
Coverage.Coveralls Module

This module provides functionality to push coverage information to the Coveralls web service. It exports the submit and submit_local methods.

submit(fcs::Vector{FileCoverage}; kwargs...)

Take a vector of file coverage results (produced by process_folder), and submits them to Coveralls. Assumes that this code is being run on TravisCI, AppVeyor or Jenkins. If running locally, use submit_local.

submit_local(fcs::Vector{FileCoverage}, git_info=query_git_info; kwargs...)

Take a Vector of file coverage results (produced by process_folder), and submits them to Coveralls. For submissions not from CI.

git_info can be either a Dict or a function that returns a Dict.


Coverage.Codecov Module

This module provides functionality to push coverage information to the web service. It exports the submit and submit_local methods.


kwargs provides default values to insert into argsarray, only if they are not already specified in argsarray.


Takes a vector of file coverage results (produced by process_folder), and submits them to Assumes that this code is being run on TravisCI or AppVeyor. If running locally, use submit_local.


Takes a vector of file coverage results (produced by process_folder), and submits them to a instance. Keyword arguments are converted into a generic API uri. It is essential that the keywords and values match the Codecov upload/v2 API specification. The codecov_url keyword argument or the CODECOVURL environment variable can be used to specify the base path of the uri. The `codecovurlpath` keyword argument or the CODECOVURLPATH environment variable can be used to specify the final path of the uri. The `dryrun` keyword can be used to prevent the http request from being generated.

submit_local(fcs::Vector{FileCoverage}, dir::AbstractString=pwd())

Take a Vector of file coverage results (produced by process_folder), and submit them to Assumes the submission is being made from a local git installation, rooted at dir. A repository token should be specified by a token keyword argument or the CODECOV_TOKEN environment variable.