
Simple debug data formatter and writer. The package DebugDataWriter.jl provides writing of debug information into external files in a human readable format.


    id = get_debug_id("Some query")

    @debug_output id "some complex structure" ones(2, 3)

    @debug_output id "some structure as lambda" begin
        zeros(5, 2) # here we can put some code for preparing data for output

    matrix = ones(2, 3)
    @debug_output id "text table" ones(2, 3) :JSON
    @debug_output id "text table" ones(2, 3) :TXT
    @debug_output id "HTML table" ones(2, 3) :HTML
    @debug_output id "HTML table from variable" matrix :HTML
    @debug_output id title matrix :HTML  


There are two ways to configure the module. First case is to do it with configuration variable.

Enable saving dumps of data structures. If the output disabled (false), there is no overhead in a program execution

DebugDataWriter.config().enable_dump = true

Enable adding trace info with the @info macro and output into stdout. Each record contains links to the source code and to the saved data file.

DebugDataWriter.config().enable_log = true

In this case, the output will look like this.

┌ Info: #= /Users/.../DebugDataWriter/test/runtests.jl:48 =#
│   debug_id = "20230330-084712-012_Another_query"
│   title = "text as a text"
│   data = "ones(2, 3)"
└   details_fn = "debug_out/20230330-084712-012_Another_query/text_as_a_text.txt"

If you are using VS Code, simply click on this link. VS Code will open the line of code where this message/data was generated.

Additionally, if you are using that option, just click on debug_out/20230330-084712-012_Another_query/text_as_a_text.txt to open that in an editor.

Date/time prefix for generated directories in an output path. There are two options: full ISO date/time format - 20230330-084712-012_Some_title (default) or just HEX representation of time in seconds like 187310e4a8e_Another_title when path_format_fulltime is false.

DebugDataWriter.config().path_format_fulltime = false

Alternative way to enable debug output is usage of the system environment variable DEBUG_OUTPUT.

export DEBUG_OUTPUT="log | dump"

Or be initialized directly in Julia, but BEFORE including the code where macos are used.

ENV["DEBUG_OUTPUT"] = "log | dump"

There string contains the same names of modes as in the previous case. It can be any combination of modes: "log", "dump | log", etc.


    # id = @ddw_get_id  # this call gives a default name
    id = @ddw_get_id "test" # id will have this prefix

    @ddw_out id "some structure as lambda" begin
        zeros(5, 2)
    @ddw_out id "text as a text" "ones(2, 3)" :TXT

The advantage of this approach is zero impact on the code if DEBUG_OUTPUT is not defined. However, the disadvantage of this approach is that debug output cannot be enabled within the program dynamically. If you want to enable or disable debug output, you must rerun the application with a different value of the DEBUG_OUTPUT variable.



Generates id based on current date/time and the title. id is used as a name of further output sub-directory of debug_out.


Get debug_id. The debug_id is used to merge multiple outputs into a single directory with a name starting with debug_id.


Do debug output debug_id - name of the directory for the log mode output title - name of the file inside the output directory data_func - source data function fmt - format of ouput. See FORMAT_WRITERS constant.


Do debug output debug_id - name of the directory for the log mode output title - name of the file inside the output directory data_func - source data function

@debug_output debug_id title data_or_func fmt

Same as @debug_output with debug_id, title, data_or_func arguments. Additional fmt argument specifies an output format. Default is JSON. Implemented formats are JSON with JSON.jl, HTML and TXT with PrettyTables.jl, and SVG, XML as raw data output.

See details of the FORMAT_WRITERS dictionary

@debug_output debug_id title data_or_func

debug_id in fact is a name of output sub-directory

title is used as a name of the output file in that directory to distinguish output data. All non alpha-num symbols are translated into the _ character.

data_or_func. The data for debug output might be provided as a literal, a variable or a lambda function. The lambda-function will be activated if only enable_dump is true.