
Build Status Coverage Aqua QA

This package provides utilities for extracting coordinates of countries borders in latitude/longitude.

It uses the natural earth database for getting the borders coordinates.

Example Usage

using CountriesBorders
# Extract the coordinates of the borders of Italy and Spain, as Domain from Meshes. This function is exported by CountriesBorders
dmn = extract_countries("italy; spain")

# Creates two variables containint the lat/lon coordinates of Rome, Madrid and Paris. SimpleLatLon is exported by CountriesBorders
rome = SimpleLatLon(41.9, 12.49)
paris = SimpleLatLon(48.864, 2.349)
madrid = SimpleLatLon(40.416, -3.703)

# Verify that rome and madrid are included in the domain
rome in dmn # Returns true
madrid in dmn # Returns true
paris in dmn # Returns false as we only extracted italy and spain

See the docstring of extract_countries (and its extended help) for more details, or check the example notebook within the notebooks folder. A static version of the notebook is also available at this link