Documentation for CryptoMarketData.



Every exchange is a subtype of this.


Every exchange also has a matching candle type that's a subtype of AbstractCandle. Its purpose is to capture the data given to us by the exchange.


get_candles_for_day(exchange, market, day::Date)

Fetch all of the 1m candles for the given exchange, market, and day. The vector and candles returned is just the right size to save to the archives.


Fetch the available markets for the given exchange.


julia> bitstamp = Bitstamp()
julia> markets = get_markets(bitstamp)
get_saved_markets(; datadir)

Return a DataFrame that lists the currently saved markets.

Keyword Arguments

  • datadir="./data" - directory where saved data is stored


julia> saved = get_local_markets()
10×4 DataFrame
 Row │ exchange       market          start       stop
     │ Any            Any             Any         Any
   1 │ binance        BTCUSD_240628   2023-12-29  2024-02-17
   2 │ binance        BTCUSD_PERP     2020-08-11  2020-08-16
   3 │ bitget         BTCUSD_DMCBL    2019-04-23  2024-02-16
   4 │ bitget         DOGEUSD_DMCBL   2024-02-01  2024-02-20
   5 │ bitmex         ETHUSD          2018-08-02  2024-02-19
   6 │ bitstamp       BTCUSD          2011-08-18  2024-02-25
   7 │ bybit          ADAUSD          2022-03-24  2022-04-21
   8 │ bybit-inverse  ADAUSD          2022-03-24  2022-04-20
   9 │ bybit-linear   10000LADYSUSDT  2023-05-11  2024-03-04
  10 │ pancakeswap    BTCUSD          2023-03-15  2024-03-04
load(exchange, market; datadir, span, tf, table)

Load candles for the given exchange and market from the file system.

Keyword Arguments

  • datadir="./data" - directory where saved data is stored
  • span - a Date span that defines what Dates to load candles. If it's missing, load everything.
  • tf - a Period that is used to aggregate 1m candles into higher timeframes.
  • table - a Tables.jl-compatible struct to load candles into. The default is DataFrame.


julia> bitstamp = Bitstamp()
julia> btcusd4h = load!(bitstamp, "BTC/USD"; span=Date("2024-01-01"):Date("2024-02-10"), tf=Hour(4))
save!(exchange, market; datadir, startday, endday, delay)

Download 1m candles from the given exchange and market, and save them locally.

Keyword Arguments

  • datadir="./data" - directory where saved data is stored
  • startday - a Date to start fetching candles from
  • endday - a Date to stop fetching candles
  • delay - a delay to be passed to sleep() that will pause between internal calls to save_day!()


julia> bitstamp = Bitstamp()
julia> save!(bitstamp, "BTC/USD", endday=Date("2020-08-16"))
save_day!(exchange, market, candles; datadir="./data")

Save a day worth of 1m candles the caller provides for the given exchange and market.

Keyword Arguments

  • datadir="./data" - directory where saved data is stored