
A BooleanSwitch component. A switch component that toggles between on and off. Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this compnent in Dash callbacks
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element.
  • color (String; optional): Color to highlight active switch background
  • disabled (Bool; optional): If true, switch cannot be clicked
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the control. To control styling,

pass an object with label and style properties.. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'. Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the component label is positioned.
  • on (Bool; optional): Whether or not the switch is on
  • persisted_props (Array of a value equal to: 'on's; optional): Properties whose user interactions will persist after refreshing the

component or the page. Since only on is allowed this prop can normally be ignored.

  • persistence (Bool | String | Real; optional): Used to allow user interactions in this component to be persisted when

the component - or the page - is refreshed. If persisted is truthy and hasn't changed from its previous value, a value that the user has changed while using the app will keep that change, as long as the new value also matches what was given originally. Used in conjunction with persistence_type.

  • persistence_type (a value equal to: 'local', 'session', 'memory'; optional): Where persisted user changes will be stored:

memory: only kept in memory, reset on page refresh. local: window.localStorage, data is kept after the browser quit. session: window.sessionStorage, data is cleared once the browser quit.

  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root object.
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider
  • vertical (Bool; optional): If true, switch will be vertical instead

of horizontal


A ColorPicker component. A color picker. Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify the color picker in Dash callbacks
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element
  • disabled (Bool; optional): If true, color cannot be picked.
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the control. To control styling,

pass an object with label and style properties. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'. Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the indicator label is positioned
  • persisted_props (Array of a value equal to: 'value's; optional): Properties whose user interactions will persist after refreshing the

component or the page. Since only value is allowed this prop can normally be ignored.

  • persistence (Bool | String | Real; optional): Used to allow user interactions in this component to be persisted when

the component - or the page - is refreshed. If persisted is truthy and hasn't changed from its previous value, a value that the user has changed while using the app will keep that change, as long as the new value also matches what was given originally. Used in conjunction with persistence_type.

  • persistence_type (a value equal to: 'local', 'session', 'memory'; optional): Where persisted user changes will be stored:

memory: only kept in memory, reset on page refresh. local: window.localStorage, data is kept after the browser quit. session: window.sessionStorage, data is cleared once the browser quit.

  • size (Real; optional): Size (width) of the component in pixels
  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root component element
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider
  • value (optional): Color value of the picker. value has the following type: lists containing elements 'hex', 'rbg'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • hex (String; optional): Hex string
  • rbg (optional): RGB/RGBA object. rbg has the following type: lists containing elements 'r', 'g', 'b', 'a'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • r (Real; optional)
  • g (Real; optional)
  • b (Real; optional)
  • a (Real; optional)

A DarkThemeProvider component. DarkThemeProvider is a component that is placed at the root of the component tree to make all components match the dark theme Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional): The children of this component
  • theme (optional): Theme object to override with a custom theme. theme has the following type: lists containing elements 'primary', 'secondary', 'detail', 'dark'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • primary (String; optional): Highlight color
  • secondary (String; optional): Supporting color
  • detail (String; optional): Color used for UI details, like borders
  • dark (Bool; optional): True for Dark mode, false for Light

A Gauge component. A Gauge component that points to a value between some range. Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this compnent in Dash callbacks
  • base (Real; optional): Base to be used in logarithmic scale.
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element.
  • color (optional): Color configuration for the gauge's track.. color has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'default', 'gradient', 'ranges'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • default (String; optional): Color used for current value text and other minor accents
  • gradient (Bool; optional): Display ranges as a gradient between given colors.
  • ranges (optional): Define multiple color ranges on the gauge's track.

The key determines the color of the range and the value is the start,end of the range itself. Ranges must be contiguous along the entirety of the gauge's range of values.. ranges has the following type: lists containing elements 'color'. Those elements have the following types:

  • color (Array of Reals; optional)
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the control. To control styling, pass an object with label and style properties.. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the component label is positioned.
  • logarithmic (Bool; optional): If set to true, a logarithmic scale will be


  • max (Real; optional): The maximum value of the gauge. If logarithmic,

represents the maximum exponent.

  • min (Real; optional): The minimum value of the gauge. If logarithmic,

represents the minimum exponent.

  • scale (optional): Configuration for the component scale.. scale has the following type: lists containing elements 'start', 'interval', 'labelInterval', 'custom'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • start (Real; optional): Value to start the scale from. Defaults

to min.

  • interval (Real; optional): Interval by which the scale goes up. Attempts

to dynamically divide min-max range by default.

  • labelInterval (Real; optional): Interval by which labels are added to

scale marks. Defaults to 2 (every other mark has a label).

  • custom (optional): Custom scale marks. The key determines the position

and the value determines what will show. If you want to set the style of a specific mark point, the value should be an object which contains style and label properties. custom has the following type: Real | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'. Those elements have the following types:

  • style (String; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • showCurrentValue (Bool; optional): If true, the current value of the gauge

will be displayed

  • size (Real; optional): The size (diameter) of the gauge in pixels
  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root component element.
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider
  • units (String; optional): Label for the current value
  • value (Real; optional): The value of gauge. If logarithmic, the displayed

value will be the logarithm of the inputted value.


A GraduatedBar component. A graduated bar component that displays a value within some range as a percentage. Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this compnent in Dash callbacks
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element.
  • color (optional): Color configuration for the graduated bar's

progress blocks.. color has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'default', 'gradient', 'ranges'. Those elements have the following types:

  • default (String; optional): Fallback color to use when color.ranges

has gaps.

  • gradient (Bool; optional): Display ranges as a gradient between given colors.

Requires color.ranges to be contiguous along the entirety of the graduated bar's range of values.

  • ranges (optional): Define multiple color ranges on the graduated bar's track.

The key determines the color of the range and the value is the start,end of the range itself.. ranges has the following type: lists containing elements 'color'. Those elements have the following types:

  • color (Array of Reals; optional)
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the control. To control styling, pass an object with label and style properties.. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the component label is positioned.
  • max (Real; optional): The maximum value of the graduated bar
  • min (Real; optional): The minimum value of the graduated bar
  • showCurrentValue (Bool; optional): If true, the current percentage

of the bar will be displayed

  • size (Real; optional): The size (length) of the graduated bar in pixels
  • step (Real; optional): Value by which progress blocks appear
  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root component element.
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider
  • value (Real; optional): The value of the graduated bar
  • vertical (Bool; optional): If true, will display bar vertically instead of horizontally

An Indicator component. A boolean indicator LED. Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify the indicator in Dash callbacks
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element
  • color (String; optional): Color of the indicator
  • height (Real; optional): Height of the component. Set both width and height for a rectangular indicator
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the control. To control styling,

pass an object with label and style properties. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'. Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom', 'right', 'left'; optional): Where the indicator label is positioned
  • size (Real; optional): Size of the component. Either use this or width and height
  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root component element
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider
  • value (Bool; optional): If true, indicator is illuminated
  • width (Real; optional): Width of the component. Set both width and height for a rectangular indicator

A Joystick component. A joystick. Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify the color picker in Dash callbacks
  • angle (Real; optional): Joystick angle in degrees, 0 = right, 90 = up, 180 = left, 270 = down
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element
  • disabled (Bool; optional): If true, color cannot be picked.
  • force (Real; optional): Joystick force: distance between cursor and center in big-circle radii
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the control. To control styling,

pass an object with label and style properties. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'. Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the indicator label is positioned
  • size (Real; optional): Size (width) of the component in pixels
  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root component element
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider

A Knob component. A knob component that can be turned to a value between some range. Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this compnent in Dash callbacks
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element.
  • color (optional): Color configuration for the knob's track.. color has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'default', 'gradient', 'ranges'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • default (String; optional): Color used for current value text and other minor accents
  • gradient (Bool; optional): Display ranges as a gradient between given colors.
  • ranges (optional): Define multiple color ranges on the knob's track.

The key determines the color of the range and the value is the start,end of the range itself. Ranges must be contiguous along the entirety of the knob's range of values.. ranges has the following type: lists containing elements 'color'. Those elements have the following types:

  • color (Array of Reals; optional)
  • disabled (Bool; optional): If true, knob cannot be moved.
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the control. To control styling, pass an object with label and style properties.. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the knob label is positioned.
  • max (Real; optional): The maximum value of the knob
  • min (Real; optional): The minimum value of the knob
  • persisted_props (Array of a value equal to: 'value's; optional): Properties whose user interactions will persist after refreshing the

component or the page. Since only value is allowed this prop can normally be ignored.

  • persistence (Bool | String | Real; optional): Used to allow user interactions in this component to be persisted when

the component - or the page - is refreshed. If persisted is truthy and hasn't changed from its previous value, a value that the user has changed while using the app will keep that change, as long as the new value also matches what was given originally. Used in conjunction with persistence_type.

  • persistence_type (a value equal to: 'local', 'session', 'memory'; optional): Where persisted user changes will be stored:

memory: only kept in memory, reset on page refresh. local: window.localStorage, data is kept after the browser quit. session: window.sessionStorage, data is cleared once the browser quit.

  • scale (optional): Configuration for the component scale.. scale has the following type: lists containing elements 'start', 'interval', 'labelInterval', 'custom'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • start (Real; optional): Value to start the scale from. Defaults

to min.

  • interval (Real; optional): Interval by which the scale goes up. Attempts

to dynamically divide min-max range by default.

  • labelInterval (Real; optional): Interval by which labels are added to

scale marks. Defaults to 2 (every other mark has a label).

  • custom (optional): Custom scale marks. The key determines the position

and the value determines what will show. If you want to set the style of a specific mark point, the value should be an object which contains style and label properties. custom has the following type: Real | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'. Those elements have the following types:

  • style (String; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • size (Real; optional): The size (diameter) of the knob in pixels
  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root component element.
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider
  • value (Real; optional): The value of knob

A LEDDisplay component. A 7-bar LED display component. Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify the display in Dash callbacks
  • backgroundColor (String; optional): Color of the display's background
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element
  • color (String; optional): Color of the display
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the control. To control styling,

pass an object with label and style properties. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'. Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the display label is positioned
  • size (Real; optional): Size of the display
  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root component element
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider
  • value (Real | String; optional): Value to be displayed. A number or a string

containing only digits (0-9), periods, and colons, and possibly starting with a minus sign.


A NumericInput component. A numeric input component that can be set to a value between some range. Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this compnent in Dash callbacks
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element.
  • disabled (Bool; optional): If true, numeric input cannot changed.
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the control. To control styling,

pass an object with label and style properties.. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'. Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the numeric input label is positioned.
  • max (Real; optional): The maximum value of the numeric input
  • min (Real; optional): The minimum value of the numeric input
  • persisted_props (Array of a value equal to: 'value's; optional): Properties whose user interactions will persist after refreshing the

component or the page. Since only value is allowed this prop can normally be ignored.

  • persistence (Bool | String | Real; optional): Used to allow user interactions in this component to be persisted when

the component - or the page - is refreshed. If persisted is truthy and hasn't changed from its previous value, a value that the user has changed while using the app will keep that change, as long as the new value also matches what was given originally. Used in conjunction with persistence_type.

  • persistence_type (a value equal to: 'local', 'session', 'memory'; optional): Where persisted user changes will be stored:

memory: only kept in memory, reset on page refresh. local: window.localStorage, data is kept after the browser quit. session: window.sessionStorage, data is cleared once the browser quit.

  • size (Real; optional): The size (length) of the numeric input in pixels
  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root component element.
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider
  • value (Real; optional): The value of numeric input

A PowerButton component. A power button component can be turned on and off. Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this compnent in Dash callbacks
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element.
  • color (String; optional): The indicator color to display when power button is on
  • disabled (Bool; optional): If true, power button cannot be clicked
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the button. To control styling, pass an object with label and style properties.. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the button label is positioned.
  • on (Bool; optional): Whether or not the power button is on
  • persisted_props (Array of a value equal to: 'on's; optional): Properties whose user interactions will persist after refreshing the

component or the page. Since only on is allowed this prop can normally be ignored.

  • persistence (Bool | String | Real; optional): Used to allow user interactions in this component to be persisted when

the component - or the page - is refreshed. If persisted is truthy and hasn't changed from its previous value, a value that the user has changed while using the app will keep that change, as long as the new value also matches what was given originally. Used in conjunction with persistence_type.

  • persistence_type (a value equal to: 'local', 'session', 'memory'; optional): Where persisted user changes will be stored:

memory: only kept in memory, reset on page refresh. local: window.localStorage, data is kept after the browser quit. session: window.sessionStorage, data is cleared once the browser quit.

  • size (Real; optional): The size (diameter) of the power button in pixels
  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root component element.
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider

A PrecisionInput component. A numeric input component that converts an input value to the desired precision. Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this compnent in Dash callbacks
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element.
  • disabled (Bool; optional): If true, numeric input cannot be changed.
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the scientific notation. To control styling,

pass an object with label and style properties.. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'. Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the numeric input label is positioned.
  • max (Real; optional): The maximum value of the numeric input
  • min (Real; optional): The minimum value of the numeric input
  • persisted_props (Array of a value equal to: 'value's; optional): Properties whose user interactions will persist after refreshing the

component or the page. Since only value is allowed this prop can normally be ignored.

  • persistence (Bool | String | Real; optional): Used to allow user interactions in this component to be persisted when

the component - or the page - is refreshed. If persisted is truthy and hasn't changed from its previous value, a value that the user has changed while using the app will keep that change, as long as the new value also matches what was given originally. Used in conjunction with persistence_type.

  • persistence_type (a value equal to: 'local', 'session', 'memory'; optional): Where persisted user changes will be stored:

memory: only kept in memory, reset on page refresh. local: window.localStorage, data is kept after the browser quit. session: window.sessionStorage, data is cleared once the browser quit.

  • precision (Real; optional): Number of significant figures
  • size (Real; optional): The size (length) of the numeric input in pixels
  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root component element.
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider
  • value (Real; optional): The value of numeric input

A Slider component. A slider component with support for a target value. Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component in Dash callbacks
  • className (String; optional): Additional CSS class for the root DOM node.
  • color (optional): Color configuration for the slider's track.. color has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'default', 'gradient', 'ranges'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • default (String; optional): Fallback color to use when color.ranges

has gaps.

  • gradient (Bool; optional): Display ranges as a gradient between given colors.

Requires color.ranges to be contiguous along the entirety of the gauge's range of values.

  • ranges (optional): Define multiple color ranges on the slider's track.

The key determines the color of the range and the value is the start,end of the range itself.. ranges has the following type: lists containing elements 'color'. Those elements have the following types:

  • color (Array of Reals; optional)
  • disabled (Bool; optional): If true, the handles can't be moved.
  • dots (Bool; optional): When the step value is greater than 1,

you can set the dots to true if you want to render the slider with dots.

Note: dots are disabled automatically when using color.ranges

  • handleLabel (optional): Configuration of the slider handle's label.

Passing falsy value will disable the label.. handleLabel has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'showCurrentValue', 'label', 'color', 'style'. Those elements have the following types:

  • showCurrentValue (Bool; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • color (String; optional)
  • style (Dict; optional)
  • included (Bool; optional): If the value is true, it means a continuous

value is included. Otherwise, it is an independent value.

  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the component label is positioned.
  • marks (optional): Marks on the slider.

The key determines the position, and the value determines what will show. If you want to set the style of a specific mark point, the value should be an object which contains style and label properties.. marks has the following type: lists containing elements 'number'. Those elements have the following types:

  • number (optional): . number has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • max (Real; optional): Maximum allowed value of the slider.
  • min (Real; optional): Minimum allowed value of the slider.
  • persisted_props (Array of a value equal to: 'value's; optional): Properties whose user interactions will persist after refreshing the

component or the page. Since only value is allowed this prop can normally be ignored.

  • persistence (Bool | String | Real; optional): Used to allow user interactions in this component to be persisted when

the component - or the page - is refreshed. If persisted is truthy and hasn't changed from its previous value, a value that the user has changed while using the app will keep that change, as long as the new value also matches what was given originally. Used in conjunction with persistence_type.

  • persistence_type (a value equal to: 'local', 'session', 'memory'; optional): Where persisted user changes will be stored:

memory: only kept in memory, reset on page refresh. local: window.localStorage, data is kept after the browser quit. session: window.sessionStorage, data is cleared once the browser quit.

  • size (Real; optional): Size of the slider in pixels.
  • step (Real; optional): Value by which increments or decrements are made.
  • targets (optional): Targets on the slider.

The key determines the position, and the value determines what will show. If you want to set the style of a specific target point, the value should be an object which contains style and label properties.. targets has the following type: lists containing elements 'number'. Those elements have the following types:

  • number (optional): . number has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'showCurrentValue', 'label', 'color', 'style'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • showCurrentValue (Bool; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • color (String; optional)
  • style (Dict; optional)
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider
  • updatemode (a value equal to: 'mouseup', 'drag'; optional): Determines when the component should update

its value. If mouseup, then the slider will only trigger its value when the user has finished dragging the slider. If drag, then the slider will update its value continuously as it is being dragged. Only use drag if your updates are fast.

  • value (Real; optional): The value of the input.
  • vertical (Bool; optional): If true, the slider will be vertical.

A StopButton component. A Stop button component Keyword arguments:

  • children (a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional): The children of the button.
  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this compnent in Dash callbacks
  • buttonText (String; optional): Text displayed in the button
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element.
  • disabled (Bool; optional): If true, button cannot be pressesd.
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the button.

To control styling, pass an object with label and style properties.. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'. Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the label is positioned.
  • n_clicks (Real; optional): Number of times the button was clicked
  • size (Real; optional): The size (width) of the stop button in pixels
  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root component element.
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider

A Tank component. A Tank component that fills to a value between some range. Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component in Dash callbacks
  • base (Real; optional): Base to be used in logarithmic scale.
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element.
  • color (String; optional): The color of tank fill
  • height (Real; optional): The height of the tank in pixels
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the control. To control styling,

pass an object with label and style properties.. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'. Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the component label is positioned.
  • logarithmic (Bool; optional): If set to true, a logarithmic scale will be


  • max (Real; optional): The maximum value of the tank. If logarithmic,

represents the maximum exponent.

  • min (Real; optional): The minimum value of the tank. If logarithmic,

represents minimum exponent.

  • scale (optional): Configuration for the component scale.. scale has the following type: lists containing elements 'start', 'interval', 'labelInterval', 'custom'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • start (Real; optional): Value to start the scale from. Defaults

to min.

  • interval (Real; optional): Interval by which the scale goes up. Attempts

to dynamically divide min-max range by default.

  • labelInterval (Real; optional): Interval by which labels are added to

scale marks. Defaults to 2 (every other mark has a label).

  • custom (optional): Custom scale marks. The key determines the position

and the value determines what will show. If you want to set the style of a specific mark point, the value should be an object which contains style and label properties. custom has the following type: Real | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'. Those elements have the following types:

  • style (String; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • showCurrentValue (Bool; optional): If true, the current value of the tank

will be displayed

  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root component element.
  • units (String; optional): Label for the current value
  • value (Real; optional): The value of tank. If logarithmic, the displayed value

will be the logarithm of the inputted value.

  • width (Real; optional): The width of the tank in pixels

A Thermometer component. A thermometer component that fills to a value between some range Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this compnent in Dash callbacks
  • base (Real; optional): Base to be used in logarithmic scale.
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element.
  • color (String; optional): The color of the thermometer fill/current value text
  • height (Real; optional): The height of the thermometer in pixels
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the control. To control styling, pass an object with label and style properties.. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the component label is positioned.
  • logarithmic (Bool; optional): If set to true, a logarithmic scale will be


  • max (Real; optional): The maximum value of the thermometer. If logarithmic,

represents the maximum exponent.

  • min (Real; optional): The minimum value of the thermometer. If logarithmic,

represents the minimum exponent.

  • scale (optional): Configuration for the component scale.. scale has the following type: lists containing elements 'start', 'interval', 'labelInterval', 'custom'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • start (Real; optional): Value to start the scale from. Defaults

to min.

  • interval (Real; optional): Interval by which the scale goes up. Attempts

to dynamically divide min-max range by default.

  • labelInterval (Real; optional): Interval by which labels are added to

scale marks. Defaults to 2 (every other mark has a label).

  • custom (optional): Custom scale marks. The key determines the position

and the value determines what will show. If you want to set the style of a specific mark point, the value should be an object which contains style and label properties. custom has the following type: Real | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'. Those elements have the following types:

  • style (String; optional)
  • label (String; optional)
  • showCurrentValue (Bool; optional): If true, the current value of the

thermometer will be displayed

  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root component element.
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider
  • units (String; optional): Label for the current value
  • value (Real; optional): The value of thermometer. If logarthmic, the value

displayed will be the logarithm of the inputted value.

  • width (Real; optional): The width of the thermometer in pixels

A ToggleSwitch component. A switch component that toggles between two values. Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this compnent in Dash callbacks
  • className (String; optional): Class to apply to the root component element.
  • color (String; optional): Color to highlight button/indicator
  • disabled (Bool; optional): If true, switch cannot be clicked
  • label (optional): Description to be displayed alongside the control. To control styling, pass an object with label and style properties.. label has the following type: String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional) | Array of String | lists containing elements 'style', 'label'.

Those elements have the following types:

  • style (Dict; optional)
  • label (String; optional)s
  • labelPosition (a value equal to: 'top', 'bottom'; optional): Where the component label is positioned.
  • persisted_props (Array of a value equal to: 'value's; optional): Properties whose user interactions will persist after refreshing the

component or the page. Since only value is allowed this prop can normally be ignored.

  • persistence (Bool | String | Real; optional): Used to allow user interactions in this component to be persisted when

the component - or the page - is refreshed. If persisted is truthy and hasn't changed from its previous value, a value that the user has changed while using the app will keep that change, as long as the new value also matches what was given originally. Used in conjunction with persistence_type.

  • persistence_type (a value equal to: 'local', 'session', 'memory'; optional): Where persisted user changes will be stored:

memory: only kept in memory, reset on page refresh. local: window.localStorage, data is kept after the browser quit. session: window.sessionStorage, data is cleared once the browser quit.

  • size (Real; optional): The size of the switch
  • style (Dict; optional): Style to apply to the root object.
  • theme (Dict; optional): Theme configuration to be set by a ThemeProvider
  • value (Bool; optional): The state of the switch
  • vertical (Bool; optional): If true, switch will be vertical instead

of horizontal