SkipFromAdmin(admin::AbstractString, idxs::AbstractVector{<:Integer})
SkipFromAdmin(admin::AbstractString, idx::Int)
SkipFromAdmin(admin::AbstractString, [::Colon])

Structure used to specify parts of countries to skip when generating contours with extract_countries.

When instantiated with just a country name or with a name and an instance of the Colon (:), it will signal that the full country whose ADMIN name starts with admin (case sensitive) will be removed from the output of extract_countries.

If created with an admin name and a list of integer indices, the polygons at the provided indices will be removed from the MultiPolyArea associated to country admin if this is present in the ou tput of extract_countries.


The constructor does not perform any validation to verify that the provided admin exists or that the provided idxs are valid for indexing into the MultiPolyArea associated to the borders of admin.

extract_countries([geotable::GeoTables.GeoTable]; skip_areas = nothing, kwargs...)
extract_countries(admin::Union{AbstractString, Vector{<:AbstractString}}; skip_areas = nothing, kwargs...)

Extract and returns the domain (<:Meshes.Domain) containing all the countries that match a search query provided via the kwargs...

The returned domain can be used to check inclusion of points expressed as SimpleLatLon instances, or can be directly plotted using scattergeo from PlotlyBase and the dependent packages (e.g. PlutoPlotly, PlotlyJS)

The function can take as input a custom geotable but it's usually simply called without one, in which case it uses the one loaded by default by the package, which is obtained from the 1/110m maps from Specifically, the shape file used to obtain the coordinates of the countries borders is located at

The geotable contains a row per country and various country-related informations among the columns

The downselection of countries to form a domain is performed by passing keyword arguments containing String or Vector{String} values.

Extended Help

Input Parsing

For each keyword argument, the function performs a downselection on the geotable column whose name matches the keyword argument name. The downselection is done based on the string provided as value:

  • The string is used to match the full name (case-insensitive) with the value of the specified column for each row of the table.
  • The * wildcard can be used within the string to expand to any number of word or space characters.
  • If the string starts with the '-' character, all rows that match are removed from the current downselection. Otherwise, the matching rows are added to the downselection (One can also put a '+' in front of the string to use for the matching to emphasise addition rather than deletion).
  • Multiple query/match strings can also be provided for each keyword argument, either as a vector of strings or within the same string but separated by ';'
    • The multiple queries are processed in the order they are provided, adding or removing to the total downselection accordingly
  • Each keyword argument is processed in the order it was provided, also modifying the downselection as described in the previous points.
  • The name of the keyword argument is made all uppercase before matching with the column names of shapefile, as the column names for the default table are all uppercase, so calling extract_countries(;ConTinEnt = "Asia") will match against the :CONTINENT column of the shapefile.

Parsing Examples

  • extract_countries(;continent = "europe", admin="-russia") will extract the borders of all countries within the european continent except Russia
  • extract_countries(;admin="-russia", continent = "europe") will extract the borders of all countries within the european continent including Russia. This is because the strings are processed in order, so Russia is first removed and then Europe (which includes Russia) is added.
  • extract_countries(;subregion = "*europe; -eastern europe") will extract all countries that have a subregion name ending with europe (That is northern, eastern, western and southern) but will not include countries within the eastern europe subregion.

For a list of possible column names, call the function CountriesBorders.valid_column_names().

For a list of the possible values contained in the table for some of the most useful colulmn names, call the function CountriesBorders.possible_selector_values().

Skipping Areas

Apart from removing areas with the string parsing synthax detailed above, one can also provide a list of countries (basd on the ADMIN name) or subareas of countries by using the skip_area keyword argument.

The provided skip_area must be an array of elements that can be:

  • instances of SkipDict
  • instances of SkipFromAdmin
  • instances of objects that can be used directly to construct SkipFromAdmin objects:
    • A single String. (will translate to a SkipFromAdmin with the provided String as admin and the Colon (:) as second argument)
    • instances t of Tuple{<:AbstractString, <:Any}, in which case the resulting SkipFromAdmin will be created as SkipFromAdmin(t...)

The provided elements will be merged into a single list of countries/areas to skip which will be removed from the nominal output of extract_countries.

A default set of Non-continental EU areas to skip is available in the exported constant SKIP_NONCONTINENTAL_EU which can be passed as the skip_areas argument (or as one of the elements of the array passed to skip_areas).


julia> using CountriesBorders

julia> dmn = let
        # The following code will extract the borders of Italy, France and Norway without French Guyana (part of France), without Sicily, and without the Svalbard Islands (part of Norway)
        extract_countries("italy; spain; france; norway"; skip_areas = [
            ("Italy", 2) # This removes the second polygon in the Italy MultiPolyArea, which corresponds to Sicily
            "Spain" # This will remove Spain in its entirety
            SKIP_NONCONTINENTAL_EU # This will remove Svalbard and French Guyana
3 view(::GeometrySet{CountryBorder{Float32}}, resolution = 110m, [22, 44, 142])
├─ Norway (3 skipped)
├─ France (1 skipped)
└─ Italy (1 skipped)

julia> catania = LatLon(37.5, 15.09) # Location of Catania, Sicily
GeodeticLatLon{WGS84Latest} coordinates
├─ lat: 37.5°
└─ lon: 15.09°

julia> Point(catania) in dmn # This returns false, as sicily is excluded from the domain

julia> rome = LatLon(41.9, 12.49) # Rome
GeodeticLatLon{WGS84Latest} coordinates
├─ lat: 41.9°
└─ lon: 12.49°

julia> Point(rome) in dmn # This returns true

Extract the lat and lon coordinates (in degrees) from the geometry/region inp and return them in a @NamedTuple{lat::Vector{Float32}, lon::Vector{Float32}.

When inp is composed of multiple rings/polygons, the returned vectors lat and lon contain the concateneated lat/lon values of each ring separated by NaN32 values. This is done to allow plotting multiple separated borders in a single trace.

validate_skipDict(d::SkipDict; geotable = get_geotable())

Verify that the provided SkipDict contains only valid entries w.r.t. geotable.

An entry is valid if the admin name exists in geotable and if the corresponding idxs to be skipped are valid indices to the PolyAreas associated to the country identified by admin

CountryBorder{T} <: Geometry{🌐,LATLON{T}}

Structure representings the coordinates of the borders of a country (based on the NaturalEarth database). T is the floating point precision of the borders coordinates, and defaults to Float32.

This structure holds the borders in both LatLon and Cartesian2D, to allow faster comparison with flattening approximation of the LatLon coordinates.


  • admin::String: The name of the country, i.e. the ADMIN entry in the GeoTable.
  • table_idx::Int: The index of the country in the original GeoTable.
  • valid_polyareas::BitVector: The indices of skipped PolyAreas in the original MultiPolygon of the country.
  • resolution::Int: The resolution of the underlying border sampling from the NaturalEarth dataset.
  • latlon::MULTI_LATLON{T}: The borders in LatLon CRS.
  • cart::MULTI_LATLON{T}: The borders in Cartesian2D CRS.