
TLDR: Python / C# yield with performance matching plain Julia iterators (i.e. unbelievably fast)

Continuables are generator-like higher-order functions which take a continuation as an extra argument. The key macro provided by the package is @cont which will give access to the special function cont within its scope and wraps the computation in a special Type Continuables.Continuable. It is best to think of cont in the sense of yield from Python's Generators. It generates values and takes feedback from the outer process as return value.

If you come from Python, use Continuables wherever you would use generators. If you are Julia-native, Continuables can be used instead of Julia's Channels in many place with drastic performance-improvements (really drastic: in the little benchmark example below it is 20 million times faster!).

This package implements all standard functions like e.g. collect, reduce, any and others. As well as functionalities known from Base.Iterators and IterTools.jl like take, dropwhile, groupby, partition, nth and others.

For convenience, all methods also work for plain iterables.

Example of a Continuable

Let's define our fist continuable by wrapping a simple range iterator 1:n.

using Continuables
# new Continuable ---------------------------------------------
corange(n::Integer) = @cont begin
  for i in 1:n

That's it. Very straight forward and intuitive.

Many standard functions work seamlessly for Continuables.

using Continuables
collect(corange(10)) == collect(1:10)

co2 = map(corange(5)) do x
collect(co2) == [2,4,6,8,10]

foreach(println, corange(3))  # 1, 2, 3

foreach(chain(corange(2), corange(4))) do x
  print("$x, ")
end # 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4,  

reduce(*, corange(4)) == 24

all(x -> x < 5, corange(3))
any(x -> x == 2, corange(3))

map(corange(10)) do x
end |> flatten |> co -> take(co, 5) |> collect == Any[1,1,2,1,2]

collect(product(corange(2), corange(3))) == Any[
  (1, 1),
  (1, 2),
  (1, 3),
  (2, 1),
  (2, 2),
  (2, 3),
collect(partition(corange(11), 4)) == [
using OrderedCollections
groupbyreduce(isodd, corange(5), +) == OrderedDict{Any, Any}(
  true => 9,
  false => 6,

nth(3, ascontinuable(4:10)) == 6
nth(4, i2c(4:10)) == 7
nth(5, @i2c 4:10) == 8

# further defined are `takewhile`, `drop`, `dropwhile`, `repeated` and `iterate`, as well as `groupby`.

Importantly, Continuables do not support Base.iterate, i.e. you cannot directly for-loop over a Continuable. There is just no direct way to implement iterate on top of Continuables. Give it a try. Instead, you have to convert it into an Array first using collect, or to a Channel using aschannel.

The same holds true for zip, however we provide a convenience implementation where you can choose which interpretation you want to have

# uses Channels and hence offers lazy execution, however might be slower
zip(i2c(1:4), i2c(3:6), lazy=true)  # Default

# uses Array, might be faster, but loads everything into memory  
zip(i2c(1:4), i2c(3:6), lazy=false)

Last but not least, you can call a Continuable directly. It is just a higher order function expecting a cont function to run its computation.

continuable = corange(3)
foreach(print, continuable)  # 123
# is the very same as
continuable(print)  # 123

The @Ref macro

As you already saw, for continuables we cannot use for-loops. Instead we use higher-order functions like map, foreach, reduce or groupbyreduce to work with Continuables. Fortunately, julia supports beautiful do syntax for higher-order functions. In fact, do becomes the equivalent of for for continuables.

However, importantly, a do-block constructs an anonymous function and consequently what happens within the do-block has its own variable namespace! This is essential if you want to define your own Continuables. You cannot easily change an outer variable from within a do-block like you may have done it within a for-loop. The solution is to simply use julia's Ref object to get mutations instead of simple variable assignments. For example instead of var_changing_every_loop = 0, and an update var_changing_every_loop += 1 you use var_changing_every_loop = Ref(yourvalue) and var_changing_every_loop.x += 1.

(If you would use something mutable instead like an Vector instead of the non-mutable Int here, you of course can directly work in place. I.e. say a = [], then push!(a, i) will do the right thing also in a do-block).

For convenience, Continuables comes with a second macro @Ref which checks your code for variable = Ref(value) parts and replaces all plain assignments var = newvalue with var.x = newvalue. This makes for beautiful code. Let's implement reduce with it:

using Continuables
@Ref function myreduce(continuable, merge, init)
  accumulator = Ref(init)
  continuable() do x
    accumulator = merge(accumulator, x)
myreduce(i2c(0:5), +, 0) == 15

Let's check that @Ref indeed only replaced accumulator with accumulator.x. Run @macroexpand on the whole definition, i.e. @macroexpand @Ref function myreduce(...., which returns

:(function myreduce(continuable, merge, init)
      accumulator = Ref(init)
      continuable() do x
          accumulator.x = merge(accumulator.x, x)

When combining @cont with @Ref do @cont @Ref ..., i.e. let @cont be the outer and @Ref be the inner macro.