collectall(sets...; maxdepth=5)

Recursively collects elements from sets.

Keyword Arguments:

  • maxdepth = 5 ––––- determines maximum recursion level
  • currentdepth = 1 ––- current recursion level

Activates indexing/slicing for OrderedDict with function indexing. dict(2,3) returns an OrderedDict of the 2nd and 3rd entry.

Keyword Arguments:

  • keep = :first ––––– either keep the :first or :last instance of a key
  • filter = nothing –––- true/false-returning function to apply to collected inputs
  • maxdepth = 5 –––––- determines maximum recursion level for collection of idxs
sliced(D::T, idxs...; keep = :first, filter = nothing, maxdepth = 5) where {T<:AbstractDict}

Returns the slices from dict D.

Keyword Arguments:

  • keep = :first ––––– either keep the :first or :last instance of a key
  • filter = nothing –––- true/false-returning function to apply to collected inputs
  • maxdepth = 5 –––––- determines maximum recursion level for collection of idxs