
Object used to track various metrics related to compilation successes and failures for later introspection.

For example, you might want to test or assert that all or at least a certain number of traces were successfully compiled.

Public fields:

  • succeeded: the number of statements that successfully compiled.
  • failed: the number of statements that failed to compile.
  • skipped: the number of statements that were avoided due to limitations in compilation. This should be very rare, and related to overloaded Vararg or despecialized arguments.
  • total: the number of statements that were processed. This is the sum of all three other fields.
compile_traces(mod::Module, trace_files::AbstractString...; verbose=false, progress=true, warn=false, inline=false)
compile_traces(mod::Module, trace_files::AbstractVector{<:AbstractString}; verbose=false, progress=true, warn=false, inline=false)

Execute a set of precompile statements from one or more trace files, returning a CompilationMetrics result.

Trace file paths will be roughly OS-normalized, substituting '/' with '\' on Windows.

verbose = false implies progress = false. Turn off progress = false when \r is not well supported, i.e. in CI.

warn = true will emit a warning upon failure to precompile a given statement.

Certain options may be overriden by environment variables. These variables are of the form JULIA_COMPILE_TRACES_<OPTION>, and operate similarly to JULIA_DEBUG: the value of these variables is a coma-separated list of modules, and the corresponding option will be enabled for any module appearing in the list. Available options are:

  • JULIA_COMPILE_TRACES_VERBOSE: set value of the verbose boolean parameter to true for specified modules.
  • JULIA_COMPILE_TRACES_WARN: set value of the warn boolean parameter to true for specified modules.

For example, JULIA_COMPILE_TRACES_WARN=PackageA,PackageB will forcefully set the parameter warn to true when called with a mod::Module argument whose name is eitehr PackageA or PackageB.

If inline is set to true, the precompile(...) directives will be executed in mod; otherwise, a new module is created inside mod, with a special namespace which allows referring to any module loaded in the Julia session. Which value to use for inline will depend on the format of trace files, which may be in one of two formats depending on how they were generated:

  • Trace files generated by the command-line option --trace-file=<file>: they require the use of inline = false. All functions and most types are prefixed with their defining module, e.g. Base.collect, Base.getindex, etc. regardless of the scope in which code was evaluated.
  • Trace files generated by SnoopCompile.jl using SnoopCompile.parcel and later SnoopCompile.write: they require the use of inline = true. All functions and types are assumed to be in the scope of the package for which traces were generated.

The difference between the two formats is the scope assumed to be used when later executing the precompile directives. All trace files must be in the same format, but you can make two calls to compile_traces where each uses trace files of a different format.


If the traces are meant to be compiled during package precompilation, then mod must be the module being precompiled (i.e. @__MODULE__). Otherwise, you will get the unfamous error:

ERROR: LoadError: Evaluation into the closed module <mod> breaks incremental compilation because the side effects will not be permanent. This is likely due to some other module mutating <mod> with eval during precompilation - don't do this.

Only the statements which are bound to known modules and types will be compiled. However, when using precompile statements from --trace-file=<file>, it is sufficient that top-level packages or modules are loaded in the session; if package A uses a type for B, B will already have been loaded with A, and so will be known to the session.

If generating a trace file from a script which includes types and functions defined in Main, it may be good practice to filter out traces which contain Main.. Otherwise warnings will be raised, unless you really are compiling functions and types that are defined in the running session.


Compile traces by calling compile_traces with @__MODULE__ as first argument. See the documentation of compile_traces for more information.

Non-absolute literal strings for trace file paths will be expanded relative to the directory of the source location.

Keyword arguments can be parsed in any order in the form name = value.