
u size imax-1,jmax and v of size imax,jmax-1; velocities on a Arakawa C grid (time invariant)


Create a sparse matrix which extract all elements of a state vector correspond to a true value in masks. masks is a tulple of boolean mask.


HF Radar current analysis with DIVAnd and velocity constraints. The input parameters are:

  • mask: true for sea points (false for land points) (3D-array)
  • h: depth in meters (3D-array)
  • pmn: inverse of the local resolution (tuple of three 3D-arrays)
  • xyi: coordinates of the analysis grid (tuple of three 3D-arrays)
  • xyobs: coordinates of the observations (tuple of three vectors)
  • robs: radial velocity (vector)
  • directionobs: angle α of the measured direction in degrees (vector) such that (see below)

\[u_{obs} \sin(α) + v_{obs} \cos(α) ≈ r_{obs}\]

  • len: the correlation length (a tuple of scalars)
  • epsilon2: error variance of the observation relative to the error variace of

the background estimate.

Optional input parameters

  • eps2_boundary_constraint (default -1): rel. error variance of the boundary constraints
  • eps2_div_constraint (default -1): rel. error variance of the divergence constraints
  • eps2_Coriolis_constraint (default -1): rel. error variance of the Coriolis constraints
  • f (default 0.001 s⁻¹): Coriolis parameter. For a latitude $φ$, we have on Earth :

\[\begin{aligned} Ω =& 7.2921 \; 10^{-5} rad/s \\ f =& 2 Ω \sin(φ) \end{aligned}\]

  • g (default 0. m/s²): acceleration due to gravity. If g is zero, then the surface pressure is not considered; otherwise g should be set to 9.81.
  • ratio (default 100): normalization factor
  • lenη (default 0, 0, 24 * 60 * 60. * 10): correlation length in space and time for the surface elevation
  • residual: an array of the same size as robs with the residual (output)

Convention for the direction

The bearing β is the angle at radar station (*) between North a measuring point (+) counted clockwise and the direction α is angle at measuring point between North and vector pointing to the radar station counted clockwise

                ↑ /
         ↑      +--→ current vector (u,v)
  North  |     / measurent point
         |    /
         |   /
         |  /
   radar station

Sufficiently far from the poles, we have:

\[α ≈ β + 180°\]

The $u$ zonal and $v$ meridional velocity component are related to the radial current $r$ and direction $lpha$ by:

\[\begin{aligned} u =& r \sin(α) \\ v =& r \cos(α) \\ \end{aligned}\]

\[\begin{aligned} r =& u \sin(α) + v \cos(α) \\ \tan(α) &= {u \over v} \end{aligned}\]

For HF radar data, r is positive if the velocity is pointing towards the radar site. r, u, v, direction and β consistent with the CODAR convention of the ruv files [1,2]:

A positive radial velocity is moving towards the SeaSonde, while a negative radial velocity is moving away from the SeaSonde.


For the Coriolis force constrain and the surface pressure gradient constrain, one need to include a time dimension.


On input, the direction angles $lpha$ are expressed in degrees (0 - 360°)


If you see the error ERROR: PosDefException: matrix is not positive definite; Cholesky factorization failed. you might need to check the values of your input parameters, in particular correlation, scale factors pmn and epsilon2.

[1] File Formats Used for CODAR Radial Data

[2] Technicians Information Page for SeaSondes

    g,ratio; u = [], v = [], η = [], selection = :cv)

Return the cross-validation error and potentially the analysis for a set of parameters.

Input parameters:

  • xobs_all: longitude (4D array with the dimension: lon, lat, time, station)
  • yobs_all: latitude (4D array with the dimension: lon, lat, time, station)
  • robs_all: radial velocity (4D array with the dimension: lon, lat, time, station)
  • directionobs_all: direction in degrees (4D array with the dimension: lon, lat, time, station)
  • flagcv_all: true if used for validation and false otherwise (4D array with the dimension: lon, lat, time, station)
  • sitenames: names of radar stations (vector of strings)
  • lonr: vector of all longitude points of the grid
  • latr: vector of all latitude points of the grid
  • timerange: vector of all time instances (vector of DateTime)
  • mask2d: 2D land-sea mask; true if sea, false is land (2D array with the dimension: lon, lat)
  • h: depth (2D array with the dimension: lon, lat)
  • u: the interpolated u velocity (if the parameter is not empty)
  • v: the interpolated v velocity (if the parameter is not empty)
  • η: the interpolated η velocity (if the parameter is not empty)
  • selection: compute the analysis only of time instances with cross-validation points (:cv, default) or over all points (:all)
  • Δn: time window (default 1)

See also DIVAnd_HFRadar.DIVAndrun_HFRadar for other parameters.

Note if u, v and η are provided, they should have the correct dimensions:

u = zeros(length(lonr),length(latr),length(timerange))
v = zeros(length(lonr),length(latr),length(timerange))
η = zeros(length(lonr),length(latr),length(timerange))