diff(a::AbstractVector, b::AbstractVector, ia::AbstractVector, ib::AbstractVector)

Like diff, but provide integer vectors that number the rows of the vectors a and b. The vectors ia and ib represent the row numbers of a and b respectively. The position of each vector element refers to the row index of a or b.

diff(a::AbstractVector, b::AbstractVector)

Compute the difference between vector a and vector b, and return a tuple containing the elements that have been modified, added, and removed.

diff(A::AbstractMatrix, B::AbstractMatrix, ia::AbstractVector, ja::AbstractVector, ib::AbstractVector, jb::AbstractVector)

Like diff, but provide integer vectors that number the rows and columns of the matrices A and B. The vector ia represents the row numbers of A, and the vector jb represents the column numbers of B etc. The position of each vector element refers to the row index (or column index respectively) of A or B.

diff(A::AbstractMatrix, B::AbstractMatrix)

Compute the difference between matrix A and matrix B, and return a tuple containing the elements that have been modified, added (per row and column), and removed (per row and column).

diff(a::AbstractSet, b::AbstractSet)

Compute the difference between set a and set b, and return a tuple containing the unique elements that have been shared, added, and removed.


julia> diff(Set([1, 2, 3, 3]), Set([4, 2, 1]))
(Set([1, 2]), Set([4]), Set([3]))
diff(a::NamedTuple, b::NamedTuple)

Compute the difference between named tuple a and named tuple b, and return a tuple containing the unique elements that have been modified, added, and removed.


Access the modified elements.