thunk = TaskThunk(f, args)

To facilitate precompilation and reduce latency, we avoid creation of anonymous thunks. thunk can be used as an argument in schedule(Task(thunk)). Adapted from Revise.

commit(n; kwargs...)

Commit the n latest recorded lines to the diary file.

Keyword arguments

  • configuration: (default: read_configuration())
  • diary_file: (default: find_diary(; configuration))
  • with_header: Write header before lines. (default: true)
erase_diary(; kwargs...)

Erase the contents of the current diary. This function does not remove the file.

Keyword arguments

  • configuration: (default: read_configuration())
  • diary_file: (default: find_diary(; configuration))
find_diary(; configuration=read_configuration())

Locate the diary file. The default diary name and blacklist is read from configuration. If the configuration option, create_if_missing is true, this function will create the file. See also read_configuration() and find_diary_path().


Parse the diary command, cmd. Valid commands are:

  • commit [n]: Commit the last n segments.

Parse the lines in history_lines, strip trailing semi-colons, and determine if they should be written to the diary based on the mode in which they were entered.

watch_task(history_file, repl_history_file=nothing)

Start watching the history file at filepath history_file for changes, and parse those changes to update the diary. If repl_history_file is set to a value other than nothing, also copy changes to repl_history_file.