Transformation interface

{style="opacity:60%;"} src/base.jl

The transformation interface is the centrepiece of this library. Beside straightforward transform application it also enables stochasticity, composition and buffering.

A transformation is a type that subtypes Transform. The only required function to implement for your transformation type T is

  • apply(tfm::T, item::I; randstate)

    Applies the transformation tfm to item item. Implemented methods can of course dispatch on the type of item. randstate encapsulates the random state needed for stochastic transformations. The apply method implementation itself should be deterministic.

    You may dispatch on a specific item type I or use the abstract Item if one implementation works for all item types.

You may additionally also implement:

  • DataAugmentation.getrandstate(tfm) for stochastic transformations

    Generates random state to be used inside apply. Calling apply(tfm, item) is equivalent to apply(tfm, item; randstate = getrandstate(tfm)). It defaults to nothing, so we need not implement it for deterministic transformations.

  • apply!(bufitem, tfm::T, item; randstate) to support buffering

    Buffered version of apply that mutates bufitem. If not implemented, falls back to regular apply.

  • DataAugmentation.compose(tfm1, tfm2) for custom composition with other transformations

    Composes transformations. By default, returns a Sequence transformation that applies the transformations one after the other.


The implementation of the MapElem transformation illustrates this interface well. It transforms any item with array data by mapping a function over the array's elements, just like

struct MapElem <: Transform

The apply implementation dispatches on DataAugmentation.AbstractArrayItem, an abstract item type for items that wrap arrays. Note that the randstate keyword argument needs to be given even for implementations of deterministic transformations. We also make use of the DataAugmentation.setdata helper to update the item data.

function apply(tfm::MapElem, item::AbstractArrayItem; randstate = nothing)
    a = itemdata(item)
    a_ = map(tfm.f, a)
    return setdata(item, a_)

The buffered version applies the function inplace using!:

function apply!(
        randstate = nothing) where I <: AbstractArrayItem
    map!(tfm.f, itemdata(bufitem), itemdata(item))
    return bufitem

Finally, a MapElem can also be composed nicely with other MapElems. Instead of applying them sequentially, the functions are fused and applied once.

compose(tfm1::MapElem, tfm2::MapElem2) = MapElem(tfm2.f ∘ tfm1.f)