Cthulhu.BOOKMARKS :: Vector{Bookmark}

During a descent, methods can be "bookmarked" by pressing b key. It pushes a Cthulhu.Bookmark into Cthulhu.BOOKMARKS. This can be used to, e.g., continue descending by descend(Cthulhu.BOOKMARKS[end]). See Cthulhu.Bookmark for other usages.



  • enable_highlighter::Bool: Use command line highlighter to syntax highlight Julia, LLVM and native code.
  • highlighter::Cmd: A command line program that receives "julia" as an argument and julia code as stdin. Defaults to $pygmentize -l$.
  • asm_syntax::Symbol: Set the syntax of assembly code being used. Defaults to att.
  • dead_code_elimination::Bool: Enable dead-code elimination for high-level Julia IR. Defaults to true. DCE is known to be buggy and you may want to disable it if you encounter errors. Please report such bugs with a MWE to Julia or Cthulhu.
  • pretty_ast::Bool: Use a pretty printer for the ast dump. Defaults to false.
  • interruptexc::Bool: Use <q>-key to quit or ascend. Defaults to false.
  • debuginfo::Symbol: Initial state of "debuginfo" toggle. Defaults to :compact. Options:. :none, :compact, :source
  • optimize::Bool: Initial state of "optimize" toggle. Defaults to true.
  • hide_type_stable::Bool: Initial state of "hidetypestable" toggle. Defaults to false.
  • iswarn::Bool: Initial state of "warn" toggle. Defaults to false.
  • remarks::Bool Initial state of "remarks" toggle. Defaults to false.
  • with_effects::Bool Intial state of "effects" toggle. Defaults to false.
  • exception_type::Bool Intial state of "exception type" toggle. Defaults tofalse`.
  • inline_cost::Bool Initial state of "inlining costs" toggle. Defaults to false.
  • type_annotations::Bool Initial state of "type annnotations" toggle. Defaults to true.
  • annotate_source::Bool Initial state of "Source". Defaults to true.
  • inlay_types_vscode::Bool Initial state of "vscode: inlay types" toggle. Defaults to true
  • diagnostics_vscode::Bool Initial state of "Vscode: diagnostics" toggle. Defaults to true
  • jump_always::Bool Initial state of "jump to source always" toggle. Defaults to false.

Required overloads:

  • Cthulhu.lookup(interp::AbstractInterpreter, curs::AbstractCursor, optimize::Bool)
  • Cthulhu.lookup_constproped(interp::AbstractInterpreter, curs::AbstractCursor, override::InferenceResult, optimize::Bool)
  • Cthulhu.get_mi(curs::AbstractCursor) -> MethodInstance
  • Cthulhu.get_optimized_codeinst(interp::AbstractInterpreter, curs::AbstractCursor) -> CodeInstance
  • Cthulhu.update_cursor(curs::AbstractCursor, mi::MethodInstance)
  • Cthulhu.navigate(curs::AbstractCursor, callsite::Callsite) -> AbstractCursor

A Cthulhu.Bookmark remembers a method marked by b key during a descent. It can be used with the following functions:

  • descend(::Bookmark), descend_code_typed(::Bookmark), descend_code_warntype(::Bookmark): continue the descent.
  • code_typed(::Bookmark), code_warntype([::IO,] ::Bookmark): show typed IR
  • code_llvm([::IO,] ::Bookmark): pretty-print LLVM IR
  • code_native([::IO,] ::Bookmark): pretty-print native code
ascend(mi::MethodInstance; kwargs...)
ascend(bt; kwargs...)

Follow a chain of calls (either through a backtrace bt or the backedges of a MethodInstance mi), with the option to descend into intermediate calls. kwargs are passed to descend.

descend(f, argtypes=Tuple{...}; kwargs...)
descend(tt::Type{<:Tuple}; kwargs...)
descend(mi::MethodInstance; kwargs...)

Given a function and a tuple-type, interactively explore the source code of functions annotated with inferred types by descending into invoke statements. Type enter to select an invoke to descend into, select to ascend, and press q or control-c to quit. See Cthulhu.CONFIG for kwargs and their defaults.


julia> descend(sin, (Int,))

julia> descend(sin, Tuple{Int})

julia> descend(Tuple{typeof(sin), Int})

julia> descend() do
           T = rand() > 0.5 ? Int64 : Float64
descend_code_typed(f, argtypes=Tuple{...}; kwargs...)
descend_code_typed(tt::Type{<:Tuple}; kwargs...)
descend_code_typed(Cthulhu.BOOKMARKS[i]; kwargs...)
descend_code_typed(mi::MethodInstance; kwargs...)

Given a function and a tuple-type, interactively explore the output of code_typed by descending into invoke statements. Type enter to select an invoke to descend into, select to ascend, and press q or control-c to quit. See Cthulhu.CONFIG for kwargs and their defaults.


julia> descend_code_typed(sin, (Int,))

julia> descend_code_typed(sin, Tuple{Int})

julia> descend_code_typed(Tuple{typeof(sin), Int})

julia> descend_code_typed() do
           T = rand() > 0.5 ? Int64 : Float64
descend_code_warntype(f, argtypes=Tuple{...}; kwargs...)
descend_code_warntype(tt::Type{<:Tuple}; kwargs...)
descend_code_warntype(mi::MethodInstance; kwargs...)

Given a function and a tuple-type, interactively explore the output of code_warntype by descending into invoke statements. Type enter to select an invoke to descend into, select to ascend, and press q or control-c to quit. See Cthulhu.CONFIG for kwargs and their defaults.


julia> descend_code_warntype(sin, (Int,))

julia> descend_code_warntype(sin, Tuple{Int})

julia> descend_code_warntype(Tuple{typeof(sin), Int})

julia> descend_code_warntype() do
           T = rand() > 0.5 ? Int64 : Float64
m = method(edge)

Return the method corresponding to edge.

Part of the ascend API.

childobj = nextnode(obj, edge)

Return the next node object from obj indicated by edge.

Part of the ascend API.


Save a Cthulhu.jl configuration config (by default, Cthulhu.CONFIG) to your LocalPreferences.toml file using Preferences.jl.

The saved preferences will be automatically loaded next time you using Cthulhu


julia> using Cthulhu

julia> Cthulhu.CONFIG.enable_highlighter = true

julia> Cthulhu.CONFIG.debuginfo = :none     # Customize some defaults

julia> Cthulhu.save_config!(Cthulhu.CONFIG) # Will be automatically read next time you `using Cthulhu`
sig = specTypes(edge)

Return the signature of edge.

Part of the ascend API.


Evaluates the arguments to the function or macro call, determines their types, and calls descend on the resulting expression. See Cthulhu.CONFIG for options and their defaults.


julia> @descend sin(1)

julia> @descend iswarn=false foo()

Evaluates the arguments to the function or macro call, determines their types, and calls descend_code_typed on the resulting expression. See Cthulhu.CONFIG for options and their defaults.


julia> @descend_code_typed sin(1)

julia> @descend_code_typed optimize=false sin(1)

Evaluates the arguments to the function or macro call, determines their types, and calls descend_code_warntype on the resulting expression. See Cthulhu.CONFIG for options and their defaults.


julia> function foo()
           T = rand() > 0.5 ? Int64 : Float64
foo (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @descend_code_warntype foo()

julia> @descend_code_warntype hide_type_stable=true foo()

For debugging. Returns a CthulhuInterpreter from the appropriate entrypoint.