— ModuleComplexityMeasures.jl
ComplexityMeasures.jl is a Julia-based software for calculating 1000s of various kinds of probabilities, entropies, and other so-called complexity measures from a single-variable input datasets. For relational measures across many input datasets see its extension CausalityTools.jl. If you are a user of other programming languages (Python, R, MATLAB, ...), you can still use ComplexityMeasures.jl due to Julia's interoperability. For example, for Python use juliacall
A careful comparison with alternative widely used software shows that ComplexityMeasures.jl outclasses the alternatives in several objective aspects of comparison, such as computational performance, overall amount of measures, reliability, and extendability. See the associated publication for more details.
The key features that it provides can be summarized as:
- A rigorous framework for extracting probabilities from data, based on the mathematical formulation of probability spaces.
- Several (12+) outcome spaces, i.e., ways to discretize data into probabilities.
- Several estimators for estimating probabilities given an outcome space, which correct theoretically known estimation biases.
- Several definitions of information measures, such as various flavours of entropies (Shannon, Tsallis, Curado...), extropies, and other complexity measures, that are used in the context of nonlinear dynamics, nonlinear timeseries analysis, and complex systems.
- Several discrete and continuous (differential) estimators for entropies, which correct theoretically known estimation biases.
- An extendable interface and well thought out API accompanied by dedicated developer documentation. This makes it trivial to define new outcome spaces, or new estimators for probabilities, information measures, or complexity measures and integrate them with everything else in the software without boilerplate code.
ComplexityMeasures.jl can be used as a standalone package, or as part of other projects in the JuliaDynamics organization, such as DynamicalSystems.jl or CausalityTools.jl.
To install it, run import Pkg; Pkg.add("ComplexityMeasures")
All further information is provided in the documentation, which you can either find online or build locally by running the docs/make.jl
Previously, this package was called Entropies.jl.
— Constantconst our_abstract_types
The types from out package which we want to pretty-print.
— TypeAbstractBinning
Supertype encompassing RectangularBinning
and FixedRectangularBinning
— TypeAddConstant <: ProbabilitiesEstimator
AddConstant(; c = 1.0)
A generic add-constant probabilities estimator for counting-based OutcomeSpace
s, where several literature estimators can be obtained tuning c
. Currently $c$ can only be a scalar.
c = 1.0
is the Laplace estimator, or the "add-one" estimator.
Probabilities for the $k$-th outcome $\omega_{k}$ are estimated as
\[p(\omega_k) = \dfrac{(n_k + c)}{n + mc},\]
where $m$ is the cardinality of the outcome space, and $n$ is the number of (encoded) input data points, and $n_k$ is the number of times the outcome $\omega_{k}$ is observed in the (encoded) input data points.
If the AddConstant
estimator used with probabilities_and_outcomes
, then $m$ is set to the number of observed outcomes. If used with allprobabilities_and_outcomes
, then $m$ is set to the number of possible outcomes.
Looking at the formula above, if $n_k = 0$, then unobserved outcomes are assigned a non-zero probability of $\dfrac{c}{n + mc}$. This means that if the estimator is used with allprobabilities_and_outcomes
, then all outcomes, even those that are not observed, are assigned non-zero probabilities. This might affect your results if using e.g. missing_outcomes
— TypeAlizadehArghami <: DifferentialInfoEstimator
AlizadehArghami(definition = Shannon(); m::Int = 1)
The AlizadehArghami
estimator computes the Shannon
differential information
of a timeseries using the method from Alizadeh2010, with logarithms to the base
specified in definition
The AlizadehArghami
estimator belongs to a class of differential entropy estimators based on order statistics. It only works for timeseries input.
Assume we have samples $\bar{X} = \{x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_N \}$ from a continuous random variable $X \in \mathbb{R}$ with support $\mathcal{X}$ and density function$f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$. AlizadehArghami
estimates the Shannon
differential entropy
\[H(X) = \int_{\mathcal{X}} f(x) \log f(x) dx = \mathbb{E}[-\log(f(X))].\]
However, instead of estimating the above integral directly, it makes use of the equivalent integral, where $F$ is the distribution function for $X$:
\[H(X) = \int_0^1 \log \left(\dfrac{d}{dp}F^{-1}(p) \right) dp.\]
This integral is approximated by first computing the order statistics of $\bar{X}$ (the input timeseries), i.e. $x_{(1)} \leq x_{(2)} \leq \cdots \leq x_{(n)}$. The AlizadehArghami
differential entropy estimate is then the the Vasicek
estimate $\hat{H}_{V}(\bar{X}, m, n)$, plus a correction factor
\[\hat{H}_{A}(\bar{X}, m, n) = \hat{H}_{V}(\bar{X}, m, n) + \dfrac{2}{n}\left(m \log(2) \right).\]
See also: information
, Correa
, Ebrahimi
, Vasicek
, DifferentialInfoEstimator
— TypeAmplitudeAwareOrdinalPatterns <: OutcomeSpace
AmplitudeAwareOrdinalPatterns{m}(τ = 1, A = 0.5, lt = ComplexityMeasures.isless_rand)
A variant of OrdinalPatterns
that also incorporates amplitude information, based on the amplitude-aware permutation entropy Azami2016. The outcome space and arguments are the same as in OrdinalPatterns
Similarly to WeightedOrdinalPatterns
, a weight $w_i$ is attached to each ordinal pattern extracted from each state (or delay) vector $\mathbf{x}_i = (x_1^i, x_2^i, \ldots, x_m^i)$ as
\[w_i = \dfrac{A}{m} \sum_{k=1}^m |x_k^i | + \dfrac{1-A}{d-1} \sum_{k=2}^d |x_{k}^i - x_{k-1}^i|,\]
with $0 \leq A \leq 1$. When $A=0$ , only internal differences between the elements of $\mathbf{x}_i$ are weighted. Only mean amplitude of the state vector elements are weighted when $A=1$. With, $0<A<1$, a combined weighting is used.
— TypeApproximateEntropy <: ComplexityEstimator
ApproximateEntropy([x]; r = 0.2std(x), kwargs...)
An estimator for the approximate entropy Pincus1991 complexity measure, used with complexity
The keyword argument r
is mandatory if an input timeseries x
is not provided.
Keyword arguments
: The radius used when querying for nearest neighbors around points. Its value should be determined from the input data, for example as some proportion of the standard deviation of the data.m::Int = 2
: The embedding dimension.τ::Int = 1
: The embedding lag.base::Real = MathConstants.e
: The base to use for the logarithm. Pincus (1991) uses the natural logarithm.
Approximate entropy (ApEn) is defined as
\[ApEn(m ,r) = \lim_{N \to \infty} \left[ \phi(x, m, r) - \phi(x, m + 1, r) \right].\]
Approximate entropy is estimated for a timeseries x
, by first embedding x
using embedding dimension m
and embedding lag τ
, then searching for similar vectors within tolerance radius r
, using the estimator described below, with logarithms to the given base
(natural logarithm is used in Pincus, 1991).
Specifically, for a finite-length timeseries x
, an estimator for $ApEn(m ,r)$ is
\[ApEn(m, r, N) = \phi(x, m, r, N) - \phi(x, m + 1, r, N),\]
where N = length(x)
\[\phi(x, k, r, N) = \dfrac{1}{N-(k-1)\tau} \sum_{i=1}^{N - (k-1)\tau} \log{\left( \sum_{j = 1}^{N-(k-1)\tau} \dfrac{\theta(d({\bf x}_i^m, {\bf x}_j^m) \leq r)}{N-(k-1)\tau} \right)}.\]
Here, $\theta(\cdot)$ returns 1 if the argument is true and 0 otherwise, $d({\bf x}_i, {\bf x}_j)$ returns the Chebyshev distance between vectors ${\bf x}_i$ and ${\bf x}_j$, and the k
-dimensional embedding vectors are constructed from the input timeseries $x(t)$ as
\[{\bf x}_i^k = (x(i), x(i+τ), x(i+2τ), \ldots, x(i+(k-1)\tau)).\]
In the original paper, they fix τ = 1
. In our implementation, the normalization constant is modified to account for embeddings with τ != 1
— TypeBayesianRegularization <: ProbabilitiesEstimator
BayesianRegularization(; a = 1.0)
The BayesianRegularization
estimator is used with probabilities
and related functions to estimate probabilities an m
-element counting-based OutcomeSpace
using Bayesian regularization of cell counts Hausser2009. See ProbabilitiesEstimator
for usage.
Outcome space requirements
This estimator only works with counting-compatible outcome spaces.
The BayesianRegularization
estimator estimates the probability of the $k$-th outcome $\omega_{k}$ is
\[\omega_{k}^{\text{BayesianRegularization}} = \dfrac{n_k + a_k}{n + A},\]
where $n$ is the number of samples in the input data, $n_k$ is the observed counts for the outcome $\omega_{k}$, and $A = \sum_{i=1}^k a_k$.
Picking a
There are many common choices of priors, some of which are listed in Hausser2009. They include
a == 0
, which is equivalent to theRelativeAmount
estimator.a == 0.5
(Jeffrey's prior)a == 1
(Bayes-Laplace uniform prior)
can also be chosen as a vector of real numbers. Then, if used with allprobabilities_and_outcomes
, it is required that length(a) == total_outcomes(o, x)
, where x
is the input data and o
is the OutcomeSpace
. If used with probabilities
, then length(a)
must match the number of observed outcomes (you can check this using probabilities_and_outcomes
). The choice of a
can severely impact the estimation errors of the probabilities, and the errors depend both on the choice of a
and on the sampling scenario Hausser2009.
The BayesianRegularization
estimator assumes a fixed and known m
. Thus, using it with probabilities_and_outcomes
and allprobabilities_and_outcomes
will yield different results, depending on whether all outcomes are observed in the input data or not. For probabilities_and_outcomes
, m
is the number of observed outcomes. For allprobabilities_and_outcomes
, m = total_outcomes(o, x)
, where o
is the OutcomeSpace
and x
is the input data.
If used with allprobabilities_and_outcomes
, then outcomes which have not been observed may be assigned non-zero probabilities. This might affect your results if using e.g. missing_outcomes
using ComplexityMeasures
x = cumsum(randn(100))
ps_bayes = probabilities(BayesianRegularization(a = 0.5), OrdinalPatterns{3}(), x)
See also: RelativeAmount
, Shrinkage
— TypeBubbleEntropy <: ComplexityEstimator
BubbleEntropy(; m = 3, τ = 1, definition = Renyi(q = 2))
The BubbleEntropy
complexity estimator Manis2017 is just a difference between two entropies, each computed with the BubbleSortSwaps
outcome space, for embedding dimensions m + 1
and m
, respectively.
Manis2017 use the Renyi
entropy of order q = 2
as the information measure definition
, but here you can use any InformationMeasure
. Manis2017 formulates the "bubble entropy" as the normalized measure below, while here you can also compute the unnormalized measure.
For input data x
, the "bubble entropy" is computed by first embedding the input data using embedding dimension m
and embedding delay τ
(call the embedded pts y
), and then computing the difference between the two entropies:
\[BubbleEn_T(τ) = H_T(y, m + 1) - H_T(y, m)\]
where $H_T(y, m)$ and $H_T(y, m + 1)$ are entropies of type $T$ (e.g. Renyi
) computed with the input data x
embedded to dimension $m$ and $m+1$, respectively. Use complexity
to compute this non-normalized version. Use complexity_normalized
to compute the normalized difference of entropies:
\[BubbleEn_H(τ)^{norm} = \dfrac{H_T(x, m + 1) - H_T(x, m)}{max(H_T(x, m + 1)) - max(H_T(x, m))},\]
where the maximum of the entropies for dimensions m
and m + 1
are computed using information_maximum
using ComplexityMeasures
x = rand(1000)
est = BubbleEntropy(m = 5, τ = 3)
complexity(est, x)
— TypeBubbleSortSwaps <: CountBasedOutcomeSpace
BubbleSortSwaps(; m = 3, τ = 1)
The BubbleSortSwaps
outcome space is based on Manis2017's paper on "bubble entropy".
does the following:
- Embeds the input data using embedding dimension
and embedding lagτ
- For each state vector in the embedding, counting how many swaps are necessary for the bubble sort algorithm to sort state vectors.
For counts_and_outcomes
, we then define a distribution over the number of necessary swaps. This distribution can then be used to estimate probabilities using probabilities_and_outcomes
, which again can be used to estimate any InformationMeasure
. An example of how to compute the "Shannon bubble entropy" is given below.
Outcome space
The outcome_space
for BubbleSortSwaps
are the integers 0:N
, where N = (m * (m - 1)) / 2 + 1
(the worst-case number of swaps). Hence, the number of total_outcomes
is N + 1
. Returns the number of swaps required for each embedded state vector.
With the BubbleSortSwaps
outcome space, we can easily compute a "bubble entropy" inspired by Manis2017. Note: this is not actually a new entropy - it is just a new way of discretizing the input data. To reproduce the bubble entropy complexity measure from Manis2017, see BubbleEntropy
using ComplexityMeasures
x = rand(100000)
o = BubbleSortSwaps(; m = 5) # 5-dimensional embedding vectors
information(Shannon(; base = 2), o, x)
# We can also compute any other "bubble quantity", for example the
# "Tsallis bubble extropy", with arbitrary probabilities estimators:
information(TsallisExtropy(), BayesianRegularization(), o, x)
— TypeBubbleSortSwapsEncoding <: Encoding
is used with encode
to encode a length-m
input vector x
into an integer in the range ω ∈ 0:((m*(m-1)) ÷ 2)
, by counting the number of swaps required for the bubble sort algorithm to sort x
in ascending order.
is not implemented for this encoding.
using ComplexityMeasures
x = [1, 5, 3, 1, 2]
e = BubbleSortSwapsEncoding{5}() # constructor type argument must match length of vector
encode(e, x)
— TypeChaoShen <: DiscreteInfoEstimatorShannon
ChaoShen(definition::Shannon = Shannon())
The ChaoShen
estimator is used with information
to compute the discrete Shannon
entropy according to Chao2003.
This estimator is a modification of the HorvitzThompson
estimator that multiplies each plugin probability estimate by an estimate of sample coverage. If $f_1$ is the number of singletons (outcomes that occur only once) in a sample of length $N$, then the sample coverage is $C = 1 - \dfrac{f_1}{N}$. The Chao-Shen estimator of Shannon entropy is then
\[H_S^{CS} = -\sum_{i=1}^M \left( \dfrac{C p_i \log(C p_i)}{1 - (1 - C p_i)^N} \right),\]
where $N$ is the sample size and $M$ is the number of outcomes
. If $f_1 = N$, then $f_1$ is set to $f_1 = N - 1$ to ensure positive entropy Arora2022.
— TypeCombinationEncoding <: Encoding
A CombinationEncoding
takes multiple Encoding
s and creates a combined encoding that can be used to encode inputs that are compatible with the given encodings
When used with encode
, each Encoding
in encodings
returns integers in the set 1, 2, …, n_e
, where n_e
is the total number of outcomes for a particular encoding. For k
different encodings, we can thus construct the cartesian coordinate (c₁, c₂, …, cₖ)
(cᵢ ∈ 1, 2, …, n_i
), which can uniquely be identified by an integer. We can thus identify each unique combined encoding with a single integer.
When used with decode
, the integer symbol is converted to its corresponding cartesian coordinate, which is used to retrieve the decoded symbols for each of the encodings, and a tuple of the decoded symbols are returned.
The total number of outcomes is prod(total_outcomes(e) for e in encodings)
using ComplexityMeasures
# We want to encode the vector `x`.
x = [0.9, 0.2, 0.3]
# To do so, we will use a combination of first-difference encoding, amplitude encoding,
# and ordinal pattern encoding.
encodings = (
RelativeFirstDifferenceEncoding(0, 1; n = 2),
RelativeMeanEncoding(0, 1; n = 5),
OrdinalPatternEncoding(3) # x is a three-element vector
c = CombinationEncoding(encodings)
# Encode `x` as integer
ω = encode(c, x)
# Decode symbol (into a vector of decodings, one for each encodings `e ∈ encodings`).
# In this particular case, the first two element will be left-bin edges, and
# the last element will be the decoded ordinal pattern (indices that would sort `x`).
d = decode(c, ω)
— TypeComplexityEstimator
Supertype for estimators for various complexity measures that are not entropies in the strict mathematical sense.
See complexity
for all available estimators.
— TypeCompositeDownsampling <: MultiScaleAlgorithm
CompositeDownsampling(; f::Function = Statistics.mean, scales = 1:8)
Composite multi-scale algorithm for multiscale entropy analysis Wu2013, used with multiscale
to compute, for example, composite multiscale entropy (CMSE).
Given a scalar-valued input time series x
, the composite multiscale algorithm, like RegularDownsampling
, downsamples and coarse-grains x
by splitting it into non-overlapping windows of length s
, and then constructing downsampled time series by applying the function f
to each of the resulting length-s
However, Wu2013 realized that for each scale s
, there are actually s
different ways of selecting windows, depending on where indexing starts/ends. These s
different downsampled time series D_t(s, f)
at each scale s
are constructed as follows:
\[\{ D_{k}(s) \} = \{ D_{t, k}(s) \}_{t = 1}^{L}, = \{ f \left( \bf x_{t, k} \right) \} = \left\{ {f\left( (x_i)_{i = (t - 1)s + k}^{ts + k - 1} \right)} \right\}_{t = 1}^{L},\]
where L = floor((N - s + 1) / s)
and 1 ≤ k ≤ s
, such that $D_{i, k}(s)$ is the i
-th element of the k
-th downsampled time series at scale s
Finally, compute $\dfrac{1}{s} \sum_{k = 1}^s g(D_{k}(s))$, where g
is some summary function, for example information
or complexity
Keyword Arguments
. The downsampling levels. Ifscales
is set to an integer, then this integer is taken as maximum number of scales (i.e. levels of downsampling), and downsampling is done over levels1:scales
. Otherwise, downsampling is done over the providedscales
(which may be a range, or some specific scales (e.g.scales = [1, 5, 6]
). The maximum scale level islength(x) ÷ 2
, but to avoid applying the method to time series that are extremely short, consider limiting the maximum scale (e.g.scales = length(x) ÷ 5
The downsampled time series $D_{t, 1}(s)$ constructed using the composite multiscale method is equivalent to the downsampled time series $D_{t}(s)$ constructed using the RegularDownsampling
method, for which k == 1
is fixed, such that only a single time series is returned.
See also: RegularDownsampling
— TypeCorrea <: DifferentialInfoEstimator
Correa(definition = Shannon(); m::Int = 1)
The Correa
estimator computes the Shannon
differential information
of a timeseries using the method from Correa1995, with logarithms to the base
specified in definition
The Correa
estimator belongs to a class of differential entropy estimators based on order statistics. It only works for timeseries input.
Assume we have samples $\bar{X} = \{x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_N \}$ from a continuous random variable $X \in \mathbb{R}$ with support $\mathcal{X}$ and density function$f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$. Correa
estimates the Shannon
differential entropy
\[H(X) = \int_{\mathcal{X}} f(x) \log f(x) dx = \mathbb{E}[-\log(f(X))].\]
However, instead of estimating the above integral directly, Correa
makes use of the equivalent integral, where $F$ is the distribution function for $X$,
\[H(X) = \int_0^1 \log \left(\dfrac{d}{dp}F^{-1}(p) \right) dp\]
This integral is approximated by first computing the order statistics of $\bar{X}$ (the input timeseries), i.e. $x_{(1)} \leq x_{(2)} \leq \cdots \leq x_{(n)}$, ensuring that end points are included. The Correa
estimate of Shannon
differential entropy is then
\[H_C(\bar{X}, m, n) = \dfrac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n \log \left[ \dfrac{ \sum_{j=i-m}^{i+m}(\bar{X}_{(j)} - \tilde{X}_{(i)})(j - i)}{n \sum_{j=i-m}^{i+m} (\bar{X}_{(j)} - \tilde{X}_{(i)})^2} \right],\]
\[\tilde{X}_{(i)} = \dfrac{1}{2m + 1} \sum_{j = i - m}^{i + m} X_{(j)}.\]
See also: information
, AlizadehArghami
, Ebrahimi
, Vasicek
, DifferentialInfoEstimator
— TypeCosineSimilarityBinning(; m::Int, τ::Int, nbins::Int)
A OutcomeSpace
based on the cosine similarity Wang2020.
It can be used with information
to compute the "diversity entropy" of an input timeseries Wang2020.
The implementation here allows for τ != 1
, which was not considered in the original paper.
CosineSimilarityBinning probabilities are computed as follows.
- From the input time series
, using embedding lagτ
and embedding dimensionm
, construct the embedding $Y = \{\bf x_i \} = \{(x_{i}, x_{i+\tau}, x_{i+2\tau}, \ldots, x_{i+m\tau - 1}\}_{i = 1}^{N-mτ}$. - Compute $D = \{d(\bf x_t, \bf x_{t+1}) \}_{t=1}^{N-mτ-1}$, where $d(\cdot, \cdot)$ is the cosine similarity between two
-dimensional vectors in the embedding. - Divide the interval
[-1, 1]
equally sized subintervals (including the value+1
). - Construct a histogram of cosine similarities $d \in D$ over those subintervals.
- Sum-normalize the histogram to obtain probabilities.
Outcome space
The outcome space for CosineSimilarityBinning
is the bins of the [-1, 1]
interval, and the return configuration is the same as in ValueBinning
(left bin edge).
. Used for encoding inputs where ordering matters (e.g. time series).
— TypeCounts <: Array{<:Integer, N}
Counts(counts [, outcomes [, dimlabels]]) → c
stores an N
-dimensional array of integer counts
corresponding to a set of outcomes
. This is typically called a "frequency table" or "contingency table".
If c isa Counts
, then c.outcomes[i]
is an abstract vector containing the outcomes along the i
-th dimension, where c[i][j]
is the count corresponding to the outcome c.outcomes[i][j]
, and c.dimlabels[i]
is the label of the i
-th dimension. Both labels and outcomes are assigned automatically if not given. c
itself can be manipulated and iterated over like its stored array.
— TypeCurado <: InformationMeasure
Curado(; b = 1.0)
The Curado entropy Curado2004, used with information
to compute
\[H_C(p) = \left( \sum_{i=1}^N e^{-b p_i} \right) + e^{-b} - 1,\]
with b ∈ ℛ, b > 0
, and the terms outside the sum ensures that $H_C(0) = H_C(1) = 0$.
The maximum entropy for Curado
is $L(1 - \exp(-b/L)) + \exp(-b) - 1$ with $L$ the total_outcomes
— TypeDifferentialInfoEstimator
The supertype of all differential information measure estimators. These estimators compute an information measure in various ways that do not involve explicitly estimating a probability distribution.
Each DifferentialInfoEstimator
s uses a specialized technique to approximate relevant densities/integrals, and is often tailored to one or a few types of information measures. For example, Kraskov
estimates the Shannon
See information
for usage.
— TypeDiscreteInfoEstimator
The supertype of all discrete information measure estimators, which are used in combination with a ProbabilitiesEstimator
as input to information
or related functions.
The first argument to a discrete estimator is always an InformationMeasure
(defaults to Shannon
A discrete InformationMeasure
is a functional of a probability mass function. To estimate such a measure from data, we must first estimate a probability mass function using a ProbabilitiesEstimator
from the (encoded/discretized) input data, and then apply the estimator to the estimated probabilities. For example, the Shannon
entropy is typically computed using the RelativeAmount
estimator to compute probabilities, which are then given to the PlugIn
estimator. Many other estimators exist, not only for Shannon
entropy, but other information measures as well.
We provide a library of both generic estimators such as PlugIn
or Jackknife
(which can be applied to any measure), as well as dedicated estimators such as MillerMadow
, which computes Shannon
entropy using the Miller-Madow bias correction. The list below gives a complete overview.
The following estimators are generic and can compute any InformationMeasure
. The default, generic plug-in estimator of any information measure. It computes the measure exactly as stated in the definition, using the computed probability mass function.Jackknife
. Uses the a combination of the plug-in estimator and the jackknife principle to estimate the information measure.
entropy estimators
The following estimators are dedicated Shannon
entropy estimators, which provide improvements over the naive PlugIn
Any of the implemented DiscreteInfoEstimator
s can be used in combination with any ProbabilitiesEstimator
as input to information
. What this means is that every estimator actually comes in many different variants - one for each ProbabilitiesEstimator
. For example, the MillerMadow
estimator of Shannon
entropy is typically calculated with RelativeAmount
probabilities. But here, you can use for example the BayesianRegularization
or the Shrinkage
probabilities estimators instead, i.e. information(MillerMadow(), RelativeAmount(outcome_space), x)
and information(MillerMadow(), BayesianRegularization(outcomes_space), x)
are distinct estimators. This holds for all DiscreteInfoEstimator
s. Many of these estimators haven't been explored in the literature before, so feel free to explore, and please cite this software if you use it to explore some new estimator combination!
— TypeDispersion(; c = 5, m = 2, τ = 1, check_unique = true)
An OutcomeSpace
based on dispersion patterns, originally used by Rostaghi2016 to compute the "dispersion entropy", which characterizes the complexity and irregularity of a time series.
Recommended parameter values Li2018 are m ∈ [2, 3]
, τ = 1
for the embedding, and c ∈ [3, 4, …, 8]
categories for the Gaussian symbol mapping.
Assume we have a univariate time series $X = \{x_i\}_{i=1}^N$. First, this time series is encoded into a symbol timeseries $S$ using the Gaussian encoding GaussianCDFEncoding
with empirical mean μ
and empirical standard deviation σ
(both determined from $X$), and c
as given to Dispersion
Then, $S$ is embedded into an $m$-dimensional time series, using an embedding lag of $\tau$, which yields a total of $N - (m - 1)\tau$ delay vectors $z_i$, or "dispersion patterns". Since each element of $z_i$ can take on c
different values, and each delay vector has m
entries, there are c^m
possible dispersion patterns. This number is used for normalization when computing dispersion entropy.
The returned probabilities are simply the frequencies of the unique dispersion patterns present in $S$ (i.e., the UniqueElements
of $S$).
Outcome space
The outcome space for Dispersion
is the unique delay vectors whose elements are the the symbols (integers) encoded by the Gaussian CDF, i.e., the unique elements of $S$.
Data requirements and parameters
The input must have more than one unique element for the Gaussian mapping to be well-defined. Li2018 recommends that x
has at least 1000 data points.
If check_unique == true
(default), then it is checked that the input has more than one unique value. If check_unique == false
and the input only has one unique element, then a InexactError
is thrown when trying to compute probabilities.
Each embedding vector is called a "dispersion pattern". Why? Let's consider the case when $m = 5$ and $c = 3$, and use some very imprecise terminology for illustration:
When $c = 3$, values clustering far below mean are in one group, values clustered around the mean are in one group, and values clustering far above the mean are in a third group. Then the embedding vector $[2, 2, 2, 2, 2]$ consists of values that are close together (close to the mean), so it represents a set of numbers that are not very spread out (less dispersed). The embedding vector $[1, 1, 2, 3, 3]$, however, represents numbers that are much more spread out (more dispersed), because the categories representing "outliers" both above and below the mean are represented, not only values close to the mean.
For a version of this estimator that can be used on high-dimensional arrays, see SpatialDispersion
. Used for encoding inputs where ordering matters (e.g. time series).
— TypeDiversity
An alias to CosineSimilarityBinning
— TypeEbrahimi <: DifferentialInfoEstimator
Ebrahimi(definition = Shannon(); m::Int = 1)
The Ebrahimi
estimator computes the Shannon
of a timeseries using the method from Ebrahimi1994, with logarithms to the base
specified in definition
The Ebrahimi
estimator belongs to a class of differential entropy estimators based on order statistics. It only works for timeseries input.
Assume we have samples $\bar{X} = \{x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_N \}$ from a continuous random variable $X \in \mathbb{R}$ with support $\mathcal{X}$ and density function$f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$. Ebrahimi
estimates the Shannon
differential entropy
\[H(X) = \int_{\mathcal{X}} f(x) \log f(x) dx = \mathbb{E}[-\log(f(X))].\]
However, instead of estimating the above integral directly, it makes use of the equivalent integral, where $F$ is the distribution function for $X$,
\[H(X) = \int_0^1 \log \left(\dfrac{d}{dp}F^{-1}(p) \right) dp\]
This integral is approximated by first computing the order statistics of $\bar{X}$ (the input timeseries), i.e. $x_{(1)} \leq x_{(2)} \leq \cdots \leq x_{(n)}$. The Ebrahimi
differential entropy estimate is then
\[\hat{H}_{E}(\bar{X}, m) = \dfrac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n \log \left[ \dfrac{n}{c_i m} (\bar{X}_{(i+m)} - \bar{X}_{(i-m)}) \right],\]
\[c_i = \begin{cases} 1 + \frac{i - 1}{m}, & 1 \geq i \geq m \\ 2, & m + 1 \geq i \geq n - m \\ 1 + \frac{n - i}{m} & n - m + 1 \geq i \geq n \end{cases}.\]
See also: information
, Correa
, AlizadehArghami
, Vasicek
, DifferentialInfoEstimator
— TypeElectronicEntropy <: InformationMeasure
ElectronicEntropy(; h = Shannon(; base = 2), j = ShannonExtropy(; base = 2))
The "electronic entropy" measure is defined in discrete form in Lad2015 as
\[H_{EL}(p) = H_S(p) + J_S(P),\]
where $H_S(p)$ is the Shannon
entropy and $J_S(p)$ is the ShannonExtropy
extropy of the probability vector $p$.
— TypeEncoding
The supertype for all encoding schemes. Encodings always encode elements of input data into the positive integers. The encoding API is defined by the functions encode
and decode
. Some probability estimators utilize encodings internally.
Current available encodings are:
, which can combine any of the above encodings.
— Typeabstract type Entropy <: InformationMeasure end
Abstract subtype of InformationMeasure
. It only exists to perform a sanity check when calling the entropy
— TypeFixedRectangularBinning(range::AbstractRange, D::Int = 1, precise = false)
This is a convenience method where each dimension of the binning has the same range and the input data are D
dimensional, which defaults to 1 (timeseries).
— TypeFixedRectangularBinning <: AbstractBinning
FixedRectangularBinning(ranges::Tuple{<:AbstractRange...}, precise = false)
Rectangular box partition of state space where the partition along each dimension is explicitly given by each range ranges
, which is a tuple of AbstractRange
subtypes. Typically, each range is the output of the range
Base function, e.g., ranges = (0:0.1:1, range(0, 1; length = 101), range(2.1, 3.2; step = 0.33))
. All ranges must be sorted.
The optional second argument precise
dictates whether Julia Base's TwicePrecision
is used for when searching where a point falls into the range. Useful for edge cases of points being almost exactly on the bin edges, but it is exactly four times as slow, so by default it is false
Points falling outside the partition do not contribute to probabilities. Bins are always left-closed-right-open: [a, b)
. This means that the last value of each of the ranges dictates the last right-closing value. This value does not belong to the histogram! E.g., if given a range r = range(0, 1; length = 11)
, with r[end] = 1
, the value 1
is outside the partition and would not attribute any increase of the probability corresponding to the last bin (here [0.9, 1)
Equivalently, the size of the histogram is histsize = map(r -> length(r)-1, ranges)
leads to a well-defined outcome space without knowledge of input data, see ValueBinning
— TypeFluctuationComplexity <: InformationMeasure
FluctuationComplexity(; definition = Shannon(; base = 2), base = 2)
The "fluctuation complexity" quantifies the standard deviation of the information content of the states $\omega_i$ around some summary statistic (InformationMeasure
) of a PMF. Specifically, given some outcome space $\Omega$ with outcomes $\omega_i \in \Omega$ and a probability mass function $p(\Omega) = \{ p(\omega_i) \}_{i=1}^N$, it is defined as
\[\sigma_I(p) := \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^N p_i(I_i - H_*)^2}\]
where $I_i = -\log_{base}(p_i)$ is the information content of the i-th outcome. The type of information measure $*$ is controlled by definition
The base
controls the base of the logarithm that goes into the information content terms. Make sure that you pick a base
that is consistent with the base chosen for the definition
(relevant for e.g. Shannon
If definition
is the Shannon
entropy, then we recover the Shannon-type information fluctuation complexity from Bates1993. Then the fluctuation complexity is zero for PMFs with only a single non-zero element, or for the uniform distribution.
If definition
is not Shannon entropy, then the properties of the measure varies, and does not necessarily share the properties Bates1993.
As far as we know, using other information measures besides Shannon entropy for the fluctuation complexity hasn't been explored in the literature yet. Our implementation, however, allows for it. Please inform us if you try some new combinations!
— TypeGao <: DifferentialInfoEstimator
Gao(definition = Shannon(); k = 1, w = 0, corrected = true)
The Gao
estimator Gao2015 computes the Shannon
differential information
, using a k
-th nearest-neighbor approach based on Singh2003, with logarithms to the base
specified in definition
is the Theiler window, which determines if temporal neighbors are excluded during neighbor searches (defaults to 0
, meaning that only the point itself is excluded when searching for neighbours).
Gao2015 give two variants of this estimator. If corrected == false
, then the uncorrected version is used. If corrected == true
, then the corrected version is used, which ensures that the estimator is asymptotically unbiased.
Assume we have samples $\{\bf{x}_1, \bf{x}_2, \ldots, \bf{x}_N \}$ from a continuous random variable $X \in \mathbb{R}^d$ with support $\mathcal{X}$ and density function$f : \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}$. KozachenkoLeonenko
estimates the Shannon
differential entropy
\[H(X) = \int_{\mathcal{X}} f(x) \log f(x) dx = \mathbb{E}[-\log(f(X))].\]
— TypeGaussianCDFEncoding <: Encoding
GaussianCDFEncoding{m}(; μ, σ, c::Int = 3)
An encoding scheme that encode
s a scalar or vector χ
into one of the integers sᵢ ∈ [1, 2, …, c]
based on the normal cumulative distribution function (NCDF), and decode
s the sᵢ
into subintervals of [0, 1]
(with some loss of information).
Initializing a GaussianCDFEncoding
The size of the input to be encoded must be known beforehand. One must therefore set m = length(χ)
, where χ
is the input (m = 1
for scalars, m ≥ 2
for vectors). To do so, one must explicitly give m
as a type parameter: e.g. encoding = GaussianCDFEncoding{3}(; μ = 0.0, σ = 0.1)
to encode 3-element vectors, or encoding = GaussianCDFEncoding{1}(; μ = 0.0, σ = 0.1)
to encode scalars.
Encoding/decoding scalars
first maps an input scalar $χ$ to a new real number $y_ \in [0, 1]$ by using the normal cumulative distribution function (CDF) with the given mean μ
and standard deviation σ
, according to the map
\[x \to y : y = \dfrac{1}{ \sigma \sqrt{2 \pi}} \int_{-\infty}^{x} e^{(-(x - \mu)^2)/(2 \sigma^2)} dx.\]
Next, the interval [0, 1]
is equidistantly binned and enumerated $1, 2, \ldots, c$, and $y$ is linearly mapped to one of these integers using the linear map $y \to z : z = \text{floor}(y(c-1)) + 1$.
Because of the floor operation, some information is lost, so when used with decode
, each decoded sᵢ
is mapped to a subinterval of [0, 1]
. This subinterval is returned as a length-1
Notice that the decoding step does not yield an element of any outcome space of the estimators that use GaussianCDFEncoding
internally, such as Dispersion
. That is because these estimators additionally delay embed the encoded data.
Encoding/decoding vectors
If GaussianCDFEncoding
is used with a vector χ
, then each element of χ
is encoded separately, resulting in a length(χ)
sequence of integers which may be treated as a CartesianIndex
. The encoded symbol s ∈ [1, 2, …, c]
is then just the linear index corresponding to this cartesian index (similar to how CombinationEncoding
When decode
d, the integer symbol s
is converted back into its CartesianIndex
representation, which is just a sequence of integers that refer to subdivisions of the [0, 1]
interval. The relevant subintervals are then returned as a length-χ
julia> using ComplexityMeasures, Statistics
julia> x = [0.1, 0.4, 0.7, -2.1, 8.0];
julia> μ, σ = mean(x), std(x); encoding = GaussianCDFEncoding(; μ, σ, c = 5)
julia> es = encode.(Ref(encoding), x)
5-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> decode(encoding, 3)
2-element SVector{2, Float64} with indices SOneTo(2):
— TypeGeneralizedSchuermann <: DiscreteInfoEstimatorShannon
GeneralizedSchuermann(definition = Shannon(); a = 1.0)
The GeneralizedSchuermann
estimator is used with information
to compute the discrete Shannon
entropy with the bias-corrected estimator given in Grassberger2022.
The "generalized" part of the name, as opposed to the Schurmann2004 estimator (Schuermann
), is due to the possibility of picking difference parameters $a_i$ for different outcomes. If different parameters are assigned to the different outcomes, a
must be a vector of parameters of length length(outcomes)
, where the outcomes are obtained using outcomes
. See Grassberger2022 for more information. If a
is a real number, then $a_i = a \forall i$, and the estimator reduces to the Schuermann
For a set of $N$ observations over $M$ outcomes, the estimator is given by
\[H_S^{opt} = \varphi(N) - \dfrac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^M n_i G_{n_i}(a_i),\]
where $n_i$ is the observed frequency of the i-th outcome,
\[G_n(a) = \varphi(n) + (-1)^n \int_0^a \dfrac{x^{n - 1}}{x + 1} dx,\]
$G_n(1) = G_n$ and $G_n(0) = \varphi(n)$, and
\[G_n = \varphi(n) + (-1)^n \int_0^1 \dfrac{x^{n - 1}}{x + 1} dx.\]
— TypeGoria <: DifferentialInfoEstimator
Goria(measure = Shannon(); k = 1, w = 0)
The Goria
estimator Goria2005 computes the Shannon
differential information
of a multi-dimensional StateSpaceSet
, with logarithms to the base
specified in definition
Assume we have samples $\{\bf{x}_1, \bf{x}_2, \ldots, \bf{x}_N \}$ from a continuous random variable $X \in \mathbb{R}^d$ with support $\mathcal{X}$ and density function$f : \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}$. Goria
estimates the Shannon
differential entropy
\[H(X) = \int_{\mathcal{X}} f(x) \log f(x) dx = \mathbb{E}[-\log(f(X))].\]
Specifically, let $\bf{n}_1, \bf{n}_2, \ldots, \bf{n}_N$ be the distance of the samples $\{\bf{x}_1, \bf{x}_2, \ldots, \bf{x}_N \}$ to their k
-th nearest neighbors. Next, let the geometric mean of the distances be
\[\hat{\rho}_k = \left( \prod_{i=1}^N \right)^{\dfrac{1}{N}}\]
Goria2005's estimate of Shannon differential entropy is then
\[\hat{H} = m\hat{\rho}_k + \log(N - 1) - \psi(k) + \log c_1(m),\]
where $c_1(m) = \dfrac{2\pi^\frac{m}{2}}{m \Gamma(m/2)}$ and $\psi$ is the digamma function.
— TypeHorvitzThompson <: DiscreteInfoEstimatorShannon
HorvitzThompson(measure::Shannon = Shannon())
The HorvitzThompson
estimator is used with information
to compute the discrete Shannon
entropy according to Horvitz1952.
The Horvitz-Thompson estimator of Shannon
entropy is given by
\[H_S^{HT} = -\sum_{i=1}^M \dfrac{p_i \log(p_i) }{1 - (1 - p_i)^N},\]
where $N$ is the sample size and $M$ is the number of outcomes
. Given the true probability $p_i$ of the $i$-th outcome, $1 - (1 - p_i)^N$ is the probability that the outcome appears at least once in a sample of size $N$ Arora2022. Dividing by this inclusion probability is a form of weighting, and compensates for situations where certain outcomes have so low probabilities that they are not often observed in a sample, for example in power-law distributions.
— TypeIdentification <: InformationMeasure
Identification entropy Ahlswede2006.
The identification entropy is the functional
\[H_I(p) = 2\left( 1 - \sum_{i=1}^N p_i^2 \right).\]
Details about this entropy definition can be found in Ahlswede2021.
— TypeInformationMeasure
is the supertype of all information measure definitions.
In this package, we define "information measures" as functionals of probability mass functions ("discrete" measures), or of probability density functions ("differential" measures). Examples are (generalized) entropies such as Shannon
or Renyi
, or extropies like ShannonExtropy
. Amigó2018 provides a useful review of generalized entropies.
Used with
Any of the information measures listed below can be used with
, to compute a numerical value for the measure, given some input data.information_maximum
, to compute the maximum possible value for the measure.information_normalized
, to compute the normalized form of the measure (divided by the maximum possible value).
The information_maximum
functions only works with the discrete version of the measure. See docstrings for the above functions for usage examples.
, which is a subcase of the above two in the limitq → 1
, which is a subcase of the above two in the limitq → 1
A particular information measure may have both a discrete and a continuous/differential definition, which are estimated using a DifferentialInfoEstimator
or a DifferentialInfoEstimator
, respectively.
— TypeInformationMeasureEstimator{I <: InformationMeasure}
The supertype of all information measure estimators. Its direct subtypes are DiscreteInfoEstimator
and DifferentialInfoEstimator
Since all estimators must reference a measure definition in some way, we made the following interface decisions:
- all estimators have as first type parameter
I <: InformationMeasure
- all estimators reference the information measure in a
field - all estimators are defined using
so that they may be initialized with the syntaxEstimator(; definition = Shannon())
(or any other).
Any concrete subtypes must follow the above, e.g.:
Base.@kwdef struct MyEstimator{I <: InformationMeasure, X} <: DiscreteInfoEstimator{I}
In real applications, we generally don't have access to the underlying probability mass functions or densities required to compute the various entropy or extropy definitons. Therefore, these information measures must be estimated from finite data. Estimating a particular measure (e.g. Shannon
entropy) can be done in many ways, each with its own own pros and cons. We aim to provide a complete library of literature estimators of the various information measures (PRs are welcome!).
— TypeInvariantMeasure(to, ρ)
Minimal return struct for invariantmeasure
that contains the estimated invariant measure ρ
, as well as the transfer operator to
from which it is computed (including bin information).
See also: invariantmeasure
— TypeJackknife <: DiscreteInfoEstimatorGeneric
Jackknife(definition::InformationMeasure = Shannon())
The Jackknife
estimator is used with information
to compute any discrete InformationMeasure
The Jackknife
estimator uses the generic jackknife principle to reduce bias. Zahl1977 was the first to apply the jaccknife technique in the context of Shannon
entropy estimation. Here, we've generalized his estimator to work with any InformationMeasure
As an example of the jackknife technique, here is the formula for a jackknife estimate of Shannon
\[H_S^{J} = N H_S^{plugin} - \dfrac{N-1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N {H_S^{plugin}}^{-\{i\}},\]
where $N$ is the sample size, $H_S^{plugin}$ is the plugin estimate of Shannon entropy, and ${H_S^{plugin}}^{-\{i\}}$ is the plugin estimate, but computed with the $i$-th sample left out.
— TypeKaniadakis <: InformationMeasure
Kaniadakis(; κ = 1.0, base = 2.0)
The Kaniadakis entropy Tsallis2009, used with information
to compute
\[H_K(p) = -\sum_{i=1}^N p_i f_\kappa(p_i),\]
\[f_\kappa (x) = \dfrac{x^\kappa - x^{-\kappa}}{2\kappa},\]
where if $\kappa = 0$, regular logarithm to the given base
is used, and 0 probabilities are skipped.
— TypeKozachenkoLeonenko <: DifferentialInfoEstimator
KozachenkoLeonenko(definition = Shannon(); w::Int = 0)
The KozachenkoLeonenko
estimator KozachenkoLeonenko1987 computes the Shannon
differential information
of a multi-dimensional StateSpaceSet
, with logarithms to the base
specified in definition
Assume we have samples $\{\bf{x}_1, \bf{x}_2, \ldots, \bf{x}_N \}$ from a continuous random variable $X \in \mathbb{R}^d$ with support $\mathcal{X}$ and density function$f : \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}$. KozachenkoLeonenko
estimates the Shannon
differential entropy
\[H(X) = \int_{\mathcal{X}} f(x) \log f(x) dx = \mathbb{E}[-\log(f(X))]\]
using the nearest neighbor method from KozachenkoLeonenko1987, as described in Charzyńska2015.
is the Theiler window, which determines if temporal neighbors are excluded during neighbor searches (defaults to 0
, meaning that only the point itself is excluded when searching for neighbours).
In contrast to Kraskov
, this estimator uses only the closest neighbor.
See also: information
, Kraskov
, DifferentialInfoEstimator
— TypeKraskov <: DifferentialInfoEstimator
Kraskov(definition = Shannon(); k::Int = 1, w::Int = 0)
The Kraskov
estimator computes the Shannon
differential information
of a multi-dimensional StateSpaceSet
using the k
-th nearest neighbor searches method from Kraskov2004, with logarithms to the base
specified in definition
is the Theiler window, which determines if temporal neighbors are excluded during neighbor searches (defaults to 0
, meaning that only the point itself is excluded when searching for neighbours).
Assume we have samples $\{\bf{x}_1, \bf{x}_2, \ldots, \bf{x}_N \}$ from a continuous random variable $X \in \mathbb{R}^d$ with support $\mathcal{X}$ and density function$f : \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}$. Kraskov
estimates the Shannon
differential entropy
\[H(X) = \int_{\mathcal{X}} f(x) \log f(x) dx = \mathbb{E}[-\log(f(X))].\]
See also: information
, KozachenkoLeonenko
, DifferentialInfoEstimator
— TypeLempelZiv76 <: ComplexityEstimator
The Lempel-Ziv, or LempelZiv76
, complexity measure LempelZiv1976, which is used with complexity
and complexity_normalized
For results to be comparable across sequences with different length, use the normalized version. Normalized LempelZiv76
-complexity is implemented as given in Amigó2004. The normalized measure is close to zero for very regular signals, while for random sequences, it is close to 1 with high probability[Amigó2004]. Note: the normalized LempelZiv76
complexity can be higher than 1[Amigó2004].
The LempelZiv76
measure applies only to binary sequences, i.e. sequences with a two-element alphabet (precisely two distinct outcomes). For performance optimization, we do not check the number of unique elements in the input. If your input sequence is not binary, you must encode
it first using one of the implemented Encoding
schemes (or encode your data manually).
— TypeLeonenkoProzantoSavani <: DifferentialInfoEstimator
LeonenkoProzantoSavani(definition = Shannon(); k = 1, w = 0)
The LeonenkoProzantoSavani
estimator LeonenkoProzantoSavani2008 computes the Shannon
, Renyi
, or Tsallis
differential information
of a multi-dimensional StateSpaceSet
, with logarithms to the base
specified in definition
The estimator uses k
-th nearest-neighbor searches. w
is the Theiler window, which determines if temporal neighbors are excluded during neighbor searches (defaults to 0
, meaning that only the point itself is excluded when searching for neighbours).
For details, see LeonenkoProzantoSavani2008.
— TypeLord <: DifferentialInfoEstimator
Lord(measure = Shannon(); k = 10, w = 0)
The Lord
estimator Lord2018 estimates the Shannon
differential information
using a nearest neighbor approach with a local nonuniformity correction (LNC), with logarithms to the base
specified in definition
is the Theiler window, which determines if temporal neighbors are excluded during neighbor searches (defaults to 0
, meaning that only the point itself is excluded when searching for neighbours).
Assume we have samples $\bar{X} = \{\bf{x}_1, \bf{x}_2, \ldots, \bf{x}_N \}$ from a continuous random variable $X \in \mathbb{R}^d$ with support $\mathcal{X}$ and density function $f : \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}$. Lord
estimates the Shannon
differential entropy
\[H(X) = \int_{\mathcal{X}} f(x) \log f(x) dx = \mathbb{E}[-\log(f(X))],\]
by using the resubstitution formula
\[\hat{\bar{X}, k} = -\mathbb{E}[\log(f(X))] \approx \sum_{i = 1}^N \log(\hat{f}(\bf{x}_i)),\]
where $\hat{f}(\bf{x}_i)$ is an estimate of the density at $\bf{x}_i$ constructed in a manner such that $\hat{f}(\bf{x}_i) \propto \dfrac{k(x_i) / N}{V_i}$, where $k(x_i)$ is the number of points in the neighborhood of $\bf{x}_i$, and $V_i$ is the volume of that neighborhood.
While most nearest-neighbor based differential entropy estimators uses regular volume elements (e.g. hypercubes, hyperrectangles, hyperspheres) for approximating the local densities $\hat{f}(\bf{x}_i)$, the Lord
estimator uses hyperellopsoid volume elements. These hyperellipsoids are, for each query point xᵢ
, estimated using singular value decomposition (SVD) on the k
-th nearest neighbors of xᵢ
. Thus, the hyperellipsoids stretch/compress in response to the local geometry around each sample point. This makes Lord
a well-suited entropy estimator for a wide range of systems.
— TypeMillerMadow <: DiscreteInfoEstimatorShannon
MillerMadow(measure::Shannon = Shannon())
The MillerMadow
estimator is used with information
to compute the discrete Shannon
entropy according to Miller1955.
The Miller-Madow estimator of Shannon entropy is given by
\[H_S^{MM} = H_S^{plugin} + \dfrac{m - 1}{2N},\]
where $H_S^{plugin}$ is the Shannon entropy estimated using the PlugIn
estimator, m
is the number of bins with nonzero probability (as defined in Paninski2003), and N
is the number of observations.
— TypeMissingDispersionPatterns <: ComplexityEstimator
MissingDispersionPatterns(o = Dispersion()) → mdp
An estimator for the number of missing dispersion patterns (MDP), a complexity measure which can be used to detect nonlinearity in time series Zhou2023.
Used with complexity
or complexity_normalized
When used with complexity
, complexity(mdp)
is syntactically equivalent with just missing_outcomes
. When used with complexity_normalized
, the normalization is simply missing_outcomes(o)/total_outcomes(o)
's linear mapping from CDFs to integers is based on equidistant partitioning of the interval [0, 1]
. This is slightly different from Zhou2023, which uses the linear mapping $s_i := \text{round}(y + 0.5)$.
In Zhou2023, MissingDispersionPatterns
is used to detect nonlinearity in time series by comparing the MDP for a time series x
to values for an ensemble of surrogates of x
, as per the standard analysis of TimeseriesSurrogates.jl If the MDP value of $x$ is significantly larger than some high quantile of the surrogate distribution, then it is taken as evidence for nonlinearity.
See also: Dispersion
, ReverseDispersion
, total_outcomes
— TypeMultiScaleAlgorithm
The supertype for all multiscale coarse-graining/downsampling algorithms. Concrete subtypes are:
— TypeNaiveKernel(ϵ::Real; method = KDTree, w = 0, metric = Euclidean()) <: OutcomeSpace
An OutcomeSpace
based on a "naive" kernel density estimation approach (KDE), as discussed in PrichardTheiler1995.
Probabilities $P(\mathbf{x}, \epsilon)$ are assigned to every point $\mathbf{x}$ by counting how many other points occupy the space spanned by a hypersphere of radius ϵ
around $\mathbf{x}$, according to:
\[P_i( X, \epsilon) \approx \dfrac{1}{N} \sum_{s} B(||X_i - X_j|| < \epsilon),\]
where $B$ gives 1 if the argument is true
. Probabilities are then normalized.
Keyword arguments
method = KDTree
: the search structure supported by Neighborhood.jl. Specifically, useKDTree
to use a tree-based neighbor search, orBruteForce
for the direct distances between all points. KDTrees heavily outperform direct distances when the dimensionality of the data is much smaller than the data length.w = 0
: the Theiler window, which excludes indices $s$ that are within $|i - s| ≤ w$ from the given point $x_i$.metric = Euclidean()
: the distance metric.
Outcome space
The outcome space Ω
for NaiveKernel
are the indices of the input data, eachindex(x)
. Hence, input x
is needed for a well-defined outcome_space
. The reason to not return the data points themselves is because duplicate data points may not get assigned same probabilities (due to having different neighbors).
— TypeThe supertype for probability estimators based on permutation patterns.
Subtypes must implement fields:
: The dimension of the permutation
: A function determining how ties are to be broken when constructing permutation patterns from embedding vectors.
— TypeOrdinalPatternEncoding <: Encoding
OrdinalPatternEncoding{m}(lt = ComplexityMeasures.isless_rand)
An encoding scheme that encode
s length-m
vectors into their permutation/ordinal patterns and then into the integers based on the Lehmer code. It is used by OrdinalPatterns
and similar estimators, see that for a description of the outcome space.
The ordinal/permutation pattern of a vector χ
is simply sortperm(χ)
, which gives the indices that would sort χ
in ascending order.
The Lehmer code, as implemented here, is a bijection between the set of factorial(m)
possible permutations for a length-m
sequence, and the integers 1, 2, …, factorial(m)
. The encoding step uses algorithm 1 in Berger2019, which is highly optimized. The decoding step is much slower due to missing optimizations (pull requests welcomed!).
julia> using ComplexityMeasures
julia> χ = [4.0, 1.0, 9.0];
julia> c = OrdinalPatternEncoding(3);
julia> i = encode(c, χ)
julia> decode(c, i)
3-element SVector{3, Int64} with indices SOneTo(3):
If you want to encode something that is already a permutation pattern, then you can use the non-exported permutation_to_integer
— TypeOrdinalPatterns <: OutcomeSpace
OrdinalPatterns{m}(τ = 1, lt::Function = ComplexityMeasures.isless_rand)
An OutcomeSpace
based on lengh-m
ordinal permutation patterns, originally introduced in BandtPompe2002's paper on permutation entropy. Note that m
is given as a type parameter, so that when it is a literal integer there are performance accelerations.
When passed to probabilities
the output depends on the input data type:
- Univariate data. If applied to a univariate timeseries (
), then the timeseries is first embedded using embedding delayτ
and dimensionm
, resulting in embedding vectors $\{ \bf{x}_i \}_{i=1}^{N-(m-1)\tau}$. Then, for each $\bf{x}_i$, we find its permutation pattern $\pi_{i}$. Probabilities are then estimated as the frequencies of the encoded permutation symbols by usingUniqueElements
. When giving the resulting probabilities toinformation
, the original permutation entropy is computed BandtPompe2002. - Multivariate data. If applied to a an
, then no embedding is constructed,m
must be equal toD
is ignored. Each vector $\bf{x}_i$ of the dataset is mapped directly to its permutation pattern $\pi_{i}$ by comparing the relative magnitudes of the elements of $\bf{x}_i$. Like above, probabilities are estimated as the frequencies of the permutation symbols. The resulting probabilities can be used to compute multivariate permutation entropy He2016, although here we don't perform any further subdivision of the permutation patterns (as in Figure 3 of He2016).
Internally, OrdinalPatterns
uses the OrdinalPatternEncoding
to represent ordinal patterns as integers for efficient computations.
See WeightedOrdinalPatterns
and AmplitudeAwareOrdinalPatterns
for estimators that not only consider ordinal (sorting) patterns, but also incorporate information about within-state-vector amplitudes. For a version of this estimator that can be used on spatial data, see SpatialOrdinalPatterns
In BandtPompe2002, equal values are ordered after their order of appearance, but this can lead to erroneous temporal correlations, especially for data with low amplitude resolution Zunino2017. Here, by default, if two values are equal, then one of the is randomly assigned as "the largest", using lt = ComplexityMeasures.isless_rand
. To get the behaviour from BandtPompe2002, use lt = Base.isless
Outcome space
The outcome space Ω
for OrdinalPatterns
is the set of length-m
ordinal patterns (i.e. permutations) that can be formed by the integers 1, 2, …, m
. There are factorial(m)
such patterns.
For example, the outcome [2, 3, 1]
corresponds to the ordinal pattern of having the smallest value in the second position, the next smallest value in the third position, and the next smallest, i.e. the largest value in the first position. See also OrdinalPatternEncoding
In-place symbolization
also implements the in-place probabilities!
for StateSpaceSet
input (or embedded vector input) for reducing allocations in looping scenarios. The length of the pre-allocated symbol vector must be the length of the dataset. For example
using ComplexityMeasures
m, N = 2, 100
est = OrdinalPatterns{m}(τ)
x = StateSpaceSet(rand(N, m)) # some input dataset
πs_ts = zeros(Int, N) # length must match length of `x`
p = probabilities!(πs_ts, est, x)
— TypeOutcome <: Number
A convenience wrapper around around an Integer
that represents an unspecified but enumerated outcome. It exists to distinguish the case of generic outcomes (which are allocated when using counts
) vs actual integer outcomes (which may be allocated when using counts_and_outcomes
). It is also used for pretty-printing Counts
and Probabilities
— TypeOutcomeSpace
The supertype for all outcome space implementation.
In ComplexityMeasures.jl, an outcome space defines a set of possible outcomes $\Omega = \{\omega_1, \omega_2, \ldots, \omega_L \}$ (some form of discretization). In the literature, the outcome space is often also called an "alphabet", while each outcome is called a "symbol" or an "event".
An outcome space also defines a set of rules for mapping input data to to each outcome $\omega_i$, a processes called encoding or symbolizing or discretizing in the literature (see encodings). Some OutcomeSpace
s first apply a transformation, e.g. a delay embedding, to the data before discretizing/encoding, while other OutcomeSpace
s discretize/encode the data directly.
Outcome space | Principle | Input data | Counting-compatible |
UniqueElements | Count of unique elements | Any | ✔ |
ValueBinning | Binning (histogram) | Vector , StateSpaceSet | ✔ |
OrdinalPatterns | Ordinal patterns | Vector , StateSpaceSet | ✔ |
SpatialOrdinalPatterns | Ordinal patterns in space | Array | ✔ |
Dispersion | Dispersion patterns | Vector | ✔ |
SpatialDispersion | Dispersion patterns in space | Array | ✔ |
CosineSimilarityBinning | Cosine similarity | Vector | ✔ |
BubbleSortSwaps | Swap counts when sorting | Vector | ✔ |
SequentialPairDistances | Sequential state vector distances | Vector , StateSpaceSet | ✔ |
TransferOperator | Binning (transfer operator) | Vector , StateSpaceSet | ✖ |
NaiveKernel | Kernel density estimation | StateSpaceSet | ✖ |
WeightedOrdinalPatterns | Ordinal patterns | Vector , StateSpaceSet | ✖ |
AmplitudeAwareOrdinalPatterns | Ordinal patterns | Vector , StateSpaceSet | ✖ |
WaveletOverlap | Wavelet transform | Vector | ✖ |
PowerSpectrum | Fourier transform | Vector | ✖ |
In the column "input data" it is assumed that the eltype
of the input is <: Real
Outcome spaces are used as input to
for computing probability mass functions.outcome_space
, which returns the elements of the outcome space.total_outcomes
, which returns the cardinality of the outcome space.counts
, for obtaining raw counts instead of probabilities (only for counting-compatible outcome spaces).
Counting-compatible vs. non-counting compatible outcome spaces
There are two main types of outcome spaces.
- Counting-compatible outcome spaces have a well-defined way of counting how often each point in the (encoded) input data is mapped to a particular outcome $\omega_i$. These outcome spaces use
to discretize the input data. Examples areOrdinalPatterns
(which encodes input data into ordinal patterns) orValueBinning
(which discretizes points onto a regular grid). The table below lists which outcome spaces are counting compatible. - Non-counting compatible outcome spaces have no well-defined way of counting explicitly how often each point in the input data is mapped to a particular outcome $\omega_i$. Instead, these outcome spaces returns a vector of pre-normalized "relative counts", one for each outcome $\omega_i$. Examples are
Counting-compatible outcome spaces can be used with any ProbabilitiesEstimator
to convert counts into probability mass functions. Non-counting-compatible outcome spaces can only be used with the maximum likelihood (RelativeAmount
) probabilities estimator, which estimates probabilities precisely by the relative frequency of each outcome (formally speaking, the RelativeAmount
estimator also requires counts, but for the sake of code consistency, we allow it to be used with relative frequencies as well).
The function is_counting_based
can be used to check whether an outcome space is based on counting.
Deducing the outcome space (from data)
Some outcome space models can deduce $\Omega$ without knowledge of the input, such as OrdinalPatterns
. Other outcome spaces require knowledge of the input data for concretely specifying $\Omega$, such as ValueBinning
with RectangularBinning
. If o
is some outcome space model and x
some input data, then outcome_space
(o, x)
returns the possible outcomes $\Omega$. To get the cardinality of $\Omega$, use total_outcomes
Implementation details
The element type of $\Omega$ varies between outcome space models, but it is guaranteed to be hashable and sortable. This allows for conveniently tracking the counts of a specific event across experimental realizations, by using the outcome as a dictionary key and the counts as the value for that key (or, alternatively, the key remains the outcome and one has a vector of probabilities, one for each experimental realization).
— TypePairDistanceEncoding <: Encoding
PairDistanceEncoding(min_dist, max_dist; n = 2, metric = Chebyshev(), precise = false)
An encoding that encode
s point pairs of the form Tuple{<:AbstractVector, <:AbstractVector}
by first computing their distance using the given metric
, then dividing the interval [min_dist, max_dist]
into n
equal-size bins, and mapping the computed distance onto one of those bins. Bins are enumerated as 1:n
. When decode
-ing the bin integer, the left edge of the bin is returned.
has the same meaning as in RectangularBinEncoding
Let's create an example where the minimum and maximum allowed distance is known.
using ComplexityMeasures, Distances, StaticArrays
m = Chebyshev()
y = [SVector(1.0), SVector(0.5), SVector(0.25), SVector(0.64)]
pair1, pair2, pair3 = (y[1], y[2]), (y[2], y[3]), (y[3], y[4])
dmax = m(pair1...) # dist = 0.50
dmin = m(pair2...) # dist = 0.25
dmid = m(pair3...) # dist = 0.39
# This should give five bins with left adges at [0.25], [0.30], [0.35], [0.40] and [0.45]
encoding = PairDistanceEncoding(dmin, dmax; n = 5, metric = m)
c1 = encode(encoding, pair1) # 5
c2 = encode(encoding, pair2) # 1
c3 = encode(encoding, pair3) # 3
decode(encoding, c3) ≈ [0.35] # true
— TypePlugIn(e::InformationMeasure) <: DiscreteInfoEstimatorGeneric
The PlugIn
estimator is also called the empirical/naive/"maximum likelihood" estimator, and is used with information
to any discrete InformationMeasure
It computes any quantity exactly as given by its formula. When computing an information measure, which here is defined as a probabilities functional, it computes the quantity directly from a probability mass function, which is derived from maximum-likelihood (RelativeAmount
estimates of the probabilities.
Bias of plug-in estimates
The plugin-estimator of Shannon
entropy underestimates the true entropy, with a bias that grows with the number of distinct outcomes
(Arora et al., 2022)Arora2022,
\[bias(H_S^{plugin}) = -\dfrac{K-1}{2N} + o(N^-1).\]
where K
is the number of distinct outcomes, and N
is the sample size. Many authors have tried to remedy this by proposing alternative Shannon entropy estimators. For example, the MillerMadow
estimator is a simple correction to the plug-in estimator that adds back the bias term above. Many other estimators exist; see DiscreteInfoEstimator
s for an overview.
— TypePowerSpectrum() <: OutcomeSpace
An OutcomeSpace
based on the power spectrum of a timeseries (amplitude square of its Fourier transform).
If used with probabilities
, then the spectrum normalized to sum = 1 is returned as probabilities. The Shannon entropy of these probabilities is typically referred in the literature as spectral entropy, e.g. Llanos2017 and Tian2017.
The closer the spectrum is to flat, i.e., white noise, the higher the entropy. However, you can't compare entropies of timeseries with different length, because the binning in spectral space depends on the length of the input.
Outcome space
The outcome space Ω
for PowerSpectrum
is the set of frequencies in Fourier space. They should be multiplied with the sampling rate of the signal, which is assumed to be 1
. Input x
is needed for a well-defined outcome_space
— TypePrintComponent
PrintComponent(s; color::Union{Symbol,Int} = :normal,
bold::Bool = false, underline::Bool = false, blink::Bool = false,
hidden::Bool = false, reverse::Bool = false)
Stores a string s
and instructions for how it shall be printed.
s are intended for use with printstyled
— TypeProbabilities <: Array{<:AbstractFloat, N}
Probabilities(probs::Array [, outcomes [, dimlabels]]) → p
Probabilities(counts::Counts [, outcomes [, dimlabels]]) → p
stores an N
-dimensional array of probabilities, while ensuring that the array sums to 1 (normalized probability mass). In most cases the array is a standard vector. p
itself can be manipulated and iterated over, just like its stored array.
The probabilities correspond to outcomes
that describe the axes of the array. If p isa Probabilities
, then p.outcomes[i]
is an an abstract vector containing the outcomes along the i
-th dimension. The outcomes have the same ordering as the probabilities, so that p[i][j]
is the probability for outcome p.outcomes[i][j]
. The dimensions of the array are named, and can be accessed by p.dimlabels
, where p.dimlabels[i]
is the label of the i
-th dimension. Both outcomes
and dimlabels
are assigned automatically if not given. If the input is a set of Counts
, and outcomes
and dimlabels
are not given, then the labels and outcomes are inherited from the counts.
julia> probs = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]; Probabilities(probs) # will be normalized to sum to 1
Probabilities{Float64,1} over 4 outcomes
Outcome(1) 0.25
Outcome(2) 0.25
Outcome(3) 0.25
Outcome(4) 0.25
julia> c = Counts([12, 16, 12], ["out1", "out2", "out3"]); Probabilities(c)
Probabilities{Float64,1} over 3 outcomes
"out1" 0.3
"out2" 0.4
"out3" 0.3
— TypeProbabilitiesEstimator
The supertype for all probabilities estimators.
The role of the probabilities estimator is to convert (pseudo-)counts to probabilities. Currently, the implementation of all probabilities estimators assume finite outcome space with known cardinality. Therefore, ProbabilitiesEstimator
accept an OutcomeSpace
as the first argument, which specifies the set of possible outcomes.
Probabilities estimators are used with probabilities
and allprobabilities_and_outcomes
The default probabilities estimator is RelativeAmount
, which is compatible with any OutcomeSpace
. The following estimators only support counting-based outcomes.
In ComplexityMeasures.jl, probability mass functions are estimated from data by defining a set of possible outcomes $\Omega = \{\omega_1, \omega_2, \ldots, \omega_L \}$ (by specifying an OutcomeSpace
), and assigning to each outcome $\omega_i$ a probability $p(\omega_i)$, such that $\sum_{i=1}^N p(\omega_i) = 1$ (by specifying a ProbabilitiesEstimator
— TypeRectangularBinEncoding <: Encoding
RectangularBinEncoding(binning::RectangularBinning, x)
An encoding scheme that encode
s points χ ∈ x
into their histogram bins.
The first call signature simply initializes a FixedRectangularBinning
and then calls the second call signature.
See FixedRectangularBinning
for info on mapping points to bins.
— TypeRectangularBinning(ϵ, precise = false) <: AbstractBinning
Rectangular box partition of state space using the scheme ϵ
, deducing the histogram extent and bin width from the input data.
is a convenience struct. It is re-cast into FixedRectangularBinning
once the data are provided, so see that docstring for info on the bin calculation and the meaning of precise
Binning instructions are deduced from the type of ϵ
as follows:
divides each coordinate axis intoϵ
equal-length intervals that cover all data.ϵ::Float64
divides each coordinate axis into intervals of fixed sizeϵ
, starting from the axis minima until the data is completely covered by boxes.ϵ::Vector{Int}
divides the i-th coordinate axis intoϵ[i]
equal-length intervals that cover all data.ϵ::Vector{Float64}
divides the i-th coordinate axis into intervals of fixed sizeϵ[i]
, starting from the axis minima until the data is completely covered by boxes.
ensures all input data are covered by extending the created ranges if need be.
— TypeRegularDownsampling <: MultiScaleAlgorithm
RegularDownsampling(; f::Function = Statistics.mean, scales = 1:8)
The original multi-scale algorithm for multiscale entropy analysis Costa2002, which yields a single downsampled time series per scale s
Given a scalar-valued input time series x
, the Regular
multiscale algorithm downsamples and coarse-grains x
by splitting it into non-overlapping windows of length s
, and then constructing a new downsampled time series $D_t(s, f)$ by applying the function f
to each of the resulting length-s
The downsampled time series D_t(s)
with t ∈ [1, 2, …, L]
, where L = floor(N / s)
, is given by:
\[\{ D_t(s, f) \}_{t = 1}^{L} = \left\{ f \left( \bf x_t \right) \right\}_{t = 1}^{L} = \left\{ {f\left( (x_i)_{i = (t - 1)s + 1}^{ts} \right)} \right\}_{t = 1}^{L}\]
where f
is some summary statistic applied to the length-ts-((t - 1)s + 1)
tuples xₖ
. Different choices of f
have yield different multiscale methods appearing in the literature. For example:
f == Statistics.mean
yields the original first-moment multiscale sample entropy Costa2002.f == Statistics.var
yields the generalized multiscale sample entropy Costa2015, which uses the second-moment (variance) instead of the mean.
Keyword Arguments
. The downsampling levels. Ifscales
is set to an integer, then this integer is taken as maximum number of scales (i.e. levels of downsampling), and downsampling is done over levels1:scales
. Otherwise, downsampling is done over the providedscales
(which may be a range, or some specific scales (e.g.scales = [1, 5, 6]
). The maximum scale level islength(x) ÷ 2
, but to avoid applying the method to time series that are extremely short, consider limiting the maximum scale (e.g.scales = length(x) ÷ 5
See also: CompositeDownsampling
— TypeRelativeAmount <: ProbabilitiesEstimator
The RelativeAmount
estimator is used with probabilities
and related functions to estimate probabilities over the given OutcomeSpace
using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), also called plug-in estimation. See ProbabilitiesEstimator
for usage.
Consider a length-m
outcome space $\Omega$ and random sample of length N
. The maximum likelihood estimate of the probability of the k
-th outcome $\omega_k$ is
\[p(\omega_k) = \dfrac{n_k}{N},\]
where $n_k$ is the number of times the k
-th outcome was observed in the (encoded) sample.
This estimation is known as maximum likelihood estimation. However, RelativeAmount
also serves as the fall-back probabilities estimator for OutcomeSpace
s that are not count-based and only yield "pseudo-counts", for example WaveletOverlap
or PowerSpectrum
. These outcome spaces do not yield counts, but pre-normalized numbers that can be treated as "relative frequencies" or "relative power". Hence, this estimator is called RelativeAmount
using ComplexityMeasures
x = cumsum(randn(100))
ps = probabilities(OrdinalPatterns{3}(), x) # `RelativeAmount` is the default estimator
ps_mle = probabilities(RelativeAmount(), OrdinalPatterns{3}(), x) # equivalent
ps == ps_mle # true
See also: BayesianRegularization
, Shrinkage
— TypeRelativeFirstDifferenceEncoding <: Encoding
RelativeFirstDifferenceEncoding(minval::Real, maxval::Real; n = 2)
encodes a vector based on the relative position the average of the first differences of the vectors has with respect to a predefined minimum and maximum value (minval
and maxval
, respectively).
This encoding is inspired by Azami2016's algorithm for amplitude-aware permutation entropy. They use a linear combination of amplitude information and first differences information of state vectors to correct probabilities. Here, however, we explicitly encode the first differences part of the correction as an a integer symbol Λ ∈ [1, 2, …, n]
. The amplitude part of the encoding is available as the RelativeMeanEncoding
When used with encode
, an $m$-element state vector $\bf{x} = (x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_m)$ is encoded as $Λ = \dfrac{1}{m - 1}\sum_{k=2}^m |x_{k} - x_{k-1}|$. The value of $Λ$ is then normalized to lie on the interval [0, 1]
, assuming that the minimum/maximum value any single $abs(x_k - x_{k-1})$ can take is minval
, respectively. Finally, the interval [0, 1]
is discretized into n
discrete bins, enumerated by positive integers 1, 2, …, n
, and the number of the bin that the normalized $Λ$ falls into is returned. The smaller the mean first difference of the state vector is, the smaller the bin number is. The higher the mean first difference of the state vectors is, the higher the bin number is.
When used with decode
, the left-edge of the bin that the normalized $Λ$ fell into is returned.
Performance tips
If you are encoding multiple input vectors, it is more efficient to construct a RelativeFirstDifferenceEncoding
instance and re-use it:
minval, maxval = 0, 1
encoding = RelativeFirstDifferenceEncoding(minval, maxval; n = 4)
pts = [rand(3) for i = 1:1000]
[encode(encoding, x) for x in pts]
— TypeRelativeMeanEncoding <: Encoding
RelativeMeanEncoding(minval::Real, maxval::Real; n = 2)
encodes a vector based on the relative position the mean of the vector has with respect to a predefined minimum and maximum value (minval
and maxval
, respectively).
This encoding is inspired by Azami2016's algorithm for amplitude-aware permutation entropy. They use a linear combination of amplitude information and first differences information of state vectors to correct probabilities. Here, however, we explicitly encode the amplitude-part of the correction as an a integer symbol Λ ∈ [1, 2, …, n]
. The first-difference part of the encoding is available as the RelativeFirstDifferenceEncoding
When used with encode
, an $m$-element state vector $\bf{x} = (x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_m)$ is encoded as $Λ = \dfrac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^m abs(x_i)$. The value of $Λ$ is then normalized to lie on the interval [0, 1]
, assuming that the minimum/maximum value any single element $x_i$ can take is minval
, respectively. Finally, the interval [0, 1]
is discretized into n
discrete bins, enumerated by positive integers 1, 2, …, n
, and the number of the bin that the normalized $Λ$ falls into is returned.
When used with decode
, the left-edge of the bin that the normalized $Λ$ fell into is returned.
— TypeRenyi <: InformationMeasure
Renyi(q, base = 2)
Renyi(; q = 1.0, base = 2)
The Rényi generalized order-q
entropy Rényi1961, used with information
to compute an entropy with units given by base
(typically 2
or MathConstants.e
Let $p$ be an array of probabilities (summing to 1). Then the Rényi generalized entropy is
\[H_q(p) = \frac{1}{1-q} \log \left(\sum_i p[i]^q\right)\]
and generalizes other known entropies, like e.g. the information entropy ($q = 1$, see Shannon1948), the maximum entropy ($q=0$, also known as Hartley entropy), or the correlation entropy ($q = 2$, also known as collision entropy).
The maximum value of the Rényi entropy is $\log_{base}(L)$, which is the entropy of the uniform distribution with $L$ the total_outcomes
— TypeRenyiExtropy <: InformationMeasure
RenyiExtropy(; q = 1.0, base = 2)
The Rényi extropy Liu2023.
is used with information
to compute
\[J_R(P) = \dfrac{-(n - 1) \log{(n - 1)} + (n - 1) \log{ \left( \sum_{i=1}^N {(1 - p[i])}^q \right)} }{q - 1}\]
for a probability distribution $P = \{p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_N\}$, with the $\log$ at the given base
. Alternatively, RenyiExtropy
can be used with information_normalized
, which ensures that the computed extropy is on the interval $[0, 1]$ by normalizing to to the maximal Rényi extropy, given by
\[J_R(P) = (N - 1)\log \left( \dfrac{n}{n-1} \right) .\]
— TypeReverseDispersion <: ComplexityEstimator
ReverseDispersion(; c = 3, m = 2, τ = 1, check_unique = true)
Estimator for the reverse dispersion entropy complexity measure Li2019.
Li2019 defines the reverse dispersion entropy as
\[H_{rde} = \sum_{i = 1}^{c^m} \left(p_i - \dfrac{1}{{c^m}} \right)^2 = \left( \sum_{i=1}^{c^m} p_i^2 \right) - \dfrac{1}{c^{m}}\]
where the probabilities $p_i$ are obtained precisely as for the Dispersion
probability estimator. Relative frequencies of dispersion patterns are computed using the given encoding
scheme , which defaults to encoding using the normal cumulative distribution function (NCDF), as implemented by GaussianCDFEncoding
, using embedding dimension m
and embedding delay τ
. Recommended parameter valuesLi2018 are m ∈ [2, 3]
, τ = 1
for the embedding, and c ∈ [3, 4, …, 8]
categories for the Gaussian mapping.
If normalizing, then the reverse dispersion entropy is normalized to [0, 1]
The minimum value of $H_{rde}$ is zero and occurs precisely when the dispersion pattern distribution is flat, which occurs when all $p_i$s are equal to $1/c^m$. Because $H_{rde} \geq 0$, $H_{rde}$ can therefore be said to be a measure of how far the dispersion pattern probability distribution is from white noise.
Data requirements
The input must have more than one unique element for the default GaussianCDFEncoding
to be well-defined. Li2018 recommends that x
has at least 1000 data points.
If check_unique == true
(default), then it is checked that the input has more than one unique value. If check_unique == false
and the input only has one unique element, then a InexactError
is thrown when trying to compute probabilities.
— TypeSampleEntropy([x]; r = 0.2std(x), kwargs...) <: ComplexityEstimator
An estimator for the sample entropy complexity measure Richman2000, used with complexity
and complexity_normalized
The keyword argument r
is mandatory if an input timeseries x
is not provided.
Keyword arguments
: The radius used when querying for nearest neighbors around points. Its value should be determined from the input data, for example as some proportion of the standard deviation of the data.m::Int = 2
: The embedding dimension.τ::Int = 1
: The embedding lag.
An estimator for sample entropy using radius r
, embedding dimension m
, and embedding lag τ
\[SampEn(m,r, N) = -\ln{\dfrac{A(r, N)}{B(r, N)}}.\]
\[\begin{aligned} B(r, m, N) = \sum_{i = 1}^{N-m\tau} \sum_{j = 1, j \neq i}^{N-m\tau} \theta(d({\bf x}_i^m, {\bf x}_j^m) \leq r) \\ A(r, m, N) = \sum_{i = 1}^{N-m\tau} \sum_{j = 1, j \neq i}^{N-m\tau} \theta(d({\bf x}_i^{m+1}, {\bf x}_j^{m+1}) \leq r) \\ \end{aligned},\]
where $\theta(\cdot)$ returns 1 if the argument is true and 0 otherwise, and $d(x, y)$ computes the Chebyshev distance between $x$ and $y$, and ${\bf x}_i^{m}$ and ${\bf x}_i^{m+1}$ are m
-dimensional and m+1
-dimensional embedding vectors, where k
-dimensional embedding vectors are constructed from the input timeseries $x(t)$ as
\[{\bf x}_i^k = (x(i), x(i+τ), x(i+2τ), \ldots, x(i+(k-1)\tau)).\]
Quoting Richman & Moorman (2002): "SampEn(m,r,N) will be defined except when B = 0, in which case no regularity has been detected, or when A = 0, which corresponds to a conditional probability of 0 and an infinite value of SampEn(m,r,N)". In these cases, NaN
is returned.
If computing the normalized measure, then the resulting sample entropy is on [0, 1]
The original algorithm fixes τ = 1
. All formulas here are modified to account for any τ
See also: entropy_sample
— TypeSchuermann <: DiscreteInfoEstimatorShannon
Schuermann(definition::Shannon; a = 1.0)
The Schuermann
estimator is used with information
to compute the discrete Shannon
entropy with the bias-corrected estimator given in Schurmann2004.
See detailed description for GeneralizedSchuermann
for details.
— TypeSequentialPairDistances <: CountBasedOutcomeSpace
SequentialPairDistances(x::AbstractVector; n = 3, metric = Chebyshev(), m = 3, τ = 1)
SequentialPairDistances(x::AbstractStateSpaceSet; n = 3, metric = Chebyshev())
An outcome space based on the distribution of distances of sequential pairs of points.
This outcome space appears implicitly as part of the "distribution entropy" introduced by Li2015, which of course can be reproduced here (see example below). We've generalized the method to be used with any InformationMeasure
and DiscreteInfoEstimator
, and with valid distance metric
(from Distances.jl).
Input data x
are needed for initialization, because distances must be pre-computed to know the minimum/maximum distances needed for binning the distribution of pairwise distances. If the input is an AbstractVector
, then the vector is embedded before computing distances. If the input is an AbstractStateSpaceSet
, then the embedding step is skipped and distances are computed directly on each state vector xᵢ ∈ x
does the following:
- Transforms the input timeseries
by first embedding it using embedding dimensionm
and embedding lagτ
(or skip this step if the input is already embedded). - Computes the distances
between sequential pairs of points according to the givenmetric
. - Divides the interval
[minimum(ds), maximum(ds)]
equal-size bins by usingRectangularBinEncoding
, then maps the distances onto these bins.
Outcome space
The outcome space Ω
for SequentialPairDistances
are the bins onto which the pairwise distances are mapped, encoded as the integers 1:n
. If you need the actual bin coordinates, these can be recovered with decode
(see example below).
. Note that the inputx
is ignored when callingcodify
, because the input data is already handled when constructing aSequentialPairDistances
The outcome bins can be retrieved as follows.
using ComplexityMeasures
x = rand(100)
o = SequentialPairDistances(x)
cts, outs = counts_and_outcomes(o, x)
Computing the "distribution entropy" with n = 3
bins for the distance histogram:
using ComplexityMeasures
x = rand(1000000)
o = SequentialPairDistances(x, n = 3, metric = Chebyshev()) # metric from original paper
h = information(Shannon(base = 2), o, x)
— TypeShannon <: InformationMeasure
Shannon(; base = 2)
The Shannon Shannon1948 entropy, used with information
to compute:
\[H(p) = - \sum_i p[i] \log(p[i])\]
with the $\log$ at the given base
The maximum value of the Shannon entropy is $\log_{base}(L)$, which is the entropy of the uniform distribution with $L$ the total_outcomes
— TypeShannonExtropy <: InformationMeasure
ShannonExtropy(; base = 2)
The Shannon extropy Lad2015, used with information
to compute
\[J(x) = -\sum_{i=1}^N (1 - p[i]) \log{(1 - p[i])},\]
for a probability distribution $P = \{p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_N\}$, with the $\log$ at the given base
— TypeShrinkage{<:OutcomeSpace} <: ProbabilitiesEstimator
Shrinkage(; t = nothing, λ = nothing)
The Shrinkage
estimator is used with probabilities
and related functions to estimate probabilities over the given m
-element counting-based OutcomeSpace
using James-Stein-type shrinkage JamesStein1992, as presented in Hausser2009.
The Shrinkage
estimator estimates a cell probability $\theta_{k}^{\text{Shrink}}$ as
\[\theta_{k}^{\text{Shrink}} = \lambda t_k + (1-\lambda) \hat{\theta}_k^{RelativeAmount},\]
where $\lambda \in [0, 1]$ is the shrinkage intensity ($\lambda = 0$ means no shrinkage, and $\lambda = 1$ means full shrinkage), and $t_k$ is the shrinkage target. Hausser2009 picks $t_k = 1/m$, i.e. the uniform distribution.
If t == nothing
, then $t_k$ is set to $1/m$ for all $k$, as in Hausser2009. If λ == nothing
(the default), then the shrinkage intensity is optimized according to Hausser2009. Hence, you should probably not pick λ
nor t
manually, unless you know what you are doing.
The Shrinkage
estimator assumes a fixed and known number of outcomes m
. Thus, using it with probabilities_and_outcomes
) and allprobabilities_and_outcomes
will yield different results, depending on whether all outcomes are observed in the input data or not. For probabilities_and_outcomes
, m
is the number of observed outcomes. For allprobabilities_and_outcomes
, m = total_outcomes(o, x)
, where o
is the OutcomeSpace
and x
is the input data.
If used with allprobabilities_and_outcomes
, then outcomes which have not been observed may be assigned non-zero probabilities. This might affect your results if using e.g. missing_outcomes
using ComplexityMeasures
x = cumsum(randn(100))
ps_shrink = probabilities(Shrinkage(), OrdinalPatterns{3}(), x)
See also: RelativeAmount
, BayesianRegularization
— TypeSpatialBubbleSortSwaps <: SpatialOutcomeSpace
SpatialBubbleSortSwaps(stencil, x; periodic = true)
generalizes BubbleSortSwaps
to high-dimensional arrays by encoding pixel/voxel/hypervoxel windows in terms of how many swap operations the bubble sort algorithm requires to sort them.
What does this mean? For BubbleSortSwaps
the input data is embedded using embedding dimension m
and the number of swaps required are computed for each embedding vector. For SpatialBubbleSortSwaps
, the "embedding dimension" m
for is inferred from the number of elements in the stencil
, and the "embedding vectors" are the hypervoxels selected by the stencil
Outcome space
The outcome space Ω
for SpatialBubbleSortSwaps
is the range of integers 0:(n*(n-1)÷2)
, corresponding to the number of swaps required by the bubble sort algorithm to sort a particular pixel/voxel/hypervoxel window.
. Defines what local area (hyperrectangle), or which points within this area, to include around each hypervoxel (i.e. pixel in 2D). SeeSpatialOrdinalPatterns
for more information about stencils and examples of how to specify them.x::AbstractArray
. The input data. Must be provided because we need to know its size for optimization and bound checking.
Keyword arguments
. Ifperiodic == true
, then the stencil should wrap around at the end of the array. Ifperiodic = false
, then pixels whose stencil exceeds the array bounds are skipped.
using ComplexityMeasures
using Random; rng = MersenneTwister(1234)
x = rand(rng, 100, 100, 100) # some 3D image
stencil = zeros(Int,2,2,2) # 3D stencil
stencil[:, :, 1] = [1 0; 1 1]
stencil[:, :, 2] = [0 1; 1 0]
o = SpatialBubbleSortSwaps(stencil, x)
# Distribution of "bubble sorting complexity" among voxel windows
counts_and_outcomes(o, x)
# "Spatial bubble Kaniadakis entropy", with shrinkage-adjusted probabilities
information(Kaniadakis(), Shrinkage(), o, x)
— TypeSpatialDispersion <: OutcomeSpace
SpatialDispersion(stencil, x::AbstractArray;
periodic = true,
c = 5,
skip_encoding = false,
L = nothing,
A dispersion-based OutcomeSpace
that generalises Dispersion
for input data that are high-dimensional arrays.
is based on Azami2019's 2D square dispersion (Shannon) entropy estimator, but is here implemented as a pure probabilities probabilities estimator that is generalized for N
-dimensional input data x
, with arbitrary neighborhood regions (stencils) and (optionally) periodic boundary conditions.
In combination with information
and information_normalized
, this probabilities estimator can be used to compute (normalized) generalized spatiotemporal dispersion InformationMeasure
of any type.
. Defines what local area (hyperrectangle), or which points within this area, to include around each hypervoxel (i.e. pixel in 2D). The examples below demonstrate different ways of specifying stencils. For details, seeSpatialOrdinalPatterns
. SeeSpatialOrdinalPatterns
for more information about stencils.x::AbstractArray
. The input data. Must be provided because we need to know its size for optimization and bound checking.
Keyword arguments
. Ifperiodic == true
, then the stencil should wrap around at the end of the array. Ifperiodic = false
, then pixels whose stencil exceeds the array bounds are skipped.c::Int
. Determines how many discrete categories to use for the Gaussian encoding.skip_encoding
. Ifskip_encoding == true
is ignored, and dispersion patterns are computed directly fromx
, under the assumption thatL
is the alphabet length forx
(useful for categorical or integer data). Thus, ifskip_encoding == true
, thenL
must also be specified. This is useful for categorical or integer-valued data.L
. IfL == nothing
(default), then the number of total outcomes is inferred fromstencil
. IfL
is set to an integer, then the data is considered pre-encoded and the number of total outcomes is set toL
Outcome space
The outcome space for SpatialDispersion
is the unique delay vectors whose elements are the the symbols (integers) encoded by the Gaussian CDF. Hence, the outcome space is all m
-dimensional delay vectors whose elements are all possible values in 1:c
. There are c^m
such vectors.
Estimating probabilities/entropies from higher-dimensional data is conceptually simple.
- Discretize each value (hypervoxel) in
relative to all other valuesxᵢ ∈ x
using the providedencoding
scheme. - Use
to extract relevant (discretized) points around each hypervoxel. - Construct a symbol these points.
- Take the sum-normalized histogram of the symbol as a probability distribution.
- Optionally, compute
from this probability distribution.
Here's how to compute spatial dispersion entropy using the three different ways of specifying stencils.
x = rand(50, 50) # first "time slice" of a spatial system evolution
# Cartesian stencil
stencil_cartesian = CartesianIndex.([(0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)])
est = SpatialDispersion(stencil_cartesian, x)
information_normalized(est, x)
# Extent/lag stencil
extent = (2, 2); lag = (1, 1); stencil_ext_lag = (extent, lag)
est = SpatialDispersion(stencil_ext_lag, x)
information_normalized(est, x)
# Matrix stencil
stencil_matrix = [1 1; 1 1]
est = SpatialDispersion(stencil_matrix, x)
information_normalized(est, x)
To apply this to timeseries of spatial data, simply loop over the call (broadcast), e.g.:
imgs = [rand(50, 50) for i = 1:100]; # one image per second over 100 seconds
stencil = ((2, 2), (1, 1)) # a 2x2 stencil (i.e. dispersion patterns of length 4)
est = SpatialDispersion(stencil, first(imgs))
h_vs_t = information_normalized.(Ref(est), imgs)
Computing generalized spatiotemporal dispersion entropy is trivial, e.g. with Renyi
x = reshape(repeat(1:5, 500) .+ 0.1*rand(500*5), 50, 50)
est = SpatialDispersion(stencil, x)
information(Renyi(q = 2), est, x)
See also: SpatialOrdinalPatterns
, GaussianCDFEncoding
, codify
— TypeSpatialOrdinalPatterns <: OutcomeSpaceModel
SpatialOrdinalPatterns(stencil, x; periodic = true)
A symbolic, permutation-based OutcomeSpace
for spatiotemporal systems that generalises OrdinalPatterns
to high-dimensional arrays. The order m
of the permutation pattern is extracted from the stencil
, see below.
is based on the 2D and 3D spatiotemporal permutation entropy estimators by Ribeiro2012 and Schlemmer2018, respectively, but is here implemented as a pure probabilities probabilities estimator that is generalized for D
-dimensional input array x
, with arbitrary regions (stencils) to get patterns form and (possibly) periodic boundary conditions.
See below for ways to specify the stencil
. If periodic = true
, then the stencil wraps around at the ends of the array. If false
, then collected regions with indices which exceed the array bounds are skipped.
In combination with information
and information_normalized
, this probabilities estimator can be used to compute generalized spatiotemporal permutation InformationMeasure
of any type.
Outcome space
The outcome space Ω
for SpatialOrdinalPatterns
is the set of length-m
ordinal patterns (i.e. permutations) that can be formed by the integers 1, 2, …, m
, ordered lexicographically. There are factorial(m)
such patterns. Here m
refers to the number of points included in stencil
The stencil
defines what local area to use to group hypervoxels. Each grouping of hypervoxels is mapped to an order-m
permutation pattern, which is then mapped to an integer as in OrdinalPatterns
. The stencil
is moved around the input array, in a sense "scanning" the input array, to collect all possible groupings allowed by the boundary condition (periodic or not).
Stencils are passed in one of the following three ways:
- As vectors of
which encode the offset of indices to include in the stencil, with respect to the current array index when scanning over the array. For examplestencil = CartesianIndex.([(0,0), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0)])
. Don't forget to include the zero offset index if you want to include the hypervoxel itself, which is almost always the case. Here the stencil creates a 2x2 square extending to the bottom and right of the pixel (directions here correspond to the way Julia prints matrices by default). When passing a stencil as a vector ofCartesianIndex
,m = length(stencil)
. - As a
-dimensional array (whereD
matches the dimensionality of the input data) containing0
s and1
s, where ifstencil[index] == 1
, the corresponding pixel is included, and ifstencil[index] == 0
, it is not included. To generate the same estimator as in 1., usestencil = [1 1; 1 1]
. When passing a stencil as aD
-dimensional array,m = sum(stencil)
- As a
containing twoTuple
s, both of lengthD
, forD
-dimensional data. The first tuple specifies theextent
of the stencil, whereextent[i]
dictates the number of hypervoxels to be included along thei
th axis andlag[i]
the separation of hypervoxels along the same axis. This method can only generate (hyper)rectangular stencils. To create the same estimator as in the previous examples, use herestencil = ((2, 2), (1, 1))
. When passing a stencil usingextent
,m = prod(extent)
— TypeA convenience abstract type that makes dispatch for pixel retrieval easier.
— TypeStatisticalComplexity <: ComplexityEstimator
StatisticalComplexity(; kwargs...)
An estimator for the statistical complexity and entropy, originally by Rosso2007 and generalized by Rosso2013.
Our implementation extends the generalization to any valid distance metric, any OutcomeSpace
with a priori known total_outcomes
, any ProbabilitiesEstimator
, and any normalizable discrete InformationMeasure
Used with complexity
Keyword arguments
o::OutcomeSpace = OrdinalPatterns{3}()
. TheOutcomeSpace
, which controls how the input data are discretized.pest::ProbabilitiesEstimator = RelativeAmount()
: TheProbabilitiesEstimator
used to estimate probabilities over the discretized input data.hest = Renyi()
: ADiscreteInfoEstimator
or anInformationMeasure
. Any information measure that definesinformation_maximum
is valid here including extropies. The measure will be estimated using thePlugIn
estimator if not given an estimator.dist <: SemiMetric = JSDivergence()
: The distance measure (from Distances.jl) to use for estimating the distance between the estimated probability distribution and a uniform distribution with the same maximal number of outcomes.
Statistical complexity is defined as
\[C_q[P] = \mathcal{H}_q\cdot \mathcal{Q}_q[P],\]
where $Q_q$ is a "disequilibrium" obtained from a distance-measure and $H_q$ a disorder measure. In the original paperRosso2007, this complexity measure was defined via an ordinal pattern-based probability distribution (see OrdinalPatterns
), using Shannon
entropy as the information measure, and the Jensen-Shannon divergence as a distance measure.
Our implementation is a further generalization of the complexity measure developed in Rosso2013. We let $H_q$be any normalizable InformationMeasure
, e.g. Shannon
, Renyi
or Tsallis
entropy, and we let $Q_q$ be either on the Euclidean, Wooters, Kullback, q-Kullback, Jensen or q-Jensen distance as
\[Q_q[P] = Q_q^0\cdot D[P, P_e],\]
where $D[P, P_e]$ is the distance between the obtained distribution $P$ and a uniform distribution with the same maximum number of bins, measured by the distance measure dist
The statistical complexity is exclusively used in combination with the chosen information measure (typically an entropy). The estimated value of the information measure can be accessed as a Ref
value of the struct as
x = randn(100)
c = StatisticalComplexity()
compl = complexity(c, x)
entr = first(entropy_complexity(c, x)) # both complexity and entropy value
complexity(c::StatisticalComplexity, x)
returns only the statistical complexity. To obtain both the value of the entropy (or other information measure) and the statistical complexity together as a Tuple
, use the wrapper entropy_complexity
See also: entropy_complexity_curves
— TypeStretchedExponential <: InformationMeasure
StretchedExponential(; η = 2.0, base = 2)
The stretched exponential, or Anteneodo-Plastino, entropy Anteneodo1999, used with information
to compute
\[S_{\eta}(p) = \sum_{i = 1}^N \Gamma \left( \dfrac{\eta + 1}{\eta}, - \log_{base}(p_i) \right) - p_i \Gamma \left( \dfrac{\eta + 1}{\eta} \right),\]
where $\eta \geq 0$, $\Gamma(\cdot, \cdot)$ is the upper incomplete Gamma function, and $\Gamma(\cdot) = \Gamma(\cdot, 0)$ is the Gamma function. Reduces to Shannon
entropy for η = 1.0
The maximum entropy for StrechedExponential
is a rather complicated expression involving incomplete Gamma functions (see source code).
— TypeTransferOperator <: OutcomeSpace
TransferOperator(b::AbstractBinning; warn_precise = true, rng = Random.default_rng())
An OutcomeSpace
based on binning data into rectangular boxes dictated by the given binning scheme b
When used with probabilities
, then the transfer (Perron-Frobenius) operator is approximated over the bins, then bin probabilities are estimated as the invariant measure associated with that transfer operator. Assumes that the input data are sequential (time-ordered).
This implementation follows the grid estimator approach in Diego2019.
The default behaviour when using RectangularBinning
or FixedRectangularBinning
is to accept some loss of precision on the bin boundaries for speed-ups, but this may lead to issues for TransferOperator
where some points may be encoded as the symbol -1
("outside the binning"). The warn_precise
keyword controls whether the user is warned when a less precise binning is used.
Outcome space
The outcome space for TransferOperator
is the set of unique bins constructed from b
. Bins are identified by their left (lowest-value) corners, are given in data units, and are returned as SVector
Bin ordering
Bins returned by probabilities_and_outcomes
are ordered according to first appearance (i.e. the first time the input (multivariate) timeseries visits the bin). Thus, if
b = RectangularBinning(4)
est = TransferOperator(b)
probs, outcomes = probabilities_and_outcomes(x, est) # x is some timeseries
then probs[i]
is the invariant measure (probability) of the bin outcomes[i]
, which is the i
-th bin visited by the timeseries with nonzero measure.
The transfer operator $P^{N}$is computed as an N
matrix of transition probabilities between the states defined by the partition elements, where N
is the number of boxes in the partition that is visited by the orbit/points.
If $\{x_t^{(D)} \}_{n=1}^L$ are the $L$ different $D$-dimensional points over which the transfer operator is approximated, $\{ C_{k=1}^N \}$ are the $N$ different partition elements (as dictated by ϵ
) that gets visited by the points, and $\phi(x_t) = x_{t+1}$, then
\[P_{ij} = \dfrac {\#\{ x_n | \phi(x_n) \in C_j \cap x_n \in C_i \}} {\#\{ x_m | x_m \in C_i \}},\]
where $\#$ denotes the cardinal. The element $P_{ij}$ thus indicates how many points that are initially in box $C_i$ end up in box $C_j$ when the points in $C_i$ are projected one step forward in time. Thus, the row $P_{ik}^N$ where $k \in \{1, 2, \ldots, N \}$ gives the probability of jumping from the state defined by box $C_i$ to any of the other $N$ states. It follows that $\sum_{k=1}^{N} P_{ik} = 1$ for all $i$. Thus, $P^N$ is a row/right stochastic matrix.
Invariant measure estimation from transfer operator
The left invariant distribution $\mathbf{\rho}^N$ is a row vector, where $\mathbf{\rho}^N P^{N} = \mathbf{\rho}^N$. Hence, $\mathbf{\rho}^N$ is a row eigenvector of the transfer matrix $P^{N}$ associated with eigenvalue 1. The distribution $\mathbf{\rho}^N$ approximates the invariant density of the system subject to binning
, and can be taken as a probability distribution over the partition elements.
In practice, the invariant measure $\mathbf{\rho}^N$ is computed using invariantmeasure
, which also approximates the transfer matrix. The invariant distribution is initialized as a length-N
random distribution which is then applied to $P^{N}$. For reproducibility in this step, set the rng
. The resulting length-N
distribution is then applied to $P^{N}$ again. This process repeats until the difference between the distributions over consecutive iterations is below some threshold.
See also: RectangularBinning
, FixedRectangularBinning
, invariantmeasure
— TypeTransferOperatorApproximationRectangular(to, binning::RectangularBinning, mini,
edgelengths, bins, sort_idxs)
The N
matrix to
is an approximation to the transfer operator, subject to the given binning
, computed over some set of sequentially ordered points.
For convenience, mini
and edgelengths
provide the minima and box edge lengths along each coordinate axis, as determined by applying ϵ
to the points. The coordinates of the (leftmost, if axis is ordered low-high) box corners are given in bins
Only bins actually visited by the points are considered, and bins
give the coordinates of these bins. The element bins[i]
correspond to the i
-th state of the system, which corresponds to the i
-th column/row of the transfer operator to
contains the indices that would sort the input points. visitors
is a vector of vectors, where visitors[i]
contains the indices of the (sorted) points that visits bins[i]
See also: RectangularBinning
— TypeTsallis <: InformationMeasure
Tsallis(q; k = 1.0, base = 2)
Tsallis(; q = 1.0, k = 1.0, base = 2)
The Tsallis generalized order-q
entropy Tsallis1988, used with information
to compute an entropy.
only applies in the limiting case q == 1
, in which the Tsallis entropy reduces to Shannon
The Tsallis entropy is a generalization of the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy, with k
standing for the Boltzmann constant. It is defined as
\[S_q(p) = \frac{k}{q - 1}\left(1 - \sum_{i} p[i]^q\right)\]
The maximum value of the Tsallis entropy is $k(L^{1 - q} - 1)/(1 - q)$, with $L$ the total_outcomes
— TypeTsallisExtropy <: InformationMeasure
TsallisExtropy(; base = 2)
The Tsallis extropy Xue2023.
is used with information
to compute
\[J_T(P) = k \dfrac{N - 1 - \sum_{i=1}^N ( 1 - p[i])^q}{q - 1}\]
for a probability distribution $P = \{p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_N\}$, with the $\log$ at the given base
. Alternatively, TsallisExtropy
can be used with information_normalized
, which ensures that the computed extropy is on the interval $[0, 1]$ by normalizing to to the maximal Tsallis extropy, given by
\[J_T(P) = \dfrac{(N - 1)N^{q - 1} - (N - 1)^q}{(q - 1)N^{q - 1}}\]
— TypeUniqueElements()
An OutcomeSpace
based on straight-forward counting of distinct elements in a univariate time series or multivariate dataset. This is the same as giving no estimator to probabilities
Outcome space
The outcome space is the unique sorted values of the input. Hence, input x
is needed for a well-defined outcome_space
. Used for encoding inputs where ordering matters (e.g. time series).
— TypeUniqueElementsEncoding <: Encoding
is a generic encoding that encodes each xᵢ ∈ unique(x)
to one of the positive integers. The xᵢ
are encoded according to the order of their first appearance in the input data.
The constructor requires the input data x
, since the number of possible symbols is length(unique(x))
using ComplexityMeasures
x = ['a', 2, 5, 2, 5, 'a']
e = UniqueElementsEncoding(x)
encode.(Ref(e), x) == [1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1] # true
— TypeValueBinning(b::AbstractBinning) <: OutcomeSpace
An OutcomeSpace
based on binning the values of the data as dictated by the binning scheme b
and formally computing their histogram, i.e., the frequencies of points in the bins. An alias to this is VisitationFrequency
. Available binnings are subtypes of AbstractBinning
The ValueBinning
estimator has a linearithmic time complexity (n log(n)
for n = length(x)
) and a linear space complexity (l
for l = dimension(x)
). This allows computation of probabilities (histograms) of high-dimensional datasets and with small box sizes ε
without memory overflow and with maximum performance. For performance reasons, the probabilities returned never contain 0s and are arbitrarily ordered.
A convenience method that accepts same input as RectangularBinning
and initializes this binning directly.
The outcome space for ValueBinning
is the unique bins constructed from b
. Each bin is identified by its left (lowest-value) corner, because bins are always left-closed-right-open intervals [a, b)
. The bins are in data units, not integer (cartesian indices units), and are returned as SVector
s, i.e., same type as input data.
For convenience, outcome_space
returns the outcomes in the same array format as the underlying binning (e.g., Matrix
for 2D input).
For FixedRectangularBinning
the outcome_space
is well-defined from the binning, but for RectangularBinning
input x
is needed as well.
. Used for encoding inputs where ordering matters (e.g. time series).
— TypeValueHistogram
An alias for ValueBinning
— TypeVasicek <: DifferentialInfoEstimator
Vasicek(definition = Shannon(); m::Int = 1)
The Vasicek
estimator computes the Shannon
differential information
of a timeseries using the method from Vasicek1976, with logarithms to the base
specified in definition
The Vasicek
estimator belongs to a class of differential entropy estimators based on order statistics, of which Vasicek1976 was the first. It only works for timeseries input.
Assume we have samples $\bar{X} = \{x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_N \}$ from a continuous random variable $X \in \mathbb{R}$ with support $\mathcal{X}$ and density function$f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$. Vasicek
estimates the Shannon
differential entropy
\[H(X) = \int_{\mathcal{X}} f(x) \log f(x) dx = \mathbb{E}[-\log(f(X))].\]
However, instead of estimating the above integral directly, it makes use of the equivalent integral, where $F$ is the distribution function for $X$,
\[H(X) = \int_0^1 \log \left(\dfrac{d}{dp}F^{-1}(p) \right) dp\]
This integral is approximated by first computing the order statistics of $\bar{X}$ (the input timeseries), i.e. $x_{(1)} \leq x_{(2)} \leq \cdots \leq x_{(n)}$. The Vasicek
differential entropy estimate is then
\[\hat{H}_V(\bar{X}, m) = \dfrac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n \log \left[ \dfrac{n}{2m} (\bar{X}_{(i+m)} - \bar{X}_{(i-m)}) \right]\]
In practice, choice of m
influences how fast the entropy converges to the true value. For small value of m
, convergence is slow, so we recommend to scale m
according to the time series length n
and use m >= n/100
(this is just a heuristic based on the tests written for this package).
See also: information
, Correa
, AlizadehArghami
, Ebrahimi
, DifferentialInfoEstimator
— TypeVisitationFrequency
An alias for ValueBinning
— TypeWaveletOverlap([wavelet]) <: OutcomeSpace
An OutcomeSpace
based on the maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT).
When used with probabilities
, the MODWT is applied to a signal, then probabilities are computed as the (normalized) energies at different wavelet scales. These probabilities are used to compute the wavelet entropy according to Rosso2001. Input timeseries x
is needed for a well-defined outcome space.
By default the wavelet Wavelets.WT.Daubechies{12}()
is used. Otherwise, you may choose a wavelet from the Wavelets
package (it must subtype OrthoWaveletClass
Outcome space
The outcome space for WaveletOverlap
are the integers 1, 2, …, N
enumerating the wavelet scales. To obtain a better understanding of what these mean, we prepared a notebook you can view online. As such, this estimator only works for timeseries input and input x
is needed for a well-defined outcome_space
— TypeWeightedOrdinalPatterns <: OutcomeSpace
WeightedOrdinalPatterns{m}(τ = 1, lt::Function = ComplexityMeasures.isless_rand)
A variant of OrdinalPatterns
that also incorporates amplitude information, based on the weighted permutation entropy Fadlallah2013. The outcome space and arguments are the same as in OrdinalPatterns
For each ordinal pattern extracted from each state (or delay) vector, a weight is attached to it which is the variance of the vector. Probabilities are then estimated by summing the weights corresponding to the same pattern, instead of just counting the occurrence of the same pattern.
Note: in equation 7, section III, of the original paper, the authors write
\[w_j = \dfrac{1}{m}\sum_{k=1}^m (x_{j-(k-1)\tau} - \mathbf{\hat{x}}_j^{m, \tau})^2.\]
*But given the formula they give for the arithmetic mean, this is not the variance of the delay vector $\mathbf{x}_i$, because the indices are mixed: $x_{j+(k-1)\tau}$ in the weights formula, vs. $x_{j+(k+1)\tau}$ in the arithmetic mean formula. Here, delay embedding and computation of the patterns and their weights are completely separated processes, ensuring that we compute the arithmetic mean correctly for each vector of the input dataset (which may be a delay-embedded timeseries).
— TypeZhu <: DifferentialInfoEstimator
Zhu(; definition = Shannon(), k = 1, w = 0)
The Zhu
estimator Zhu2015 is an extension to KozachenkoLeonenko
, and computes the Shannon
differential information
of a multi-dimensional StateSpaceSet
, with logarithms to the base
specified in definition
Assume we have samples $\{\bf{x}_1, \bf{x}_2, \ldots, \bf{x}_N \}$ from a continuous random variable $X \in \mathbb{R}^d$ with support $\mathcal{X}$ and density function$f : \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}$. Zhu
estimates the Shannon
differential entropy
\[H(X) = \int_{\mathcal{X}} f(x) \log f(x) dx = \mathbb{E}[-\log(f(X))]\]
by approximating densities within hyperrectangles surrounding each point xᵢ ∈ x
using using k
nearest neighbor searches. w
is the Theiler window, which determines if temporal neighbors are excluded during neighbor searches (defaults to 0
, meaning that only the point itself is excluded when searching for neighbours).
See also: information
, KozachenkoLeonenko
, DifferentialInfoEstimator
— TypeZhuSingh <: DifferentialInfoEstimator
ZhuSingh(definition = Shannon(); k = 1, w = 0)
The ZhuSingh
estimator Zhu2015 computes the Shannon
differential information
of a multi-dimensional StateSpaceSet
, with logarithms to the base
specified in definition
Assume we have samples $\{\bf{x}_1, \bf{x}_2, \ldots, \bf{x}_N \}$ from a continuous random variable $X \in \mathbb{R}^d$ with support $\mathcal{X}$ and density function$f : \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}$. ZhuSingh
estimates the Shannon
differential entropy
\[H(X) = \int_{\mathcal{X}} f(x) \log f(x) dx = \mathbb{E}[-\log(f(X))].\]
Like Zhu
, this estimator approximates probabilities within hyperrectangles surrounding each point xᵢ ∈ x
using using k
nearest neighbor searches. However, it also considers the number of neighbors falling on the borders of these hyperrectangles. This estimator is an extension to the entropy estimator in Singh2003.
is the Theiler window, which determines if temporal neighbors are excluded during neighbor searches (defaults to 0
, meaning that only the point itself is excluded when searching for neighbours).
See also: information
, DifferentialInfoEstimator
— FunctionAAPE(x, A::Real = 0.5, m::Int = length(x))
Encode relative amplitude information of the elements of a
A = 1
emphasizes only average values.A = 0
emphasizes changes in amplitude values.A = 0.5
equally emphasizes average values and changes in the amplitude values.
— Methodallcounts_and_outcomes(o::OutcomeSpace, x::Array_or_SSSet) → (cts::Counts{<:Integer, 1}, Ω)
Like counts_and_outcomes
, but ensures that all outcomes Ωᵢ ∈ Ω
, where Ω = outcome_space(o, x)
), are included.
Outcomes that do not occur in the data x
get a 0 count.
— Methodallprobabilities_and_outcomes(est::ProbabilitiesEstimator, x::Array_or_SSSet) → (p::Probabilities, outs)
allprobabilities_and_outcomes(o::OutcomeSpace, x::Array_or_SSSet) → (p::Probabilities, outs)
The same as probabilities_and_outcomes
, but ensures that outcomes with 0
probability are explicitly added in the returned vector. This means that p[i]
is the probability of ospace[i]
, with ospace =
(est, x)
This function is useful in cases where one wants to compare the probability mass functions of two different input data x, y
under the same estimator. E.g., to compute the KL-divergence of the two PMFs assumes that the obey the same indexing. This is not true for probabilities
even with the same est
, due to the skipping of 0 entries, but it is true for allprobabilities_and_outcomes
— Functionapply_multiscale(alg::MultiScaleAlgorithm, f::Function, args...)
Define multiscale dispatch for the function f
(either information
, complexity
or their normalized variants) to downsampled timeseries resulting from coarse-graining last(args)
(the input data) using coarse-graining algorithm alg
with arguments args[1:end-1]
(the estimation parameters).
— MethodVolume of a unit ball in R^d.
— Functionbase10_to_factorial(s::Int,
ndigits::Int = ndigits_in_factorial_base(s)) → f::SVector{ndigits, Int}
Convert a base-10 integer to its factorial number system representation. f
is a vector where f[k]
is the multiplier of factorial(k - 1)
For example, the base-10 integer 567
, in the factorial number system, is $4\cdot 5! + 3\cdot 4! + 2\cdot 3! + 1\cdot 2! + 1\cdot 1! + 0\cdot 0!$. For this example, base10_to_factorial
would return the SVector
[4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0]
fixes the number of digits in f
(this just prepends a zero to f
for each extraneous radix/base). This is useful when using factorial number for decoding Lehmer codes into permutations
— Methodcartesian_bin_index(e::RectangularBinEncoding, point::SVector)
Return the cartesian index of the given point
within the binning encapsulated in e
. Internal function called by encode
— Methodcenter_neighborhood!(C, c, xᵢ, neighbors)
Center the point xᵢ
, as well as each of its neighboring points nⱼ ∈ neighbors
, to the (precomputed) centroid c
of the points {xᵢ, n₁, n₂, …, nₖ}
, and store the centered vectors in the pre-allocated vector of vectors C
— Functioncodify(o::OutcomeSpace, x::Vector) → s::Vector{Int}
codify(o::OutcomeSpace, x::AbstractStateSpaceSet{D}) → s::NTuple{D, Vector{Int}
Codify x
according to the outcome space o
. If x
is a Vector
, then a Vector{<:Integer}
is returned. If x
is a StateSpaceSet{D}
, then symbolization is done column-wise and an NTuple{D, Vector{<:Integer}}
is returned, where D = dimension(x)
The reason this function exists is that we don't always want to encode
the entire input x
at once. Sometimes, it is desirable to first apply some transformation to x
first, then apply Encoding
s in a point-wise manner in the transformed space. (the OutcomeSpace
dictates this transformation). This is useful for encoding timeseries data.
The length of the returned s
depends on the OutcomeSpace
. Some outcome spaces preserve the input data length (e.g. UniqueElements
), while some outcome spaces (e.g. OrdinalPatterns
) do e.g. delay embeddings before encoding, so that length(s) < length(x)
— Methodcomplexity(c::ComplexityEstimator, x) → m::Real
Estimate a complexity measure according to c
for input data x
, where c
is an instance of any subtype of ComplexityEstimator
— Methodcomplexity_normalized(c::ComplexityEstimator, x) → m::Real ∈ [a, b]
The same as complexity
, but the result is normalized to the interval [a, b]
, where [a, b]
depends on c
— Methodcompute_ϕ(x::AbstractVector{T}; r = 0.2 * Statistics.std(x), k::Int = 2,
τ::Int = 1, base = MathConstants.e) where T <: Real
Construct the embedding
\[u = \{{\bf u}_n \}_{n = 1}^{N - k + 1} = \{[x(i), x(i + 1), \ldots, x(i + k - 1)]\}_{n = 1}^{N - k + 1}\]
and use a tree-and-nearest-neighbor search approach to compute
\[\phi^k(r) = \dfrac{1}{N - kτ + 1} \sum_{i}^{N - kτ + 1} \log_{b}{(C_i^k(r))},\]
taking logarithms to base
$b$, and where
\[C_i^k(r) = \textrm{number of } j \textrm{ such that } d({\bf u}_i, {\bf u}_j) < r,\]
where $d$ is the maximum (Chebyshev) distance, r
is the tolerance, and N
is the length of the original scalar-valued time series x
— Methodconvert_logunit(h_a::Real, base_from, base_to) → h_b
Convert a number h_a
computed with logarithms to base base_from
to an entropy h_b
computed with logarithms to base base_to
. This can be used to convert the "unit" of an entropy.
— Functioncounts(o::OutcomeSpace, x) → cts::Counts
Compute the same counts as in the counts_and_outcomes
function, with two differences:
- Do not explicitly return the outcomes.
- If the outcomes are not estimated for free while estimating the counts, a special integer type is used to enumerate the outcomes, to avoid the computational cost of estimating the outcomes.
— Methodcounts_and_outcomes(o::OutcomeSpace, x) → (cts::Counts, Ω)
Discretize/encode x
(which must be sortable) into a finite set of outcomes Ω
specified by the provided OutcomeSpace
, and then count how often each outcome Ωᵢ ∈ Ω
(i.e. each "discretized value", or "encoded symbol") appears.
Return a tuple where the first element is a Counts
instance, which is vector-like and contains the counts, and where the second element Ω
are the outcomes corresponding to the counts, such that cts[i]
is the count for the outcome Ω[i]
The outcomes are actually included in cts
, and you can use the outcomes
function on the cts
to get them. counts_and_outcomes
returns both for backwards compatibility.
counts_and_outcomes(x) → cts::Counts
If no OutcomeSpace
is specified, then UniqueElements
is used as the outcome space.
For OutcomeSpace
s that uses encode
to discretize, it is possible to count how often each outcome $\omega_i \in \Omega$, where $\Omega$ is the set of possible outcomes, is observed in the discretized/encoded input data. Thus, we can assign to each outcome $\omega_i$ a count $f(\omega_i)$, such that $\sum_{i=1}^N f(\omega_i) = N$, where $N$ is the number of observations in the (encoded) input data. counts
returns the counts $f(\omega_i)_{obs}$ and outcomes only for the observed outcomes $\omega_i^{obs}$ (those outcomes that actually appear in the input data). If you need the counts for unobserved outcomes as well, use allcounts_and_outcomes
— Functiondecode(c::Encoding, i::Integer) -> ω
Decode an encoded element i
into the outcome ω ∈ Ω
it corresponds to. Ω
is the outcome_space
that uses encoding c
— Methoddistance_to_whitenoise(estimator::ReverseDispersion, p::Probabilities;
normalize = false)
Compute the distance of the probability distribution p
from a uniform distribution, given the parameters of estimator
(which must be known beforehand).
If normalize == true
, then normalize the value to the interval [0, 1]
by using the parameters of estimator
Used to compute reverse dispersion entropy(ReverseDispersion
; Li et al., 2019Li2019).
— Methoddownsample(algorithm::MultiScaleAlgorithm, s::Int, x)
Downsample and coarse-grain x
to scale s
according to the given MultiScaleAlgorithm
. The return type depends on algorithm
— Functionencode(c::Encoding, χ) -> i::Int
Encode an element χ ∈ x
of input data x
(those given to e.g., counts
) into the positive integers using encoding c
. The special value of i = -1
is used as a return value for inappropriate elements χ
that cannot be encoded according to c
— Methodentropy(args...)
is nothing more than a call to information
that will simply throw an error if used with an information measure that is not an entropy.
— Methodentropy_approx(x; m = 2, τ = 1, r = 0.2 * Statistics.std(x), base = MathConstants.e)
Convenience syntax for computing the approximate entropy (Pincus, 1991) for timeseries x
This is just a wrapper for complexity(ApproximateEntropy(; m, τ, r, base), x)
(see also ApproximateEntropy
— Methodentropy_complexity(c::StatisticalComplexity, x) → (h, compl)
Return a information measure h
and the corresponding StatisticalComplexity
value compl
Useful when wanting to plot data on the "entropy-complexity plane". See also entropy_complexity_curves
— Methodentropy_complexity_curves(c::StatisticalComplexity;
num_max=1, num_min=1000) -> (min_entropy_complexity, max_entropy_complexity)
Calculate the maximum complexity-entropy curve for the statistical complexity according to Rosso2007 for num_max * total_outcomes(c.o)
different values of the normalized information measure of choice (in case of the maximum complexity curves) and num_min
different values of the normalized information measure of choice (in case of the minimum complexity curve).
This function can also be used to compute the maximum "complexity-extropy curve" if c.hest
is e.g. ShannonExtropy
, which is the equivalent of the complexity-entropy curves, but using extropy instead of entropy.
The way the statistical complexity is designed, there is a minimum and maximum possible complexity for data with a given value of an information measure. The calculation time of the maximum complexity curve grows as O(total_outcomes(c.o)^2)
, and thus takes very long for high numbers of outcomes. This function is inspired by S. Sippels implementation in statcomp Sippel2016.
This function will work with any ProbabilitiesEstimator
where total_outcomes
is known a priori.
— Methodentropy_dispersion(x; base = 2, kwargs...)
Compute the dispersion entropy. This function is just a convenience call to:
est = Dispersion(kwargs...)
information(Shannon(base), est, x)
See Dispersion
for more info.
— Methodentropy_distribution(x; τ = 1, m = 3, n = 3, base = 2)
Compute the distribution entropy Li2015 of x
using embedding dimension m
with delay/lag τ
, using the Chebyshev distance metric, and using an n
-element equally-spaced binning over the distribution of distances to estimate probabilities.
This function is just a convenience call to:
x = rand(1000000)
o = SequentialPairDistances(x, n, m, τ, metric = Chebyshev())
h = information(Shannon(base = 2), o, x)
See SequentialPairDistances
for more info.
— Methodentropy_permutation(x; τ = 1, m = 3, base = 2)
Compute the permutation entropy of x
of order m
with delay/lag τ
. This function is just a convenience call to:
est = OrdinalPatterns(; m, τ)
information(Shannon(base), est, x)
See OrdinalPatterns
for more info. Similarly, one can use WeightedOrdinalPatterns
or AmplitudeAwareOrdinalPatterns
for the weighted/amplitude-aware versions.
— Methodentropy_sample(x; r = 0.2std(x), m = 2, τ = 1, normalize = true)
Convenience syntax for estimating the (normalized) sample entropy (Richman & Moorman, 2000) of timeseries x
This is just a wrapper for complexity(SampleEntropy(; r, m, τ, base), x)
See also: SampleEntropy
, complexity
, complexity_normalized
— Methodentropy_wavelet(x; wavelet = Wavelets.WT.Daubechies{12}(), base = 2)
Compute the wavelet entropy. This function is just a convenience call to:
est = WaveletOverlap(wavelet)
information(Shannon(base), est, x)
See WaveletOverlap
for more info.
— Methodfasthist!(x) → c::Vector{Int}
Count the occurrences c
of the unique data values in x
, so that c[i]
is the number of times the value sort!(unique(x))[i]
occurs. Hence, this method is useful mostly when x
contains integer or categorical data.
Prior to counting, x
is sorted, so this function also mutates x
. Therefore, it is called with copy
in higher level API when necessary. This function works for any x
for which sort!(x)
— Methodfasthist!(x, weights) → c::Vector{Real}
Similar to fasthist!(x)
, but here the weights
are summed up for each unique entry of x
. x
is sorted just like in fasthist!(x)
— Methodfasthist(c::RectangularBinEncoding, x::Vector_or_SSSet)
Intermediate method that runs fasthist!
in the encoded space and returns the encoded space histogram (counts) and corresponding bins. Also skips any instances of out-of-bound points for the histogram.
— Methodhidefields(::Type{T})
Returns an iterable of symbols incidating fields to hide for instances of type T
— Methodinformation(est::DifferentialInfoEstimator, x) → h::Real
Estimate a differential information measure using the provided DifferentialInfoEstimator
and input data x
The overwhelming majority of differential estimators estimate the Shannon
entropy. If the same estimator can estimate different information measures (e.g. it can estimate both Shannon
and Tsallis
), then the information measure is provided as an argument to the estimator itself.
See the table of differential information measure estimators in the docs for all differential information measure estimators.
Currently, unlike for the discrete information measures, this method doesn't involve explicitly first computing a probability density function and then passing this density to an information measure definition. But in the future, we want to establish a density
API similar to the probabilities
To compute the differential version of a measure, give it as the first argument to a DifferentialInfoEstimator
and pass it to information
x = randn(1000)
h_sh = information(Kraskov(Shannon()), x)
h_vc = information(Vasicek(Shannon()), x)
A normal distribution has a base-e Shannon differential entropy of 0.5*log(2π) + 0.5
est = Kraskov(k = 5, base = ℯ) # Base `ℯ` for nats.
h = information(est, randn(2_000_000))
abs(h - 0.5*log(2π) - 0.5) # ≈ 0.0001
— Methodinformation([die::DiscreteInfoEstimator,] [est::ProbabilitiesEstimator,] o::OutcomeSpace, x) → h::Real
information(o::OutcomeSpace, x) → h::Real
Estimate a discrete information measure from input data x
using the provided DiscreteInfoEstimator
and ProbabilitiesEstimator
over the given OutcomeSpace
As an alternative, you can provide an InformationMeasure
for the first argument (die
) which will default to PlugIn
estimation) for the information estimation. You may also skip the first argument (die
), in which case Shannon()
will be used. You may also skip the second argument (est
), which will default to the RelativeAmount
probabilities estimator. Note that some information measure estimators (e.g., GeneralizedSchuermann
) operate directly on counts and hence ignore est
information([e::DiscreteInfoEstimator,] p::Probabilities) → h::Real
information([e::DiscreteInfoEstimator,] c::Counts) → h::Real
Like above, but estimate the information measure from the pre-computed Probabilities
or Counts
. Counts are converted into probabilities using RelativeAmount
, unless the estimator e
uses counts directly.
See also: information_maximum
, information_normalized
for a normalized version.
Examples (naive estimation)
The simplest way to estimate a discrete measure is to provide the InformationMeasure
directly in combination with an OutcomeSpace
. This will use the "naive" PlugIn
estimator for the measure, and the "naive" RelativeAmount
estimator for the probabilities.
x = randn(100) # some input data
o = ValueBinning(RectangularBinning(5)) # a 5-bin histogram outcome space
h_s = information(Shannon(), o, x)
Here are some more examples:
x = [rand(Bool) for _ in 1:10000] # coin toss
ps = probabilities(x) # gives about [0.5, 0.5] by definition
h = information(ps) # gives 1, about 1 bit by definition (Shannon entropy by default)
h = information(Shannon(), ps) # syntactically equivalent to the above
h = information(Shannon(), UniqueElements(), x) # syntactically equivalent to above
h = information(Renyi(2.0), ps) # also gives 1, order `q` doesn't matter for coin toss
h = information(OrdinalPatterns(;m=3), x) # gives about 2, again by definition
Examples (bias-corrected estimation)
It is known that both PlugIn
estimation for information measures and RelativeAmount
estimation for probabilities are biased. The scientific literature abounds with estimators that correct for this bias, both on the measure-estimation level and on the probability-estimation level. We thus provide the option to use any DiscreteInfoEstimator
in combination with any ProbabilitiesEstimator
for improved estimates. Note that custom probabilites estimators will only work with counting-compatible OutcomeSpace
x = randn(100)
o = ValueBinning(RectangularBinning(5))
# Estimate Shannon entropy estimation using various dedicated estimators
h_s = information(MillerMadow(Shannon()), RelativeAmount(), o, x)
h_s = information(HorvitzThompson(Shannon()), Shrinkage(), o, x)
h_s = information(Schuermann(Shannon()), Shrinkage(), o, x)
# Estimate information measures using the generic `Jackknife` estimator
h_r = information(Jackknife(Renyi()), Shrinkage(), o, x)
j_t = information(Jackknife(TsallisExtropy()), BayesianRegularization(), o, x)
j_r = information(Jackknife(RenyiExtropy()), RelativeAmount(), o, x)
— Methodinformation_maximum(e::InformationMeasure, o::OutcomeSpace [, x])
Return the maximum value of the given information measure can have, given input data x
and the given outcome space (the OutcomeSpace
may also be specified by a ProbabilitiesEstimator
Like in outcome_space
, for some outcome spaces, the possible outcomes are known without knowledge of input x
, in which case the function dispatches to information_maximum(e, o)
information_maximum(e::InformationMeasure, L::Int)
The same as above, but computed directly from the number of total outcomes L
— Methodinformation_normalized([e::DiscreteInfoEstimator,] [est::ProbabilitiesEstimator,] o::OutcomeSpace, x) → h::Real
Estimate the normalized version of the given discrete information measure, This is just the value of information
divided its maximum possible value given o
The same convenience syntaxes as in information
can be used here.
Notice that there is no method information_normalized(e::DiscreteInfoEstimator, probs::Probabilities)
, because there is no way to know the number of possible outcomes (i.e., the total_outcomes
) from probs
Normalized values
For the PlugIn
estimator, it is guaranteed that h̃ ∈ [0, 1]
. For any other estimator, we can't guarantee this, since the estimator might over-correct. You should know what you're doing if using anything but PlugIn
to estimate normalized values.
— Methodinvariantmeasure(x::AbstractStateSpaceSet, binning::RectangularBinning;
rng = Random.default_rng()) → iv::InvariantMeasure
Estimate an invariant measure over the points in x
based on binning the data into rectangular boxes dictated by the binning
, then approximate the transfer (Perron-Frobenius) operator over the bins. From the approximation to the transfer operator, compute an invariant distribution over the bins. Assumes that the input data are sequential.
Details on the estimation procedure is found the TransferOperator
using DynamicalSystems
henon_rule(x, p, n) = SVector{2}(1.0 - p[1]*x[1]^2 + x[2], p[2]*x[1])
henon = DeterministicIteratedMap(henon_rule, zeros(2), [1.4, 0.3])
orbit, t = trajectory(ds, 20_000; Ttr = 10)
# Estimate the invariant measure over some coarse graining of the orbit.
iv = invariantmeasure(orbit, RectangularBinning(15))
# Get the probabilities and bins
Probabilities and bin information
invariantmeasure(iv::InvariantMeasure) → (ρ::Probabilities, bins::Vector{<:SVector})
From a pre-computed invariant measure, return the probabilities and associated bins. The element ρ[i]
is the probability of visitation to the box bins[i]
Why bother with the transfer operator instead of using regular histograms to obtain probabilities?
In fact, the naive histogram approach and the transfer operator approach are equivalent in the limit of long enough time series (as $n \to \intfy$), which is guaranteed by the ergodic theorem. There is a crucial difference, however:
The naive histogram approach only gives the long-term probabilities that orbits visit a certain region of the state space. The transfer operator encodes that information too, but comes with the added benefit of knowing the transition probabilities between states (see transfermatrix
See also: InvariantMeasure
— Methodis_counting_based(o::OutcomeSpace)
Return true
if the OutcomeSpace
is counting-based, and false
— Functionith_order_statistic(ex, i::Int, n::Int = length(x))
Return the i-th order statistic from the order statistics ex
, requiring that Xᵢ = X₁
if i < 1
and Xᵢ = Xₙ
if i > n
— Methodlog_with_base(base) → f
Return a function that computes the logarithm at a given base. This definitely increases accuracy, and probably also performance.
— Methodmaxdists(xᵢ, nns) → dists
Compute the maximum distance from xᵢ
to the points xⱼ ∈ nns
along each dimension, i.e. dists[k] = max{xᵢ[k], xⱼ[k]}
for j = 1, 2, ..., length(x)
— Methodmissing_outcomes(o::OutcomeSpace, x; all = false) → n::Int
Count the number of missing outcomes n
(i.e., not occuring in the data) specified by o
, given input data x
. This function only works for count-based outcome spaces, use missing_probabilities
See also: MissingDispersionPatterns
— Methodmissing_probabilities([est::ProbabilitiesEstimator], o::OutcomeSpace, x)
Same as missing_outcomes
, but defines a "missing outcome" as an outcome having 0 probability according to est
— Functionmultiscale(algorithm::MultiScaleAlgorithm, [args...], x)
A convenience function to compute the multiscale version of any InformationMeasureEstimator
or ComplexityEstimator
The return type of multiscale
is either a Vector{Real}
or a Vector{Vector{Real}}
, see the available coarse-graining methods below.
It utilizes downsample
with the given algorithm
to first produce coarse-grained, downsampled versions of x
for scale factors algorithm.scales
. Then, information
or complexity
, depending on the input arguments, is applied to each of the coarse-grained timeseries. If N = length(x)
, then the length of the most severely downsampled version of x
is N ÷ maximum(algorithm.scales)
, while for scale factor 1
, the original time series is considered.
This function generalizes the multiscale entropy of Costa2002 to any discrete information measure, any differential information measure, and any other complexity measure.
Coarse-graining algorithms
The available downsampling routines are:
yields a singleVector
per scale.CompositeDownsampling
yields aVector{Vector}
per scale.
can be used with any discrete or differential information measure estimator. For example, here's two ways of computing multiscale Tsallis entropy:
using ComplexityMeasures
x = randn(1000)
downsampling = RegularDownsampling(scales = 1:5) # multiscale algorithm
# Symbolic (ordinal-pattern-based) probabilities estimation using Bayesian regularization,
# jackknife estimation of the entropy.
o = OrdinalPatterns{3}(2) # outcome space
probest = BayesianRegularization() # probabilities estimator
hest = Jackknife(Tsallis(q = 1.5)) # entropy estimator
multiscale(downsampling, hest, probest, o, x)
# Differential kNN-based estimator:
hest = LeonenkoProzantoSavani(Tsallis(q = 1.5), k = 10) # 10 neighbors
multiscale(downsampling, hest, x)
Multiscale variants of any ComplexityEstimator
are also trivial to compute. Let's compute the "generalized multiscale sample entropy Costa2015" using the second-order moment.
using ComplexityMeasures, Statistics
multiscale(CompositeDownsampling(; f = Statistics.var), SampleEntropy(x), x)
— Functionmultiscale_normalized(algorithm::MultiScaleAlgorithm, [args...], x)
The same as multiscale
, but computes the normalized version of the complexity measure.
— Methodn_borderpoints(xᵢ, nns, dists) → ξ
Compute ξ
, which is how many of xᵢ
's neighbor points xⱼ ∈ nns
fall on the border of the minimal-volume rectangle with xᵢ
at its center.
should be the maximum distance from xᵢ[k]
to any other point along the k-th dimension, and length(dists)
is the total dimension.
— MethodCompute how many digits a base-10 integer needs in the factorial number system.
— Methodoutcome_space(o::OutcomeSpace, x) → Ω
Return a sorted container containing all possible outcomes of o
for input x
For some estimators the concrete outcome space is known without knowledge of input x
, in which case the function dispatches to outcome_space(o)
. In general it is recommended to use the 2-argument version irrespectively of estimator.
— Methodoutcomes(o::OutcomeSpace, x)
Return all (unique) outcomes that appear in the (encoded) input data x
, according to the given OutcomeSpace
. Equivalent to probabilities_and_outcomes(o, x)[2]
, but for some estimators it may be explicitly extended for better performance.
— Methodprint_array_with_margins(io::IO, x::AbstractArray{T, 1}, margin::AbstractVector) where T
Prints a length-N
vector x
alongside the margin
elements, such that x[i]
corresponds to the marginal element margin[i]
— Functionprobabilities(
[est::ProbabilitiesEstimator], o::OutcomeSpace, x::Array_or_SSSet
) → p::Probabilities
Compute the same probabilities as in the probabilities_and_outcomes
function, with two differences:
- Do not explicitly return the outcomes.
- If the outcomes are not estimated for free while estimating the counts, a special integer type is used to enumerate the outcomes, to avoid the computational cost of estimating the outcomes.
probabilities([est::ProbabilitiesEstimator], counts::Counts) → (p::Probabilities, Ω)
The same as above, but estimate the probability directly from a set of Counts
— Functionprobabilities!(s, args...)
Similar to probabilities(args...)
, but allows pre-allocation of temporarily used containers s
Only works for certain estimators. See for example OrdinalPatterns
— Functionprobabilities_and_outcomes(
[est::ProbabilitiesEstimator], o::OutcomeSpace, x::Array_or_SSSet
) → (p::Probabilities, Ω)
Estimate a probability distribution over the set of possible outcomes Ω
defined by the OutcomeSpace
, given input data x
. Probabilities are estimated according to the given probabilities estimator est
, which defaults to RelativeAmount
The input data is typically an Array
or a StateSpaceSet
(or SSSet
for short); see Input data for ComplexityMeasures.jl. Configuration options are always given as arguments to the chosen outcome space and probabilities estimator.
Return a tuple where the first element is a Probabilities
instance, which is vector-like and contains the probabilities, and where the second element Ω
are the outcomes corresponding to the probabilities, such that p[i]
is the probability for the outcome Ω[i]
The outcomes are actually included in p
, and you can use the outcomes
function on the p
to get them. probabilities_and_outcomes
returns both for backwards compatibility.
[est::ProbabilitiesEstimator], counts::Counts
) → (p::Probabilities, Ω)
Estimate probabilities from the pre-computed counts
using the given ProbabilitiesEstimator
Probabilities are computed by:
- Discretizing/encoding
into a finite set of outcomesΩ
specified by the providedOutcomeSpace
. - Assigning to each outcome
Ωᵢ ∈ Ω
either a count (how often it appears among the discretized data points), or a pseudo-count (some pre-normalized probability such thatsum(Ωᵢ for Ωᵢ in Ω) == 1
For outcome spaces that result in pseudo counts, such as PowerSpectrum
, these pseudo counts are simply treated as probabilities and returned directly (that is, est
is ignored). For counting-based outcome spaces (see OutcomeSpace
docstring), probabilities are estimated from the counts using some ProbabilitiesEstimator
(first signature).
Observed vs all probabilities
Due to performance optimizations, whether the returned probabilities contain 0
s as entries or not depends on the outcome space. E.g., in ValueBinning
s are skipped, while in PowerSpectrum
are not skipped, because we get them for free.
Use allprobabilities_and_outcomes
to guarantee that zero probabilities are also returned (may be slower).
— Methodrelevant_fieldnames(x::T) → names::Vector{Symbol}
Internal method that returns the relevant field names to be printed for type T
. For example, for Encodings
, the implementation is simply
relevant_fieldnames(e::Encoding) = fieldnames(typeof(e))
Individual types can override this method if special printing is desired.
— Methodsample_entropy_probs(x; k::Int = 2, m::Int = 2, τ::Int = 1, r = 0.2 * Statistics.std(x))
Compute the probabilities required for entropy_sample
. k
is the embedding dimension, τ
is the embedding lag, and m
is a normalization constant (so that we consider the same number of points for both the m
-dimensional and the m+1
-dimensional embeddings), and r
is the radius.
— Methodspecial_typeparameter_info(::Type{T})
Returns a string containing any extra type parameter information to be printed for a given type.
Defaults to nothing, but for types like OrdinalPatterns
, we'd like to include the display the type parameter m as OrdinalPatterns{m}(...)
— Functionstencil_length(stencil::Vector{CartesianIndex{D}}) where D → length(stencil)
stencil_length(stencil::NTuple{2, NTuple{D, T}}) where {D, T} → prod(stencil[1])
stencil_length(stencil::Array{Int, D}) where D → sum(stencil)
Count the number of elements in the stencil
— Methodtotal_outcomes(o::OutcomeSpace, x)
Return the length (cardinality) of the outcome space $\Omega$ of est
For some OutcomeSpace
, the cardinality is known without knowledge of input x
, in which case the function dispatches to total_outcomes(est)
. In general it is recommended to use the 2-argument version irrespectively of estimator.
— Methodtransfermatrix(iv::InvariantMeasure) → (M::AbstractArray{<:Real, 2}, bins::Vector{<:SVector})
Return the transfer matrix/operator and corresponding bins. Here, bins[i]
corresponds to the i-th row/column of the transfer matrix. Thus, the entry M[i, j]
is the probability of jumping from the state defined by bins[i]
to the state defined by bins[j]
See also: TransferOperator
— Methodtransferoperator(pts::AbstractStateSpaceSet,
binning::RectangularBinning) → TransferOperatorApproximationRectangular
Estimate the transfer operator given a set of sequentially ordered points subject to a rectangular partition given by the binning
— Methodtype_field_printcolor(x) → color::Symbol
The color in which to print the field names for a type of type typeof(x)
Used in combination with type_printcolor
to make nested printing look better.
— Methodtype_printcolor(x) → color::Symbol
The color in which to print the type name for type typeof(x)
Can be used to distinguish different types, so that nested printing looks better (e.g. Encoding
s inside OutcomeSpace
— Methodvolume_minimal_rect(xᵢ, nns) → vol
Compute the volume of the minimal enclosing rectangle with xᵢ
at its center and containing all points nᵢ ∈ nns
either within the rectangle or on one of its borders.
This function respects the coordinate system of the input data, i.e. it does not perform any rotation (which would be computationally more demanding because we'd need to find the convex hull of nns
, but could potentially give more accurate results).
— Methodvolume_minimal_rect(dists) → vol
Compute the volume of a (hyper)-rectangle where the distance from its centre along the k
-th dimension is given by dists[k]
, and length(dists)
is the total dimension.
— Methodfirstinds(ic::Vector{Int})
Returns a vector of integers containing the first index position of each unique value in the input integer vector ic
, or the first index position of each entry in the input vector of integer vectors ib
. When operating on the output returned from unique(A, dim)
, the returned vector of integers correspond to the positions of the first of each unique slice present in the original input multidimensional array A
along dimension dim
. The implementation of firstinds
accepting a vector of integers operates on the output returned from groupslices(A, dim)
. The implementation of firstinds
accepting a vector of vector of integers operates on the output returned from groupinds(ic::Vector{Int})
— Methodgroupinds(ic)
Returns a vector of vectors of integers wherein the vector of group slice index integers as returned from groupslices(A, dim)
is converted into a grouped vector of vectors. Each vector entry in the returned vector of vectors contains all of the positional indices of slices in the original input array A
that correspond to the unique slices along dimension dim
that are present in the array C
as returned from unique(A, dim)
— Methodgroupslices(V::AbstractVector)
Returns a vector of integers the same length as V
, which in place of each entry x
has the index of the first entry of V
which is equal to x
. This is true:
all(x == V[i] for (x,i) in zip(V, groupslices(V)))
— Methodgroupslices(A; dims) = groupslices(A, dims)
Returns a vector of integers where each integer element of the returned vector is a group number corresponding to the unique slices along dimension dims
as returned from unique(A; dims=d)
, where A
can be a multidimensional array. The default is dims = 1
. Example usage: If C = unique(A; dims=dims)
, ic = groupslices(A, dims)
, and ndims(A) == ndims(C) == 3
, then:
if dims == 1
all(A .== C[ic,:,:])
elseif dims == 2
all(A .== C[:,ic,:])
elseif dims == 3
all(A .== C[:,:,ic])
— Methodlastinds(ic::Vector{Int})
Returns a vector of integers containing the last index position of each unique value in the input integer vector ic
. When operating on the output returned from groupinds(unique(A, dim))
, the returned vector of integers correspond to the positions of the last of each unique slice present in the original input multidimensional array A
along dimension dim
. The implementation of firstinds
accepting a vector of vector of integers operates on the output returned from groupinds(ic::Vector{Int})