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The main feature of this package is count_map. For example count_map(itr) returns a Dictionary counting the number of times each item in itr occurs.

It differs from the one in StatsBase in a few ways.

  • It allows adding counts from any iterable rather than only Vectors.
  • It supports both Dict and Dictionary.
  • It is built on an abstraction that allows you update items via a function call.
  • It does not use radix sort to optimize the case that the data are Ints.

Common interface to Dict and Dictionary

Some tools to support Dict and Dictionary (and their abstract supertypes.) In general, it is often not worth the trouble to support both Dict and Dictionary with a single interface. But, sometimes it is, and these tools can be useful.

We defined _AbstractDict{T, V} = Union{AbstractDict{T,V}, AbstractDictionary{T,V}}.

To make the interfaces more compatible one could define the pirate method Base.Dict(inds, vals) = Dict(zip(inds, vals)). But instead DictTools defines construct(::Type{T<:_AbstractDict}, inds, vals) which provides a common interface for construction. The latter is less convenient, but is not piracy.

Exported functions and objects

docstrings may be more up to date than what appears below.

  • _AbstractDict{T,V}

    Either an AbstractDict or an AbstractDictionary. A union type. Here _ indicates not a private identifier, but rather differentiates from AbstractDict.

  • _Dict{T,V}

    Either a Dict or a Dictionary. A union type

  • count_map([::Type{T}=Dictionary], itr)

    Return a dictionary of type T whose keys are elements of itr and whose values count how many times each occurs.

    StatsBase.countmap differs in that it has an optimization for integers and that itr of indetermiate length is first collected internally.

  • add_counts!(dict::_AbstractDict{<:Any,V}, itr, ncounts=one(V)) where V

    Add ncounts counts to dict for each key in itr. If ncounts is ommited, add one count for each key.

  • update!(dict::Union{Dict,Dictionary}, _key, func, default)

    If dict has key _key, replace the value by the result of calling func on the value. Otherwise insert default for _key.

    This function may work if dict is some other _AbstractDict.

    In addition to dictionaries, update! and add_counts! also accept (some) AbstractVector types

  • update_map(::Type{T}=Dictionary, _keys, func, default)

    Like count_map, but instead of incrementing an existing value by one, it is replaced by the result of calling func on it. Furthermore, the default is default rather than 1.

  • DictTools.normalize(dict)

    dict is a dictionary of counts. The output is a dictionary with the same keys, and counts normalized to a probability distribution.

  • Specialized method for Dictionary for the ZChop.jl package.

  • construct to construct a Dict and Dictionary with one API

  • _convert to convert a sparse vector represented by an _AbstractDict to a Vector.