    provider_code::Union{Array, String, Nothing} = nothing,
    dataset_code::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing,
    mask_arg::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing;
    ids::Union{Array, String, Nothing} = nothing,
    dimensions::Union{Dict, NamedTuple, String, Nothing} = nothing,
    mask::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing,
    query::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing,
    api_link::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing,
    use_readlines::Bool = DBnomics.use_readlines,
    curl_config::Union{Nothing, Dict, NamedTuple} = DBnomics.curl_config,
    filters::Union{Nothing, Dict, Tuple} = DBnomics.filters,

rdb downloads data series from DBnomics using shortcuts like ids, dimensions, mask, query or using an api_link.

This function gives you access to hundreds of millions data series from DBnomics. The code of each series is given on the DBnomics website.

In the event that the shortcut ids is used then the argument name can be dropped and the ids will be passed through provider_code.

If only the argument api_link is provided, then the argument name can be dropped. The string is directly passed to api_link.

In the same way, if only provider_code, dataset_code and mask are used then the arguments names can be dropped. The mask will be passed through mask_arg.

By default, the function returns a DataFrame.


  • provider_code::Union{Array, String, Nothing} = nothing: DBnomics code of the provider.
  • dataset_code::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing: DBnomics code of the dataset.
  • mask_arg::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing: DBnomics code of one or several masks in the specified provider and dataset. It is used if the arguments names are not given.
  • ids::Union{Array, String, Nothing} = nothing: DBnomics code of one or several series.
  • dimensions::Union{Dict, NamedTuple, String, Nothing} = nothing: DBnomics code of one or several dimensions in the specified provider and dataset. If it is a Dict or a NamedTuple, then then function json (from the package JSON.jl) is applied to generate the json object.
  • mask::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing: DBnomics code of one or several masks in the specified provider and dataset.
  • query::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing: A query to filter/select series from a provider's dataset.
  • api_link::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing: DBnomics API link of the search. It should starts with http:// or https://.
  • use_readlines::Bool = DBnomics.use_readlines: (default false) If true, then the data are requested and read with the function readlines.
  • curl_config::Union{Nothing, Dict, NamedTuple} = DBnomics.curl_config: (default nothing) If not nothing, it is used to configure a proxy connection. This configuration is passed to the keyword arguments of the function HTTP.get or HTTP.post of the package HTTP.jl.
  • filters::Union{Nothing, Dict, Tuple} = DBnomics.filters: (default nothing) This argument must be a Dict for one filter because the function json of the package JSON.jl is used before sending the request to the server. For multiple filters, you have to provide a Tuple of valid filters (see examples). A valid filter is a Dict with a key code which value is a character string, and a key parameters which value is a Dict with keys frequency and method or nothing.
  • kwargs...: Keyword arguments to be passed to HTTP.get or HTTP.post.


## By ids
julia> df1 = rdb(ids = "AMECO/ZUTN/EA19.");
# or
julia> df1 = rdb("AMECO/ZUTN/EA19.");

julia> df2 = rdb(ids = ["AMECO/ZUTN/EA19.", "AMECO/ZUTN/DNK."]);

julia> df3 = rdb(ids = ["AMECO/ZUTN/EA19.", "IMF/BOP/A.FR.BCA_BP6_EUR"]);

## By dimensions
julia> df1 = rdb("AMECO", "ZUTN", dimensions = Dict(:geo => "ea12"));
# or
julia> df1 = rdb("AMECO", "ZUTN", dimensions = (geo = "ea12",));

julia> df2 = rdb("AMECO", "ZUTN", dimensions = Dict(:geo => ["ea12", "dnk"]));
# or
julia> df2 = rdb("AMECO", "ZUTN", dimensions = (geo = ["ea12", "dnk"],));

julia> dim = Dict(:country => ["DZ", "PE"], :indicator => ["ENF.CONT.COEN.COST.ZS", "IC.REG.COST.PC.FE.ZS"]);
julia> df3 = rdb("WB", "DB", dimensions = dim);
# or
julia> dim = (country = ["DZ", "PE"], indicator = ["ENF.CONT.COEN.COST.ZS", "IC.REG.COST.PC.FE.ZS"]);
julia> df3 = rdb("WB", "DB", dimensions = dim);

## By mask
julia> df1 = rdb("IMF", "BOP", mask = "A.FR.BCA_BP6_EUR");
# or
julia> df1 = rdb("IMF", "BOP", "A.FR.BCA_BP6_EUR");

julia> df2 = rdb("IMF", "BOP", mask = "A.FR+ES.BCA_BP6_EUR");

julia> df3 = rdb("IMF", "BOP", mask = "A..BCA_BP6_EUR");

julia> df4 = rdb("IMF", "BOP", mask = "A.FR.BCA_BP6_EUR+IA_BP6_EUR");

## By query
julia> df1 = rdb("IMF", "WEO:2019-10", query = "France current account balance percent");

julia> df2 = rdb("IMF", "WEO:2019-10", query = "current account balance percent");

## By api_link
julia> df1 = rdb(api_link = "https://api.db.nomics.world/v22/series/WB/DB?dimensions=%7B%22indicator%22%3A%5B%22IC.REG.PROC.FE.NO%22%5D%7D&q=Doing%20Business&observations=1&format=json&align_periods=1&offset=0&facets=0");
# or
julia> df2 = rdb("https://api.db.nomics.world/v22/series/WB/DB?dimensions=%7B%22indicator%22%3A%5B%22IC.REG.PROC.FE.NO%22%5D%7D&q=Doing%20Business&observations=1&format=json&align_periods=1&offset=0&facets=0");

## Use proxy with curl
julia> h = Dict(:proxy => "http://<proxy>:<port>");

julia> DBnomics.options("curl_config", h);
julia> df1 = rdb(ids = "AMECO/ZUTN/EA19.");
# or
julia> df1 = rdb(ids = "AMECO/ZUTN/EA19.", curl_config = h);

# Regarding the functioning of HTTP.jl, you might need to modify another option
# It will change the url from https:// to http://
# (https://github.com/JuliaWeb/HTTP.jl/pull/390)
julia> DBnomics.options("secure", false);

## Use readlines and download
julia> DBnomics.options("use_readlines", true);
julia> df1 = rdb(ids = "AMECO/ZUTN/EA19.");
# or
julia> df1 = rdb(ids = "AMECO/ZUTN/EA19.", use_readlines = true);

## Apply a filter to the series
# One filter
julia> filters = Dict(:code => "interpolate", :parameters => Dict(:frequency => "daily", :method => "spline"));
julia> df1 = rdb(ids = ["IMF/WEO:2019-10/ABW.BCA.us_dollars", "IMF/WEO:2019-10/ABW.NGDPD.us_dollars"], filters = filters);

# For two filters
julia> filter1 = Dict(:code => "interpolate", :parameters => Dict(:frequency => "quarterly", :method => "spline"));
julia> filter2 = Dict(:code => "aggregate", :parameters => Dict(:frequency => "annual", :method => "average"));
julia> filters = (filter1, filter2);
julia> df1 = rdb(ids = ["IMF/WEO:2019-10/ABW.BCA.us_dollars", "IMF/WEO:2019-10/ABW.NGDPD.us_dollars"], filters = filters);

julia> filter1 = Dict(:code => "interpolate", :parameters => Dict(:frequency => "monthly", :method => "linear"));
julia> filter2 = Dict(:code => "x13", :parameters => nothing);
julia> filters = (filter1, filter2);
julia> df1 = rdb("ECB/EXR/A.AUD.EUR.SP00.A", filters = filters);
    provider_code::Union{Nothing, String, Array} = nothing;
    use_readlines::Bool = DBnomics.use_readlines,
    curl_config::Union{Nothing, Dict, NamedTuple} = DBnomics.curl_config,
    simplify::Bool = false,

rdb_datasets downloads the list of available datasets for a selection of providers (or all of them) from DBnomics.

By default, the function returns a Dict of DataFrames containing the datasets of the providers from DBnomics.


  • provider_code::Union{Nothing, String, Array} = nothing: DBnomics code of one or multiple providers. If nothing, the providers are firstly dowloaded with the function rdb_providers and then the available datasets are requested.
  • use_readlines::Bool = DBnomics.use_readlines: (default false) If true, then the data are requested and read with the function readlines.
  • curl_config::Union{Nothing, Dict, NamedTuple} = DBnomics.curl_config: (default nothing) If not nothing, it is used to configure a proxy connection. This configuration is passed to the keyword arguments of the function HTTP.get of the package HTTP.jl.
  • simplify::Bool = false: If true, when the datasets are requested for only one provider then a DataFrame is returned, not a Dict of DataFrames.
  • kwargs...: Keyword arguments to be passed to HTTP.get.


julia> rdb_datasets("IMF")

julia> rdb_datasets("IMF", simplify = true)

julia> rdb_datasets(["IMF", "BDF"])

julia> using ProgressMeter
julia> rdb_datasets()

julia> rdb_datasets("IMF", use_readlines = true)

julia> rdb_datasets("IMF", curl_config = Dict(:proxy => "http://<proxy>:<port>"))

# Regarding the functioning of HTTP.jl, you might need to modify another option
# It will change the url from https:// to http://
# (https://github.com/JuliaWeb/HTTP.jl/pull/390)
julia> DBnomics.options("secure", false);
    provider_code::Union{Nothing, String, Array} = nothing,
    dataset_code::Union{Nothing, String, Array} = nothing;
    use_readlines::Bool = DBnomics.use_readlines,
    curl_config::Union{Nothing, Dict, NamedTuple} = DBnomics.curl_config,
    simplify::Bool = false,

rdb_dimensions downloads the list of dimensions (if they exist) for available datasets of a selection of providers from DBnomics.

By default, the function returns a nested Dict of DataFrames containing the dimensions of datasets for providers from DBnomics.


  • provider_code::Union{Nothing, String, Array} = nothing: DBnomics code of one or multiple providers. If nothing, the providers are firstly dowloaded with the function rdb_providers and then the available datasets are requested.
  • dataset_code::Union{Nothing, String, Array} = nothing: DBnomics code of one or multiple datasets of a provider. If nothing, the datasets codes are dowloaded with the function rdb_datasets and then the dimensions are requested.
  • use_readlines::Bool = DBnomics.use_readlines: (default false) If true, then the data are requested and read with the function readlines.
  • curl_config::Union{Nothing, Dict, NamedTuple} = DBnomics.curl_config: (default nothing) If not nothing, it is used to configure a proxy connection. This configuration is passed to the keyword arguments of the function HTTP.get of the package HTTP.jl.
  • simplify::Bool = false: If true, when the dimensions are requested for only one provider and one dataset then a Dict of DataFrames is returned, not a nested Dict of DataFrames.
  • kwargs...: Keyword arguments to be passed to HTTP.get.


julia> rdb_dimensions("IMF", "WEO:2019-10")

julia> rdb_dimensions("IMF", "WEO:2019-10", simplify = true)

julia> rdb_dimensions("IMF")

# It is very long !
julia> using ProgressMeter
julia> rdb_dimensions()

julia> rdb_dimensions("IMF", "WEO:2019-10", use_readlines = true)

julia> rdb_dimensions("IMF", "WEO:2019-10", curl_config = Dict(:proxy => "http://<proxy>:<port>"))

# Regarding the functioning of HTTP.jl, you might need to modify another option
# It will change the url from https:// to http://
# (https://github.com/JuliaWeb/HTTP.jl/pull/390)
julia> DBnomics.options("secure", false);
    all_updates::Bool = false;
    use_readlines::Bool = DBnomics.use_readlines,
    curl_config::Union{Nothing, Dict, NamedTuple} = DBnomics.curl_config,

rdb_last_updates downloads informations about the last updates from DBnomics

By default, the function returns a DataFrame containing the last 100 updates from DBnomics with additional informations.


  • all_updates::Bool = false: If true, then the full dataset of the last updates is retrieved.
  • use_readlines::Bool = DBnomics.use_readlines: (default false) If true, then the data are requested and read with the function readlines.
  • curl_config::Union{Nothing, Dict, NamedTuple} = DBnomics.curl_config: (default nothing) If not nothing, it is used to configure a proxy connection. This configuration is passed to the keyword arguments of the function HTTP.get of the package HTTP.jl.
  • kwargs...: Keyword arguments to be passed to HTTP.get.


julia> rdb_last_updates();

julia> rdb_last_updates(true);

julia> rdb_last_updates(use_readlines = true);

julia> rdb_last_updates(curl_config = Dict(:proxy => "http://<proxy>:<port>"));

# Regarding the functioning of HTTP.jl, you might need to modify another option
# It will change the url from https:// to http://
# (https://github.com/JuliaWeb/HTTP.jl/pull/390)
julia> DBnomics.options("secure", false);
    code::Bool = false;
    use_readlines::Bool = DBnomics.use_readlines,
    curl_config::Union{Nothing, Dict, NamedTuple} = DBnomics.curl_config,

rdb_providers downloads the list of providers from DBnomics.

By default, the function returns a DataFrame containing the list of providers from DBnomics with additional informations such as the region, the website, etc.


  • code::Bool = false: If true, then only the providers are returned in an array.
  • use_readlines::Bool = DBnomics.use_readlines: (default false) If true, then the data are requested and read with the function readlines.
  • curl_config::Union{Nothing, Dict, NamedTuple} = DBnomics.curl_config: (default nothing) If not nothing, it is used to configure a proxy connection. This configuration is passed to the keyword arguments of the function HTTP.get of the package HTTP.jl.
  • kwargs...: Keyword arguments to be passed to HTTP.get.


julia> rdb_providers()

julia> rdb_providers(true)

julia> rdb_providers(use_readlines = true)

julia> rdb_providers(curl_config = Dict(:proxy => "http://<proxy>:<port>"))

# Regarding the functioning of HTTP.jl, you might need to modify another option
# It will change the url from https:// to http://
# (https://github.com/JuliaWeb/HTTP.jl/pull/390)
julia> DBnomics.options("secure", false);
    provider_code::Union{Nothing, String, Array} = nothing,
    dataset_code::Union{Nothing, String, Array} = nothing;
    dimensions::Union{Dict, NamedTuple, String, Nothing} = nothing,
    query::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing,
    use_readlines::Bool = DBnomics.use_readlines,
    curl_config::Union{Nothing, Dict, NamedTuple} = DBnomics.curl_config,
    simplify::Bool = false,

rdb_series downloads the list of series for available datasets of a selection of providers from DBnomics.

We warn the user that this function can be (very) long to execute. We remind that DBnomics requests data from 63 providers to retrieve 21675 datasets for a total of approximately 720 millions series.

By default, the function returns a nested Dict of DataFrames containing the series of datasets for providers from DBnomics.


  • provider_code::Union{Nothing, String, Array} = nothing: DBnomics code of one or multiple providers. If nothing, the providers are firstly dowloaded with the function rdb_providers and then the available datasets are requested.
  • dataset_code::Union{Nothing, String, Array} = nothing: DBnomics code of one or multiple datasets of a provider. If nothing, the datasets codes are dowloaded with the function rdb_datasets and then the series are requested.
  • dimensions::Union{Dict, NamedTuple, String, Nothing} = nothing: DBnomics code of one or several dimensions in the specified provider and dataset. If it is a Dict or a NamedTuple, then then function json (from the package JSON.jl) is applied to generate the json object.
  • query::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing: A query to filter/select series from a provider's dataset.
  • use_readlines::Bool = DBnomics.use_readlines: (default false) If true, then the data are requested and read with the function readlines.
  • curl_config::Union{Nothing, Dict, NamedTuple} = DBnomics.curl_config: (default nothing) If not nothing, it is used to configure a proxy connection. This configuration is passed to the keyword arguments of the function HTTP.get of the package HTTP.jl.
  • simplify::Bool = false: If true, when the dimensions are requested for only one provider and one dataset then a Dict of DataFrames is returned, not a nested Dict of DataFrames.
  • kwargs...: Keyword arguments to be passed to HTTP.get.


julia> rdb_series("IMF", "WEO:2019-10")

# With dimensions
julia> rdb_series("IMF", "WEO:2019-10", dimensions = Dict(Symbol("weo-country") => "AGO"))
julia> rdb_series("IMF", "WEO:2019-10", dimensions = Dict(Symbol("weo-subject") => "NGDP_RPCH"), simplify = true)

# With query
julia> rdb_series("IMF", "WEO:2019-10", query = "ARE")
julia> rdb_series("IMF", ["WEO:2019-10", "WEOAGG:2019-10"], query = "NGDP_RPCH")

julia> using ProgressMeter
julia> rdb_series("IMF", "WEO:2019-10")

julia> rdb_series("IMF", "WEO:2019-10", use_readlines = true)

julia> rdb_series("IMF", "WEO:2019-10", curl_config = Dict(:proxy => "http://<proxy>:<port>"))

# Regarding the functioning of HTTP.jl, you might need to modify another option
# It will change the url from https:// to http://
# (https://github.com/JuliaWeb/HTTP.jl/pull/390)
julia> DBnomics.options("secure", false);