CurrencyAmount(x:: Number, c:: Currency)

Amount of a specific currency, i.e. a combination of a numeric value and a currency type.


CurrencyAmount(100.5, EUR) # assumes `@currencies EUR` has been called before
100.5EUR # equivalent constructor

convert(targetcurrency:: Currency, amount:: CurrencyAmount, exchangerate_iterable):: CurrencyAmount

Converts the amountto target currency using one of the given rates in theexchangerateiterable. If a conversion is not possible using one of the exchange rate,missing` is returned.


convert(targetcurrency:: Currency, amount:: CurrencyAmount, exchangerate:: ExchangeRate):: CurrencyAmount

Converts the amountto target currency using the givenexchange_rate. If a conversion is not possible using this exchange rate,missing` is returned.


Creates one or more currency definitions, these are global constants of type Currency{T}.


@currencies EUR, USD, GBP
@currencies EUR

the latter is equivalent to

const EUR = Currency(:EUR)