TR_solvers = Dict(:TR_lsmr => TR_lsmr_struct, :TR_dogleg => TR_dogleg_struct)

Dictonary of the possible structures for the trust-region step.

comp_λ_solvers = Dict(:cgls => comp_λ_cgls)

Dictonary of the possible structures for the computation of the Lagrange multipliers.

solver_correspondence = Dict(:ma57 => MA57Struct, :ldlfact => LDLFactorizationStruct)

Dictonary of the possible structures for the factorization.

DCIWorkspace(nlp, meta, x = nlp.meta.x0)

Pre-allocate the memory used during the dci call. Returns a DCIWorkspace structure.

MetaDCI(x, y; kwargs...)
MetaDCI(nlp::AbstractNLPModel, x = nlp.meta.x0, y = nlp.meta.y0; kwargs...)

Structure containing all the parameters used in the dci call. x is an intial guess, and y is an initial guess for the Lagrange multiplier. Returns a MetaDCI structure.


The keyword arguments may include:

  • atol::T=T(1e-5): absolute tolerance.
  • rtol::T=T(1e-5): relative tolerance.
  • ctol::T=T(1e-5): feasibility tolerance.
  • unbounded_threshold::T=T(-1e5): below this threshold the problem is unbounded.
  • verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
  • max_eval::Integer=50000: maximum number of cons + obj evaluations.
  • max_time::Float64=120.0: maximum number of seconds.
  • max_iter::Integer=500: maximum number of iterations.
  • max_iter_normal_step::Integer=typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations in normal step.
  • λ_struct::comp_λ_cgls=comp_λ_cgls(length(x0), length(y0), S).
  • linear_solver::Symbol=:ldlfact: Solver for the factorization. options: :ma57.
  • decrease_γ::T=T(0.1): Regularization for the factorization: reduce γ if possible, > √eps(T), between tangent steps.
  • increase_γ::T=T(100.0): Regularization for the factorization: up γ if possible, < 1/√eps(T), during the factorization.
  • δmin::T=√eps(T): Regularization for the factorization: smallest value of δ used for the regularization.
  • feas_step::Symbol=:feasibility_step: Normal step.
  • feas_η₁::T=T(1e-3): Feasibility step: decrease the trust-region radius when Ared/Pred < η₁.
  • feas_η₂::T=T(0.66): Feasibility step: increase the trust-region radius when Ared/Pred > η₂.
  • feas_σ₁::T=T(0.25): Feasibility step: decrease coefficient of the trust-region radius.
  • feas_σ₂::T=T(2.0): Feasibility step: increase coefficient of the trust-region radius.
  • feas_Δ₀::T=one(T): Feasibility step: initial radius.
  • bad_steps_lim::Integer=3: Feasibility step: consecutive bad steps before using a second order step.
  • feas_expected_decrease::T=T(0.95): Feasibility step: bad steps are when ‖c(z)‖ / ‖c(x)‖ >feas_expected_decrease.
  • TR_compute_step::Symbol=:TR_lsmr: Compute the direction in feasibility step: options: :TR_dogleg.
  • TR_struct::Union{TR_lsmr_struct, TR_dogleg_struct}=TR_lsmr_struct(length(x0), length(y0), S).
  • compρ_p1::T=T(0.75): update ρ as ρ = max(min(ngp, p1) * ρmax, ϵ).
  • compρ_p2::T=T(0.90): update ρ as ρ = primalnorm * p2 if not sufficiently feasible.
  • ρbar::T=T(2.0): radius of the larger cylinder is ρbar * ρ.
  • tan_Δ::T=one(T): Tangent step trust-region parameters: initial trust-region radius.
  • tan_η₁::T=T(1e-2): Tangent step trust-region parameters: decrease the trust-region radius when Ared/Pred < η₁.
  • tan_η₂::T=T(0.75): Tangent step trust-region parameters: increase the trust-region radius when Ared/Pred > η₂.
  • tan_σ₁::T=T(0.25): Tangent step trust-region parameters: decrease coefficient of the trust-region radius.
  • tan_σ₂::T=T(2.0): Tangent step trust-region parameters: increase coefficient of the trust-region radius.
  • tan_small_d::T=eps(T): Tangent step trust-region parameters: ||d|| is too small.
  • increase_Δtg::T=10: Tangent step trust-region parameters: increase if possible, < 1 / √eps(T), the Δtg between tangent steps.

For more details, we refer to the package documentation fine-tuneDCI.md.


An SymCOOSolver is an interface to allow simple usage of different solvers. Ideally, having rows, cols, vals and the dimension ndim of a symmetric matrix should allow the user to call M = LinearSolver(ndim, rows, cols, vals) factorize!(M) solve!(x, M, b) # Also x = M \ b Only the lower triangle of the matrix should be passed.

`TR_dogleg_struct(m, n, ::DataType; kwargs...)`

Keyword arguments correspond to input parameters of lsmr from Krylov.jl used in the computation of the dogleg for the trust-region step. Returns a TR_dogleg_struct structure.

`TR_lsmr_struct(m, n, ::DataType; kwargs...)`

Keyword arguments correspond to input parameters of lsmr from Krylov.jl used in the computation of the trust-region step. Returns a TR_lsmr_struct structure.

`comp_λ_cgls(m, n, ::DataType; kwargs...)`

Keyword arguments correspond to input parameters of cgls from Krylov.jl used in the computation of the Lagrange multipliers. Returns a comp_λ_cgls structure.

success(M :: SymCOOSolver)

Returns whether factorize!(M) was successful.

TR_dogleg(cz, Jz, ctol, Δ, normcz, Jd, meta)

Compute a direction d such that

\[\begin{aligned} \min_{d} \quad & \|c + Jz' d \| \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & \|d\| \leq \Delta, \end{aligned}\]

using a dogleg.


  • d: solution
  • Jd: product of the solution with J.
  • infeasible: true if the problem is infeasible.
  • solved: true if the problem has been successfully solved.
TR_lsmr(cz, Jz, ctol, Δ, normcz, Jd, meta)

Compute a direction d such that

\[\begin{aligned} \min_{d} \quad & \|c + Jz' d \| \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & \|d\| \leq \Delta, \end{aligned}\]

using lsmr method from Krylov.jl.


  • d: solution
  • Jd: product of the solution with J.
  • infeasible: true if the problem is infeasible.
  • solved: true if the problem has been successfully solved.
_compute_gradient_step!(nlp, gBg, g, Δ, dcp)

Solve the following problem

\[\begin{aligned} \min_{α} \quad & q(-α g) \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & \|αg\| \leq \Delta. \end{aligned}\]


The returned arguments are:

  • dcp_on_boundary true if ‖αg‖ = Δ,
  • dcp = - α g,
  • dcpBdcp = α^2 gBg,
  • α the solution.
_compute_newton_step!(nlp, LDL, g, γ, δ, dcp, vals, meta, workspace)

Compute a Newton direction dn via a factorization of an SQD matrix.


  • dn: solution
  • dnBdn and dcpBdn: updated scalar products.
  • γ_too_large: true if the regularization is too large.
  • γ: updated value of the regularization γ.
  • δ: updated value of the regularization δ.
  • vals: updated value of the SQD matrix.
_compute_step_length(norm2dn, dotdndcp, norm2dcp, Δ)

Given two directions dcp and dn, compute the largest 0 ≤ τ ≤ 1 such that ‖dn + τ (dcp -dn)‖ = Δ. Returns τ.

(d, dBd, status, γ, δ, vals) = compute_descent_direction!(nlp::AbstractNLPModel, gBg, g, Δ, LDL, γ, δ, vals, d, meta, workspace)

Compute a direction d solution of

\[\begin{aligned} \min_{d} \quad & q(d) \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & \|d\| \leq \Delta. \end{aligned}\]


The returned arguments are:

  • d: the computed direction.
  • dBd: updated scalar product.
  • status: computation status.
  • γ, δ: updated values for the regularization parameters.
  • vals: update values for the SQD system.

Return status has four possible outcomes:

  • :cauchy_step
  • :newton
  • :dogleg
  • :interior_cauchy_step when γ is too large.
compute_gBg(nlp, rows, cols, vals, ∇ℓzλ)

Compute gBg = ∇ℓxλ' * B * ∇ℓxλ, where B is a symmetric sparse matrix whose lower triangular is given in COO-format.

compute_lx!(Jx, ∇fx, λ, meta)

Compute the solution of ‖Jx' λ - ∇fx‖ using solvers from Krylov.jl as defined by meta.λ_struct.comp_λ_solver. Return the solution λ.

compute_ρ(dualnorm, primalnorm, norm∇fx, ρmax, ϵ, iter, meta::MetaDCI)
compute_ρ(dualnorm, primalnorm, norm∇fx, ρmax, ϵ, iter, p1, p2)

Update and return the trust-cylinder radius ρ.

Theory asks for ngp ρmax 10^-4 < ρ <= ngp ρmax There are no evaluations of functions here.

ρ = O(‖g_p(z)‖) and in the paper ρ = ν n_p(z) ρ_max with n_p(z) = norm(g_p(z)) / (norm(g(z)) + 1).

dci(nlp; kwargs...)
dci(nlp, x; kwargs...)
dci(nlp, meta, x)

Compute a local minimum of an equality-constrained optimization problem using DCI algorithm from Bielschowsky & Gomes (2008).


  • nlp::AbstractNLPModel: the model solved, see NLPModels.jl.
  • x: Initial guess. If x is not specified, then nlp.meta.x0 is used.
  • meta: The keyword arguments are used to initialize a MetaDCI.

For advanced usage, the principal call to the solver uses a DCIWorkspace.

solve!(workspace, nlp)
solve!(workspace, nlp, stats)


The returned value is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.


The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, workspace, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and workspace. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:

  • workspace: current workspace;
  • stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
    • stats.dual_feas: norm of current gradient;
    • stats.iter: current iteration counter;
    • stats.objective: current objective function value;
    • stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm has attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
    • stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.


This method implements the Dynamic Control of Infeasibility for equality-constrained problems described in

Dynamic Control of Infeasibility in Equality Constrained Optimization
Roberto H. Bielschowsky and Francisco A. M. Gomes
SIAM J. Optim., 19(3), 2008, 1299–1325.


using ADNLPModels, DCISolver
nlp = ADNLPModel(x -> 100 * (x[2] - x[1]^2)^2 + (x[1] - 1)^2, [-1.2; 1.0])
stats = dci(nlp, verbose = 0)
factorize!(M :: SymCOOSolver)

Calls the factorization of the symmetric solver given by M. Use success(M) to check whether the factorization was successful.

feasibility_step(nls, x, cx, normcx, Jx, ρ, ctol, meta, workspace; kwargs...)

Approximately solves min ‖c(x)‖ using a trust-region Levenberg-Marquardt method, i.e. given xₖ, finds min ‖cₖ + Jₖd‖.


  • η₁::AbstractFloat = meta.feas_η₁: decrease the trust-region radius when Ared/Pred < η₁.
  • η₂::AbstractFloat = meta.feas_η₂: increase the trust-region radius when Ared/Pred > η₂.
  • σ₁::AbstractFloat = meta.feas_σ₁: decrease coefficient of the trust-region radius.
  • σ₂::AbstractFloat = meta.feas_σ₂:increase coefficient of the trust-region radius.
  • Δ₀::T = meta.feas_Δ₀: initial trust-region radius.
  • bad_steps_lim::Integer = meta.bad_steps_lim: consecutive bad steps before using a second order step.
  • expected_decrease::T = meta.feas_expected_decrease: bad steps are when ‖c(z)‖ / ‖c(x)‖ >feas_expected_decrease.
  • max_eval::Int = 1_000: maximum evaluations.
  • max_time::AbstractFloat = 60.0: maximum time.
  • max_feas_iter::Int = typemax(Int64): maximum number of iterations.


  • z, cz, normcz, Jz: the new iterate, and updated evaluations.
  • status: Computation status. Possible outcomes are: :success, max_eval, max_time, max_iter, unknown_tired, :infeasible, :unknown.
normal_step!(nlp, x, cx, Jx, fx, ∇fx, λ, ℓxλ, ∇ℓxλ, dualnorm, primalnorm, ρmax, ϵp, max_eval, max_time, max_iter, meta, workspace)

Normal step: find z such that ||h(z)|| ≤ ρ where `` is the trust-cylinder radius.


  • z, cz, fz, ℓzλ, ∇ℓzλ: the new iterate, and updated evaluations.
  • ρ: updated trust-cylinder radius.
  • primalnorm, dualnorm: updated primal and dual feasibility norms.
  • status: Computation status. The possible outcomes are: :init_success, :success, :max_eval, :max_time, :max_iter, :unknown_tired, :infeasible, :unknown.
num_neg_eig(M :: SymCOOSolver)

Returns the number of negative eigenvalues of M.

regularized_coo_saddle_system!(nlp, rows, cols, vals, γ = γ, δ = δ)

Compute the structure for the saddle system [H + γI [Jᵀ]; J -δI] in COO-format (rows, cols, vals) in the following order: H, J, γ, -δ,.

(z, cz, fz, status, Δ, Δℓ, γ, δ) = tangent_step!(nlp, z, λ, cz, normcz, fz, LDL, vals, g, ℓzλ, gBg, ρ, γ, δ, meta, workspace; kwargs...)

Solve the following problem

\[\begin{aligned} \min_{d} \quad & q(d):=\frac{1}{2} d^T B d + d^T g \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & Ad = 0, & \|d\| \leq \Delta, \end{aligned}\]

where B is an approximation of the Hessian of the Lagrangian, A is the jacobian matrix, and g is the projected gradient.


  • z, cz, and fz: the new iterate, and updated evaluations.
  • status: computation status.
  • Δ: trust-region parameter.
  • Δℓ: differential in Lagrangian computation.
  • γ, δ: updated values for the regularization parameters.

Return status with possible outcomes:

  • :cauchy_step, :newton, :dogleg if successful step.
  • :unknown if we didn't enter the loop.
  • :small_horizontal_step.
  • :tired if we stop due to max_eval or max_time.
  • :success if we computed z such that ‖c(z)‖ ≤ meta.ρbar * ρ and Δℓ ≥ η₁ q(d).

See SolverTools.jl for SolverTools.aredpred

solve!(x, M :: SymCOOSolver, b)

Solve the system $M x = b$. factorize!(M) should be called first.