printlabels(df, [cols=All()]; unlabelled = true)

Pretty-print all labels in a data frame.


  • cols: Optional argument to select columns to print. Can be any valid multi-column selector, such as Not(...), Between(...), or a regular expression.

  • unlabelled: Keyword argument for whether to print the columns without user-defined labels. Deftaults to true. For column col without a user-defined label, label(df, col) returns the name of the column, col.


julia> df = DataFrame(wage = [12], age = [23]);

julia> @label! df :wage = "Hourly wage (2015 USD)";

julia> printlabels(df)
│ Column │                  Label │
│   wage │ Hourly wage (2015 USD) │
│    age │                    age │

julia> printlabels(df, :wage)
│ Column │                  Label │
│   wage │ Hourly wage (2015 USD) │

julia> printlabels(df; unlabelled = false)
│ Column │                  Label │
│   wage │ Hourly wage (2015 USD) │

julia> printlabels(df, r"^wage")
│ Column │                  Label │
│   wage │ Hourly wage (2015 USD) │
printnotes(df, cols = All(); unnoted = false)

Print the notes and labels in a data frame.


  • cols: Optional argument to select columns to print. Can be any valid multi-column selector, such as Not(...), Between(...), or a regular expression.
  • unnoted: Keyword argument for whether to print the columns without user-defined notes or labels.

For the purposes of printing, column labels are printed in addition to notes. However column labels are not returned by note(df, col).

julia> df = DataFrame(wage = [12], age = [23]);

julia> @label! df :age = "Age (years)";

julia> @note! df :wage = "Derived from American Community Survey";

julia> @note! df :wage = "Missing values imputed as 0 wage";

julia> @label! df :wage = "Hourly wage (2015 USD)";

julia> printnotes(df)
Column: wage
Label: Hourly wage (2015 USD)
Derived from American Community Survey
Missing values imputed as 0 wage

Column: age
Label: Age (years)

Return a NamedTuple from a single transformation inside the DataFramesMeta.jl macros, @select, @transform, and their mutating and row-wise equivalents.

@astable acts on a single block. It works through all top-level expressions and collects all such expressions of the form :y = ... or $y = ..., i.e. assignments to a Symbol or an escaped column identifier, which is a syntax error outside of DataFramesMeta.jl macros. At the end of the expression, all assignments are collected into a NamedTuple to be used with the AsTable destination in the DataFrames.jl transformation mini-language.

Concretely, the expressions

df = DataFrame(a = 1)

@rtransform df @astable begin
    :x = 1
    y = 50
    :z = :x + y + :a

become the pair

function f(a)
    x_t = 1
    y = 50
    z_t = x_t + y + a

    (; x = x_t, z = z_t)

transform(df, [:a] => ByRow(f) => AsTable)

@astable has two major advantages at the cost of increasing complexity. First, @astable makes it easy to create multiple columns from a single transformation, which share a scope. For example, @astable allows for the following (where :x and :x_2 exist in the data frame already).

@transform df @astable begin
    m = mean(:x)
    :x_demeaned = :x .- m
    :x2_demeaned = :x2 .- m

The creation of :x_demeaned and :x2_demeaned both share the variable m, which does not need to be calculated twice.

Second, @astable is useful when performing intermediate calculations and storing their results in new columns. For example, the following fails.

@rtransform df begin
    :new_col_1 = :x + :y
    :new_col_2 = :new_col_1 + :z

This because DataFrames.jl does not guarantee sequential evaluation of transformations. @astable solves this problem

@rtransform df @astable begin :newcol1 = :x + :y :newcol2 = :newcol1 + :z end

Column assignment in @astable follows similar rules as column assignment in other DataFramesMeta.jl macros. The left- -hand-side of a column assignment can be either a Symbol or any expression which evaluates to a Symbol or AbstractString. For example :y = ..., and $y = ... are both valid ways of assigning a new column. However unlike other DataFramesMeta.jl macros, multi-column assignments via AsTable are disallowed. The following will fail.

@transform df @astable begin
    AsTable = :x

References to existing columns also follow the same rules as other DataFramesMeta.jl macros.


julia> df = DataFrame(a = [1, 2, 3], b = [4, 5, 6]);

julia> d = @rtransform df @astable begin
           :x = 1
           y = 5
           :z = :x + y
3×4 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b      x      z
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      4      1      6
   2 │     2      5      1      6
   3 │     3      6      1      6

julia> df = DataFrame(a = [1, 1, 2, 2], b = [5, 6, 70, 80]);

julia> @by df :a @astable begin
            ex = extrema(:b)
            :min_b = first(ex)
            :max_b = last(ex)
2×3 DataFrame
 Row │ a      min_b  max_b
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      5      6
   2 │     2     70     80

julia> new_col = "New Column";

julia> @rtransform df @astable begin
           f_a = first(:a)
           $new_col = :a + :b + f_a
           :y = :a * :b
4×4 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b      New Column  y
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64       Int64
   1 │     1      5           7      5
   2 │     1      6           8      6
   3 │     2     70          74    140
   4 │     2     80          84    160
@by(d::AbstractDataFrame, cols, e...; kwargs...)

Split-apply-combine in one step.


  • d : an AbstractDataFrame
  • cols : a column indicator (Symbol, Int, Vector{Symbol}, etc.)
  • e : keyword-like arguments, of the form :y = f(:x) specifying

new columns in terms of column groupings

  • kwargs : keyword arguments passed to DataFrames.combine


  • ::DataFrame or a GroupedDataFrame


Transformation inputs to @by can come in two formats: a begin ... end block, in which case each line in the block is a separate transformation, or as a series of keyword-like arguments. For example, the following are equivalent:

@by df :g begin
    :mx = mean(:x)
    :sx = std(:x)


@by(df, :g, mx = mean(:x), sx = std(:x))

Transformations can also use the macro-flag @astable for creating multiple new columns at once and letting transformations share the same name-space. See ? @astable for more details.

@by accepts the same keyword arguments as DataFrames.combine and can be added in two ways. When inputs are given as multiple arguments, they are added at the end after a semi-colon ;, as in

@by(ds, :g, :x = first(:a); ungroup = false)

When inputs are given in "block" format, the last lines may be written @kwarg key = value, which indicates keyword arguments to be passed to combine function.

@by df :a begin
    :x = first(:a)
    @kwarg ungroup = false

Though @by performs both groupby and combine, @by only forwards keyword arguments to combine, and not groupby. To pass keyword arguments to groupby, perform the groupby and @combine steps separately.


julia> using DataFramesMeta, Statistics

julia> df = DataFrame(
            a = repeat(1:4, outer = 2),
            b = repeat(2:-1:1, outer = 4),
            c = 1:8);

julia> @by(df, :a, :d = sum(:c))
4×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      d
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      6
   2 │     2      8
   3 │     3     10
   4 │     4     12

julia> @by df :a begin
           :d = 2 * :c
8×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      d
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2
   2 │     1     10
   3 │     2      4
   4 │     2     12
   5 │     3      6
   6 │     3     14
   7 │     4      8
   8 │     4     16

julia> @by(df, :a, :c_sum = sum(:c), :c_mean = mean(:c))
4×3 DataFrame
 Row │ a      c_sum  c_mean
     │ Int64  Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      6      3.0
   2 │     2      8      4.0
   3 │     3     10      5.0
   4 │     4     12      6.0

julia> @by df :a begin
           :c = :c
           :c_mean = mean(:c)
8×3 DataFrame
 Row │ a      c      c_mean
     │ Int64  Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      1      3.0
   2 │     1      5      3.0
   3 │     2      2      4.0
   4 │     2      6      4.0
   5 │     3      3      5.0
   6 │     3      7      5.0
   7 │     4      4      6.0
   8 │     4      8      6.0

Broadcast operations within DataFramesMeta.jl macros.

@byrow is not a "real" Julia macro but rather serves as a "flag" to indicate that the anonymous function created by DataFramesMeta to represent an operation should be applied "by-row".

If an expression starts with @byrow, either of the form @byrow :y = f(:x) in transformations or @byrow f(:x) in @orderby, @subset, and @with, then the anonymous function created by DataFramesMeta is wrapped in the DataFrames.ByRow function wrapper, which broadcasts the function so that it run on each row.


julia> df = DataFrame(a = [1, 2, 3, 4], b = [5, 6, 7, 8]);

julia> @transform(df, @byrow :c = :a * :b)
4×3 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b      c
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      5      5
   2 │     2      6     12
   3 │     3      7     21
   4 │     4      8     32

julia> @subset(df, @byrow :a == 1 ? true : false)
1×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      5

To avoid writing @byrow multiple times when performing multiple operations, it is allowed to use @byrow at the beginning of a block of operations. All transformations in the block will operate by row.

julia> @subset df @byrow begin
           :a > 1
           :b < 5
1×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     2      4

Comparison with @eachrow

To re-cap, the @eachrow macro roughly transforms

@eachrow df begin
    :a * :b


    function tempfun(a, b)
        for i in eachindex(a)
            a[i] * b[i]
    tempfun(df.a, df.b)

The function * is applied by-row. But the result of those operations is not stored anywhere, as with for-loops in Base Julia. Rather, @eachrow and @eachrow! return data frames.

Now consider @byrow. @byrow transforms

@with df @byrow begin
    :a * :b


tempfun(a, b) = a * b
tempfun.(df.a, df.b)

In contrast to @eachrow, @with combined with @byrow returns a vector of the broadcasted multiplication and not a data frame.

Additionally, transformations applied using @eachrow! modify the input data frame. On the contrary, @byrow does not update columns.

julia> df = DataFrame(a = [1, 2], b = [3, 4]);

julia> @with df @byrow begin
           :a = 500
2-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> df
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a      b
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      3
   2 │     2      4

Comparison with @. and Base broadcasting

Base Julia provides the broadcasting macro @. and in many cases @. and @byrow will give equivalent results. But there are important deviations in behavior. Consider the setup

df = DataFrame(a = [1, 2], b = [3, 4])
  • Control flow. @byrow allows for operations of the form if ... else and a ? b : c to be applied by row. These expressions cannot be broadcasted in Base Julia. @byrow also allows for expressions of the form a && b and a || b to be applied by row, something that is not possible in Julia versions below 1.7.
julia> @with df @byrow begin
           if :a == 1
2-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> @with df @. begin
           if :a == 1
       end # will error
  • Broadcasting objects that are not columns. @byrow constructs an anonymous function which accepts only the columns of the input data frame and broadcasts that function. Consequently, it does not broadcast referenced objects which are not columns.
julia> df = DataFrame(a = [1, 2], b = [3, 4]);
julia> @with df @byrow :x + [5, 6]

will error, because the :x in the above expression refers to a scalar Int, and you cannot do 1 + [5, 6].

On the other hand

@with df @. :x + [5, 6]

will succeed, as df.x is a 2-element vector as is [5, 6].

Because ByRow inside transform blocks does not internally use broadcasting in all circumstances, in the rare instance that a column in a data frame is a custom vector type that implements custom broadcasting, this custom behavior will not be called with @byrow.

  • Broadcasting expensive calls. In Base Julia, broadcasting evaluates calls first and then broadcasts the result. Because @byrow constructs an anonymous function and evaluates that function for every row in the data frame, expensive functions will be evaluated many times.
julia> function expensive()
           return 1

julia> @time @with df @byrow :a + expensive();
  1.037073 seconds (51.67 k allocations: 3.035 MiB, 3.19% compilation time)

julia> @time @with df :a .+ expensive();
  0.539900 seconds (110.67 k allocations: 6.525 MiB, 7.05% compilation time)

This problem comes up when using the @. macro as well, but can easily be fixed with $. Because $ is currently reserved for escaping column references, no solution currently exists with @byrow or in DataFramesMeta.jl at large. The best solution is simply

@with df begin
    x = expensive()
    :a + x
@combine(x, args...; kwargs...)

Summarize a grouping operation


  • x : a GroupedDataFrame or AbstractDataFrame
  • args... : transformations defining new columns, of the form :y = f(:x)
  • kwargs: : keyword arguments passed to DataFrames.combine


  • A DataFrame or a GroupedDataFrame


Inputs to @combine can come in two formats: a begin ... end block, in which case each line in the block is a separate transformation, or as a series of keyword-like arguments. For example, the following are equivalent:

@combine df begin
    :mx = mean(:x)
    :sx = std(:x)


@combine(df, :mx = mean(:x), :sx = std(:x))

Transformations can also use the macro-flag @astable for creating multiple new columns at once and letting transformations share the same name-space. See ? @astable for more details.

@combine accepts the same keyword arguments as DataFrames.combine and can be added in two ways. When inputs are given as multiple arguments, they are added at the end after a semi-colon ;, as in

@combine(gd, :x = first(:a); ungroup = false)

When inputs are given in "block" format, the last lines may be written @kwarg key = value, which indicates keyword arguments to be passed to combine function.

@combine gd begin
    :x = first(:a)
    @kwarg ungroup = false


julia> using DataFramesMeta

julia> d = DataFrame(
            n = 1:20,
            x = [3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2]);

julia> g = groupby(d, :x);

julia> @combine(g, :nsum = sum(:n))
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      nsum
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1     99
   2 │     2     84
   3 │     3     27

julia> @combine g begin
           :x2 = 2 * :x
           :nsum = sum(:n)
20×3 DataFrame
 Row │ x      x2     nsum
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2     99
   2 │     1      2     99
   3 │     1      2     99
   4 │     1      2     99
   5 │     1      2     99
   6 │     1      2     99
   7 │     1      2     99
   8 │     1      2     99
   9 │     1      2     99
  10 │     2      4     84
  11 │     2      4     84
  12 │     2      4     84
  13 │     2      4     84
  14 │     2      4     84
  15 │     2      4     84
  16 │     3      6     27
  17 │     3      6     27
  18 │     3      6     27
  19 │     3      6     27
  20 │     3      6     27
@distinct!(d, args...)

In-place selection of unique rows in an AbstractDataFrame. Users should note that @distinct! differs from unique! in DataFrames.jl, such that @distinct!(df, [:x,:y]) is not equal to unique(df, [:x,:y]). See Details for a discussion of these differences.


  • d : an AbstractDataFrame
  • args... : transformations of the form :x designating

symbols to specify columns or f(:x) specifying their transformations


  • ::AbstractDataFrame

Inputs to @distinct! can come in two formats: a begin ... end block, or as a series of arguments and keyword-like arguments. For example, the following are equivalent:

@distinct! df begin 
    :x .+ :y


@distinct!(df, :x .+ :y)

@distinct! uses the syntax @byrow to wrap transformations in the ByRow function wrapper from DataFrames, apply a function row-wise, similar to broadcasting. @distinct! allows @byrow at the beginning of a block of selections (i.e. @byrow begin... end). The transformation in the block will operate by row. For example, the following two statements are equivalent.

@distinct! df @byrow begin 
    :x + :y
    :z + :t


@distinct! df begin 
    @byrow :x + :y
    @byrow :z + :t


The implementation of @distinct! differs from the unique function in DataFrames.jl. When args are present, @distinct! relies upon an internal select call which produces an intermediate data frame containing columns of df specified by args. The unique rows of df are thus determined by this intermediate data frame. This focus on select allows for multiple arguments to be conveniently passed in the form of column names or transformations.

Users should be cautious when passing function arguments as vectors. E.g., @distinct(df, $[:x,:y]) should be used instead of @distinct(df, [:x,:y]) to avoid unexpected behaviors.


julia> using DataFramesMeta;

julia> df = DataFrame(x = 1:10, y = 10:-1:1);

julia> @distinct!(df, :x .+ :y)
1×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y      
     │ Int64  Int64  
   1 │     1      10   

julia> @distinct! df begin
            :x .+ :y
1×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y      
     │ Int64  Int64  
   1 │     1      10   
@distinct(d, args...)

Return the first occurrence of unique rows in an AbstractDataFrame according to given combinations of values in selected columns or their transformation. args can be most column selectors or transformation accepted by select. Users should note that @distinct differs from unique in DataFrames.jl, such that @distinct(df, :x,:y) is not the same as unique(df, [:x,:y]). See Details for a discussion of these differences.


  • d : an AbstractDataFrame
  • args... : transformations of the form :x designating

symbols to specify columns or f(:x) specifying their transformations


  • ::AbstractDataFrame

Inputs to @distinct can come in two formats: a begin ... end block, or as a series of arguments and keyword-like arguments. For example, the following are equivalent:

@distinct df begin 
    :x + :y


@distinct(df, :x + :y)

@distinct uses the syntax @byrow to wrap transformations in the ByRow function wrapper from DataFrames, apply a function row-wise, similar to broadcasting. @distinct allows @byrow at the beginning of a block of selections (i.e. @byrow begin... end). The transformation in the block will operate by row. For example, the following two statements are equivalent.

@distinct df @byrow begin 
    :x + :y
    :z + :t


@distinct df begin 
    @byrow :x + :y
    @byrow :z + :t


The implementation of @distinct differs from the unique function in DataFrames.jl. When args are present, @distinct relies upon an internal select call which produces an intermediate data frame containing columns of df specified by args. The unique rows of df are thus determined by this intermediate data frame. This focus on select allows for multiple arguments to be passed conveniently in the form of column names or transformations.

Users should be cautious when passing function arguments as vectors. E.g., @distinct(df, $[:x,:y]) should be used instead of @distinct(df, [:x,:y]) to avoid unexpected behaviors.


julia> using DataFramesMeta;

julia> df = DataFrame(x = 1:10, y = 10:-1:1);

julia> @distinct(df, :x .+ :y)
1×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y      
     │ Int64  Int64  
   1 │     1      10   

julia> @distinct df begin
            :x .+ :y
1×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y      
     │ Int64  Int64  
   1 │     1      10   
@eachrow!(df, body)

Act on each row of a data frame in-place, similar to

for row in eachrow(df)
    ... # Actions that modify `df`.

Includes support for control flow and begin end blocks. Since the "environment" induced by @eachrow! df is implicitly a single row of df, use regular operators and comparisons instead of their elementwise counterparts as in @with. Note that the scope within @eachrow! is a hard scope.

eachrow! also supports special syntax for allocating new columns. The syntax @newcol x::Vector{Int} allocates a new uninitialized column :x with an Vector container with eltype Int.This feature makes it easier to use eachrow for data transformations. _N is introduced to represent the number of rows in the data frame, _DF represents the dataframe including added columns, and row represents the index of the current row.

Changes to the rows directly affect df. The operation will modify the data frame in place. See @eachrow which employs the same syntax but allocates a fresh data frame.

Like with @transform!, @eachrow! supports the use of $ to work with column names stored as variables. Using $ with a multi-column selector, such as a Vector of Symbols, is currently unsupported.

@eachrow! is a thin wrapper around a for-loop. As a consequence, inside an @eachrow! block, the reserved-word arguments break and continue function the same as if written in a for loop. Rows unaffected by break and continue are unmodified, but are still present in modified. Also because @eachrow! is a for-loop, re-assigning global variables inside an @eachrow block is discouraged.


  • df : an AbstractDataFrame
  • expr : expression operated on row by row


The modified AbstractDataFrame.


julia> using DataFramesMeta

julia> df = DataFrame(A = 1:3, B = [2, 1, 2]);

julia> let x = 0
            @eachrow! df begin
                if :A + :B == 3
                    x += 1
            end  #  This doesn't work without the let

julia> df2 = copy(df);

julia> @eachrow! df2 begin
           if :A > :B
               :A = 0

julia> df2
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ A      B
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2
   2 │     0      1
   3 │     0      2

julia> df2 = copy(df);

julia> @eachrow! df2 begin
           @newcol :colX::Vector{Float64}
           :colX = :B == 2 ? pi * :A : :B
3×3 DataFrame
 Row │ A      B      colX
     │ Int64  Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      2  3.14159
   2 │     2      1  1.0
   3 │     3      2  9.42478

julia> varA = :A; varB = :B;

julia> df2 = copy(df);

julia> @eachrow! df2 begin
           @newcol :colX::Vector{Float64}
           :colX = $varB == 2 ? pi * $varA : $varB
3×3 DataFrame
 Row │ A      B      colX
     │ Int64  Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      2  3.14159
   2 │     2      1  1.0
   3 │     3      2  9.42478

julia> x = [1, 1, 1];

julia> @eachrow! df begin
           x[row] = :A

julia> x
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> @eachrow! df begin
           @newcol :m::Vector{Float64}
           :m = mean(_DF[:, row])
3×3 DataFrame
 Row │ A      B      m
     │ Int64  Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      2  2.0
   2 │     2      1  1.66667
   3 │     3      2  1.22222

julia> @eachrow! df begin
           :A == 2 && continue
@eachrow(df, body)

Act on each row of a data frame, producing a new dataframe. Similar to

for row in eachrow(copy(df))

Includes support for control flow and begin end blocks. Since the "environment" induced by @eachrow df is implicitly a single row of df, use regular operators and comparisons instead of their elementwise counterparts as in @with. Note that the scope within @eachrow is a hard scope.

eachrow also supports special syntax for allocating new columns. The syntax @newcol x::Vector{Int} allocates a new uninitialized column :x with an Vector container with eltype Int.This feature makes it easier to use eachrow for data transformations. _N is introduced to represent the number of rows in the data frame, _DF represents the DataFrame including added columns, and row represents the index of the current row.

Changes to the rows do not affect df but instead a freshly allocated data frame is returned by @eachrow. Also note that the returned data frame does not share columns with df. See @eachrow! which employs the same syntax but modifies the data frame in-place.

Like with @transform, @eachrow supports the use of $ to work with column names stored as variables. Using $ with a multi-column selector, such as a Vector of Symbols, is currently unsupported.

@eachrow is a thin wrapper around a for-loop. As a consequence, inside an @eachrow block, the reserved-word arguments break and continue function the same as if written in a for loop. Rows unaffected by break and continue are unmodified, but are still present in the returned data frame. Also because @eachrow is a for-loop, re-assigning global variables inside an @eachrow block is discouraged.


  • df : an AbstractDataFrame
  • expr : expression operated on row by row


The modified AbstractDataFrame.


julia> using DataFramesMeta

julia> df = DataFrame(A = 1:3, B = [2, 1, 2]);

julia> let x = 0
            @eachrow df begin
                if :A + :B == 3
                    x += 1
            end  #  This doesn't work without the let

julia> @eachrow df begin
            if :A > :B
                :A = 0
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ A      B
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2
   2 │     0      1
   3 │     0      2

julia> df2 = @eachrow df begin
           @newcol :colX::Vector{Float64}
           :colX = :B == 2 ? pi * :A : :B
3×3 DataFrame
 Row │ A      B      colX
     │ Int64  Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      2  3.14159
   2 │     2      1  1.0
   3 │     3      2  9.42478

julia> varA = :A; varB = :B;

julia> df2 = @eachrow df begin
           @newcol :colX::Vector{Float64}
           :colX = $varB == 2 ? pi * $varA : $varB
3×3 DataFrame
 Row │ A      B      colX
     │ Int64  Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      2  3.14159
   2 │     2      1  1.0
   3 │     3      2  9.42478

julia> x = [1, 1, 1];

julia> @eachrow df begin
           x[row] = :A

julia> x
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> @eachrow df begin
           @newcol :m::Vector{Float64}
           :m = mean(_DF[:, row])
3×3 DataFrame
 Row │ A      B      m
     │ Int64  Int64  Float64
   1 │     1      2  2.0
   2 │     2      1  1.66667
   3 │     3      2  1.22222

julia> @eachrow df begin
           :A == 2 && continue
groupby(df, args...)

Group a data frame by columns. An alias for

groupby(df, Cols(args...))

but with a few convenience features.


@groupby does not perform any transformations or allow the generation of new columns. New column generation must be done before @groupby is called.

@groupby allows mixing of Symbol and String inputs, such that @groupby df :A "B" is supported.

Arguments are not escaped and DataFramesMeta.jl rules for column selection, such as $ for escaping, do not apply.


julia> df = DataFrame(A = [1, 1], B = [3, 4], C = [6, 6]);
julia> @groupby df :A;
julia> @groupby df :A :B;
julia> @groupby df [:A, :B];
julia> @groupby df :A [:B, :C];

Inside of DataFramesMeta.jl macros, pass keyword arguments to the underlying DataFrames.jl function when arguments are written in "block" format.

julia> df = DataFrame(x = [1, 1, 2, 2], b = [5, 6, 7, 8]);

julia> @rsubset df begin
           :x == 1
           @kwarg view = true
2×2 SubDataFrame
 Row │ x      b
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      5
   2 │     1      6

This only has meaning inside DataFramesMeta.jl macros. It does not work outside of DataFrames.jl macros.

@label!(df, args...)

Assign labels to columns in a data frame using :col = label syntax. Shorthand for label!(df, ...) from TablesMetaDataTools.jl.

julia> df = DataFrame(wage = 12);

julia> @label! df :wage = "Wage per hour (USD)";

julia> printlabels(df)
│ Column │               Label │
│   wage │ Wage per hour (USD) │

Use @label! for short descriptions, primarily for pretty printing. Use @note! for longer explanations of columns.

Labels are "note"-style columnar metadata. Labels are preserved upon renaming and transformations. @label! :x = "Lab" over-writes any existing label for the column :x. To add information without overwriting, use @note!.

Returns df, with the labels of df modified.

Like other DataFramesMeta.jl macros, @label! can be used in "keyword" format as well as block format.

julia> df = DataFrame(wage = 12, tenure = 4);

julia> @label! df begin
           :wage = "Wage per hour (USD)"
           :tenure = "Tenure at job (months)"

julia> printlabels(df)
│ Column │                  Label │
│   wage │    Wage per hour (USD) │
│ tenure │ Tenure at job (months) │
@linq df ...

@linq is deprecated. Use @chain instead. See ? @chain for details.

General macro that creates a mini DSL for chaining and macro calls.


The following embedded function calls are equivalent to their macro version:

  • with
  • where
  • select
  • transform
  • by
  • groupby
  • orderby
  • combine


julia> using DataFramesMeta, Statistics

julia> df = DataFrame(
            a = repeat(1:4, outer = 2),
            b = repeat(2:-1:1, outer = 4),
            x = 1:8);

julia> x1 = @linq transform(where(df, :a .> 2, :b .!= "c"), :y = 10 .* :x);

julia> x1 = @linq by(x1, :b, :meanX = mean(:x), :meanY = mean(:y));

julia> @linq select(orderby(x1, :b, -:meanX), :var = :b, :meanX, :meanY)
2×3 DataFrame
│ Row │ var   │ meanX   │ meanY   │
│     │ Int64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │
│ 1   │ 1     │ 6.0     │ 60.0    │
│ 2   │ 2     │ 5.0     │ 50.0    │

julia> @linq df |>
           transform(y = 10 .* :x) |>
           where(:a .> 2) |>
           by(:b, :meanX = mean(:x), :meanY = mean(:y)) |>
           orderby(:meanX) |>
           select(:meanX, :meanY, var = :b)
2×3 DataFrame
│ Row │ meanX   │ meanY   │ var   │
│     │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Int64 │
│ 1   │ 5.0     │ 50.0    │ 2     │
│ 2   │ 6.0     │ 60.0    │ 1     │
@note!(df, args...)

Assign notes to columns in a data frame using :col = note syntax. Shorthand for note!(df, col, note) from TablesMetadataTools.jl.

Use @note! for longer explanations of columns. Use @label! for short descriptions, primarily for pretty printing.

Returns df, with the notes of df modified.

julia> df = DataFrame(wage = 12);

julia> @note! df :wage = "
       Wage per hour in 2014 USD taken from ACS data provided by IPUMS.

       Wage per hour is measured directly for hourly workers. For
       salaried workers, equal to salary / hours worked.

julia> printnotes(df)
Column: wage

Wage per hour in 2014 USD taken from ACS data provided by IPUMS.

Wage per hour is measured directly for hourly workers. For
salaried workers, equal to salary / hours worked.

julia> @note! df :wage = "Wage is capped at 99th percentile";

julia> printnotes(df)
Column: wage

Wage per hour in 2014 USD taken from ACS data provided by IPUMS.

Wage per hour is measured directly for hourly workers. For
salaried workers, equal to salary / hours worked.

Wage is capped at 99th percentile
@orderby(d, i...)

Sort rows by values in one of several columns or a transformation of columns. Always returns a fresh DataFrame. Does not accept a GroupedDataFrame.


  • d: a DataFrame or GroupedDataFrame
  • i...: arguments on which to sort the object


When given a DataFrame, @orderby applies the transformation given by its arguments (but does not create new columns) and sorts the given DataFrame on the result, returning a new DataFrame.

Inputs to @orderby can come in two formats: a begin ... end block, in which case each line in the block is a separate ordering operation, and as mulitple arguments. For example, the following two statements are equivalent:

@orderby df begin


@orderby(df, :x, -:y)


  • d : an AbstractDataFrame
  • i... : expression for sorting

If an expression provided to @orderby begins with @byrow, operations are applied "by row" along the data frame. To avoid writing @byrow multiple times, @orderby also allows @byrowto be placed at the beginning of a block of operations. For example, the following two statements are equivalent.

@orderby df @byrow begin


@orderby df
    @byrow :x^2
    @byrow :x^3

In operations, it is also allowed to use AsTable(cols) to work with multiple columns at once, where the columns are grouped together in a NamedTuple. When AsTable(cols) appears in a operation, no other columns may be referenced in the block.

Using AsTable in this way is useful for working with many columns at once programmatically. For example, to order rows by the sum of the columns :a, :b, and :c, write

@byrow sum(AsTable([:a, :b, :c]))

This constructs the pair

AsTable([:a, :b, :c]) => ByRow(sum)

AsTable on the right-hand side also allows the use of the special column selectors Not, Between, and regular expressions. For example, to order all rows by the product of all columns starting with "a", write

@byrow prod(AsTable(r"^a"))


julia> using DataFramesMeta, Statistics

julia> d = DataFrame(x = [3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1], n = 1:10,
                     c = ["a", "c", "b", "e", "d", "g", "f", "i", "j", "h"]);

julia> @orderby(d, -:n)
10×3 DataFrame
 Row │ x      n      c
     │ Int64  Int64  String
   1 │     1     10  h
   2 │     1      9  j
   3 │     2      8  i
   4 │     1      7  f
   5 │     1      6  g
   6 │     1      5  d
   7 │     2      4  e
   8 │     3      3  b
   9 │     3      2  c
  10 │     3      1  a

julia> @orderby(d, invperm(sortperm(:c, rev = true)))
10×3 DataFrame
 Row │ x      n      c
     │ Int64  Int64  String
   1 │     1      9  j
   2 │     2      8  i
   3 │     1     10  h
   4 │     1      6  g
   5 │     1      7  f
   6 │     2      4  e
   7 │     1      5  d
   8 │     3      2  c
   9 │     3      3  b
  10 │     3      1  a

julia> @orderby d begin
           abs.(:n .- mean(:n))
10×3 DataFrame
 Row │ x      n      c
     │ Int64  Int64  String
   1 │     1      5  e
   2 │     1      6  f
   3 │     1      7  g
   4 │     1      9  i
   5 │     1     10  j
   6 │     2      4  d
   7 │     2      8  h
   8 │     3      3  c
   9 │     3      2  b
  10 │     3      1  a

julia> @orderby d @byrow :x^2
10×3 DataFrame
 Row │ x      n      c
     │ Int64  Int64  String
   1 │     1      5  e
   2 │     1      6  f
   3 │     1      7  g
   4 │     1      9  i
   5 │     1     10  j
   6 │     2      4  d
   7 │     2      8  h
   8 │     3      1  a
   9 │     3      2  b
  10 │     3      3  c

Propagate missing values inside DataFramesMeta.jl macros.

@passmissing is not a "real" Julia macro but rather serves as a "flag" to indicate that the anonymous function created by DataFramesMeta.jl to represent an operation should be wrapped in passmissing from Missings.jl.

@passmissing can only be combined with @byrow or the row-wise versions of macros such as @rtransform and @rselect, etc. If any of the arguments passed to the row-wise anonymous function created by DataFramesMeta.jl with @byrow, the result will automatically be missing.

In the below example, @transform would throw an error without the @passmissing flag.

@passmissing is especially useful for functions which operate on strings, such as parse.


julia> no_missing(x::Int, y::Int) = x + y;

julia> df = DataFrame(a = [1, 2, missing], b = [4, 5, 6])
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a        b
     │ Int64?   Int64
   1 │       1      4
   2 │       2      5
   3 │ missing      6

julia> @transform df @passmissing @byrow c = no_missing(:a, :b)
3×3 DataFrame
 Row │ a        b      c
     │ Int64?   Int64  Int64?
   1 │       1      4        5
   2 │       2      5        7
   3 │ missing      6  missing

julia> df = DataFrame(x_str = ["1", "2", missing])
3×1 DataFrame
 Row │ x_str
     │ String?
   1 │ 1
   2 │ 2
   3 │ missing

julia> @rtransform df @passmissing x = parse(Int, :x_str)
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x_str    x
     │ String?  Int64?
   1 │ 1              1
   2 │ 2              2
   3 │ missing  missing
rdistinct!(d, args...)

Row-wise version of @distinct!, i.e. all operations use @byrow by default. See @distinct! for details.


julia> using DataFramesMeta

julia> df = DataFrame(x = 1:5, y = 5:-1:1)
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1     5
   2 │     2     4
   3 │     3     3
   4 │     4     2
   5 │     5     1
julia> @rdistinct!(df, :x + :y)
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1     5
rdistinct(d, args...)

Row-wise version of @distinct, i.e. all operations use @byrow by default. See @distinct for details.


julia> using DataFramesMeta

julia> df = DataFrame(x = 1:5, y = 5:-1:1)
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1     5
   2 │     2     4
   3 │     3     3
   4 │     4     2
   5 │     5     1
julia> @rdistinct(df, :x + :y)
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1     5
@rename!(d, args...)

In-place modification of column names.


  • d : an AbstractDataFrame
  • args... : expressions of the form :new = :old specifying the change of a column's name

from "old" to "new". The left- and right-hand side of each expression can be passed as symbol arguments, as in :old_col, or strings escaped with $ as in $"new_col". See Details for a description of accepted values.


  • ::AbstractDataFrame

Inputs to @rename! can come in two formats: a begin ... end block, or as a series of keyword-like arguments. For example, the following are equivalent:

@rename! df begin
    :new_col = :old_col


@rename!(df, :new_col = :old_col)


Both the left- and right-hand side of an expression specifying a column name assignment can be either a Symbol or a Stringescaped with$` For example `:new = ...`, and `$"new" = ...` are both valid ways of assigning a new column name.

This idea can be extended to pass arbitrary right-hand side expressions. For example, the following are equivalent:

@rename!(df, :new = :old1)


@rename!(df, :new = old_col1)


julia> df = DataFrame(old_col1 = rand(5), old_col2 = rand(5),old_col3 = rand(5));

julia> @rename!(df, :new1 = :old_col1)
5×3 DataFrame
 Row │ new1       old_col2   old_col3
     │ Float64    Float64    Float64
   1 │ 0.0176206  0.493592   0.348072
   2 │ 0.861545   0.512254   0.85763
   3 │ 0.263082   0.0267507  0.696494
   4 │ 0.643179   0.299391   0.780125
   5 │ 0.731267   0.18905    0.767292

julia> df = DataFrame(old_col1 = rand(5), old_col2 = rand(5),old_col3 = rand(5));

julia> @rename!(df, :new1 = :old_col1, :new2 = $"old_col2")
5×3 DataFrame
 Row │ new1       new2       old_col3
     │ Float64    Float64    Float64
   1 │ 0.0176206  0.493592   0.348072
   2 │ 0.861545   0.512254   0.85763
   3 │ 0.263082   0.0267507  0.696494
   4 │ 0.643179   0.299391   0.780125
   5 │ 0.731267   0.18905    0.767292

julia> df = DataFrame(old_col1 = rand(5), old_col2 = rand(5),old_col3 = rand(5));

julia> @rename!(df, :new1 = $("old_col" * "1"), :new2 = :old_col2)
5×3 DataFrame
 Row │ new1       new2       old_col3
     │ Float64    Float64    Float64
   1 │ 0.0176206  0.493592   0.348072
   2 │ 0.861545   0.512254   0.85763
   3 │ 0.263082   0.0267507  0.696494
   4 │ 0.643179   0.299391   0.780125
   5 │ 0.731267   0.18905    0.767292
@rename(d, args...)

Change column names.


  • d : an AbstractDataFrame
  • args... : expressions of the form :new = :old specifying the change of a column's name

from "old" to "new". The left- and right-hand side of each expression can be passed as symbol arguments, as in :old_col, or strings escaped with $ as in $"new_col". See Details for a description of accepted values.


  • ::AbstractDataFrame

Inputs to @rename can come in two formats: a begin ... end block, or as a series of keyword-like arguments. For example, the following are equivalent:

@rename df begin
    :new_col = :old_col


@rename df :new_col = :old_col
@rename(df, :new_col = :old_col)


Both the left- and right-hand side of an expression specifying a column name assignment can be either a Symbol or an AbstractString (which may contain spaces) escaped with $. For example :new = ..., and $"new" = ... are both valid ways of assigning a new column name.

This idea can be extended to pass arbitrary right-hand side expressions. For example, the following are equivalent:

@rename(df, :new = :old1)


@rename(df, :new = old_col1)

The right-hand side can additionally be an Integer, escaped with $, to indicate column position. For example, to rename the 4th column in a data frame to a new name, write @rename df :newname = $.


julia> df = DataFrame(old_col1 = 1:5, old_col2 = 11:15, old_col3 = 21:25);

julia> @rename(df, :new1 = :old_col1)
5×3 DataFrame
 Row │ new1   old_col2  old_col3
     │ Int64  Int64     Int64
   1 │     1        11        21
   2 │     2        12        22
   3 │     3        13        23
   4 │     4        14        24
   5 │     5        15        25

julia> @rename(df, :new1 = :old_col1, :new2 = $"old_col2")
5×3 DataFrame
 Row │ new1   new2   old_col3
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1     11        21
   2 │     2     12        22
   3 │     3     13        23
   4 │     4     14        24
   5 │     5     15        25

julia> @rename(df, :new1 = $("old_col" * "1"), :new2 = :old_col2)
5×3 DataFrame
 Row │ new1   new2   old_col3
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1     11        21
   2 │     2     12        22
   3 │     3     13        23
   4 │     4     14        24
   5 │     5     15        25

julia> @rename df $("New with spaces") = :old_col1
5×3 DataFrame
 Row │ New with spaces  old_col2  old_col3
     │ Int64            Int64     Int64
   1 │               1        11        21
   2 │               2        12        22
   3 │               3        13        23
   4 │               4        14        24
   5 │               5        15        25

julia> @rename df :new_col2 = $2
5×3 DataFrame
 Row │ old_col1  new_col2  old_col3
     │ Int64     Int64     Int64
   1 │        1        11        21
   2 │        2        12        22
   3 │        3        13        23
   4 │        4        14        24
   5 │        5        15        25
@rorderby(d, args...)

Row-wise version of @orderby, i.e. all operations use @byrow by default. See @orderby for details.

Use this function as an alternative to placing the . to broadcast row-wise operations.


julia> using DataFramesMeta

julia> df = DataFrame(x = [8,8,-8,7,7,-7], y = [-1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3])
6×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     8     -1
   2 │     8      1
   3 │    -8     -2
   4 │     7      2
   5 │     7     -3
   6 │    -7      3

julia> @rorderby df abs(:x) (:x * :y^3)
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     7     -3
   2 │    -7      3
   3 │     7      2
   4 │     8     -1
   5 │     8      1
   6 │    -8     -2

julia>  @rorderby df :y == 2 ? -:x : :y
6×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     7      2
   2 │     7     -3
   3 │    -8     -2
   4 │     8     -1
   5 │     8      1
   6 │    -7      3
@rselect!(x, args...; kwargs...)

Row-wise version of @select!, i.e. all operations use @byrow by default. See @select! for details.

@rselect(x, args...; kwargs...)

Row-wise version of @select, i.e. all operations use @byrow by default. See @select for details.


julia> using DataFramesMeta

julia> df = DataFrame(x = 1:5, y = 10:14)
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1     10
   2 │     2     11
   3 │     3     12
   4 │     4     13
   5 │     5     14

julia> @rselect(df, :x, :A = mod(:y, :x) == 0 ? 99 : :x)
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      A
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1     99
   2 │     2      2
   3 │     3     99
   4 │     4      4
   5 │     5      5
@rsubset(d, i...; kwargs...)

Row-wise version of @subset, i.e. all operations use @byrow by default. See @subset for details.

Use this function as an alternative to placing the . to broadcast row-wise operations.


julia> using DataFramesMeta

julia> df = DataFrame(A=1:5, B=["apple", "pear", "apple", "orange", "pear"])
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ A      B
     │ Int64  String
   1 │     1  apple
   2 │     2  pear
   3 │     3  apple
   4 │     4  orange
   5 │     5  pear

julia> @rsubset df :A > 3
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ A      B
     │ Int64  String
   1 │     4  orange
   2 │     5  pear

julia> @rsubset df :A > 3 || :B == "pear"
3×2 DataFrame
  Row │ A      B
      │ Int64  String
    1 │     2  pear
    2 │     4  orange
    3 │     5  pear
@rtransform(x, args...; kwargs...)

Row-wise version of @transform, i.e. all operations use @byrow by default. See @transform for details.


julia> using DataFramesMeta

julia> df = DataFrame(x = 1:5, y = 11:15)
5×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1     11
   2 │     2     12
   3 │     3     13
   4 │     4     14
   5 │     5     15

julia> @rtransform(df, :a = :x + :y ^ 2, :c = :y == 13 ? 999 : 1 - :y)
5×4 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y      a      c
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1     11    122    -10
   2 │     2     12    146    -11
   3 │     3     13    172    999
   4 │     4     14    200    -13
   5 │     5     15    230    -14
@select!(d, i...; kwargs...)

Mutate d in-place to retain only columns or transformations specified by e and return it. No copies of existing columns are made.


  • d : an AbstractDataFrame
  • i : transformations of the form :y = f(:x) specifying

new columns in terms of existing columns or symbols to specify existing columns

  • kwargs : keyword arguments passed to DataFrames.select!


  • ::DataFrame


Inputs to @select! can come in two formats: a begin ... end block, in which case each line in the block is a separate transformation or selector, or as a series of arguments and keyword-like arguments. For example, the following are equivalent:

@select! uses the syntax @byrow to wrap transformations in the ByRow function wrapper from DataFrames, apply a function row-wise, similar to broadcasting. For example, the call

@select!(df, @byrow :y = :x == 1 ? true : false)


select!(df, :x => ByRow(x -> x == 1 ? true : false) => :y)

a transformation which cannot be conveniently expressed using broadcasting.

To avoid writing @byrow multiple times when performing multiple transformations by row, @select! allows @byrow at the beginning of a block of select!ations (i.e. @byrow begin... end). All transformations in the block will operate by row.

To select many columns at once use the tools Not, Between, All, and Cols.

  • @select df Not(:a) keeps all columns except for :a
  • @select df Between(:a, :z) keeps all columns between :a and :z, inclusive
  • @select df All() keeps all columns
  • @select df Cols(...) can be used to combine many different selectors, as well as use regular expressions. For example Cols(r"a") selects all columns that start with "a".

Transformations can also use the macro-flag @astable for creating multiple new columns at once and letting transformations share the same name-space. See ? @astable for more details.

In operations, it is also allowed to use AsTable(cols) to work with multiple columns at once, where the columns are grouped together in a NamedTuple. When AsTable(cols) appears in a operation, no other columns may be referenced in the block.

Using AsTable in this way is useful for working with many columns at once programmatically. For example, to compute the row-wise sum of the columns [:a, :b, :c, :d], write

@byrow :c = sum(AsTable([:a, :b, :c, :d]))

This constructs the pairs

AsTable(nms) => ByRow(sum) => :c

AsTable on the right-hand side also allows the use of the special column selectors Not, Between, and regular expressions. For example, to calculate the product of all the columns beginning with the letter "a", write

@byrow :d = prod(AsTable(r"^a"))

@select! accepts the same keyword arguments as DataFrames.select! and can be added in two ways. When inputs are given as multiple arguments, they are added at the end after a semi-colon ;, as in

@select!(gd, :a; ungroup = false)

When inputs are given in "block" format, the last lines may be written @kwarg key = value, which indicates keyword arguments to be passed to select! function.

@select! gd begin
    @kwarg ungroup = false


julia> using DataFrames, DataFramesMeta

julia> df = DataFrame(a = repeat(1:4, outer = 2), b = repeat(2:-1:1, outer = 4), c = 1:8);

julia> df2 = @select!(df, :c, :a)
8×2 DataFrame
 Row │ c      a
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      1
   2 │     2      2
   3 │     3      3
   4 │     4      4
   5 │     5      1
   6 │     6      2
   7 │     7      3
   8 │     8      4

julia> df === df2

julia> df = DataFrame(a = repeat(1:4, outer = 2), b = repeat(2:-1:1, outer = 4), c = 1:8);

julia> df2 = @select! df begin
           :x = :b + :c
8×2 DataFrame
 Row │ c      x
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      3
   2 │     2      3
   3 │     3      5
   4 │     4      5
   5 │     5      7
   6 │     6      7
   7 │     7      9
   8 │     8      9

julia> df === df2
@select(d, i...; kwargs...)

Select and transform columns.


  • d : an AbstractDataFrame or GroupedDataFrame
  • i : transformations of the form :y = f(:x) specifying

new columns in terms of existing columns or symbols to specify existing columns

  • kwargs : keyword arguments passed to DataFrames.select


  • ::AbstractDataFrame or a GroupedDataFrame


Inputs to @select can come in two formats: a begin ... end block, in which case each line in the block is a separate transformation or selector, or as a series of arguments and keyword-like arguments arguments. For example, the following are equivalent:

@select df begin
    :y = :a .+ :b


@select(df, :x, :y = :a .+ :b)

@select uses the syntax @byrow to wrap transformations in the ByRow function wrapper from DataFrames, apply a function row-wise, similar to broadcasting. For example, the call

@select(df, @byrow :y = :x == 1 ? true : false)


select(df, :x => ByRow(x -> x == 1 ? true : false) => :y)

a transformation which cannot be conveniently expressed using broadcasting.

To avoid writing @byrow multiple times when performing multiple transformations by row, @select allows @byrow at the beginning of a block of selections (i.e. @byrow begin... end). All transformations in the block will operate by row.

To select many columns at once use the tools Not, Between, All, and Cols.

  • @select df Not(:a) keeps all columns except for :a
  • @select df Between(:a, :z) keeps all columns between :a and :z, inclusive
  • @select df All() keeps all columns
  • @select df Cols(...) can be used to combine many different selectors, as well as use regular expressions. For example Cols(r"a") selects all columns that start with "a".

Expressions inside Not(...), Between(...) etc. are untouched by DataFramesMeta's parsing. To refer to a variable x which represents a column inside Not, write Not(x), rather than Not($x).

Transformations can also use the macro-flag @astable for creating multiple new columns at once and letting transformations share the same name-space. See ? @astable for more details.

In operations, it is also allowed to use AsTable(cols) to work with multiple columns at once, where the columns are grouped together in a NamedTuple. When AsTable(cols) appears in a operation, no other columns may be referenced in the block.

Using AsTable in this way is useful for working with many columns at once programmatically. For example, to compute the row-wise sum of the columns [:a, :b, :c, :d], write

@byrow :c = sum(AsTable([:a, :b, :c, :d]))

This constructs the pairs

AsTable(nms) => ByRow(sum) => :c

AsTable on the right-hand side also allows the use of the special column selectors Not, Between, and regular expressions. For example, to calculate the product of all the columns beginning with the letter "a", write

@byrow :d = prod(AsTable(r"^a"))

@select accepts the same keyword arguments as DataFrames.select and can be added in two ways. When inputs are given as multiple arguments, they are added at the end after a semi-colon ;, as in

@select(df, :a; copycols = false)

When inputs are given in "block" format, the last lines may be written @kwarg key = value, which indicates keyword arguments to be passed to select function.

@select gd begin
    @kwarg copycols = false


julia> using DataFramesMeta

julia> df = DataFrame(a = repeat(1:4, outer = 2), b = repeat(2:-1:1, outer = 4), c = 1:8);

julia> @select(df, :c, :a)
8×2 DataFrame
 Row │ c      a
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      1
   2 │     2      2
   3 │     3      3
   4 │     4      4
   5 │     5      1
   6 │     6      2
   7 │     7      3
   8 │     8      4

julia> @select df begin
           :x = :b + :c
8×2 DataFrame
 Row │ c      x
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      3
   2 │     2      3
   3 │     3      5
   4 │     4      5
   5 │     5      7
   6 │     6      7
   7 │     7      9
   8 │     8      9
@subset!(d, i...; kwargs...)

Select row subsets in AbstractDataFrames and GroupedDataFrames, mutating the underlying data-frame in-place.


  • d : an AbstractDataFrame or GroupedDataFrame
  • i... : expression for selecting rows
  • kwargs : keyword arguments passed to DataFrames.subset!


Multiple i expressions are "and-ed" together.

If given a GroupedDataFrame, @subset! applies transformations by group, and returns a fresh DataFrame containing the rows for which the generated values are all true.

Inputs to @subset! can come in two formats: a begin ... end block, in which case each line is a separate selector, or as multiple arguments. For example the following two statements are equivalent:

@subset! df begin
    :x .> 1
    :y .< 2


@subset!(df, :x .> 1, :y .< 2)

@subset! treats missing values as false when filtering rows. Unlike DataFrames.subset! and other Boolean operations with missing, @subset! will not error on missing values, and will only keep true values.

If an expression provided to @subset! begins with @byrow, operations are applied "by row" along the data frame. To avoid writing @byrow multiple times, @orderby also allows @byrowto be placed at the beginning of a block of operations. For example, the following two statements are equivalent.

@subset! df @byrow begin
    :x > 1
    :y < 2


@subset! df
    @byrow :x > 1
    @byrow :y < 2

In operations, it is also allowed to use AsTable(cols) to work with multiple columns at once, where the columns are grouped together in a NamedTuple. When AsTable(cols) appears in a operation, no other columns may be referenced in the block.

Using AsTable in this way is useful for working with many columns at once programmatically. For example, to select rows where the sum of the columns :a, :b, and :c is greater than 5, write

@byrow sum(AsTable([:a, :b, :c])) > 5

This constructs the pair

AsTable([:a, :b, :c]) => ByRow(t -> sum(t) > 5)

AsTable on the right-hand side also allows the use of the special column selectors Not, Between, and regular expressions. For example, to subset all rows where the product of all columns starting with "a", is greater than 5, write

@byrow prod(AsTable(r"^a")) > 5

@subset! accepts the same keyword arguments as DataFrames.subset! and can be added in two ways. When inputs are given as multiple arguments, they are added at the end after a semi-colon ;, as in

@subset!(df, :a; skipmissing = false)

When inputs are given in "block" format, the last lines may be written @kwarg key = value, which indicates keyword arguments to be passed to subset! function.

@subset! df begin
    :a .== 1
    @kwarg skipmissing = false


julia> using DataFramesMeta, Statistics

julia> df = DataFrame(x = 1:3, y = [2, 1, 2]);

julia> globalvar = [2, 1, 0];

julia> @subset!(copy(df), :x .> 1)
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     2      1
   2 │     3      2

julia> @subset!(copy(df), :x .> globalvar)
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     2      1
   2 │     3      2

julia> @subset! copy(df) begin
           :x .> globalvar
           :y .== 3
0×2 DataFrame

julia> df = DataFrame(n = 1:20, x = [3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1,
                                    2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2]);

julia> g = groupby(copy(df), :x);

julia> @subset!(g, :n .> mean(:n))
8×2 DataFrame
 Row │ n      x
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │    12      1
   2 │    13      1
   3 │    15      2
   4 │    16      2
   5 │    17      3
   6 │    18      1
   7 │    19      1
   8 │    20      2

julia> g = groupby(copy(df), :x);

julia> @subset! g begin
           :n .> mean(:n)
           :n .< 20
7×2 DataFrame
 Row │ n      x
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │    12      1
   2 │    13      1
   3 │    15      2
   4 │    16      2
   5 │    17      3
   6 │    18      1
   7 │    19      1

julia> d = DataFrame(a = [1, 2, missing], b = ["x", "y", missing]);

julia> @subset!(d, :a .== 1)
1×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a       b
     │ Int64?  String?
   1 │      1  x
@subset(d, i...; kwargs...)

Select row subsets in AbstractDataFrames and GroupedDataFrames.


  • d : an AbstractDataFrame or GroupedDataFrame
  • i... : expression for selecting rows
  • kwargs... : keyword arguments passed to DataFrames.subset


Multiple i expressions are "and-ed" together.

If given a GroupedDataFrame, @subset applies transformations by group, and returns a fresh DataFrame containing the rows for which the generated values are all true.

Inputs to @subset can come in two formats: a begin ... end block, in which case each line is a separate selector, or as multiple arguments. For example the following two statements are equivalent:

@subset df begin
    :x .> 1
    :y .< 2


@subset(df, :x .> 1, :y .< 2)

@subset treats missing values as false when filtering rows. Unlike DataFrames.subset and other Boolean operations with missing, @subset will not error on missing values, and will only keep true values.

If an expression provided to @subset begins with @byrow, operations are applied "by row" along the data frame. To avoid writing @byrow multiple times, @orderby also allows @byrow to be placed at the beginning of a block of operations. For example, the following two statements are equivalent.

@subset df @byrow begin
    :x > 1
    :y < 2


@subset df
    @byrow :x > 1
    @byrow :y < 2

In operations, it is also allowed to use AsTable(cols) to work with multiple columns at once, where the columns are grouped together in a NamedTuple. When AsTable(cols) appears in a operation, no other columns may be referenced in the block.

Using AsTable in this way is useful for working with many columns at once programmatically. For example, to select rows where the sum of the columns :a, :b, and :c is greater than 5, write

@byrow sum(AsTable([:a, :b, :c])) > 5

This constructs the pair

AsTable([:a, :b, :c]) => ByRow(t -> sum(t) > 5)

AsTable on the right-hand side also allows the use of the special column selectors Not, Between, and regular expressions. For example, to subset all rows where the product of all columns starting with "a", is greater than 5, write

@byrow prod(AsTable(r"^a")) > 5

@subset accepts the same keyword arguments as DataFrames.subset and can be added in two ways. When inputs are given as multiple arguments, they are added at the end after a semi-colon ;, as in

@subset(df, :a; skipmissing = false, view = true)

When inputs are given in "block" format, the last lines may be written @kwarg key = value, which indicates keyword arguments to be passed to subset function.

@subset df begin
    :a .== 1
    @kwarg skipmissing = false
    @kwarg view = true


julia> using DataFramesMeta, Statistics

julia> df = DataFrame(x = 1:3, y = [2, 1, 2]);

julia> globalvar = [2, 1, 0];

julia> @subset(df, :x .> 1)
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     2      1
   2 │     3      2

julia> @subset(df, :x .> globalvar)
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ x      y
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │     2      1
   2 │     3      2

julia> @subset df begin
           :x .> globalvar
           :y .== 3
0×2 DataFrame

julia> df = DataFrame(n = 1:20, x = [3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1,
                                    2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2]);

julia> g = groupby(df, :x);

julia> @subset(g, :n .> mean(:n))
8×2 DataFrame
 Row │ n      x
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │    12      1
   2 │    13      1
   3 │    15      2
   4 │    16      2
   5 │    17      3
   6 │    18      1
   7 │    19      1
   8 │    20      2

julia> @subset g begin
           :n .> mean(:n)
           :n .< 20
7×2 DataFrame
 Row │ n      x
     │ Int64  Int64
   1 │    12      1
   2 │    13      1
   3 │    15      2
   4 │    16      2
   5 │    17      3
   6 │    18      1
   7 │    19      1

julia> df = DataFrame(a = [1, 2, missing], b = ["x", "y", missing]);

julia> @subset(df, :a .== 1)
1×2 DataFrame
 Row │ a       b
     │ Int64?  String?
   1 │      1  x

julia> @subset(df, :a .< 3; view = true)
2×2 SubDataFrame
 Row │ a       b
     │ Int64?  String?
   1 │      1  x
   2 │      2  y

julia> @subset df begin
           :a .< 3
           @kwarg view = true
2×2 SubDataFrame
 Row │ a       b
     │ Int64?  String?
   1 │      1  x
   2 │      2  y
@transform!(d, i...; kwargs...)

Mutate d inplace to add additional columns or keys based on keyword-like arguments and return it. No copies of existing columns are made.


  • d : an AbstractDataFrame, or GroupedDataFrame
  • i... : transformations of the form :y = f(:x) defining new columns or keys
  • kwargs...: keyword arguments passed to DataFrames.transform!


  • ::DataFrame or a GroupedDataFrame


Inputs to @transform! can come in two formats: a begin ... end block, in which case each line in the block is a separate transformation, (:y = f(:x)), or as a series of keyword-like arguments. For example, the following are equivalent:

@transform! df begin
    :a = :x
    :b = :y


@transform!(df, :a = :x, :b = :y)

@transform! uses the syntax @byrow to wrap transform!ations in the ByRow function wrapper from DataFrames, apply a function row-wise, similar to broadcasting. For example, the call

@transform!(df, @byrow :y = :x == 1 ? true : false)


transform!(df, :x => ByRow(x -> x == 1 ? true : false) => :y)

a transformation which cannot be conveniently expressed using broadcasting.

To avoid writing @byrow multiple times when performing multiple transform!ations by row, @transform! allows @byrow at the beginning of a block of transform!ations (i.e. @byrow begin... end). All transform!ations in the block will operate by row.

Transformations can also use the macro-flag @astable for creating multiple new columns at once and letting transformations share the same name-space. See ? @astable for more details.

In operations, it is also allowed to use AsTable(cols) to work with multiple columns at once, where the columns are grouped together in a NamedTuple. When AsTable(cols) appears in a operation, no other columns may be referenced in the block.

Using AsTable in this way is useful for working with many columns at once programmatically. For example, to compute the row-wise sum of the columns [:a, :b, :c, :d], write

@byrow :c = sum(AsTable([:a, :b, :c, :d]))

This constructs the pairs

AsTable(nms) => ByRow(sum) => :c

AsTable on the right-hand side also allows the use of the special column selectors Not, Between, and regular expressions. For example, to calculate the product of all the columns beginning with the letter "a", write

@byrow :d = prod(AsTable(r"^a"))

@transform! accepts the same keyword arguments as DataFrames.transform! and can be added in two ways. When inputs are given as multiple arguments, they are added at the end after a semi-colon ;, as in

@transform!(gd, :x = :a .- 1; ungroup = false)

When inputs are given in "block" format, the last lines may be written @kwarg key = value, which indicates keyword arguments to be passed to transform! function.

@transform! gd begin
    :x = :a .- 1
    @kwarg ungroup = false


julia> using DataFramesMeta

julia> df = DataFrame(A = 1:3, B = [2, 1, 2]);

julia> df2 = @transform!(df, :a = 2 * :A, :x = :A .+ :B)
3×4 DataFrame
 Row │ A      B      a      x
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2      2      3
   2 │     2      1      4      3
   3 │     3      2      6      5

julia> df === df2
@transform(d, i...; kwargs...)

Add additional columns or keys based on keyword-like arguments.


  • d: an AbstractDataFrame, or GroupedDataFrame
  • i...: transformations defining new columns or keys, of the form :y = f(:x)
  • kwargs...: keyword arguments passed to DataFrames.transform


  • ::AbstractDataFrame or ::GroupedDataFrame


Inputs to @transform can come in two formats: a begin ... end block, in which case each line in the block is a separate transformation, (:y = f(:x)), or as a series of keyword-like arguments. For example, the following are equivalent:

@transform df begin
    :a = :x
    :b = :y


@transform(df, :a = :x, :b = :y)

@transform uses the syntax @byrow to wrap transformations in the ByRow function wrapper from DataFrames, apply a function row-wise, similar to broadcasting. For example, the call

@transform(df, @byrow :y = :x == 1 ? true : false)


transform(df, :x => ByRow(x -> x == 1 ? true : false) => :y)

a transformation which cannot be conveniently expressed using broadcasting.

To avoid writing @byrow multiple times when performing multiple transformations by row, @transform allows @byrow at the beginning of a block of transformations (i.e. @byrow begin... end). All transformations in the block will operate by row.

Transformations can also use the macro-flag @astable for creating multiple new columns at once and letting transformations share the same name-space. See ? @astable for more details.

In operations, it is also allowed to use AsTable(cols) to work with multiple columns at once, where the columns are grouped together in a NamedTuple. When AsTable(cols) appears in a operation, no other columns may be referenced in the block.

Using AsTable in this way is useful for working with many columns at once programmatically. For example, to compute the row-wise sum of the columns [:a, :b, :c, :d], write

@byrow :c = sum(AsTable([:a, :b, :c, :d]))

This constructs the pairs

AsTable(nms) => ByRow(sum) => :c

AsTable on the right-hand side also allows the use of the special column selectors Not, Between, and regular expressions. For example, to calculate the product of all the columns beginning with the letter "a", write

@byrow :d = prod(AsTable(r"^a"))

@transform accepts the same keyword arguments as DataFrames.transform! and can be added in two ways. When inputs are given as multiple arguments, they are added at the end after a semi-colon ;, as in

@transform(gd, :x = :a .- 1; ungroup = false)

When inputs are given in "block" format, the last lines may be written @kwarg key = value, which indicates keyword arguments to be passed to transform! function.

@transform gd begin
    :x = :a .- 1
    @kwarg ungroup = false


julia> using DataFramesMeta

julia> df = DataFrame(A = 1:3, B = [2, 1, 2]);

julia> @transform df begin
           :a = 2 * :A
           :x = :A .+ :B
3×4 DataFrame
 Row │ A      B      a      x
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2      2      3
   2 │     2      1      4      3
   3 │     3      2      6      5

julia> @transform df @byrow :z = :A * :B
3×3 DataFrame
 Row │ A      B      z
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2      2
   2 │     2      1      2
   3 │     3      2      6

julia> @transform df @byrow begin
           :x = :A * :B
           :y = :A == 1 ? 100 : 200
3×4 DataFrame
 Row │ A      B      x      y
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64  Int64
   1 │     1      2      2    100
   2 │     2      1      2    200
   3 │     3      2      6    200
@where(x, args...)

Deprecated version of @subset, see ?@subset for details.

@with(d, expr)

@with allows DataFrame columns keys to be referenced as symbols.


  • d : an AbstractDataFrame type
  • expr : the expression to evaluate in d


@with works by parsing the expression body for all columns indicated by symbols (e.g. :colA). Then, a function is created that wraps the body and passes the columns as function arguments. This function is then called. Operations are efficient because:

  • A pseudo-anonymous function is defined, so types are stable.
  • Columns are passed as references, eliminating DataFrame indexing.

The following

@with(d, :a .+ :b .+ 1)


tempfun(a, b) = a .+ b .+ 1
tempfun(d[!, :a], d[!, :b])

If an expression is wrapped in ^(expr), expr gets passed through untouched. If an expression is wrapped in $(expr), the column is referenced by the variable expr rather than a symbol.

If the expression provide to @with begins with @byrow, the function created by the @with block is broadcasted along the columns of the data frame.


julia> using DataFramesMeta

julia> y = 3;

julia> df = DataFrame(x = 1:3, y = [2, 1, 2]);

julia> x = [2, 1, 0];

julia> @with(df, :y .+ 1)
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> @with(df, :x + x)
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> @with df begin
            res = 0.0
            for i in 1:length(:x)
                res += :x[i] * :y[i]

julia> @with(df, df[:x .> 1, ^(:y)]) # The ^ means leave the :y alone
2-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> colref = :x;

julia> @with(df, :y + $colref) # Equivalent to df[!, :y] + df[!, colref]
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> @with df @byrow :x * :y
3-element Vector{Int64}:

@with creates a function, so the scope within @with is a local scope. Variables in the parent can be read. Writing to variables in the parent scope differs depending on the type of scope of the parent. If the parent scope is a global scope, then a variable cannot be assigned without using the global keyword. If the parent scope is a local scope (inside a function or let block for example), the global keyword is not needed to assign to that parent scope.


Using AsTable inside @with block is currently not supported.