
Keyword argument constructor for an auditory spectrogram frequency filterbank. Can be applied to a time amplitude signal using filt, like so:

using CorticalSpectralTemporalResponses
using FileIO

as = Audiospect()
spect = filt(as,load("testsound.wav"))

To compute the inverse, you can call inv and run filt on the result, like so:


Define a joint scale-rate filter bank at the given scales and rates (these are assumed to be in cycles per octave and Hz respectively, but can be specified with different units via Unitful). The scales and rates can be either both as positional arguments or both as keyword arguments. To compute the inverse of the filter-bank call inv.

Apply the filter bank using filt, like so:

using FileIO
using CorticalSpectralTemporalResponses

x = load("testsound.wav")
X = filt(audiospect,x)
cortf = cortical()
cr = filt(cortf,X)

Define a temporal-rate filter bank at the given rates (assumed to be in Hz by default, but can be specified in a different unit via Unitful). The rates can be either a positional or keyword argument. To compute use inverse of the filter-bank call inv. Uses default_rates if the rates are unspecified.

Apply the filter bank using filt, like so:

using FileIO
using CorticalSpectralTemporalResponses

x = load("testsound.wav")
X = filt(audiospect,x)
ratef = ratefilter()
R_cr = filt(ratef,X)

Define a spectral-scale filter bank at the given scales (assumed to be in cycles/octave). The scales can be either a positional or keyword argument. To compute use inverse of the filter-bank call inv. Uses default_scales if the scales are unspecified.

Apply the filter bank using filt, like so:

using FileIO
using CorticalSpectralTemporalResponses

x = load("testsound.wav")
X = filt(audiospect,x)
scalef = scalefilter()
S_cr = filt(scalef,X)