Julia1.0 Julia1.6 ~ Julia1.9

The backend package for the Jx MFT code Jx.

DFTforge: the DFT postprocessing environment

Simplify obtaining Hamiltonian, Eigenvalue, Eigenvector from DFT results, and Pre-caching them for parallelized calculations. Pre-cached results are easy to use when calculating in k and q space.


The wrapper package for calculating Hamiltonian, Eigenvalue, Eigenvector from DFT results.

  • read DFT results from OpenMX, Wannier90
  • Calculate Phi, Enk, Hks,

Etc. functionalities

  • K-point representation in INT (for unique K, Q).
  • Generate K-points.
  • Generalized argument parser (support TOML style input).

Homepage & How to use