
Provides functionality for computing the Cuthill-McKee graph permutation on a sparse matrix in CSC format.


Computes and applies the reverse Cuthill-McKee permutation to the structurally-symmetric sparse matrix A. No checks are performed to ensure that the matrix is indeed structurally symmetric.

 symrcm(adjac, sdegr,[ rev, inv, warnunconnected])

Computes the Cuthill-McKee permutation of the graph given as the adjacency list adjac. The adjacency list is required to be of type Vector{Vector{Int}} such that adjac[i] is a vector of the adjacent vertex numbers to vertex i in order of ascending vertex degree. The additional required argument sdegr is an array of vertex numbers in order of ascending vertex degree. The default is to compute the reverse permutation, i.e. rev defaults to true. Optionally, when inv is set to true, the permutation is inverted. Per default the warning displaying the number of unconnected regions in the graph is disabled, to enable, set warnunconnected to true.

 symrcm(A,[ rev, inv, warnunconnected])

Computes the Cuthill-McKee permutation of the structurally-symmetric sparse matrix A. The default is to compute the reverse permutation, i.e. rev defaults to true. Optionally, when inv is set to true, the permutation is inverted. Per default the warning displaying the number of unconnected regions in the graph is disabled, to enable, set warnunconnected to true. No checks are performed to ensure that the matrix is indeed structurally symmetric.