DimArray(T) = DimVector(T[])
DimArray(sym) = DimVector(Any[], sym)

Empty DimVector into to which you can later push! things, optionally with a dimension name.

DimArray(x, [n1, n2, ...], [f1, f2, ...], n9)
DimArray(x, [n1, n2, ...], [f1]; label=:n9)

Vectors of names/maps are simply splatted, then digested as above. Content label n9 here is kept separate, equivalent to keyword label=:n9.

DimArray(x, names...)
DimArray(x, names..., maps...)

Interprets symbols & strings as dimension names (in order), and numbers, functions & dictionaries as index maps (for each dimension). Numbers are converted to functions i -> i*n to indicate e.g. that we have every n-th data point. The ndims(x)+1-th name (if given) is equivalent to keyword label=name, labelling what the elements of x mean. Giving too few names/maps is no problem, too many will give a warning.

DimArray(x, names...)
DimArray(x, names..., maps...)

Interprets symbols & strings as dimension names (in order), and numbers, functions & dictionaries as index maps (for each dimension). Numbers are converted to functions i -> i*n to indicate e.g. that we have every n-th data point. The ndims(x)+1-th name (if given) is equivalent to keyword label=name, labelling what the elements of x mean. Giving too few names/maps is no problem, too many will give a warning.

DimArray(x, [n1, n2, ...], [f1, f2, ...], n9)
DimArray(x, [n1, n2, ...], [f1]; label=:n9)

Vectors of names/maps are simply splatted, then digested as above. Content label n9 here is kept separate, equivalent to keyword label=:n9.

DimArray(x, names...)
DimArray(x, names..., maps...)

Interprets symbols & strings as dimension names (in order), and numbers, functions & dictionaries as index maps (for each dimension). Numbers are converted to functions i -> i*n to indicate e.g. that we have every n-th data point. The ndims(x)+1-th name (if given) is equivalent to keyword label=name, labelling what the elements of x mean. Giving too few names/maps is no problem, too many will give a warning.

DimArray(x, [n1, n2, ...], [f1, f2, ...], n9)
DimArray(x, [n1, n2, ...], [f1]; label=:n9)

Vectors of names/maps are simply splatted, then digested as above. Content label n9 here is kept separate, equivalent to keyword label=:n9.

DimArray(T) = DimVector(T[])
DimArray(sym) = DimVector(Any[], sym)

Empty DimVector into to which you can later push! things, optionally with a dimension name.

dictvector(vec, [:first, "second", ...]) = DimVector(vec, Dict(1 => :first, 2 => "second", ...))
dictvector(vec, [:first, ...], :axis, :content)

Convenient way to define a (short) DimVector whose index function is a dictionary labelling the entries. A name for the dimension / axis, and a label for its content, can be supplied too.

name!(x, sym1, sym2)

Name the dimensions of x::DimArray to be sym1, sym2, ..., with the ndims(x)+1-th one interpreted as content label.

nest([A1, A2, ...])
nest([A1, A2, ...], sym)

Creates an array with ndims(A1)+1 dimensions. All the constituent arrays should be similar! Optional 2nd argument names the new dimension, giving DimArray(nest(...),sym); this also happens if A1 isa DimArray.

[A1, A2, ...] |> nest(s)

Gives a function which acts on vectors as above.

push!(x, val, sym)

For x::DimVector of length(x)==n, the result has x[n+1]=val with index label n+1 => sym added to the dictionary. Only works if x's index function is nothing or a Dict. See also dictvector([val, val2, val3, ...], [sym, sym2, ...]) for directly creating such things.