

Process startup

Under some environments (e.g. Jupyter) it may happen, that the processes have not started completely before the clock runs. In such cases it may help to put a little sleep, e.g. sleep!(0.1) between process!(…) and run!(…) to ensure that all started processes have enqueued for clock events.

Clock information

Normally for clocks pretty printing is enabled. For diagnostic purposes you can switch pretty printing off and on:

julia> clk = Clock()
Clock thread 1 (+ 0 ac): state=DiscreteEvents.Undefined(), t=0.0 , Δt=0.0 , prc:0
  scheduled ev:0, cev:0, sampl:0

julia> DiscreteEvents._show_default[1] = true;

julia> clk
Clock(0, DiscreteEvents.Undefined(), 0.0, , 0.0, DiscreteEvents.AC[], DiscreteEvents.Schedule(DataStructures.PriorityQueue{DiscreteEvents.DiscreteEvent,Float64,Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}(), DiscreteEvents.DiscreteCond[], DiscreteEvents.Sample[]), Dict{Any,Prc}(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0)

julia> DiscreteEvents._show_default[1] = false;

julia> clk
Clock thread 1 (+ 0 ac): state=DiscreteEvents.Undefined(), t=0.0 , Δt=0.0 , prc:0
  scheduled ev:0, cev:0, sampl:0

A process fails

If c is your clock, you get the list of all running processes with c.processes. You then look at the failed process with c.processes[id].task. This gives you the stack trace of the failed process, e.g.

julia> 𝐶.processes
Dict{Any,Prc} with 2 entries:
  2 => Prc(2, Task (failed) @0x000000010e467850, Idle(), clerk, Channel{…
  1 => Prc(1, Task (failed) @0x000000010e467cd0, Idle(), people, Channel…
julia> 𝐶.processes[1].task
Task (failed) @0x000000010e467cd0
MethodError: no method matching round(::Float64, ::Int64)


Otherwise please report your problem and open an issue or commit your solution to the repo.