
Struct to specify an IID model. It contains information on

  • distr: Distribution
  • link: Link function
  • X: Regressor matrix
  • external: Indicator which regressors enter the system externally
  • zi: Indicator. Is zero inflation modelled?

Struct to specify an INARCH model. It contains information on

  • distr: Distribution
  • link: Link function
  • pastObs: Past observations included in the conditional mean definition
  • X: Regressor matrix
  • external: Indicator which regressors enter the system externally
  • zi: Indicator. Is zero inflation modelled?

Abstract type which summarizes all models in the INARMA framework. Subtype of CountModel.


Struct to specify an INARMA model. It contains information on

  • distr: Distributions (vector)
  • link: Link functions (vector)
  • pastObs: Past observations included
  • pastMean: Past mean included
  • X: Regressor matrix
  • external: Indicator which regressors enter the system externally
  • zi: Indicator. Is zero inflation modelled?
INARMAResults(y, θ, pars,
  LL, LLs, nPar, nObs, se, CI, Σ,
  model, converged, MLEControl)
  • y: Time series
  • θ: Estimates (vector)
  • pars: Estimates (parameter)
  • LL: Maximum of likelihood
  • LLs: Likelihood contributions
  • nPar: Number of parameters
  • nObs: Number of observations
  • se: Standard errors
  • CI: Confidence intervals
  • Σ: Covariance matrix of estimator
  • model: Model specification
  • converged: Indicator, convergence of optimization routine?
  • MLEControl: Estimation settings used

Struct to specify an INAR model. It contains information on

  • distr: Distributions (vector)
  • link: Link functions (vector)
  • pastObs: Past observations included
  • X: Regressor matrix
  • external: Indicator which regressors enter the system externally
  • zi: Indicator. Is zero inflation modelled?

Abstract type which summarizes all models in the INGARCH framework. Subtype of CountModel.


Struct to specify an INGARCH model. It contains information on

  • distr: Distribution
  • link: Link function
  • pastObs: Past observations included in the conditional mean definition
  • pastMean: Past mean included in the conditional mean definition
  • X: Regressor matrix
  • external: Indicator which regressors enter the system externally
  • zi: Indicator. Is zero inflation modelled?
INGARCHResults(y, θ, pars, λ, residuals,
      LL, LLs, nPar, nObs, se, CI, Σ,
      model, converged, MLEControl)

Structure for estimation results.

  • y: Time series
  • θ: Estimates (vector)
  • pars: Estimates (parameter)
  • λ: Conditional means
  • residuals: Residuals (y - λ)
  • LL: Maximum of likelihood
  • LLs: Likelihood contributions
  • nPar: Number of parameters
  • nObs: Number of observations
  • se: Standard errors
  • CI: Confidence intervals
  • Σ: Covariance matrix of estimator
  • model: Model specification
  • converged: Indicator, convergence of optimization routine?
  • MLEControl: Estimation settings used

Struct to specify an INMA model. It contains information on

  • distr: Distributions (vector)
  • link: Link functions (vector)
  • pastMean: Past mean included
  • X: Regressor matrix
  • external: Indicator which regressors enter the system externally
  • zi: Indicator. Is zero inflation modelled?
MLEControl(init::parameter, optimizer::String, ci::Bool, maxEval::Int64)

Structure for esitmation settings.

  • init: Initial values for optimization
  • optimizer: Optimizing Routine, "NelderMead", "BFGS" or "LBFGS"
  • ci: Indicator: Shall confidence intervals be computed?
  • maxEval: Maximum number of likelihood evaluations
parameter(β0, α, β, η, ϕ, ω)

Structure for Count Data models parameters.

  • β0: Intercept parameter
  • α: Parameters for autoregression
  • β: Parameters for MA part/past means
  • η: Regressor parameters
  • ϕ: Overdispersion parameter (Negative Binomial)
  • ω: Zero inflation probability

For details, see For details, see Documentation


Thinning operator for p∘X, d∘X or p∘d.

  • p: Thinning probability (∈ [0, 1])
  • X: Positive integer
  • d: Discrete distribution

Random numbers are generated according to (binomial) thinning.

p∘X computes $\sum_{i = 1}^X{Z_i}$ with $Z_i\sim\text{Bin}(1, p)$

d∘X computes $\sum_{i = 1}^X{Z_i}$ with $Z_i\sim$ d

p∘d computes $\sum_{i = 1}^X{Z_i}$ with $Z_i\sim\text{Bin}(1, n)$ and $X\sim$ d

AIC(results, dropfirst)

Computing the Akaike information criterion.

  • results: Result from fitting a count data model.
  • dropfirst: Can be used to exclude the first observations from computation.


AIC(res1, 2) # res1: Results from INARCH(1) fit
AIC(res2)    # res2: Results from INARCH(2) fit
BIC(results, dropfirst)

Computing the Bayes information criterion.

  • results: Result from fitting a count data model.
  • dropfirst: Can be used to exclude the first observations from computation.


BIC(res1, 2) # res1: Results from INARCH(1) fit
BIC(res2)    # res2: Results from INARCH(2) fit
HQIC(results, dropfirst)

Computing the Hannan-Quinn information criterion.

  • results: Result from fitting a count data model.
  • dropfirst: Can be used to exclude the first observations from computation.


HQIC(res1, 2) # res1: Results from INARCH(1) fit
HQIC(res2)    # res2: Results from INARCH(2) fit
MLESettings(y, model, init, optimizer, ci)

Wrapper function to specify estimation settings.

  • y: Time series
  • model: Model specification
  • init: Initial values (vector or parameter).
  • optimizer: Optimization routine. "BFGS", "LBFGS" or "NelderMead"
  • ci: Indicator: Shall confidence intervals be computed?
  • maxEval: Maximum number of likelihood evaluations


MLESettings(y, model, ci = true, maxEval = 1e9)

If the argument init is not given, valid initial values are chosen. See also MLEControl.

Model(model, distr, link, pastObs, pastMean, X,
      external, zi)

Wrapper function to define count data models. Default setting is an an IID Poisson process without regressors or zero inflation.

Structs have entries:

  • distr: "Poisson" or "Negative Binomial" (Vector for INARMA)
  • link: Vector of length two, "Linear" or "Log" (Vector for INARMA)
  • pastObs: Lags considered in autoregressive part
  • pastMean: Lags considered in MA/past conditional mean part
  • X: Matrix of regressors (row-wise)
  • external: Indicator(s) if regressors enter externally
  • zi: Indicator, zero inflation Y/N


Model(pastObs = 1:2, pastMean = 1) # INGARCH(2, 1)
Model(pastObs = [1, 2], distr = "NegativeBinomial") # NB-INARCH(2)
Model(model = "INARMA", pastMean = 1, zi = true) # Zero inflated INMA(1)

For further details, see Documentation


Add-on function for Quasi Poisson estimation of INGARCH models.

  • results: Estimation results (only INGARCH)



The function uses estimation results of an INGARCH fit with Poisson distribution and estimates the overdispersion parameter according to Christou and Fokianos (2013). The function puts out a changed version of the input including an estimate of the overdispersion parameter. The distribution is thereby changed to "NegativeBinomial".

acf(model, θ, lagMax, ofλ)

Autocorrelation function of INGARCH(p, q) process. Models with regressors or logarithmic link are not covered.

  • model: Model specification
  • θ: Parameters (Vector or parameter type)
  • lagMax: Maximum lag to be computed
  • ofλ: If true, return ACVF/ACF of conditional mean sequence


model = Model(pastObs = 1)
acf(model, [10, 0.5])
acf(model, θ, lagMax)

Autocorrelation function of INARMA(p, q) process. Models with regressors are not covered.

  • model: Model specification
  • θ: Parameters (Vector or parameter type)
  • lagMax: Maximum lag to be computed


model = Model(model = "INARMA", pastObs = 1)
acf(model, [10, 0.5])
acvf(model, θ, lagMax, ofλ)

Autocovariance function of INGARCH(p, q) process. Models with regressors or logarithmic link are not covered.

  • model: Model specification
  • θ: Parameters (Vector or parameter type)
  • lagMax: Maximum lag to be computed
  • ofλ: If true, return ACVF/ACF of conditional mean sequence


model = Model(pastObs = 1)
acvf(model, [10, 0.5])
acvf(model, θ, lagMax)

Autocovariance function of INARMA(p, q) process. Models with regressors are not covered.

  • model: Model specification
  • θ: Parameters (Vector or parameter type)
  • lagMax: Maximum lag to be computed


model = Model(model = "INARMA", pastObs = 1)
acvf(model, [10, 0.5])
ll(y, model, θ; initiate = "first")

Likelihood function for Count Data models.

  • y: Time series
  • model: Model Specification
  • θ: Parameters (Vector or parameter)
  • initiate: How is the time series initiated?

The time series can be initiated by "first", the first observed value, "intercept", the intercept parameter (possibly exponentiated if log-link), or "marginal", the marginal mean of the process.


ll(y, model, pars)
par2θ(θ, model)

Function two convert parameter struct to vector

  • θ: Parameter struct
  • model: Model specification CountModel, INGARCHModel, ...


model = CountModel(past_obs = 1) # Specify INARCH(1)
pars = θ2par([10, 0.5], model)
θ = par2θ(pars, model)
parametercheck(θ, model)

Check if parameters are admissable.

  • θ: Parameters (vector or parameter)
  • model: Model specification


model = Model(pastObs = 1)
parametercheck([10, 0.3], model)

Parameters are admissible if they yield strictly positive conditional means and further fulfill stationarity properties.

pit(results, nbins, level)

Function to compute the non-randomized PIT histogram, see Czado et al..

  • results: Estimation results
  • nbins: Number of bins (optional, default = 10)
  • level: Confidence level (optional)


pit(res, 10, 0.95)

If the argument level is put in, a confidence regio is added to the PIT histogram. The height of all bins is inside that region if the PIT values follow a uniform distribution.

predict(results, h, nChain, Xnew)

Function for forecasting Count Data models.

  • results: Estimation results
  • h: Number of steps to forecast
  • nChain: Number of Chains for simulation based forecast (optional)
  • Xnew: New values for regressors (only in case of regressors)


# 10-step-ahead forecast
predict(results, 10, 10000)

The function either returns point forecasts if nChain is not specified or generates multiple time series according to estiamtion results. The latter is used to compute forecast intervals and is the default for INARMA models.

simulate(T, model, θ; burnin, pinfirst)

Function to generate time series from Count Data model.

  • T: Length of time series
  • model: Model specification
  • θ: Parameters (vector or struct)
  • burnin: Number of burnin observations, default 500
  • pinfirst: Set values for first observations (instead of burnin)


model = CountModel(pastObs = 1)
simulate(100, model, [10, 0.5])
θ2par(θ, model)

Function two convert parameter vector to struct

  • θ: Parameter vector
  • model: Model specification CountModel, INGARCHModel, INARMAModel, ...

Parameter vector needs to be of suitable length.


model = Model(pastObs = 1) # Specify INARCH(1)
θ2par([10, 0.5], model)
mean(model, θ, ofλ = false)

Marginal mean of INGARCH(p, q) process. Models with regressors or a logarithmic link are not covered.

  • model: Model specification
  • θ: Parameters (Vector or parameter type)
  • ofλ: If true, the marginal mean of the conditional mean sequence is returned


model = Model(pastObs = 1)
mean(model, [10, 0.5])
mean(model, θ)

Marginal mean of INARMA(p, q) process. Models with regressors are not covered.

  • model: Model specification
  • θ: Parameters (Vector or parameter type)


model = Model(model = "INARMA", pastObs = 1)
mean(model, [10, 0.5])
var(model, θ, ofλ = false)

Marginal variance of INGARCH(p, q) process. Models with regressors or a logarithmic link are not covered.

  • model: Model specification
  • θ: Parameters (Vector or parameter type)
  • ofλ: If true, the marginal mean of the conditional mean sequence is returned


model = Model(pastObs = 1)
var(model, [10, 0.5])
var(model, θ)

Marginal variance of INARMA(p, q) process. Models with regressors are not covered.

  • model: Model specification
  • θ: Parameters (Vector or parameter type)


model = Model(model = "INARMA", pastObs = 1)
var(model, [10, 0.5])