API reference

Below, you find a listing of all public methods of this package. Any other method you might find in the source code is not intended for direct usage.

Critical difference diagrams

If you do not want to generate a plot, but want to know about the semantic content of a CD diagram, you can use the function ranks_and_cliques instead of plot.

plot(t_1 => x_1, t_2 => x_2, ..., t_k =>  x_k; kwargs...)
plot(df, treatment, observation, outcome; kwargs...)

Return a PGFPlots axis which contains a critical difference diagram for n repeated observations of k treatments.

The input data are arranged in treatments t_i => x_i, each of which has a name t_i and n associated observations x_i. You can omit the names, either providing the separate x_i alone or by providing all observations as a single (n, k)-shaped matrix X. Alternatively, you can provide a DataFrame df with the columns treatment, observation, and outcome.

The analysis starts with a FriedmanTest to check if any of the treatments differ. If so, the differences between each pair of treatments is checked with a Holm-adjusted or Bonferroni-adjusted Wilcoxon SignedRankTest. The cliques represent groups of treatments which are not significantly distinguishable from each other.


  • alpha=0.05 is the significance level in the hypothesis tests.

  • maximize_outcome=false specifies whether the ranks represent a maximization or a minimization of the outcomes.

  • adjustment=:holm specifies the adjustment method (:holm or :bonferroni).

  • title=nothing is an optional string to be printed above the diagram.

  • reverse_x=false reverses the direction of the x axis from right-to-left (default) to left-to-right.

2-dimensional sequences of CD diagrams

You can arrange a sequence of CD diagrams in a single 2-dimensional axis. In the following, each item in the sequence consists of a pair s_i => [args_i...] of the item's name s_i and the regular CD diagram arguments args_i... that are documented above.

    s_1 => [t_11 => x_11, t_12 => x_12, ..., t_1k =>  x_1k],
    s_2 => [t_21 => x_21, t_22 => x_22, ..., t_2k =>  x_2k],
    s_j => [t_j1 => x_j1, t_j2 => x_j2, ..., t_jk =>  x_jk];
ranks_and_cliques(t_1 => x_1, t_2 => x_2, ..., t_k =>  x_k; kwargs...)
ranks_and_cliques(x_1, x_2, ..., x_k; kwargs...)
ranks_and_cliques(X; kwargs...)
ranks_and_cliques(df, treatment, observation, outcome; kwargs...)

Return a tuple (avg_ranks, cliques) of the average ranks of k treatments in n repeated observations, together with the cliques of indistinguishable treatments.

The input data are arranged in treatments t_i => x_i, each of which has a name t_i and n associated observations x_i. You can omit the names, either providing the separate x_i alone or by providing all observations as a single (n, k)-shaped matrix X. Alternatively, you can provide a DataFrame df with the columns treatment, observation, and outcome.

The analysis starts with a FriedmanTest to check if any of the treatments differ. If so, the differences between each pair of treatments is checked with a Holm-adjusted or Bonferroni-adjusted Wilcoxon SignedRankTest. The cliques represent groups of treatments which are not significantly distinguishable from each other.


  • alpha=0.05 is the significance level in the hypothesis tests.
  • maximize_outcome=false specifies whether the ranks represent a maximization or a minimization of the outcomes.
  • adjustment=:holm specifies the adjustment method (:holm or :bonferroni).

Friedman test

The Friedman test might eventually be migrated to HypothesisTests.jl.

FriedmanTest(x_1, x_2, ..., x_k; kwargs...) = FDistFriedmanTest(x_1, x_2, ..., x_k; kwargs...)
FriedmanTest(X; kwargs...) = FDistFriedmanTest(X; kwargs...)

Test the null hypothesis that n repeated observations of a set of k treatments have the same distribution across all treatments. These observations are arranged in k vectors x_i of n observations each or in an (n, k)-shaped matrix X.

The default version of this test, the FDistFriedmanTest, uses an F-distributed statistic.

See also:FDistFriedmanTest, ChisqFriedmanTest

Keyword arguments

  • maximize_outcome=false specifies whether the ranks represent a maximization or a minimization of the outcomes.
FDistFriedmanTest(x_1, x_2, ..., x_k; kwargs...)
FDistFriedmanTest(X; kwargs...)

Test the null hypothesis that n repeated observations of a set of k treatments have the same distribution across all treatments. These observations are arranged in k vectors x_i of n observations each or in an (n, k)-shaped matrix X.

This version of the FriedmanTest uses an F-distributed statistic.

Keyword arguments

  • maximize_outcome=false specifies whether the ranks represent a maximization or a minimization of the outcomes.
ChisqFriedmanTest(x_1, x_2, ..., x_k; kwargs...)
ChisqFriedmanTest(X; kwargs...)

Test the null hypothesis that n repeated observations of a set of k treatments have the same distribution across all treatments. These observations are arranged in k vectors x_i of n observations each or in an (n, k)-shaped matrix X.

This version of the FriedmanTest uses a χ²-distributed statistic.

Keyword arguments

  • maximize_outcome=false specifies whether the ranks represent a maximization or a minimization of the outcomes.