ICN(; nvars, dom_size, param, transformation, arithmetic, aggregation, comparison)

Construct an Interpretable Compositional Network, with the following arguments:

  • nvars: number of variable in the constraint
  • dom_size: maximum domain size of any variable in the constraint
  • param: optional parameter (default to nothing)
  • transformation: a transformation layer (optional)
  • arithmetic: a arithmetic layer (optional)
  • aggregation: a aggregation layer (optional)
  • comparison: a comparison layer (optional)

A structure to store a LittleDict of operations that can be selected during the learning phase of an ICN. If the layer is exclusive, only one operation can be selected at a time.


Return the number of operations in a layer.


Return the total number of operations of an ICN.


Generate the layer of arithmetic operations of the ICN. The operations are mutually exclusive, that is only one will be selected.

code(c::Composition, lang=:maths; name="composition")

Access the code of a composition c in a given language lang. The name of the generated method is optional.

comparison_layer(param = false)

Generate the layer of transformations functions of the ICN. Iff param value is set, also includes all the parametric comparison with that value. The operations are mutually exclusive, that is only one will be selected.

compose(icn, weights=nothing)

Return a function composed by some of the operations of a given ICN. Can be applied to any vector of variables. If weights are given, will assign to icn.

compose_to_file!(concept, name, path; domains, param = nothing, language = :Julia, search = :complete, global_iter = 10, local_iter = 100, metric = hamming, popSize = 200)

Explore, learn and compose a function and write it to a file.


  • concept: the concept to learn
  • name: the name to give to the constraint
  • path: path of the output file

Keywords arguments:

  • domains: domains that defines the search space
  • param: an optional parameter of the constraint
  • language: the language to export to, default to :julia
  • search: either :partial or :complete search
  • global_iter: number of learning iteration
  • local_iter: number of generation in the genetic algorithm
  • metric: the metric to measure the distance between a configuration and known solutions
  • popSize: size of the population in the genetic algorithm
explore_learn_compose(concept; domains, param = nothing, search = :complete, global_iter = 10, local_iter = 100, metric = hamming, popSize = 200, action = :composition)

Explore a search space, learn a composition from an ICN, and compose an error function.


  • concept: the concept of the targeted constraint
  • domains: domains of the variables that define the training space
  • param: an optional parameter of the constraint
  • search: either flexible,:partial or :complete search. Flexible search will use search_limit and solutions_limit to determine if the search space needs to be partially or completely explored
  • global_iter: number of learning iteration
  • local_iter: number of generation in the genetic algorithm
  • metric: the metric to measure the distance between a configuration and known solutions
  • popSize: size of the population in the genetic algorithm
  • action: either :symbols to have a description of the composition or :composition to have the composed function itself
hamming(x, X)

Compute the hamming distance of x over a collection of solutions X, i.e. the minimal number of variables to switch in xto reach a solution.

is_viable(layer, w)
is_viable(icn, w)

Assert if a pair of layer/icn and weights compose a viable pattern. If no weights are given with an icn, it will check the current internal value.


Generate methods extended to a vector instead of one of its components. A function f should have the following signature: f(i::Int, x::V).


Generate methods extended to a vector instead of one of its components. A function f should have the following signature: f(i::Int, x::V; param).

    nvars, dom_size, param=nothing, icn=ICN(nvars, dom_size, param),
    X, X_sols, global_iter=100, local_iter=100, metric=hamming, popSize=200

Create an ICN, optimize it, and return its composition.


Generates a dictionary of transformation functions based on the specified parameterization. This function facilitates the creation of parametric layers for constraint transformations, allowing for flexible and dynamic constraint manipulation according to the needs of different constraint programming models.


  • param::Symbol: Specifies the type of transformations to generate. It can be :none for basic transformations that do not depend on external parameters, or :val for transformations that operate with respect to a specific value parameter.


  • LittleDict{Symbol, Function}: A dictionary mapping transformation names (Symbol) to their corresponding functions (Function). The functions encapsulate various types of transformations, such as counting, comparison, and contiguous value processing.

Transformation Types

  • When param is :none, the following transformations are available:

    • :identity: No transformation is applied.
    • :count_eq, :count_eq_left, :count_eq_right: Count equalities under different conditions.
    • :count_greater, :count_lesser: Count values greater or lesser than a threshold.
    • :count_g_left, :count_l_left, :count_g_right, :count_l_right: Count values with greater or lesser comparisons from different directions.
    • :contiguous_vals_minus, :contiguous_vals_minus_rev: Process contiguous values with subtraction in normal and reverse order.
  • When param is :val, the transformations relate to operations involving a parameter value:

    • :count_eq_param, :count_l_param, :count_g_param: Count equalities or comparisons against a parameter value.
    • :count_bounding_param: Count values bounding a parameter value.
    • :val_minus_param, :param_minus_val: Subtract a parameter value from values or vice versa.

The function delegates to a version that uses Val(param) for dispatch, ensuring compile-time selection of the appropriate transformation set.


# Get basic transformations
basic_transforms = make_transformations(:none)

# Apply an identity transformation
identity_result = basic_transforms[:identity](data)

# Get value-based transformations
val_transforms = make_transformations(:val)

# Apply a count equal to parameter transformation
count_eq_param_result = val_transforms[:count_eq_param](data, param)
map_tr!(f, x, X, param)

Return an anonymous function that applies f to all elements of x and store the result in X, with a parameter param (which is set to nothing for function with no parameter).


Return the regularization value of an ICN weights, which is proportional to the normalized number of operations selected in the icn layers.

tr_contiguous_vars_minus(i, x)
tr_contiguous_vars_minus(x, X::AbstractVector)

Return the difference x[i] - x[i + 1] if positive, 0.0 otherwise. Extended method to vector with sig (x) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_contiguous_vars_minus_rev(i, x)
tr_contiguous_vars_minus_rev(x, X::AbstractVector)

Return the difference x[i + 1] - x[i] if positive, 0.0 otherwise. Extended method to vector with sig (x) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_count_bounding_val(i, x; val)
tr_count_bounding_val(x; val)
tr_count_bounding_val(x, X::AbstractVector; val)

Count the number of elements bounded (not strictly) by x[i] and x[i] + val. An extended method to vector with sig (x, val) is generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_count_eq(i, x)
tr_count_eq(x, X::AbstractVector)

Count the number of elements equal to x[i]. Extended method to vector with sig (x) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_count_eq_left(i, x)
tr_count_eq_left(x, X::AbstractVector)

Count the number of elements to the left of and equal to x[i]. Extended method to vector with sig (x) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_count_eq_right(i, x)
tr_count_eq_right(x, X::AbstractVector)

Count the number of elements to the right of and equal to x[i]. Extended method to vector with sig (x) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_count_eq_val(i, x; val)
tr_count_eq_val(x; val)
tr_count_eq_val(x, X::AbstractVector; val)

Count the number of elements equal to x[i] + val. Extended method to vector with sig (x, val) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_count_g_left(i, x)
tr_count_g_left(x, X::AbstractVector)

Count the number of elements to the left of and greater than x[i]. Extended method to vector with sig (x) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_count_g_right(i, x)
tr_count_g_right(x, X::AbstractVector)

Count the number of elements to the right of and greater than x[i]. Extended method to vector with sig (x) are generated.

tr_count_g_val(i, x; val)
tr_count_g_val(x; val)
tr_count_g_val(x, X::AbstractVector; val)

Count the number of elements greater than x[i] + val. Extended method to vector with sig (x, val) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_count_greater(i, x)
tr_count_greater(x, X::AbstractVector)

Count the number of elements greater than x[i]. Extended method to vector with sig (x) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_count_l_left(i, x)
tr_count_l_left(x, X::AbstractVector)

Count the number of elements to the left of and lesser than x[i]. Extended method to vector with sig (x) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_count_l_right(i, x)
tr_count_l_right(x, X::AbstractVector)

Count the number of elements to the right of and lesser than x[i]. Extended method to vector with sig (x) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_count_l_val(i, x; val)
tr_count_l_val(x; val)
tr_count_l_val(x, X::AbstractVector; val)

Count the number of elements lesser than x[i] + val. Extended method to vector with sig (x, val) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_count_lesser(i, x)
tr_count_lesser(x, X::AbstractVector)

Count the number of elements lesser than x[i]. Extended method to vector with sig (x) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_identity(i, x)
tr_identity(x, X::AbstractVector)

Identity function. Already defined in Julia as identity, specialized for vectors. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_val_minus_var(i, x; val)
tr_val_minus_var(x; val)
tr_val_minus_var(x, X::AbstractVector; val)

Return the difference val - x[i] if positive, 0.0 otherwise. Extended method to vector with sig (x, val) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

tr_var_minus_val(i, x; val)
tr_var_minus_val(x; val)
tr_var_minus_val(x, X::AbstractVector; val)

Return the difference x[i] - val if positive, 0.0 otherwise. Extended method to vector with sig (x, val) are generated. When X is provided, the result is computed without allocations.

transformation_layer(param = Vector{Symbol}())

Generate the layer of transformations functions of the ICN. Iff param value is non empty, also includes all the related parametric transformations.