Pipeline Algebra

This section describes the Pipeline interface of vectorized data transformations. We will use the following definitions:

using DataKnots:

Lifting and Fillers

DataKnots stores structured data in a column-oriented format, serialized using specialized composite vector types. Consequently, operations on data must also be adapted to the column-oriented format.

In DataKnots, operations on column-oriented data are called pipelines. A pipeline is a vectorized transformation: it takes a vector of input values and produces a vector of the same size containing output values.

Any unary scalar function could be vectorized, which gives us a simple method for creating new pipelines. Consider, for example, function titlecase(), which transforms the input string by capitalizing the first letter of each word and converting every other character to lowercase.

titlecase("JEFFERY A")      #-> "Jeffery A"

This function can be converted to a pipeline or lifted, using the lift pipeline constructor.

p = lift(titlecase)
#-> ["Jeffery A", "James A", "Terry A"]

A scalar function with N arguments could be lifted by tuple_lift to make a pipeline that transforms a TupleVector with N columns. For example, a binary predicate > gives rise to a pipeline tuple_lift(>) that transforms a TupleVector with two columns into a Boolean vector.

p = tuple_lift(>)
p(@VectorTree (Int, Int) [260004 200000; 185364 200000; 170112 200000])
#-> Bool[1, 0, 0]

In a similar manner, a function with a vector argument can be lifted by block_lift to make a pipeline that expects a BlockVector input. For example, function length(), which returns the length of a vector, could be converted to a pipeline block_lift(length) that transforms a block vector to an integer vector containing block lengths.

p = block_lift(length)
p(@VectorTree [String] [["JEFFERY A", "NANCY A"], ["JAMES A"]])
#-> [2, 1]

Not just functions, but also regular values could give rise to pipelines. The filler constructor makes a pipeline from any scalar value. This pipeline maps any input vector to a vector filled with the given scalar.

p = filler(200000)
#-> [200000, 200000, 200000]

Similarly, block_filler makes a pipeline from any vector value. This pipeline produces a BlockVector filled with the given vector.

p = block_filler(["POLICE", "FIRE"])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["POLICE", "FIRE"], ["POLICE", "FIRE"], ["POLICE", "FIRE"]]

A variant of block_filler called null_filler makes a pipeline that produces a BlockVector filled with empty blocks.

p = null_filler()
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × Bottom [missing, missing, missing]

Chaining Pipelines

Given a series of pipelines, the chain_of constructor creates their composition pipeline, which transforms the input vector by sequentially applying the given pipelines.

p = chain_of(lift(split), lift(first), lift(titlecase))
#-> ["Jeffery", "James", "Terry"]

The degenerate composition of an empty sequence of pipelines has its own name, pass(). It passes its input to the output unchanged.

#-> pass()

p = pass()

In general, pipeline constructors that take one or more pipelines as arguments are called pipeline combinators. Combinators are used to assemble elementary pipelines into complex pipeline expressions.

Composite Vectors

In DataKnots, composite data is represented as a tree of vectors with regular Vector objects at the leaves and composite vectors, such as TupleVector and BlockVector, at the intermediate nodes. Pipelines that operate and rearrange this tree are described here.

The tuple_of pipeline combinator permits us to construct a TupleVector. TupleVector is a vector of tuples composed of a sequence of column vectors. Any collection of vectors could be used as columns as long as they all have the same length. One way to obtain N columns for a TupleVector is to apply N pipelines to the same input vector.

p = tuple_of(:first => chain_of(lift(split), lift(first), lift(titlecase)),
             :last => lift(last))
#-> @VectorTree (first = String, last = Char) [(first = "Jeffery", last = 'A') … ]

In the opposite direction, the column constructor makes a pipeline that extracts the specified column from the input TupleVector.

p = column(:salary)
p(@VectorTree (name=String, salary=Int) [("JEFFERY A", 101442), ("JAMES A", 103350), ("TERRY A", 93354)])
#-> [101442, 103350, 93354]

The wrap() pipeline primitive is used to create a BlockVector. BlockVector is a vector of vectors serialized as a partitioned vector of elements. Any input vector could be transformed to a BlockVector by partitioning its elements into one-element blocks.

p = wrap()
#-> @VectorTree (1:1) × String ["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]

Dual to wrap() is the pipeline flatten(), which transforms a nested BlockVector by flattening its nested blocks.

p = flatten()
p(@VectorTree [[String]] [[["GARRY M"], ["ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]], [[], ["JOSE S"], ["CHARLES S"]]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]]

The distribute constructor makes a pipeline that rearranges a TupleVector with a BlockVector column. This operation exchanges their positions, pushing tuples down and pulling blocks up. Specifically, it takes each tuple, where a specific field must contain a block value, and transforms it to a block of tuples by distributing the block value over the tuple.

p = distribute(:employee)
p(@VectorTree (department = String, employee = [String]) [
    "POLICE"    ["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]
    "FIRE"      ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]]) |> display
@VectorTree of 2 × (0:N) × (department = String, employee = String):
 [(department = "POLICE", employee = "GARRY M"), (department = "POLICE", employee = "ANTHONY R"), (department = "POLICE", employee = "DANA A")]
 [(department = "FIRE", employee = "JOSE S"), (department = "FIRE", employee = "CHARLES S")]

Often we need to transform only a part of a composite vector, leaving the rest of the structure intact. This can be achieved using with_column and with_elements combinators. Specifically, with_column transforms a specific column of a TupleVector while with_elements transforms the vector of elements of a BlockVector.

p = with_column(:employee, with_elements(lift(titlecase)))
p(@VectorTree (department = String, employee = [String]) [
    "POLICE"    ["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]
    "FIRE"      ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]]) |> display
@VectorTree of 2 × (department = String, employee = (0:N) × String):
 (department = "POLICE", employee = ["Garry M", "Anthony R", "Dana A"])
 (department = "FIRE", employee = ["Jose S", "Charles S"])

Specialized Pipelines

Not every data transformation can be implemented with lifting. DataKnots provide pipeline constructors for some common transformation tasks.

For example, data filtering is implemented with the pipeline sieve_by(). As input, it expects a TupleVector of pairs containing a value and a Bool flag. sieve_by() transforms the input to a BlockVector containing 0- and 1-element blocks. When the flag is false, it is mapped to an empty block, otherwise, it is mapped to a one-element block containing the data value.

p = sieve_by()
p(@VectorTree (String, Bool) [("JEFFERY A", true), ("JAMES A", true), ("TERRY A", false)])
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × String ["JEFFERY A", "JAMES A", missing]

If DataKnots does not provide a specific transformation, it is easy to create a new one. For example, let us create a pipeline constructor double which makes a pipeline that doubles the elements of the input vector.

We need to provide two definitions: to create a Pipeline object and to perform the tranformation on the given input vector.

double() = Pipeline(double)
double(::Runtime, input::AbstractVector{<:Number}) = input .* 2

p = double()
p([260004, 185364, 170112])
#-> [520008, 370728, 340224]

It is also easy to create new pipeline combinators. Let us create a combinator twice, which applies the given pipeline to the input two times.

twice(p) = Pipeline(twice, p)
twice(rt::Runtime, input, p) = p(rt, p(rt, input))

p = twice(double())
p([260004, 185364, 170112])
#-> [1040016, 741456, 680448]

API Reference

Pipeline(op, args...)

A pipeline object represents a vectorized data transformation.

Parameter op is a function that performs the transformation; args are extra arguments to be passed to the function.

The pipeline transforms any input vector by invoking op with the following arguments:

op(rt::Runtime, input::AbstractVector, args...)

The result of op must be the output vector, which should be of the same length as the input vector.

adapt_missing() :: Pipeline

This pipeline transforms a vector that contains missing elements to a block vector with missing elements replaced by empty blocks.

adapt_tuple() :: Pipeline

This pipeline transforms a vector of tuples to a tuple vector.

adapt_vector() :: Pipeline

This pipeline transforms a vector with vector elements to a block vector.

assert_type(T::Type, lbl) :: Pipeline

This pipeline asserts the types of the elements of the input vector.

block_any() :: Pipeline

This pipeline applies any to a block vector with Bool elements.

block_cardinality(card::Cardinality, src_lbl, tgt_lbl) :: Pipeline

This pipeline asserts the cardinality of the input block vector.

block_filler(block::AbstractVector, card::Cardinality) :: Pipeline

This pipeline produces a block vector filled with the given block.

block_length() :: Pipeline

This pipeline converts a block vector to a vector of block lengths.

block_lift(f) :: Pipeline
block_lift(f, default) :: Pipeline

f is a function that expects a vector argument.

The pipeline applies f to each block of the input block vector. When a block is empty, default (if specified) is used as the output value.

block_not_empty() :: Pipeline

This pipeline converts a block vector to a vector of Boolean values, where each value indicates whether the corresponding block is empty or not.

chain_of(p₁::Pipeline, p₂::Pipeline … pₙ::Pipeline) :: Pipeline

This pipeline sequentially applies p₁, p₂pₙ.

column(lbl::Union{Int,Symbol}) :: Pipeline

This pipeline extracts the specified column of a tuple vector.

designate(::Pipeline, ::Signature) :: Pipeline
designate(::Pipeline, ::AbstractShape, ::AbstractShape) :: Pipeline
p::Pipeline |> designate(::Signature) :: Pipeline
p::Pipeline |> designate(::AbstractShape, ::AbstractShape) :: Pipeline

Sets the pipeline signature.

distribute(lbl::Union{Int,Symbol}) :: Pipeline

This pipeline transforms a tuple vector with a column of blocks to a block vector with tuple elements.

distribute_all() :: Pipeline

This pipeline transforms a tuple vector with block columns to a block vector with tuple elements.

filler(val) :: Pipeline

This pipeline produces a vector filled with the given value.

flatten() :: Pipeline

This pipeline flattens a nested block vector.

get_by(N::Int) :: Pipeline

This pipeline extracts the N-th element from the given block vector.

get_by() :: Pipeline

This pipeline takes a pair vector of blocks and integers, and returns the first column indexed by the second column.

lift(f) :: Pipeline

f is any scalar unary function.

The pipeline applies f to each element of the input vector.

null_filler() :: Pipeline

This pipeline produces a block vector with empty blocks.

pass() :: Pipeline

This pipeline returns its input unchanged.

sieve_by() :: Pipeline

This pipeline filters a vector of pairs by the second column. It expects a pair vector, whose second column is a Bool vector, and produces a block vector with 0- or 1-element blocks containing the elements of the first column.

signature(::Pipeline) :: Signature

Returns the pipeline signature.

slice_by(N::Int, inv::Bool=false) :: Pipeline

This pipeline transforms a block vector by keeping the first N elements of each block. If inv is true, the pipeline drops the first N elements of each block.

slice_by(inv::Bool=false) :: Pipeline

This pipeline takes a pair vector of blocks and integers, and returns the first column sliced by the second column.

tuple_lift(f) :: Pipeline

f is an n-ary function.

The pipeline applies f to each row of an n-tuple vector.

tuple_of(p₁::Pipeline, p₂::Pipeline … pₙ::Pipeline) :: Pipeline

This pipeline produces an n-tuple vector, whose columns are generated by applying p₁, p₂pₙ to the input vector.

with_column(lbl::Union{Int,Symbol}, p::Pipeline) :: Pipeline

This pipeline transforms a tuple vector by applying p to the specified column.

with_elements(p::Pipeline) :: Pipeline

This pipeline transforms a block vector by applying p to its vector of elements.

wrap() :: Pipeline

This pipeline produces a block vector with one-element blocks wrapping the values of the input vector.

Test Suite


The lift constructor makes a pipeline by vectorizing a unary function.

p = lift(titlecase)
#-> lift(titlecase)

#-> ["Garry M", "Anthony R", "Dana A"]

The block_lift constructor makes a pipeline on block vectors by vectorizing a unary vector function.

p = block_lift(length)
#-> block_lift(length)

p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]])
#-> [3, 2]

Some vector functions may expect a non-empty vector as an argument. In this case, we should provide the value to replace empty blocks.

p = block_lift(maximum, missing)
#-> block_lift(maximum, missing)

p(@VectorTree [Int] [[260004, 185364, 170112], [], [202728, 197736]])
#-> Union{Missing, Int64}[260004, missing, 202728]

The tuple_lift constructor makes a pipeline on tuple vectors by vectorizing a function of several arguments.

p = tuple_lift(>)
#-> tuple_lift(>)

p(@VectorTree (Int, Int) [260004 200000; 185364 200000; 170112 200000])
#-> Bool[1, 0, 0]


The pipeline filler(val) ignores its input and produces a vector filled with val.

p = filler(200000)
#-> filler(200000)

#-> [200000, 200000, 200000]

The pipeline block_filler(blk, card) produces a block vector filled with the given block.

p = block_filler(["POLICE", "FIRE"], x1toN)
#-> block_filler(["POLICE", "FIRE"], x1toN)

#-> @VectorTree (1:N) × String [["POLICE", "FIRE"], ["POLICE", "FIRE"], ["POLICE", "FIRE"]]

The pipeline null_filler() produces a block vector with empty blocks.

p = null_filler()
#-> null_filler()

#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × Bottom [missing, missing, missing]

Adapting row-oriented data

The pipeline adapt_missing() transforms a vector containing missing values to a block vector with missing replaced by an empty block and other values wrapped in 1-element block.

p = adapt_missing()
#-> adapt_missing()

p([260004, 185364, 170112, missing, 202728, 197736])
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × Int64 [260004, 185364, 170112, missing, 202728, 197736]

The pipeline adapt_vector() transforms a vector of vectors to a block vector.

p = adapt_vector()
#-> adapt_vector()

p([[260004, 185364, 170112], Int[], [202728, 197736]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × Int64 [[260004, 185364, 170112], [], [202728, 197736]]

The pipeline adapt_tuple() transforms a vector of tuples to a tuple vector.

p = adapt_tuple()
#-> adapt_tuple()

p([("GARRY M", 260004), ("ANTHONY R", 185364), ("DANA A", 170112)]) |> display
@VectorTree of 3 × (String, Int64):
 ("GARRY M", 260004)
 ("ANTHONY R", 185364)
 ("DANA A", 170112)

Vectors of named tuples are also supported.

p([(name="GARRY M", salary=260004), (name="ANTHONY R", salary=185364), (name="DANA A", salary=170112)]) |> display
@VectorTree of 3 × (name = String, salary = Int64):
 (name = "GARRY M", salary = 260004)
 (name = "ANTHONY R", salary = 185364)
 (name = "DANA A", salary = 170112)


The chain_of combinator composes a sequence of pipelines.

p = chain_of(lift(split), lift(first), lift(titlecase))
#-> chain_of(lift(split), lift(first), lift(titlecase))

#-> ["Jeffery", "James", "Terry"]

The empty chain chain_of() has an alias pass().

p = pass()
#-> pass()

#-> ["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]

Tuple vectors

The pipeline tuple_of(p₁, p₂ … pₙ) produces a tuple vector, whose columns are generated by applying p₁, p₂pₙ to the input vector.

p = tuple_of(:title => lift(titlecase), :last => lift(last))
#-> tuple_of(:title => lift(titlecase), :last => lift(last))

p(["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]) |> display
@VectorTree of 3 × (title = String, last = Char):
 (title = "Garry M", last = 'M')
 (title = "Anthony R", last = 'R')
 (title = "Dana A", last = 'A')

The pipeline column(lbl) extracts the specified column from a tuple vector. The column constructor accepts either the column position or the column label.

p = column(1)
#-> column(1)

p(@VectorTree (name = String, salary = Int) ["GARRY M" 260004; "ANTHONY R" 185364; "DANA A" 170112])
#-> ["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]

p = column(:salary)
#-> column(:salary)

p(@VectorTree (name = String, salary = Int) ["GARRY M" 260004; "ANTHONY R" 185364; "DANA A" 170112])
#-> [260004, 185364, 170112]

The with_column combinator lets us apply the given pipeline to a selected column of a tuple vector.

p = with_column(:name, lift(titlecase))
#-> with_column(:name, lift(titlecase))

p(@VectorTree (name = String, salary = Int) ["GARRY M" 260004; "ANTHONY R" 185364; "DANA A" 170112]) |> display
@VectorTree of 3 × (name = String, salary = Int64):
 (name = "Garry M", salary = 260004)
 (name = "Anthony R", salary = 185364)
 (name = "Dana A", salary = 170112)

Block vectors

The pipeline wrap() wraps the elements of the input vector to one-element blocks.

p = wrap()
#-> wrap()

@VectorTree (1:1) × String ["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]

The pipeline flatten() flattens a nested block vector.

p = flatten()
#-> flatten()

p(@VectorTree [[String]] [[["GARRY M"], ["ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]], [missing, ["JOSE S"], ["CHARLES S"]]])
@VectorTree (0:N) × String [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]]

The with_elements combinator lets us apply the given pipeline to transform the elements of a block vector.

p = with_elements(lift(titlecase))
#-> with_elements(lift(titlecase))

p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]])
@VectorTree (0:N) × String [["Garry M", "Anthony R", "Dana A"], ["Jose S", "Charles S"]]

The pipeline distribute(lbl) transforms a tuple vector with a certain block column to a block vector of tuples by distributing the block elements over the tuple.

p = distribute(1)
#-> distribute(1)

p(@VectorTree ([Int], [Int]) [
    [260004, 185364, 170112]    200000
    missing                     200000
    [202728, 197736]            [200000, 200000]]
) |> display
@VectorTree of 3 × (0:N) × (Int64, (0:N) × Int64):
 [(260004, [200000]), (185364, [200000]), (170112, [200000])]
 [(202728, [200000, 200000]), (197736, [200000, 200000])]

The pipeline distribute_all() takes a tuple vector with block columns and distribute all of the block columns.

p = distribute_all()
#-> distribute_all()

p(@VectorTree ([Int], [Int]) [
    [260004, 185364, 170112]    200000
    missing                     200000
    [202728, 197736]            [200000, 200000]]
) |> display
@VectorTree of 3 × (0:N) × (Int64, Int64):
 [(260004, 200000), (185364, 200000), (170112, 200000)]
 [(202728, 200000), (202728, 200000), (197736, 200000), (197736, 200000)]

This pipeline is equivalent to chain_of(distribute(1), with_elements(distribute(2)), flatten()).

The pipeline block_length() calculates the lengths of blocks in a block vector.

p = block_length()
#-> block_length()

p(@VectorTree [String] [missing, "GARRY M", ["ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]])
#-> [0, 1, 2]

The pipeline block_not_empty() produces a vector of Boolean values indicating whether the input block is empty or not.

p = block_not_empty()
#-> block_not_empty()

p(@VectorTree [String] [missing, "GARRY M", ["ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]])
#-> Bool[0, 1, 1]

The pipeline block_any() checks whether the blocks in a Bool block vector have any true values.

p = block_any()
#-> block_any()

p(@VectorTree [Bool] [missing, true, false, [true, false], [false, false], [false, true]])
#-> Bool[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]

The pipeline block_cardinality() asserts the cardinality of a block vector.

p = block_cardinality(x1to1, :employee, :name)
#-> block_cardinality(x1to1, :employee, :name)

p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M"], ["ANTHONY R"], ["DANA A"]])
#-> @VectorTree (1:1) × String ["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]

p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M"], ["ANTHONY R", "DANA A"]])
#-> ERROR: "name": expected a singular value, relative to "employee"

p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M"], [], ["DANA A"]])
#-> ERROR: "name": expected a mandatory value, relative to "employee"

The source and/or target labels could be omitted.

p = block_cardinality(x1to1, :employee, nothing)

p(@VectorTree [String] [[]])
#-> ERROR: expected a mandatory value, relative to "employee"

p = block_cardinality(x1to1, nothing, :name)

p(@VectorTree [String] [[]])
#-> ERROR: "name": expected a mandatory value

p = block_cardinality(x1to1, nothing, nothing)

p(@VectorTree [String] [[]])
#-> ERROR: expected a mandatory value

The block_cardinality() pipeline could also be used to widen the cardinality constraint.

p = block_cardinality(x0toN)
#-> block_cardinality(x0toN)

p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M"], ["ANTHONY R"], ["DANA A"]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["GARRY M"], ["ANTHONY R"], ["DANA A"]]

p(@VectorTree (1:1)String ["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["GARRY M"], ["ANTHONY R"], ["DANA A"]]


The pipeline sieve_by() filters a vector of pairs by the second column.

p = sieve_by()
#-> sieve_by()

p(@VectorTree (Int, Bool) [260004 true; 185364 false; 170112 false])
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × Int64 [260004, missing, missing]


The pipeline get_by(N) transforms a block vector by extracting the N-th element of each block.

p = get_by(2)
#-> get_by(2)

p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], missing])
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × String ["ANTHONY R", "CHARLES S", missing]

The pipeline get_by(-N) takes the N-th element from the end.

p = get_by(-1)

p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], missing])
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × String ["DANA A", "CHARLES S", missing]

It is possible to explicitly specify the cardinality of the output.

p = get_by(1, x1to1)
#-> get_by(1, x1to1)

p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]])
#-> @VectorTree (1:1) × String ["GARRY M", "JOSE S"]

p = get_by(-1, x1to1)

p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"]])
#-> @VectorTree (1:1) × String ["DANA A", "CHARLES S"]

A variant of this pipeline get_by() expects a tuple vector with two columns: the first column containing the blocks and the second column with the indexes.

p = get_by()
#-> get_by()

p(@VectorTree ([String], Int) [(["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], 1), (["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], -1), (missing, 0)])
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × String ["GARRY M", "CHARLES S", missing]

p(@VectorTree ([String], Int) [(["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], 1), (["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], -1)])
#-> @VectorTree (0:1) × String ["GARRY M", "CHARLES S"]


The pipeline slice_by(N) transforms a block vector by keeping the first N elements of each block.

p = slice_by(2)
#-> slice_by(2, false)

p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], missing])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], []]

When N is negative, slice_by(N) drops the last -N elements of each block.

p = slice_by(-1)

p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], missing])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R"], ["JOSE S"], []]

The pipeline slice_by(N, true) drops the first N elements (or keeps the last -N elements if N is negative).

p = slice_by(2, true)

p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], missing])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["DANA A"], [], []]

p = slice_by(-1, true)

p(@VectorTree [String] [["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], ["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], missing])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["DANA A"], ["CHARLES S"], []]

A variant of this pipeline slice_by() expects a tuple vector with two columns: the first column containing the blocks and the second column with the number of elements to keep.

p = slice_by()
#-> slice_by(false)

p(@VectorTree ([String], Int) [(["GARRY M", "ANTHONY R", "DANA A"], 1), (["JOSE S", "CHARLES S"], -1), (missing, 0)])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["GARRY M"], ["JOSE S"], []]

Sorting and Grouping

The pipeline unique_by() transforms a block vector by keeping one copy of each distinct value in each block.

p = unique_by()
#-> unique_by()

p(@VectorTree [String] [["FIRE", "POLICE", "POLICE", "FIRE"], ["FIRE", "OEMC", "OEMC"], []])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["FIRE", "POLICE"], ["FIRE", "OEMC"], []]

Compositve values are also supported.

p(@VectorTree [(0:1)String] [["POLICE", "FIRE", missing, "OEMC", "POLICE", missing]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × ((0:1) × String) [[missing, "FIRE", "OEMC", "POLICE"]]

The pipeline sort_by() expects a block vector of pairs of values and keys. The output of sort_by() is the vector of values sorted by the corresponding keys.

p = sort_by()
#-> sort_by()

p(@VectorTree [(String, String)] [[("DANIEL A", "FIRE"), ("JEFFERY A", "POLICE"), ("JAMES A", "FIRE"), ("NANCY A", "POLICE")]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["DANIEL A", "JAMES A", "JEFFERY A", "NANCY A"]]

The keys could be assembled from tuples and blocks.

p(@VectorTree [(String, (0:1)((0:1)Int, (0:1)Int))] [[("JEFFERY A", (10, missing)), ("NANCY A", (8, missing))], [("JAMES A", (10, missing)), ("DANIEL A", (10, missing))], [("LAKENYA A", (missing, 2)), ("DORIS A", (missing, 2)), ("ASKEW A", (6, missing)), ("MARY Z", missing)], []])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["NANCY A", "JEFFERY A"], ["JAMES A", "DANIEL A"], ["MARY Z", "LAKENYA A", "DORIS A", "ASKEW A"], []]

Plural blocks could also serve as keys.

p(@VectorTree [(String, [String])] [[("ANTONIO", ["POLICE", "OEMC"]), ("DOLORES", ["FINANCE"]), ("MARY", ["FINANCE"]), ("CRYSTAL", ["POLICE", "OEMC"]), ("PIA", ["POLICE"]), ("CALVIN", [])]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × String [["CALVIN", "DOLORES", "MARY", "PIA", "ANTONIO", "CRYSTAL"]]

The pipeline group_by() expects a block vector of pairs of values and keys. The values are further partitioned into blocks by grouping the values with equal keys.

p = group_by()
#-> group_by()

p(@VectorTree [(String, String)] [[("DANIEL A", "FIRE"), ("JEFFERY A", "POLICE"), ("JAMES A", "FIRE"), ("NANCY A", "POLICE")]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × ((1:N) × String, String) [[(["DANIEL A", "JAMES A"], "FIRE"), (["JEFFERY A", "NANCY A"], "POLICE")]]

The keys could be assembled from tuples and blocks.

p(@VectorTree [(String, (0:1)((0:1)Int, (0:1)Int))] [[("JEFFERY A", (10, missing)), ("NANCY A", (8, missing))], [("JAMES A", (10, missing)), ("DANIEL A", (10, missing))], [("LAKENYA A", (missing, 2)), ("DORIS A", (missing, 2)), ("ASKEW A", (6, missing)), ("MARY Z", missing)], []])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × ((1:N) × String, (0:1) × ((0:1) × Int64, (0:1) × Int64)) [[(["NANCY A"], (8, missing)), (["JEFFERY A"], (10, missing))], [(["JAMES A", "DANIEL A"], (10, missing))], [(["MARY Z"], missing), (["LAKENYA A", "DORIS A"], (missing, 2)), (["ASKEW A"], (6, missing))], []]

Plural blocks could also serve as keys.

p(@VectorTree [(String, [String])] [[("ANTONIO", ["POLICE", "OEMC"]), ("DOLORES", ["FINANCE"]), ("MARY", ["FINANCE"]), ("CRYSTAL", ["POLICE", "OEMC"]), ("PIA", ["POLICE"]), ("CALVIN", [])]])
#-> @VectorTree (0:N) × ((1:N) × String, (0:N) × String) [[(["CALVIN"], []), (["DOLORES", "MARY"], ["FINANCE"]), (["PIA"], ["POLICE"]), (["ANTONIO", "CRYSTAL"], ["POLICE", "OEMC"])]]