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This is a minimal package for a pure Julia implementation of tools used in Computability Theory. This is the science involving mathematical models of what it means to compute. This naturally progresses to the idea of complexity: how much memory is used in computing? How long will it take? Does it halt?


julia> using ComputabilityTheory

julia> pair_tuple(5,7) # code pair of natural numbers as a natural number

julia> π(83) # code a natural number into a 2-tuple
(5, 7)

julia> π(83, 2, algebraic) # use algebraic method of depairing rather than search (much faster)
(5, 7)

julia> π(83, 2, 1) # code a natural number into a 2-tuple and get the the number in the tuple indexed by 1 (index starting from zero)

julia> cℤ(-10) # code integer as a natural number

julia> cℤ((-1,2)) # cℤ pairs the code of each

julia> cℤ⁻¹(19)

julia> Sequence(972292871301644916468488152875266508938968846389326007980307063346008398713128885682044504108288931767348821063618087715644933567266540511345568504718733339523678538338052787779884557674350959673597803113281693069940562881722205193604550737455583875504348606989700013337656597740101535).instructions
(328, 4, 531, 4, 5, 0, 14)

julia> Instruction((3, (1, 2))).I

julia> Programme(121).length

julia> Programme(121).instructions
1-element Array{Tuple{BigInt,BigInt},1}:
 (4, 0)

julia> show_programme(121)
0    halt

julia> run_goto_programme(363183787614755732766753446033240)
(1, 0)

julia> run_goto_programme(363183787614755732766753446033240, Register(0, 0, 0 ,0))
(1, 0, 0, 0)

julia> show_programme(rand(GoToProgramme), 3) # a reasonably small random programme with 3 lines
0    R3 := R3 + 1
1    if R0 = 0 goto 1
2    halt