forecast(latitude::Float64, longitude::Float64, time::DateTime; verbose::Bool=true, kwargs...)

Make a "Time Machine Request", returns the observed or forecast weather conditions for a date in the past or future.


  • latitude: the latitude of a location (in decimal degrees). Positive is north, negative is south.
  • longitude: the longitude of a location (in decimal degrees). Positive is east, negative is west.
  • time: the timestamp for a Time Machine Request (optional).
  • verbose: whether to display the HTTP request verbosely (optional).
  • exclude: exclude some number of data blocks from the API response (optional).
  • lang: return summary properties in the desired language (optional).
  • units: return weather conditions in the requested units (optional).
forecast(latitude::Float64, longitude::Float64; verbose::Bool=true, kwargs...)

Make a "Forecast Request", returns the current weather forecast for the next week.


  • latitude: the latitude of a location (in decimal degrees). Positive is north, negative is south.
  • longitude: the longitude of a location (in decimal degrees). Positive is east, negative is west.
  • verbose: whether to display the HTTP request verbosely (optional).
  • exclude: exclude some number of data blocks from the API response (optional).
  • extend: when present, return hour-by-hour data for the next 168 hours, instead of the next 48 (optional).
  • lang: return summary properties in the desired language (optional).
  • units: return weather conditions in the requested units (optional).