
This module extends the idea behind Base.Fix1 and Base.Fix2 to any function and a simple indexing syntax, similar to array indexing, to create delayed evaluation function objects. This package relies on type piracy, defining Base.getindex for Base.Callable.


`sin[1.0]() == sin(1.0)`

`map[!,[1,2,3]](x->x+1) == map(x->x+1,[1,2,3])`

`map[!][[1,2,3]]() == map(x->x+1,[1,2,3])`

`sort[by=x->x[1]]([(2,:a),(1,:b)]) == sort([(2,:a),(1,:b)];by=x->x[1])`

DelayEval{F,T}(f,x,kw) returns an object for the delayed evaluation of f with variables x and keyword args kw. The syntax for building such an object is f[x1,x2,...,xn,k1=v1,k2=v2,...,km=vm], i.e., indexing a function with the fixed arguments and keyword arguments. Like an array, using ! will leave a blank for extra arguments to be supplied on call.


`sin[1.0]() == sin(1.0)`

`map[!,[1,2,3]](x->x+1) == map(x->x+1,[1,2,3])`

`map[!][[1,2,3]]() == map(x->x+1,[1,2,3])`

`sort[by=x->x[1]]([(2,:a),(1,:b)]) == sort([(2,:a),(1,:b)];by=x->x[1])`

FillPlaceHolder is an iterator to supply call arguments for a DelayEval function in the positions where its fixed args are ! or as extra trainling arguments.

Example: (ReplaceColon((:a,!,!,:d),(:b,:c,:e))...,) == (:a,:b,:c,:d,:e)


getindex(f::F,x...,kw...) where {F<:Base.Callable} -> DelayEval(f,x,kw)

Build a DelayEval object for function f. See DelayEval.


`sin[1.0]() == sin(1.0)`

`map[!,[1,2,3]](x->x+1) == map(x->x+1,[1,2,3])`

`map[!][[1,2,3]]() == map(x->x+1,[1,2,3])`

`sort[by=x->x[1]]([(2,:a),(1,:b)]) == sort([(2,:a),(1,:b)];by=x->x[1])`