Build Status

This package provides support for Stata '.dta' files from Stata verison 8 and above.


using Pkg

using DTALib
data =".dta")


  • Currently supports:

    • Reading .dta files. Specifically it supports dta versions:
    • 113: Stata 8
    • 114: Stata 10
    • 115: Stata 12
    • 117: Stata 13
    • 118: Stata 14, 15, and 16
    • 119: Stata 15 and 16 (when dataset has more than 32,767 variables)
    • Reading Header information including:
    • the Dataset Label
    • the Dataset Timestamp
    • It also supports missing values
  • It currently does not (but there are plans to) support:

    • Writing to .dta files
    • Very long strings, specifically, strings longer than 2,045 bytes, aka strL's in Stata's terms
    • Variable labels: i.e. no labelling for binary (0,1) or categorical encoded variables (0, 1, 2, ...)