function DE(;
    n_groups = 4, 
    priors = nothing, 
    burnin = 1000, 
    discard_burnin = true, 
    α = .1,
    β = .1, 
    ϵ = .001,
    σ = .05, 
    κ = 1.0, 
    θsnooker = 0.0, 
    n_initial = 0, 
    generate_proposal = random_gamma, 
    update_particle! = mh_update!,
    evaluate_fitness! = compute_posterior!, 
    sample = sample,
    blocking_on = x -> false,
    blocks = [false])

Differential Evolution MCMC object.


  • n_groups=4: number of groups of particles.
  • Np: number of particles per group.
  • burnin=1000: number of burnin iterations
  • discard_burnin: indicates whether burnin samples are discarded. Default is true.
  • α=.1: migration probability.
  • β=.1: mutation probability.
  • ϵ=.001: noise in crossover step.
  • σ=.05: standard deviation of noise added to parameters for mutation.
  • κ=1.0: recombination with probability (1-κ) during crossover.
  • θsnooker=0: sample along line x_i - z. 0.1 is recommended if > 0.
  • n_initial: initial number of samples from the prior distribution when sample=resample. 10 times the number of parameters is a typical value
  • bounds: a vector of tuples for lower and upper bounds of each parameter
  • iter: current iteration
  • generate_proposal: a function that generates proposals. Default is the two mode proposal described in Turner et al. 2012. You can also choose fixed_gamma, variable_gamma (see help) or pass a custom function
  • update_particle!: a function for updating the particle with a proposal value. Default: mh_update!, which uses the Metropolis-Hastings rule.
  • evaluate_fitness!: a function for evaluating the fitness of a posterior. The default is to compute the posterior loglikelihood with compute_posterior!. Select evaluate_fun! for optimization rather than MCMC sampling.
  • sample: a function for sampling particles during the crossover step. The default sample uses current particle parameter values whereas resample samples from the history of accepted values for each particle. Np must 3 or greater when using resample.
  • blocking_on = x -> false: a function that indicates whether block updating is used on each iteration. The function requires optimization_tests arguement for the DE sampler object and must return a true or false value.
  • blocks: a vector of boolean vectors indicating which parameters to update. Each sub-vector represents a block and each element in the sub-vector indicates which parameters are updated within the block. For example, [[true,false],[false,true]] indicates that the parameter in the first position is updated on the first block and the parameter in the second position is updated on the second block. If a parameter is a vector or matrix, they are nested within the block sub-vector.


  • Ter Braak, C. J. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo version of the genetic algorithm Differential Evolution: easy Bayesian computing for real parameter spaces.

  • Ter Braak, Cajo JF, and Jasper A. Vrugt. Differential evolution Markov chain with snooker updater and fewer chains. Statistics and Computing 18.4 (2008): 435-446

  • Turner, B. M., Sederberg, P. B., Brown, S. D., & Steyvers, M. (2013). A method for efficiently sampling from distributions with correlated dimensions. Psychological methods, 18(3), 368.

  • Turner, B. M., & Sederberg, P. B. (2012). Approximate Bayesian computation with differential evolution. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 56(5), 375-385.

DEModel{F,L,T,S} <: AbstractModel where {F <: Function,L,T,S}

A model object containing the log likelihood function and prior distributions.


  • prior_loglike::L: log likelihood of posterior sample. A function must be defined for sample, but not for optimize.
  • loglike::F: a log likelihood function for Bayesian parameter estimation or an objective function for optimization.
  • sample_prior::S: a function for initial values. Typically, a prior distribution is ideal.
  • names::T: parameter names


function DEModel(
    prior_loglike = nothing, 


  • args...: optional positional arguments for loglike


  • prior_loglike=nothing: log likelihood of posterior sample. A function must be defined for sample, but not for optimize.
  • loglike: a log likelihood function for Bayesian parameter estimation or an objective function for optimization.
  • sample_prior: a function for initial values. Typically, a prior distribution is ideal.
  • names: parameter names
  • kwargs...: optional keyword arguments for loglike


  • Θ::Vector{T}: a vector of parameters
  • accept::Vector{Bool}: proposal acceptance. 1: accept, 0: reject
  • weight::Float64: particle weight based on model fit (currently posterior log likelihood)
  • lp::Vector{Float64}: a vector of log posterior probabilities associated with each accepted proposal
  • id::Int: particle id
bundle_samples(model::DEModel, de::DE, groups, n_iter)

Converts group particles to a chain object capable of generating convergence diagnostics and posterior summaries.


  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: differential evolution object
  • groups: a vector of groups of particles
  • n_iter: number of iterations
accept(proposal, current, log_adj=0.0)

Metropolis-Hastings proposal selection Note: assumes weights are posterior log likelihoods


  • proposal: weight of proposal e.g. posterior log likelihood
  • current: weight of current value e.g. posterior log likelihood
  • adj: an adjustment term for the snooker update
adjust_loglike(Pt, proposal, Pz)

The adjusted log likelihood component for a snooker update.

  • Pt: the target particle from iteration n - 1
  • proposal: the proposal particle on iteration n
  • Pz: the particle formed by the projection of particles m and n
compute_posterior!(de, model, proposal)

Computes posterior log likelihood of proposal particle. The value -Inf is returned if the proposal is out of bounds.


  • de: differential evolution object
  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
  • proposal: the proposed particle
crossover!(model, de, group)

Performs crossover step for each particle pt in the chain


  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: differential evolution object
  • group: a group of particles
  • block: a vector of boolean values indicating which parameters to update
crossover!(model, de, group, pt::Particle, block)

Performs crossover step for a given particle pt.


  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: differential evolution object
  • group: a group of particles
  • block: a vector of boolean values indicating which parameters to update
crossover!(model, de, group, pt::Particle)

Performs crossover step for for a given particle pt


  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: differential evolution object
  • pt: a target particle to be updated
crossover!(model, de, group)

Performs crossover step for each particle pt in the chain


  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: differential evolution object
  • group: a group of particles
evaluate_fun!(de, model, proposal))

Evaluates the fitness of an arbitrary function called loglike. This is used for point estimation as it does not use a prior distribution.


  • de: differential evolution object
  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
  • proposal: the proposed particle
fixed_gamma(de, Pt, group)

Generate proposal according to θ' = θt + γ(θm − θn) + b where γ = 2.38.


  • de: differential evolution object
  • Pt: current particle
  • group: a group of particles
get_names(model, p)

Returns parameters names.


  • p: a particle
  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
in_bounds(b, θ::Real)

Checks whether parameter is within lower and upper bounds.


  • b: boundary (lowerbound,upperbound)
  • θ: a parameter value
init_particle!(model, de, p, n_iter)

Initializes values for a particle.


  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: differential evolution object
  • p: a particle
  • n_iter: the number of iterations
mh_update!(de, current, proposal, log_adj=0.0)

Update particle based on Metropolis-Hastings rule.


  • de: differential evolution object
  • current: current particle
  • proposal: proposal particle
  • log_adj: an adjustment term for snooker update
migration!(de, groups)

Select a subset of groups and swap one poorly particle from each selected groups.


  • de: differential evolution object
  • groups: groups of particles
mutate_or_crossover!(model, de, group, seed::Number)

Selects between mutation and crossover step with probability β.


  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: differential evolution object
  • group: a vector of interacting particles (e.g. chains)
  • seed::Number: RNG seed
mutation!(model, de, group)

Mutates each particle by adding random noise y ~ normal(0, σ), where σ is a small number.


  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: differential evolution object
  • group: a group of particles
optimize(model::DEModel, de::DE, n_iter::Int; progress=false, kwargs...)

Finds optimal set of parameters.


  • model: a model containing likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: differential evolution object
  • n_iter: number of iterations or samples


  • progress=false: show progress of algorithm
  • kwargs...: optional keyword arguments
optimize(model::DEModel, de::DE, ::MCMCThreads, n_iter::Int; progress=false, kwargs...)

Finds optimal set of parameters.


  • model: a model containing likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: differential evolution object
  • MCMCThreads: pass MCMCThreads() object to run on multiple threads
  • n_iter: number of iterations or samples


  • progress=false: show progress of algorithm
  • kwargs...: optional keyword arguments
project(p1::Particle, p2::Particle)

Returns the projection of particle p1 onto particle p2. This method works for vectors and nested arrays.


  • p1::Particle: base particle
  • p2::Particle: particle projected onto p1
pstep!(model::DEModel, de::DE, groups)

Perform a single step for DE-MCMC with each particle group on a separate thread.


  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: DE-MCMC sampler object
  • groups: Array of vectors of particles
random_gamma(de, Pt, group)

Generate proposal according to θ' = θt + γ1(θm − θn) + γ2(θb − θt) + b. γ2=0 after burnin


  • de: differential evolution object
  • Pt: current particle
  • group: a group of particles
recombination!(de, pt::Particle, pp::Particle)

Resets parameters of proposal to previous value with probability (1-κ).

  • de: differential evolution object
  • pt: current partical
  • pp: proposal particle
resample(de, group, n, replace)

Sample a random particle from previously accepted values for snooker update.


  • de: differential evolution object
  • group: a group of particles
  • n: number of particles to sample
  • replace: sample with replacement if true
reset!(p1::Particle, p2::Particle, idx)

During block updates, all parameters are updated. This function resets parameters in the proposal p1 with values from the previous particle.


p1: proposal particle which will have values reset p2: previous particle idx: boolean vector indicating which values are updated in block. False values are reset.

sample_init(model::DEModel, de::DE, n_iter)

Creates vectors of particles and samples initial parameter values from priors.


  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: differential evolution object
  • n_iter: number of iterations
select_groups(de, groups)

Select a subset of groups for migration and return their indices.


  • de: differential evolution object
  • groups: groups of particles
shift_particles!(sub_group, p_idx, particles)

Swap the particles so that p1->pn, p2 -> p1,..., pn -> pn-1 where pi is the particle belonging to the ith group.


  • sub_group: group of particles
  • p_idx: particle index
  • particles: particle objects representing position in parameter space
snooker_update!(de, Pt, group)

Performs snooker update during crossover


  • de: differential evolution object
  • Pt: current particle
  • group: a group of particles
step!(model::DEModel, de::DE, groups)

Perform a single step for DE-MCMC.


  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: DE-MCMC sampler object
  • groups: Array of vectors of particles
update!(model, de, groups)(model, de, groups)

Particles are updated by block or simultaneously on a single thread.


  • model: model containing a likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: differential evolution object
  • group: a vector of interacting particles (e.g. chains)
variable_gamma(de, Pt, group)

Generate proposal according to θ' = θt + γ(θm − θn) + b where γ = 2.38/√(2d) where d is the number of parameters


  • de: differential evolution object
  • Pt: current particle
  • group: a group of particles
sample(de::DE, group_diff, n, replace)

Sample a random particle.


  • de: differential evolution object
  • group: a group of particles
  • n: number of particles to sample
  • replace: sample with replacement if true
sample(model::DEModel, de::DE, n_iter::Int; progress=false, kwargs...)

Samples from the posterior distribution.


  • model: a model containing likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: differential evolution object
  • n_iter: number of iterations or samples


  • progress=false: show progress of sampler
  • kwargs...: optional keyword arguments
sample(model::DEModel, de::DE, ::MCMCThreads, n_iter::Int; progress=false, kwargs...)

Samples from the posterior distribution with each group of particles on a seperarate thread for the mutation and crossover steps.


  • model: a model containing likelihood function with data and priors
  • de: differential evolution object
  • MCMCThreads: pass MCMCThreads() object to run on multiple threads
  • n_iter: number of iterations or samples


  • progress=false: show progress of sampler
  • kwargs...: optional keyword arguments