
ConstructionBase allows flexible construction and destructuring of objects. There are two levels of under which this can be done:

The raw level

This is where Base.fieldnames, Base.getfield, Base.setfield! live. This level is what an object is ultimately composed of including all private details. At the raw level ConstructionBase adds constructorof and getfields.

The semantic level

This is where Base.propertynames, Base.getproperty and Base.setproperty! live. This level is typically the public interface of a type, it may hide private details and do magic tricks. At the semantic level ConstructionBase adds setproperties and getproperties.


constructorof(T::Type) -> constructor

Return an object constructor that can be used to construct objects of type T from their field values. Typically constructor will be the type T with all parameters removed:

julia> using ConstructionBase

julia> struct T{A,B}

julia> constructorof(T{Int,Int})

It is however not guaranteed, that constructor is a type at all:

julia> struct S
           S(a,b) = new(a,b,a+b)

julia> ConstructionBase.constructorof(::Type{<:S}) =
           (a, b, checksum=a+b) -> (@assert a+b == checksum; S(a,b))

julia> constructorof(S)(1,2)
S(1, 2, 3)

julia> constructorof(S)(1,2,4)
ERROR: AssertionError: a + b == checksum

Instead constructor can be any object that satisfies the following properties:

  • It must be possible to reconstruct an object from the elements of getfields:
ctor = constructorof(typeof(obj))
@assert obj == ctor(getfields(obj)...)
@assert typeof(obj) == typeof(ctor(getfields(obj)...))
  • The other direction should hold for as many values of args as possible:
ctor = constructorof(T)
getfields(ctor(args...)) == args

For instance given a suitable parametric type it should be possible to change the type of its fields:

julia> struct T{A,B}

julia> t = T(1,2)
T{Int64, Int64}(1, 2)

julia> constructorof(typeof(t))(1.0, 2)
T{Float64, Int64}(1.0, 2)

julia> constructorof(typeof(t))(10, 2)
T{Int64, Int64}(10, 2)

constructorof belongs to the raw level. constructorof is generated for all anonymous Functions lacking constructors, identified as having gensym # in their names. A custom struct <: Function with a gensym name may need to define constructorof manually.

See also Tips section in the manual

getfields(obj) -> NamedTuple
getfields(obj::Tuple) -> Tuple

Return a NamedTuple containing the fields of obj. On Tuples getfields is the identity function instead, since Tuple fields have no symbolic names.


julia> using ConstructionBase

julia> struct S{A,B}

julia> getfields(S(1,2))
(a = 1, b = 2)

julia> getfields((a=10,b=20))
(a = 10, b = 20)

julia> getfields((4,5,6))
(4, 5, 6)


getfields belongs to the the raw level. Semantically getfields boils down to getfield and fieldnames:

function getfields(obj::T) where {T}
    fnames = fieldnames(T)
    NamedTuple{fnames}(getfield.(Ref(obj), fnames))

However the actual implementation can be more optimized. For builtin types, there can also be deviations from this semantics:

  • getfields(::Tuple)::Tuple since Tuples don't have symbolic fieldnames
  • There are some types in Base that have undef fields. Since accessing these results in an error, getfields instead just omits these.


The semantics of getfields should not be changed for user defined types. It should return the raw fields as a NamedTuple in the struct order. In other words it should be equivalent to

function getfields(obj::T) where {T}
    fnames = fieldnames(T)
    NamedTuple{fnames}(getfield.(Ref(obj), fnames))

even if that includes private fields of obj. If a change of semantics is desired, consider overloading getproperties instead. See also getproperties, constructorof


Return the properties of obj as a NamedTuple. Since Tuple don't have symbolic properties, getproperties is the identity function on tuples.


julia> using ConstructionBase

julia> struct S

julia> s = S(1, 2, 3)
S(1, 2, 3)

julia> getproperties(s)
(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)

julia> getproperties((10,20))
(10, 20)


getproperties belongs to the semantic level. getproperties guarantees a couple of invariants. When overloading it, the user is responsible for ensuring them:

  1. getproperties should be consistent with Base.propertynames, Base.getproperty, Base.setproperty!. Semantically it should be equivalent to: julia function getproperties(obj) fnames = propertynames(obj) NamedTuple{fnames}(getproperty.(Ref(obj), fnames)) end
  2. getproperties is defined in relation to setproperties so that:
    obj == setproperties(obj, getproperties(obj))
    The only exception from this semantics is that undefined properties may be avoided in the return value of getproperties.


getproperties is defined by default for all objects. It should be very rare that a custom type MyType, has to implement getproperties(obj::MyType). Reasons to do so are undefined fields or performance considerations.

setproperties(obj, patch::NamedTuple)

Return a copy of obj with properties updated according to patch.


julia> using ConstructionBase

julia> struct S

julia> s = S(1,2,3)
S(1, 2, 3)

julia> setproperties(s, (a=10,c=4))
S(10, 2, 4)

julia> setproperties((a=1,c=2,b=3), (a=10,c=4))
(a = 10, c = 4, b = 3)

There is also a convenience method, which builds the patch argument from keywords:

setproperties(obj; kw...)


julia> using ConstructionBase

julia> struct S

julia> o = S(10, 2, 4)
S(10, 2, 4)

julia> setproperties(o, a="A", c="cc")
S("A", 2, "cc")


setproperties belongs to the semantic level. If satisfies the following invariants:

  1. Purity: setproperties is supposed to have no side effects. In particular setproperties(obj, patch::NamedTuple) may not mutate obj.
  2. Relation to propertynames and fieldnames: setproperties relates to propertynames and getproperty, not to fieldnames and getfield. This means that any subset p₁, p₂, ..., pₙ of propertynames(obj) is a valid set of properties, with respect to which the lens laws below must hold.
  3. setproperties is defined in relation to getproperties so that:
    obj == setproperties(obj, getproperties(obj))
  4. setproperties should satisfy the lens laws:

For any valid set of properties p₁, p₂, ..., pₙ, following equalities must hold:

  • You get what you set.
let obj′ = setproperties(obj, ($p₁=v₁, $p₂=v₂, ..., $pₙ=vₙ))
    @assert obj′.$p₁ == v₁
    @assert obj′.$p₂ == v₂
    @assert obj′.$pₙ == vₙ
  • Setting what was already there changes nothing:
@assert setproperties(obj, ($p₁=obj.$p₁, $p₂=obj.$p₂, ..., $pₙ=obj.$pₙ)) == obj
  • The last set wins:
let obj′ = setproperties(obj, ($p₁=v₁, $p₂=v₂, ..., $pₙ=vₙ)),
    obj′′ = setproperties(obj′, ($p₁=w₁, $p₂=w₂, ..., $pₙ=wₙ))
    @assert obj′′.$p₁ == w₁
    @assert obj′′.$p₂ == w₂
    @assert obj′′.$pₙ == wₙ


For a custom type MyType, a method setproperties(obj::MyType, patch::NamedTuple) may be defined. When doing so it is important to ensure compliance with the specification.

  • Prefer to overload constructorof whenever makes sense (e.g., no getproperty method is defined). Default setproperties is defined in terms of constructorof and getproperties.

  • If getproperty is customized, it may be a good idea to define setproperties.


The signature setproperties(obj::MyType; kw...) should never be overloaded. Instead setproperties(obj::MyType, patch::NamedTuple) should be overloaded.

Tips for designing types

When designing types from scratch, it is often possible to structure the types in such a way that overloading constructorof or setproperties is unnecessary in the first place. It let types in your package work nicely with the ecosystem built on top of ConstructionBase even without explicitly depending on it. For simple structs whose type parameters can be determined from field values, ConstructionBase works without any customization, provided that the "type-less" constructor exists. However, it is often useful or required to have type parameters that cannot be determined from field values. One way to solve this problem is to define singleton types that would determine the type parameters:

abstract type OutputBy end
struct Mutating <: OutputBy end
struct Returning <: OutputBy end

struct Add{O <: OutputBy, T}

(f::Add{Mutating})(y, x) = y .= x .+ f.value
(f::Add{Returning})(x) = x .+ f.value

add1! = Add(Mutating(), 1)

using ConstructionBase
add2 = constructorof(typeof(add1!))(Returning(), 2)

# output


setproperties works as well:

add3 = setproperties(add2; value=3)

# output


Note that no overloading of ConstructionBase functions was required. Importantly, this also provides an interface to change type parameters out-of-the-box:

add3! = setproperties(add3; outputby=Mutating())
add3!([0], 1)

# output

1-element Vector{Int64}:

Furthermore, it would work with packages depending on ConstructionBase such as Setfield.jl.

using Setfield: @set
add3′ = @set add3!.outputby = Returning()
add3′ === add3

# output


If it is desirable to keep fields as an implementation detail, combining trait functions and Setfield.FunctionLens may be useful:

OutputBy(x) = typeof(x)
OutputBy(::Type{<:Add{O}}) where O = O()

using Setfield: Setfield, @lens
Setfield.set(add::Add, ::typeof(@lens OutputBy(_)), o::OutputBy) =
    @set add.outputby = o

obj = (add=add3!,)
obj′ = @set OutputBy(obj.add) = Returning()
obj′ === (add=add3,)

# output

Setfield.set(::Type{Add{O0, T}}, ::typeof(@lens OutputBy(_)), ::O1) where {O0, T, O1 <: OutputBy} =
    Add{O1, T}

T1 = typeof(add3!)
T2 = @set OutputBy(T1) = Returning()
T2 <: Add{Returning}

# output
