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This package provides the following features:

  • the parameters of the plot commands are stored in a struct and returned
  • this struct can be displayed again or stored in a file and loaded later
  • an oscilloscope-like plot with multiple channels can be created with the plotx() function
  • an XY plot can be created with the plotxy() function


  • add support for PythonPlot
  • allow changing of the caption
  • the save() function should allow storing a plot as jld2, pdf or png file
  • add bode plots


On Linux

First, install matplotlib:

sudo apt install python3-matplotlib

If not done yet, create a project:

mkdir MyProject
cd MyProject
julia --project="."

and install ControlPlots

using Pkg

On Windows

If not done yet, create a project:

mkdir MyProject
cd MyProject
julia --project="."

Install Python, matplotlib and ControlPlots

using Pkg


Basic example

Launch Julia with julia --project. Then execute:

using ControlPlots

X = 0:0.1:2pi
Y = sin.(X)
p = plot(X, Y, xlabel="X", ylabel="sin", fig="basic")

A plot window should pop up.

You can now close the plot window. You can re-display the plot by typing:


You can also save the plot under a name of your choice:

save("plot.jld2", p)

Now you restart Julia and load it with:

p = load("plot.jld2")

The plot is automatically displayed.

Multi-channel plot

using ControlPlots

T = 0:0.1:2pi
Y1 = sin.(T)
Y2 = cos.(T)
p = plotx(T, Y1, Y2; ylabels=["Y1", "Y2"], fig="dual")


using ControlPlots

T = 0:0.1:2pi+0.1
X = sin.(T)
Y = cos.(T)
p = plotxy(X, Y, xlabel="X", ylabel="Y", fig="xy")

n-in-one Plot

You can plot multiple time series in one plot, e.g. like this:

using ControlPlots

x   = 1.5*ones(11)
y   = 1:0.1:2
out = min.(x, y)
plot(1:11, [x, y, out]; labels=["input_a", "input_b", "output"], fig="2-in-one")