plot(X, Ys::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector}; xlabel="", ylabel="")

Plot multiple curves given by Ys against a common x-axis X.


  • X: The x-axis values.
  • Ys: A vector of vectors representing the y-axis values for each curve.

Optional Arguments

  • xlabel: The label for the x-axis. Default is an empty string.
  • ylabel: The label for the y-axis. Default is an empty string.
plot2d(pos::AbstractVector, reltime; zoom=true, front=false, segments=6, fig="", dz_zoom=1.5, 
       dz=-5.0, dx=-16.0, xlim=nothing, ylim=nothing, xy=nothing)

Display a video-like 2D particle system by calling plot2d in a loop.


  • pos: a vector of 3D positions.
  • reltime: The relative time. When called the first time, set to 0.0.
  • zoom: Whether to enable zooming (default: true).
  • front: Whether using a front view (default: false, which means side view).
  • segments: The number of tether segments (default: 6).
  • fig: The name of the figure to display (default: "").
  • dz_zoom: The z-axis offset in zoom view (default: 1.5).
  • dz: The z-axis offset in normal view (default: -5.0).
  • dx: The x-axis offset (default: -16.0).
  • xlim: The x-axis limits (default: nothing).
  • ylim: The y-axis limits (default: nothing) (for side view the z-axis).
  • xy: The x-y coordinates of the text (default: nothing) (for side view the z-axis).
plot2d(pos_matix::Matrix, reltime; zoom=true, front=false, segments=6, fig="", dz_zoom=1.5, 
       dz=-5.0, dx=-16.0, xlim=nothing, ylim=nothing, xy=nothing)

Display a video-like 2D particle system by calling plot2d in a loop.


  • pos_matix: a matrix of 3D coordinates
  • reltime: The relative time. When called the first time, set to 0.0.
  • zoom: Whether to enable zooming (default: false).
  • front: Whether using a front view (default: false, which means side view).
  • segments: The number of tether segments (default: 6).
  • fig: The name of the figure to display (default: "").
  • dz_zoom: The z-axis offset in zoom view (default: 1.5).
  • dz: The z-axis offset in normal view (default: -5.0).
  • dx: The x-axis offset (default: -16.0).
  • xlim: The x-axis limits (default: nothing).
  • ylim: The y-axis limits (default: nothing) (for side view the z-axis).
  • xy: The x-y coordinates of the text (default: nothing) (for side view the z-axis).
plot2d_(pos, reltime; zoom=true, front=false, segments=6, fig="", dz_zoom=1.5, dz=-5.0, 
        dx=-16.0, xlim=nothing, ylim=nothing, xy=nothing, lines, sc, txt)

Display a video-like 2D particle system by calling plot2d in a loop.


  • pos: a vector of 3D positions.
  • reltime: The relative time. When called the first time, set to 0.0.
  • zoom: Whether to enable zooming (default: true).
  • front: Whether using a front view (default: false).
  • segments: The number of tether segments (default: 6).
  • fig: The name of the figure to display (default: "").
  • dz_zoom: The z-axis offset in zoom view (default: 1.5).
  • dz: The z-axis offset in normal view (default: -5.0).
  • dx: The x-axis offset (default: -16.0).
  • xlim: The x-axis limits (default: nothing).
  • ylim: The y-axis limits (default: nothing) (in reality the z-axis).
  • xy: The x-y coordinates of the text (default: nothing).
  • lines: The lines to plot.
  • sc: The dots (scatter plot).
  • txt: The text to display.