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DifferentialPhaseContrast.jl provides functions for calculating integrated and differentiated differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy (iDPC-STEM) images from data from a four-segment annular dark field detector.


> using DifferentialPhaseContrast, DelimitedFiles

# Load the data
> A = readdlm("./A.dat") .|> Float64
> B = readdlm("./B.dat") .|> Float64
> C = readdlm("./C.dat") .|> Float64
> D = readdlm("./D.dat") .|> Float64

# Do the calculation. Data must be supplied as <:Matrix{<:Real}. The optional *order* parameter
# determines in which order the images are used, [1, 2, 3, 4] by default.
> idpc, ddpc = dpc(A, B, C, D, order=[1, 2, 3, 4])

# Save the data
> writedlm("./iDPC.dat", idpc)
> writedlm("./dDPC.dat", ddpc)