dpclustering(y::Array{Real, 1}, N::Array{Real, 1}; <keyword arguments>)

Perform dirichlet clustering on the variant allele frequency distribution of cancer sequencing data and find the number of clusters that the data supports, y is a vector of the number of reads reporting each mutant, N is the total depth at each locus.



  • iterations = 1000: number of iterations of the gibbs samples
  • C = 30: Max number of clusters to consider
  • burninstart = round(Int64, iterations/2): Burn in of the gibbs samples
  • bw = 0.01: Bandwidth of density estimation
  • maxxaxis = 0.7:
  • cutoffweight = 0.05: Minimum weight to be called a cluster
  • verbose = true: Show progress of gibbs sampling with ProgressMeter package
  • A = 0.01: Hyperparameter for α, see Nik-Zainal et al
  • B = 0.01: Hyperparameter for α, see Nik-Zainal et al


plotresults(dp; <keyword arguments>)

Plot results from DPClustering object. Will plot histogram of raw data with density estimates from Gibbs sampling. ...


  • save = false: Set to true if you want the plot to be saved
  • dir = "": Directory where the plot will be saved to. Default is the current working directory.
  • plotname = "DPclustering": Name to call plot when saving.
