— TypeDraws objects define methods to get draws. Methods:
getdraw(Draws, coefindex, groupindex, draw_index)
where coefindex is which random coefficient, groupindex is which group (individual or observation), and draw_index is which draw.
getdraw() returns a float between 0 and 1 exclusive, which can be passed to quantile to get draws with a particular distribution.
getdraw() is pure, and should be deterministic even on different machine types (to allow for distributed computation).
— MethodWhen zipping the row numbers with the table numbers, we run into an error: ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching shape(::Tables.NamedTupleIterator{...}) This is used when splitting a Zip to check that all parts of the zip have the same length, as this is not required in base Julia.
— MacroCreate betas for all of the names in the vector