
First, load the package:

using CryptographicHashFunctions


Working with the high-level interface is quite easy:

bytes2hex(sha3_224("Hash me!"))

Or, to compute the file hash (of an empty file named filename):


Calculating HMAC's is similarly straightforward:

bytes2hex(hmac_sha256("some key", "some data"))

The backend used to do the hashing can be specified with the keyword argument provider:

sha256(""; provider = CryptographicHashFunctions.OpenSSL) ==
sha256(""; provider = CryptographicHashFunctions.Libgcrypt)

Extracting a fixed number of bytes from an extendable-output function can be done either in one go

bytes2hex(shake256("Hash and extract me!", 42))

or step by step:

xof = shake256("Hash and extract me!")
bytes2hex([digest!(xof, 10); digest!(xof, 10); digest!(xof, 22)])


The low-level interface allows for more controlled operations.

Setting up a hash context, feeding it with some data, and finally computing the digest works as follows:

ctx = context(SHA3_224)
update!(ctx, "Hash ")
update!(ctx, "me!")

Or, in the case of an extendable-output function:

ctx = context(SHAKE256, "Hash and "; provider = CryptographicHashFunctions.Libgcrypt)
update!(ctx, IOBuffer("extract me!"); buffersize = 2)
[bytes2hex(digest!(ctx, 15)) for i ∈ 1:5]
5-element Vector{String}:

To avoid unneccessary allocations, it's sometimes useful to be able to copy or reset hash contexts:

ctx = context(SHA3_224, "Hash me!")
ctx_copy = copy(ctx)
[bytes2hex(digest!(ctx)), bytes2hex(digest!(ctx_copy))]
2-element Vector{String}:

Dealing with HMAC objects works similarly:

hmac = HMAC(SHA256, "some key")
update!(hmac, "some data")