now we handle simulation events. This function's complexity is an argument for using a framework like a queueing model, a generalized stochastic Petri net, or some other continuous-time simulation framework.

The arguments are:

  • when - The time of the next event.
  • (who, transition) - This expands the key_type, which identifies the transition.
  • experiment - It's our simulation data.
  • sampler - This is a CompetingClocks.SSA from CompetingClocks to enable and disable transitions.

The first few statements of the function are automatic for any transition. Then this handler works through the transition types.

function handle_event(when, (who, transition), experiment, sampler)
    start_state, finish_state = IndividualTransitions[transition]
    individual =[who]
    @assert individual.state == start_state
    individual.state = finish_state
    experiment.time = when
    disable!(sampler, (who, transition), when)

    # If a vehicle is done work, or if they break, then include the time worked
    # in their total work age.
    if start_state == working
        work_duration = when - individual.transition_start
        @debug "Adding $work_duration to $who"
        individual.work_age += work_duration

    # The state of the system, as a whole, depends on the total number
    # currently working.
    worker_cnt = count(w.state == working for w in
    need_workers = worker_cnt < experiment.workers_max
    max_hour = experiment.start_time

    # When an individual was working, there were two possible transitions,
    # one to `ready`, and one to `broken`. Don't forget to disable the `:break`
    # transition. Then schedule the next day's work only if the system has less
    # than ten working.
    if transition == :done
        disable!(sampler, (who, :break), when)
        if need_workers
            rate = Uniform(next_work_time(when, max_hour)...)
            enable!(sampler, (who, :work), rate, when, when, experiment.rng)
            @debug "schedule $who for $rate"

    # A `:repair` transition can happen at any time, including during the first
    # fifteen minutes of a day.
    elseif transition == :repair
        if need_workers
            rate = Uniform(next_work_time(when, max_hour)...)
            enable!(sampler, (who, :work), rate, when, when, experiment.rng)
            @debug "schedule $who for $rate"

    # The `:work` transition represents a vehicle going out to work for the day.
    # This enables two possible transitions, finishing work or breaking. The
    # breaking transition is interesting because it has what Zimmerman [2] calls
    # "memory." It remembers how long it was previously enabled
    elseif transition == :work
        # enable :done and :break
        enable!(sampler, (who, :done), individual.done_dist, when, when, experiment.rng)
        # Time shift this distribution to the left because it remembers
        # the time already worked.
        past_work = when - individual.work_age
        enable!(sampler, (who, :break), individual.fail_dist, past_work, when, experiment.rng)
        @debug "schedule $who for done or break"

    # When a vehicle breaks, the only option is to repair it. This resets the work age.
    elseif transition == :break
        # If you broke, you don't get to finish your work.
        disable!(sampler, (who, :done), when)
        individual.work_age = zero(Float64)
        enable!(sampler, (who, :repair), individual.repair_dist, when, when, experiment.rng)
        @debug "schedule $who for repair"

        @assert transition ∈ keys(IndividualTransitions)
    individual.transition_start = when

    # We haven't handled how we ensure that at most ten vehicles start work every
    # morning. For that, we need to think about the system as a whole, explicitly
    # by looking at the current worker count and whether it crossed the threshold of
    # ten workers.
    # If a vehicle just started and is the tenth worker, then cancel the ability of
    # all other vehicles to work.
    if transition == :work && worker_cnt == experiment.workers_max
        notnow = Int[]
        for too_many in [widx for (widx, w) in enumerate( if w.state == ready]
            # You don't start today.
            disable!(sampler, (too_many, :work), when)
            push!(notnow, too_many)
        @debug "Unscheduling $notnow"

    # If a vehicle stopped work, either by finishing or breaking, and it was the
    # first of the work crew to quit, then notify all `ready` vehicles that they
    # should start work at the start of the next morning.
    elseif transition ∈ (:done, :break) && worker_cnt == experiment.workers_max - 1
        rate = Uniform(next_work_time(when, max_hour)...)
        upnext = Int[]
        for next_chance in [widx for (widx, w) in enumerate( if w.state == ready]
            if next_chance != who
                enable!(sampler, (next_chance, :work), rate, when, when, experiment.rng)
                push!(upnext, next_chance)
        @debug "scheduling $upnext for $rate"

Configure the Model

For anything other than an example, the most important step would be configuring the model so that it matches observations. Here, however, we have put this directly into the Experiment type. Here is a plot of the distributions.

function show_distributions()
    experiment = Experiment(16, 10, Xoshiro(9378424))

    plot([1].done_dist, label="Done")
    plot!([1].fail_dist, label="Break")
    plot!([1].repair_dist, label="Repair")
    title!("Distributions for Transitions")

The short blue line in the upper-left is the probability distribution function for a LogUniform distribution that represents the time a vehicle drives on a single day. You can see that these vehicles break about once a week and take a couple of days to repair, on average.

Run the Simulation

Running a simulation means we are sampling from the stochastic process. For a continuous-time stochastic process like this, that means asking the sampler when the next transition is and which transition it is. If there are no possible transitions, the next time will be infinite and the chosen transition will be nothing.

function run(experiment::Experiment, observation, days)
    sampler = FirstToFire{key_type(experiment),Float64}()
    rng = experiment.rng
    rate = Uniform(next_work_time(0.0, experiment.start_time)...)
    for initial in 1:length(
        enable!(sampler, (initial, :work), rate, 0.0, 0.0, rng)
    when, which = next(sampler, experiment.time, rng)
    while isfinite(when) && when < days
        # We use different observers to record the simulation.
        observe(experiment, observation, when, which)
        @debug "$when $which"
        handle_event(when, which, experiment, sampler)
        when, which = next(sampler, experiment.time, rng)
run (generic function with 1 method)


Without care, data collection from continuous-time simulation can generate a lot of data quickly. In many cases, especially for performance analysis, not every event time and transition is important. Therefore, to avoid saving the raw data stream, we use observers of the system to summarize that data. Construction of observers is important as it connects the simulation to tools or analyses that may be used to guide decision-making. It also identifies which variables and metrics are most important.

Let's look at a few examples for the vehicle crew.

Continuous-time Summary Observer

The first example will record data at every transition, but it will record only the total number of working or broken vehicles.

This represents a single time point.

struct ContinuousRec

The observer stores a vector of those single time points.

mutable struct ObserveContinuous
    ObserveContinuous() = new([ContinuousRec(0, 0, 0.0, 0.0)])

This observer keeps a running sum of the number working and broken. Note that it has to know how different transitions change those numbers. The relationship between the transition and how it changes counts is called stochiometry (or stoichiometry), because it was first observed for chemical simulations. Both chemical simualtions and GSPN would have this information encoded in a formal model.

function observe(experiment::Experiment, observation::ObserveContinuous, when, which)
    who, transition = which
    working = observation.state[end].working
    broken = observation.state[end].broken
    if transition == :work
        working += 1
    elseif transition == :done
        working -= 1
    elseif transition == :break
        broken += 1
        working -= 1
    elseif transition == :repair
        broken -= 1
        @assert transition ∈ (:work, :done, :break, :repair)
    total_age = sum(w.work_age for w in
    push!(observation.state, ContinuousRec(working, broken, total_age, when))

This plot shows a timeline of the count of working and broken vehicles over five days.

function plot_timeline(obs::ObserveContinuous, experiment::Experiment)
    state = obs.state
    last_time = state[end].time
    first_idx = findlast([x.time < last_time - 5 for x in state])
    times = [x.time for x in state[first_idx:end]]
    times .-= 4009
    working = [x.working for x in state[first_idx:end]]
    broken = [x.broken for x in state[first_idx:end]]
    ready = [worker_cnt(experiment) - x.working - x.broken for x in state[first_idx:end]]
    plot(times, working, label="working", line=(:steppost, 2))
    plot!(times, broken, label="broken", line=(:steppost, 2))
    xlabel!("Time [days]")
    ylabel!("Status [count]")
    title!("Timeline of Work Crew Over Five Days")

function show_typical_timeline()
    rng = Xoshiro(9234232)
    years = 11
    day_cnt = 365 * years
    worker_cnt = 16
    experiment = Experiment(worker_cnt, 10, rng)
    observation = ObserveContinuous()
    run(experiment, observation, day_cnt)

    plot_timeline(observation, experiment)

Once-a-day Observation of the Working State

Suppose that we want to match our simulation to observation data that counts, every day, how many vehicles went out and how many were broken that morning. This observer records that status each day.

mutable struct ObserveLots
    ObserveLots(day_cnt, individual_cnt) = new(
        zeros(Int64, 2, day_cnt),
        zeros(Int64, day_cnt),
        zeros(Float64, day_cnt),
        zeros(Float64, individual_cnt)

days(observation::ObserveLots) = size(observation.status, 2);

This observer waits until the current transition time is just after the first 15min of the day. Then it records every vehicle's status.

function observe(experiment::Experiment, observation::ObserveLots, when, which)
    who, transition = which
    day_idx = Int(floor(when))
    if transition == :work
        observation.started_today[day_idx + 1] += 1
    elseif transition == :repair
        observation.broken_duration[who] += when -[who].transition_start
    day_start = Int(floor(experiment.time + next_work_time(experiment.time, experiment.start_time)[1]))
    next_start = Int(floor(when + next_work_time(when, experiment.start_time)[1]))
    if day_start != next_start
        worker_cnt = count(w.state == working for w in
        broken_cnt = count(w.state == broken for w in
        work_ages = sum(w.work_age for w in
        for rec_idx in day_start:next_start - 1
            observation.status[1, 1 + rec_idx] = worker_cnt
            observation.status[2, 1 + rec_idx] = broken_cnt
            observation.total_age[1 + rec_idx] = work_ages

Now we can use this observer to make a plot.

function walk_simulation()
    day_cnt = 20
    experiment = Experiment(16, 10, Xoshiro(979798))
    observation = ObserveLots(day_cnt, worker_cnt(experiment))
    run(experiment, observation, day_cnt)
    plot(1:day_cnt, observation.status[2, :], seriestype=:scatter, label="repair",
    plot!(1:day_cnt, observation.status[1, :], seriestype=:scatter, label="working")
    title!("Number Working or in Repair")

Distribution of Broken Vehicles and Probability of Missing Crew

If we were focused more on the small probability that there wouldn't be enough vehicles in the morning to start a full ten, then we want to understand the histogram of how many vehicles are broken on any given day.

mutable struct ObserveHistogram
    ObserveHistogram(e::Experiment, burn) = new(
        zeros(Int64, e.workers_max + 1, worker_cnt(e) + 1), 0, 0, burn)
must_work(o::ObserveHistogram) = size(o.counts, 1)
total_workers(o::ObserveHistogram) = size(o.counts, 2)

function observe(experiment::Experiment, observation::ObserveHistogram, when, which)
    if when > observation.burn
        day_start = Int(floor(experiment.time + next_work_time(experiment.time, experiment.start_time)[1]))
        next_start = Int(floor(when + next_work_time(when, experiment.start_time)[1]))
        if day_start != next_start
            observation.counts[observation.working + 1, observation.broken + 1] += 1

    who, transition = which
    if transition == :work
        observation.working += 1
    elseif transition == :done
        observation.working -= 1
    elseif transition == :break
        observation.broken += 1
        observation.working -= 1
    elseif transition == :repair
        observation.broken -= 1
        @assert transition ∈ (:work, :done, :break, :repair)

This observer will help us see what happens if we keep the same total number of vehicles but send more out each day for work.

function compare_across_workers(obs::Vector{ObserveHistogram}, labels, title)
    firstplot = true
    cols = palette(:tableau_20, length(obs))
    for (obs_idx, observation) in enumerate(obs)
        worker_cnt = total_workers(observation)
        broken = vec(sum(observation.counts, dims=1))
        cnt = findlast(broken .> 0)
        normed = broken[1:cnt] / sum(broken)
        if firstplot
            firstplot = false
            plot(1:cnt, normed, color=cols[obs_idx], seriestype=:scatter, markersize=2.5, label=false)
            plot!(1:cnt, normed, color=cols[obs_idx], label=labels[obs_idx], legendtitle="Crew Size")
            plot!(1:cnt, normed, color=cols[obs_idx], seriestype=:scatter, markersize=2.5, label=false)
            plot!(1:cnt, normed, color=cols[obs_idx], label=labels[obs_idx])
    xlabel!("Count of Broken")
    ylabel!("Probability Mass")

function show_competition_effect()
    rng = Xoshiro(4377124)
    observations = ObserveHistogram[]
    labels = String[]
    years = 10
    day_cnt = 365 * years
    worker_cnt = 20
    for must_work in [1, 5, 10, 15, 20]
        experiment = Experiment(worker_cnt, must_work, rng)
        burn = min(day_cnt ÷ 10, 3650)
        observation = ObserveHistogram(experiment, burn)
        run(experiment, observation, day_cnt)
        push!(observations, observation)
        push!(labels, string(must_work))

    compare_across_workers(observations, labels, "Number Broken as Crew Increases")


  1. Limnios, Nikolaos, and Gheorghe Oprisan. Semi-Markov processes and reliability. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.

  2. Zimmermann, Armin. Stochastic discrete event systems. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 2007.

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