
An Algorithm component. Algorithm is exposing a source or filter to a downstream filter It takes the following set of properties:

  • vtkClass: vtkClassName
  • state: {}

Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional)
  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • port (Real; optional): downstream connection port
  • state (Dict; optional): set of property values for vtkClass
  • vtkClass (String; optional): vtkClass name

A Calculator component. Calculator is exposing a source or filter to a downstream filter It takes the following set of properties:

  • name: 'scalars' // name of the generated field
  • location: 'POINT' // POINT/CELL
  • arrays: [] // Name of array to have access in formula
  • formula: fn

Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional)
  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • arrays (Array of Strings; optional): List of fields you want available for your formula
  • location (String; optional): Field location [POINT, CELL, COORDINATE, SCALARS, ]
  • name (String; optional): Field name
  • port (Real; optional): downstream connection port

A CellData component. CellData is exposing a vtkCellData to a downstream element Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional)

A DataArray component. DataArray is creating a vtkDataArray for the container fields It takes the following set of properties:

  • type: 'Float32Array', 'Float64Array', 'Uint16Array', ...
  • values: [number, number, ...]
  • numberOfComponents: 1,
  • registration: 'addArray', 'setScalars', ...

Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • name (String; optional): Field name
  • numberOfComponents (Real; optional): Number of components / Tuple size
  • registration (String; optional): Name of the method to call on the fieldData (addArray, setScalars, setVectors...)
  • type (String; optional): Typed array name
  • values (Array of Reals; optional): Actual values to use inside our array

A FieldData component. FieldData is exposing a FieldData to a downstream element Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional)

A GeometryRepresentation component. GeometryRepresentation is responsible to convert a vtkPolyData into rendering It takes the following set of properties:

  • actor: Properties to assign to the vtkActor
  • mapper: Properties to assign to the vtkMapper
  • property: Properties to assign to the vtkProperty (actor.getProperty())
  • colorMapPreset: Name of the preset to use for controlling the color mapping
  • colorDataRange: Range to use for the color scale

Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional)
  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • actor (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the actor
  • colorDataRange (Array of Reals; optional): Data range use for the colorMap
  • colorMapPreset (String; optional): Preset name for the lookup table color map
  • cubeAxesStyle (Dict; optional): Configure cube Axes style by overriding the set of properties defined


  • mapper (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the actor
  • property (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the actor.property
  • showCubeAxes (Bool; optional): Show/Hide Cube Axes for the given representation

A GlyphRepresentation component. GlyphRepresentation using a source on port=1 as Glyph and the points of the source on port=0 to position the given glyphs It takes the following set of properties:

  • actor: Properties to assign to the vtkActor
  • mapper: Properties to assign to the vtkGlyph3DMapper
  • property: Properties to assign to the vtkProperty (actor.getProperty())
  • colorMapPreset: Name of the preset to use for controlling the color mapping
  • colorDataRange: Range to use for the color scale

Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional)
  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • actor (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the actor
  • colorDataRange (Array of Reals; optional): Data range use for the colorMap
  • colorMapPreset (String; optional): Preset name for the lookup table color map
  • mapper (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the vtkGlyph3DMapper
  • property (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the actor.property

An ImageData component. ImageData is exposing a vtkImageData to a downstream filter It takes the following set of properties:

  • dimensions: [nx, ny, nz],
  • origin: [0, 0, 0]
  • spacing: [1, 1, 1]
  • direction: [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]

Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional)
  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • dimensions (Array of Reals; optional): Number of points along x, y, z
  • direction (Array of Reals; optional): 3x3 matrix use to orient the image data
  • origin (Array of Reals; optional): World coordinate of the lower left corner of your vtkImageData (i=0, j=0, k=0).
  • port (Real; optional): downstream connection port
  • spacing (Array of Reals; optional): Spacing along x, y, z between points in world coordinates

A Mesh component. Mesh is exposing a vtkPolyData to a downstream filter It takes the following set of properties:

  • state: { mesh: { ...polydata-props }, field: { ...dataArray } }

Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • port (Real; optional): downstream connection port
  • state (Dict; optional): State of the mesh

A PointCloudRepresentation component. PointCloudRepresentation expect the following set of properties

  • xyz: [x0, y0, z0, x1, ..., zn]
  • rgb: [...]
  • rgba: [...]
  • scalars: [...]

Keyword arguments:

  • colorDataRange (Array of Reals; optional): Data range use for the colorMap
  • colorMapPreset (String; optional): Preset name for the lookup table color map
  • property (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the actor.property
  • rgb (Array of Reals; optional): Use RGB values to attach to the points/vertex
  • rgba (Array of Reals; optional): Use RGBA values to attach to the points/vertex
  • scalars (Array of Reals; optional): Field values to attach to the points
  • xyz (Array of Reals; optional): Points coordinates

A PointData component. PointData is exposing a vtkPointData to a downstream element Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional)

A PolyData component. PolyData is exposing a vtkPolyData to a downstream filter It takes the following set of properties:

  • points: [x, y, z, x, y, z, ...],
  • verts: [cellSize, pointId0, pointId1, ..., cellSize, pointId0, ...]
  • lines: [cellSize, pointId0, pointId1, ..., cellSize, pointId0, ...]
  • polys: [cellSize, pointId0, pointId1, ..., cellSize, pointId0, ...]
  • strips: [cellSize, pointId0, pointId1, ..., cellSize, pointId0, ...]

Cell connectivity helper property:

  • connectivity: 'manual', // [manual, points, triangles, strips]

Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional)
  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • connectivity (String; optional): Type of connectivity manual or implicit such as points, triangles, strips
  • lines (Array of Reals; optional): lines cells
  • points (Array of Reals; optional): xyz coordinates
  • polys (Array of Reals; optional): polys cells
  • port (Real; optional): downstream connection port
  • strips (Array of Reals; optional): strips cells
  • verts (Array of Reals; optional): verts cells

A Reader component. Reader is exposing a reader to a downstream filter It takes the following set of properties:

  • vtkClass: vtk.js reader class name
  • url: string
  • parseAsText: string
  • parseAsArrayBuffer: base64String

Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional)
  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • parseAsArrayBuffer (String; optional): set binary data to process from base64 string
  • parseAsText (String; optional): set text data to process
  • port (Real; optional): downstream connection port
  • renderOnUpdate (Bool; optional): Automatically render on data loaded
  • resetCameraOnUpdate (Bool; optional): Automatically reset camera on data loaded
  • url (String; optional): set of url to fetch data from
  • vtkClass (String; optional): vtkClass name

A ShareDataSet component. ShareDataSet capture a dataset or a source and allow it to use it in another pipeline or representation. Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional)
  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • name (String; optional): Unique dataset name to cross reference
  • port (Real; optional): downstream connection port

A SliceRepresentation component. SliceRepresentation is responsible to convert a vtkPolyData into rendering It takes the following set of properties:

  • colorBy: ['POINTS', ''],
  • pointSize: 1,
  • color: [1,1,1],

Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional)
  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • actor (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the slice/actor
  • colorDataRange (Array of Reals | String; optional): Data range use for the colorMap
  • colorMapPreset (String; optional): Preset name for the lookup table color map
  • iSlice (Real; optional): index of the slice along i
  • jSlice (Real; optional): index of the slice along j
  • kSlice (Real; optional): index of the slice along k
  • mapper (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the mapper
  • property (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the volume.property
  • xSlice (Real; optional): index of the slice along x
  • ySlice (Real; optional): index of the slice along y
  • zSlice (Real; optional): index of the slice along z

A View component. View is responsible to render vtk.js data. It takes the following set of properties:

  • background: [0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
  • cameraPosition: [0, 0, 1]
  • cameraViewUp: [0, 1, 0]
  • cameraParallelProjection: false

Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional): List of representation to show
  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • background (Array; optional): The color of the view background using 3 floating numbers

between 0-1 of Red, Green, Blue component.

  • cameraParallelProjection (Bool; optional): Use parallel projection (default: false)
  • cameraPosition (Array; optional): Initial camera position from an object in [0,0,0]
  • cameraViewUp (Array; optional): Initial camera position from an object in [0,0,0]
  • className (String; optional): Allow user to provide custom className associated to root element
  • clickInfo (Dict; optional): Read-only prop. To use this, make sure that pickingModes contains click.

This prop is updated when an element in the map is clicked. This contains the picking info describing the object being clicked on.

  • hoverInfo (Dict; optional): Read-only prop. To use this, make sure that pickingModes contains hover.

This prop is updated when an element in the map is hovered. This contains the picking info describing the object being hovered.

  • interactorSettings (Array; optional): Configure the interactions
  • pickingModes (Array of Strings; optional): List of picking listeners to bind. The supported values are click and hover. By default it is disabled (empty array).
  • style (Dict; optional): Allow user to override the default View style { width: '100%', height: '100%' }
  • triggerRender (Real; optional): Property use to trigger a render when changing.
  • triggerResetCamera (Real; optional): Property use to trigger a resetCamera when changing.

A Volume component. Volume is exposing a vtkImageData to a downstream filter It takes the following set of properties:

  • state: { image: { ...imagedata-props }, field: { ...dataArray } }

Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • port (Real; optional): downstream connection port
  • state (Dict; optional): State of the volume

A VolumeController component. VolumeController is a GUI to control the piecewise function Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • rescaleColorMap (Bool; optional): Use opacity range to rescale color map
  • size (Array of Reals; optional): Controller size in pixels

A VolumeDataRepresentation component. VolumeDataRepresentation expect the following set of properties

  • dimensions: [10, 20, 5]
  • spacing: [1, 1, 1]
  • origin: [0, 0, 0]
  • rgb: [...]
  • rgba: [...]
  • scalars: [...]
  • scalarsType: Float32Array

Keyword arguments:

  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • colorDataRange (Array of Reals | String; optional): Data range use for the colorMap
  • colorMapPreset (String; optional): Preset name for the lookup table color map
  • controllerSize (Array of Reals; optional): Controller size in pixels
  • dimensions (Array of Reals; optional): Number of points along x, y, z
  • mapper (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the mapper
  • origin (Array of Reals; optional): World coordinate of the lower left corner of your vtkImageData (i=0, j=0, k=0).
  • property (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the volume.property
  • rescaleColorMap (Bool; optional): Use opacity range to rescale color map
  • rgb (Array of Reals; optional): Use RGB values to attach to the points/vertex
  • rgba (Array of Reals; optional): Use RGBA values to attach to the points/vertex
  • scalars (Array of Reals; optional): Field values to attach to the points
  • scalarsType (String; optional): Types of numbers provided in scalars
  • spacing (Array of Reals; optional): Spacing along x, y, z between points in world coordinates
  • volume (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the volume
  • volumeController (Bool; optional): Show volumeController

A VolumeRepresentation component. VolumeRepresentation is responsible to convert a vtkPolyData into rendering It takes the following set of properties:

  • colorBy: ['POINTS', ''],
  • pointSize: 1,
  • color: [1,1,1],

Keyword arguments:

  • children (Array of a list of or a singular dash component, string or numbers | a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional)
  • id (String; optional): The ID used to identify this component.
  • colorDataRange (Array of Reals | String; optional): Data range use for the colorMap
  • colorMapPreset (String; optional): Preset name for the lookup table color map
  • mapper (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the mapper
  • property (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the volume.property
  • volume (Dict; optional): Properties to set to the volume